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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Porins in the genus Borrelia : Characterization of P66 and P13 / Porins in der Gattung Borrelia : Charakterizierung von P13 und P66

Barcena Uribarri, Ivan January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Gattung Borrelia gehört zur Familie der Spirochaetes, welche sich den Gram-negativen Bakterien zuordnen lassen. Für diese Familie charakteristisch ist eine längliche, helikale Form, die Längen von 5 – 250 µm erreichen kann. Den Spirochaeten gehören diverse Pathogene an wie Treponema und Leptospira, die Erreger der Syphillis und der Leptospirose. Borrelien verursachen beim Menschen zwei schwere Krankheiten: Die Lyme-Borreliose (LB) und das Rückfallfieber (RF). Als Pathogen besitzen Borrelien einen Lebenszyclus, in dem sie zwischen Gliederfüßern als Vektoren und Säugetieren (oft kleinen Nagetieren) als Wirt wechseln. Um das Überleben in derart unterschiedlichen Organismen zu sichern und die Immunantwort des Wirtes zu unterdrücken, benötigt ein Organismus mit einem solch komplexen Lebenszyklus eine außergewöhnliche Regulierung der Proteinexpression. Die Lyme-Borelliose stellt eine multisystemische Krankheit dar, die verschiedene Organe, wie Haut, Gelenke und das Nervensystem betreffen kann. Häufig kommt es zu einer sich kreisförmig ausbreitenden Rötung, die erythema migrans genannt wird, die zur klinischen Diagnose genutzt wird. Sie erscheint nach einem Zeckenbiss und kann einen Durchmesser von bis zu 15 cm weit erreichen. Rückfallfieber erkennt man an plötzlich auftretenden Fieberschüben, die von weiteren Symptomen wie Schüttelfrost, Kopfschmerzen, Muskel und Gelenkschmerzen oder Übelkeit begleitet werden. Beide Krankheiten können in frühen Stadien der Infektion leicht mit der Gabe von Antibiotika behandelt werden. Die verschiedenen Arten der Gattung Borrelia besitzen ein relativ kleines Genom. Da außerdem viele der vorhandenen Gene für Virulenzfaktoren und wirtsspezifische Anpassungen codieren, fehlen den Borrelien wichtige Genen für die Biosynthese von Aminosäuren, Fettsäuren oder Nukleotiden. Diese metabolischen Defizite werden durch die Aufnahme von durch den Wirt produzierten Nährstoffen ausgeglichen. Den ersten Schritt der Nährstoffaufnahme übernehmen Porine. Dies sind wassergefüllte Kanäle, die die Aufnahme und den Transport von essentiellen Molekülen über die äußere Membran ermöglichen. P66, P13 und Oms28 wurden bei Borrelia burgdorferi, Oms38 bei Rückfallfieber verursachenden Spirochaeten gefunden. P66 ist ein einzelnes Porin mit einer extrem hohen Leitfähigkeit von 11 nS. P13 ist ein kleines Protein (13kDa) mit einer α helikalen Sekundärstruktur, die keinerlei Ähnlichkeit zu den bisherigen Modellen von bekannten Porinen aufweist. Aufgrund seiner Assoziation mit der periplasmatischen Seite der Membran wurde die Funktion als Porin für Oms28 in letzter Zeit stark angezweifelt. Oms38 ist ein Dicarboxylat-spezifisches Porin mit Homologen bei Lyme-Borreliose verursachenden Arten. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war das vorhandene Wissen über P66 und P13 als Porine der Gattung Borrelia zu erweitern. Die beiden Proteine unterscheiden sich strukturell stark von den bisher bekannten Porine Gram-negativer Bakterien und sind daher geeignete Forschungsobjekte, um die speziellen Anforderungen an Borrelienporinen zu erforschen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Erforschung der beiden in Borrelien beschriebenen Proteine P66 und P13. Gerade weil sich beide in Aufbau und Größe von bekannten Porinen Gram-negativer Bakterien unterscheiden und somit in spezifische Prozesse bei der Gattung Borrelia involviert sein könnten, ist die Forschung auf diesem Gebiet auch weiterhin von höchstem Interesse. Im ersten Projekt dieser Arbeit wurden das Vorkommen und die porenformende