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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stanovení spolehlivých identifikačních znaků kvalitních a silně přirústavých stromů jako základ probírkové metody cílových stromů

Bros, Peter January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma work was to find out and to determine appropriate identificators, which can make it possible to recognize trees with a strong increment. This diploma work sets identification marks for the European larch (Larix decidua) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Activites associated with determination of appropriate identificators of high quality trees with strong increment were investigated in the forest district Borky at the Training Forest Enterprise „Masarykův les“ Křtiny. We evaluated diameter at breast heigjt, total height , crown base height occurance of the forks, social status, release status and crown quality for every tree. We utilized the logit model, to find out significant identificators. We determined two main statistically significant identificators for the Scots pine – height and diameter at breast height. For the European Larch only the diameter at breast height was statistically significant. Other parameters showed statistical insignificance.

Srovnání vývoje smíšeného porostu s různým pěstebním managementem pomocí růstového simulátoru

Dobrá, Alena January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to compare the development of mixed forest stands with different silvicultural management. For comparison, the SIBYLA forest biodynamic growth simulator was used. Four variants of silvicultural management were established: none (sanitacion) thinning, thinning, 100 target trees method, and 50 target trees method. All of them were applied to two research plots. Based on a comparison of the results of all variants, the most appropriate option for the given plot was selected. For the stand 19F5 growth on the first research plot, thinning was selected as the best variant. For the stand 322D4 on the second research plot, 100 target trees was selected as the most appropriate method.

Povrchová úprava jevištních podlah

Koutník, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the comparison of physical-mechanical properties of pigmented surface finishes used for solid wood pine flooring. The theoretical part deals with stage floor systems and interior public floors. Furthermore, it analyzes the requirements for interior public floors and the ways of its stressing and finishing. Experimental measurements of surface finishing are performed by using test methods. Waterborne and polyurethane coatings were selected for surface finishing. The aim of this work is to compare individual physical-mechanical properties and to develop the most suitable surface finishing for stage floors. Subsequently, the technological procedure for its completion is determined.

Určení množství chlorofylu v porostech břízy bělokoré a borovice lesní s využitím hyperspektrálních dat / Determination of Chlorophyll Content in Birch and Pine Trees Using Hyperspectral Data

Zachová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the determination of the chlorophyll content in birch foliage (Betula pendula Roth) and Scots pine using hyperspectral data. The first part of the thesis concentrates on the literature search dealing with the methods of chlorophyll content in the foliage of selected plant species. In the practical part the emphasis is on the study of spectral reflectance curves and finding their relation to the chlorophyll content from the laboratory determination. Images taken with the hyperspectral sensor HyMap and spectral reflectance curves obtained with the ground ASD FieldSpec 3 spectrometer were available. Using the derived regression model chlorophyll maps were created for Scots pine for three selected locations in the Sokolov coal basin area.

Zhodnocení přirozeného generativního zmlazení borovice kleče v NPR Praděd (CHKO Jeseníky)

Pálka, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the study of the current capability of the generative reproduction of dwarf pine stands (Pinus mugo Turra) in NNR Praděd and the determination of factors influencing the success of generative reproduction. The work deals with the occurrence of the dwarf pine seedlings depending on the stand disturbance of grass-herb vegetation, distance from parental stand and the thickness of the soil horizon A. The work also solves the problem of influence of a particular species of grass-herb vegetation on the occurrence of seedlings. The results show that the higher the rate of disturbance and the smaller the distance from parental stand, the higher is the occurrence of seedlings. It was also found that the most common types of vegetation in which the seedlings were grown were Nardus stricta and Avenella flexuosa.

Mapování současného stavu vegetace při horní hranici lesa na území NPR Praděd

Vršanová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to derive complex information of the current vegetation cover in the alpine treeline ecotone in Praděd Reserve by using remote sensing. Particularly thesis focuses on an area and expansion of dwarf pine (Pinus mugo Turra) at site above the alpine treeline ecotone around the peak Praděd. Two types of aerial photograph from 2000 and 2012 and satellite images from Landsat 7 (yaer 2000) and Landsat 8 (year 2013) were used for mapping vegetation. Supervised and unsupervised classification accesses and also "per-pixel" and objected classification methods were used in image processing. All the classifications confirmed expansion of dwarf pine stands in the alpine treeline vegetation. Most precise method was based on supervised objected classification.

Využití ohnutých dílců z borovice v konstrukci "hladké" jídelní židle

Juračka, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to consider the maximum use of bent parts in the design of a smooth dining chair with respect to the physical and mechanical properties of Pine wood. It also compares the strength properties of the three variants of the structural bonding of the reinforcing arc with the bearings and the smooth dining chair legs. Identify the strength properties of selected structural joints in the design of a smooth dining chair and statistically evaluate the results. The bending moment and the stiffness of the joint were determined for joints. They also describe the physical and mechanical properties of Pine Forest and the production of bent parts.

Vliv stanoviště na odrůstání kultur založených prostokořenným a krytokořenným sadebním materiálem

Brach, Vlastimil January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis was to compare and evaluate the growth of potted and bare-root seedlings planted in locations SLT 5K, 2K, 2S and 1K, where trial areas were established. In 2014 200 potted and 200 bare-root seedlings of European spruce, European beech and Douglas fir were planted in these areas and only Scots pine was planted and evaluated in location SLT 1K. 10 parameters and 5 traits were measured and evaluated in all the areas and on all the planted plants at the end of the growing period of 2017. A statistical evaluation was subsequently performed according to individual location and seedling version. The results clearly indicate that the highest mortality was in areas located at SLT 1K and we can say that potted Scots pine grew best in this area. Potted European beech grew best in location 5K. Potted European spruce grew best in location 2K. The potted versions of the planted seedlings were not found to have grown better at location 2S according to the overall evaluation and no difference was found in the European beech or the Douglas fir in growth between the measured alternatives.

Citlivost letokruhových řad borovice kleče a smrku ztepilého ke klimatickým parametrům horní hranice lesa

Mikušková, Jana January 2019 (has links)
Trees growing on the treeline can serve as a sensitive indicator of changes in climatic parameters associated with ongoing climate change. Understanding differences between trees and shrubs growing in this ecotone is a key for understanding the functioning of the treeline. Therefore, the submitted thesis deals with the study climate diameter-growth responseof Norway spruce and Dwarf pine. Samples from Norway spruce and Dwarf pine were collected at the localities at treeline in the National Nature Reserve Praděd in the Jeseníky PLA. Indexed chronologies were developed for Norway spruce and Dwarf pine using various detrending methods of raw tree ring series (Spline, Negative Exponential, Ar, Mean, Friedman). For subsequent dendroclimatological analysis, I used the chronology with their tree ring series were detrended using Spline. Subsequently, correlations of the indexed tree-rings width with monthly climatic variables (average temperature, precipitation total, PDSI – Palmer drough severity index) were calculated. These correlations were investigated both for the entire chronology period and separately for the sliding time sequences within the chronology. It was found that the radial growth of Norway spruce is influenced mainly by temperature in the growing season (May to July) and in November in the year preceding the creation of the tree-ring. In the case of monthly precipitation, their positive correlation with radial growth was recorded only in March and no significant correlations were noted for PDSI. The growth of Dwarf pine is influenced by the temperature at the beginning of the growing season (June) and in October in the year preceding the growth of the tree-ring. Monthly precipitation negatively affects radial growth in October in the year preceding the growth of the tree-ring and no significant correlations were noted for PDSI. The results correspond to the view that the most important factor for the growth of trees at the treeline is temperature, that is not so important for shrubs. The monthly precipitation sums and drought index are not limiting for woody plants of this ecotone.

Vliv biotechniky sadby na odrůstání krytokořenného sadebního materiálu

Nedomanský, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different plantation biotechnics on growth of Scots pine and pedunculate oak containerized planting stock. Both types of planting stock were grown to the same technology type used plantpot QUICK POT D 60 T/12 and 15. Monitoring was carried out by two research areas that have different soil conditions. It was a sandy soil and ground water affected. These areas were located in the Hradec Králové region. We tested following plantation biotechnics: hole planting, planting spade, planting fork, planting thorn and planting stick. It was also monitored overlaps the root ball of a layer of mineral soil. The evaluation was carried out by one growing season after planting. Plant mortality, parameters of above-ground plants part, damage of biotic and abiotic factors, plants vitality and especially root system were monitored. Based on the evaluation of these observations and measurements it has been found which plantation biotechnics are appropriate or not unsuitable for the growing of planting stocks, depending on site soil conditions. The outcome of this work is an overall assessment of individual planting biotechnics and recommendations that the most suitable planting biotechnics for reforestation from above-mentioned planting stock is planting hole.

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