Aktivität von P66 in verschiedenen Borrelia-Arten (Lyme-Borreliose und Rückfallfieber) untersucht. Bei P66 handelt es sich um das am besten untersuchte Porin der Borrelien, das eine Doppelfunktion als Porin und als Adhesin besitzt. Da sich alle bisherigen Ergebnisse auf B. burgdorferi beziehen, ist wenig bis gar nichts über homologe Proteine in anderen Borrelien-Arten bekannt. Deswegen wurden jeweils drei Arten, die Lyme-Borreliose und Rückfallfieber verursachen, ausgewählt und an deren P66-Homologe die porenformende Aktivität überprüft. Fünf von sechs zeigten dabei eine ähnliche Einzelkanalleitfähigkeit wie P66, die im Bereich von 9 – 11 nS lagen, bei gleichzeitig kaum vorhandener Selektivität für eine bestimmte Ionensorte. Auch eine Spannungsabhängigkeit, die bei 30 – 70 mV begann, war messbar. Nur im Fall von B. hermsii konnten keine Poren gefunden werden. Dabei ist noch nicht geklärt, ob das Fehlen der porenbildenden Aktivität einem evolutionären Verlust der Funktion als Pore oder einer höheren Anfälligkeit gegenüber den verwendeten Detergenzien geschuldet ist. In einem weiteren Projekt wurde der kontrovers diskutierte Porendurchmesser von P66 aus B.burgdorferi mit empirischen Mitteln analysiert. In früheren theoretischen Studien wurde der Kanaldurchmesser auf 2,6 nm geschätzt. Dieser sehr große Durchmesser würde allerdings die Schutzfunktion der Außenmembran verhindern. Mit Hilfe von ungeladenen Substanzen gelang eine Bestimmung des Innendurchmessers von P66 auf 1,8 nm am Eingang und 0,8 nm an der Engstelle der Pore. Zusätzlich führte eine unerwartete Blockierung der Pore durch einige dieser Substanzen zu der Erkenntnis, dass P66 einen oligomeren (wahrscheinlich oktameren) Aufbau besitzt. Ein solcher Aufbau konnte bisher noch nie nachgewiesen werden und könnte von daher ein einzigartiges Merkmal von Borrelien oder Spirochaeten sein. Das dritte Projekt beschäftigte sich mit der rekombinanten Produktion eines Proteins von B. burgdorferi mit immunogenen Eigenschaften. Dieses könnte dazu verwendet werden, neue Diagnose Tests und Therapien zu entwickeln. P13 kommt in verschiedenen LB- und RF-Arten vor und besitzt kein bekanntes bakterielles Homolog. Diese Fakten machen aus P13 einen geeigneten Kandidaten als therapeutisches Ziel. Aus diesem Grund wurde das P13-Gen in zwei unterschiedliche Organismen kloniert. Zum einen in E. coli, wo zwei verschiedene Konstrukte zur Klärung der Rolle des periplasmatisch verdauten C-Terminus dienen sollten. Zum anderen in Tabakpflanzen über Agrobacterium tumefaciens, mittels eines Virus. Dabei vermehrt sich der Vektor in den Zellen der Pflanze, breitet sich aus und produziert gleichzeitig das gewünschte Protein. Mit Hilfe dieser zweiten Expressionsmethode sollte es möglich sein, große Mengen des rekombinanten Proteins zu erzeugen und gleichzeitig die Kosten und den Zeitbedarf zu senken. Das letzte Projekt beschäftigte sich mit dem Außenmembran-Komplexom von B. burgdorferi und konzentrierte sich dabei auf die Komplexe von P13 und P66. Blue Native PAGE und 2D-SDS PAGE wurden als Techniken ausgewählt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass P66 das einzige Protein ist, das am vermutlich oktameren Aufbau der 11 nS Pore beteiligt ist. Zusätzlich gelang es, den Komplex in zwei Hälften zu spalten, die ungefähr das halbe Molekulargewicht bei einer Leifähigkeit von 5,5 nS zeigten. Im Fall des P13-Komplexes konnte eine mögliche Verknüpfung mit OspC entdeckt werden. Die Gelelution des Komplexes und anschließende Tests mit Hilfe der Black-Lipid-Bilayer-Methode ergaben eine Aktivität von 0,6 nS. Dies steht im starken Gegensatz zu der vorher für P13beschriebenen Größe von 3,5 nS. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass P66 ein in vielen Borrelienarten vorkommendes und damit weit verbreitetes Porin mit Homologen in LB- und RF-Spezies ist, die ähnliche Charakteristika besitzen. Der Durchmesser dieser Pore konnte unter Berücksichtigung der Eigenschaften eines molekularen Siebes genauer bestimmt werden. Im Fall von P13 könnte dessen rekombinante Produktion es erlauben, dieses Protein als Hilfsmittel zur Diagnose und zur medizinischen Therapie einzusetzen. Zusätzlich könnte der gefundene Bezug zu OspC dazu beitragen, in Zukunft mehr über die Funktion dieses interessanten Proteins herauszufinden. / The genus Borrelia belongs to the Spirochaetes phylum which is far related to Gram negative bacteria. This phylum possesses a characteristic long helically coiled shape with lengths that vary from 5 to 250 μm. Other pathogens as Treponema and Leptospira which cause syphilis and leptospirosis, also belong to the Spirochaetes. Borrelia itself is the causative agent of two human diseases, the Lyme disease and relapsing fever. Borreliae are pathogenic bacteria which cycle between their arthropod vector, in most cases a tick, and a mammal host, very often small rodents. This complex life cycle requires an extraordinary protein up- and down-regulation in order to survive in such different organisms and avoid their immunologic systems. Lyme disease is a multisystemic disease that can affect different organs like skin, joints and nervous system. A red rash with concentric rings, called erythema migrans is a distinctive manifestation that allows clinical diagnosis. It appears after the bite of an infected tick and spreads out to diameters that can reach 15 cm. Relapsing fever is characterized by sudden recurrent fever peaks accompanied with chills, headache, muscle and joint pain and nausea. Both diseases are easily treated with antibiotics in early infection stages. Borrelia species possess a small genome. Many of their genes are related with virulence and the adaptation to the different hosts. The absence of genes in Borrelia involved in the biosynthesis of amino acids, fatty acids or nucleotide is very remarkable. This metabolic deficiency makes Borrelia species dependent on substances produced by the host. The first step in nutrient uptake is accomplished by porins. Bacterial porins are water-filled channels that facilitate the transport of essential molecules through the outer membrane. Four porins have been described in Borrelia up to this point. P66, P13 and Oms28 have been found in Borrelia burgdorferi while Oms38 was discovered in relapsing fever spirochetes. P66 is a singular porin with an extremely high single channel conductance of 11 nS. P13 is a small protein with an α-helical secondary structure which does not fit into the general porin model. The function of Oms28 as a porin has been questioned recently due to its periplasmic membrane-associated location. Finally, Oms38 is a specific porin for dicarboxilates with homologues in Lyme disease species. The aim of this thesis was to broaden the knowledge of the P66 and P13 porins described in the genus Borrelia. Both differ in structure and size from the general Gram negative porin model and could be highly involved in specific tasks in the genus Borrelia. In the first project of this thesis, the presence and pore forming capacity of P66 was studied in several Borrelia species including members of the relapsing fever group. P66 is the best studied porin in Borrelia with a dual function as porin and adhesin. This knowledge is restricted to B. burgdorferi and little or nothing is known about homologues in other Borrelia species. Therefore, three Lyme disease and three relapsing fever species were chosen as representative agents of the genus and the pore forming activity of their P66 homologues was studied. Five out of the six homologues exhibited a similar single channel conductance in a range from 9 to 11 nS. All of them showed no selectivity for cations or anions, and they were voltage dependent starting at different voltages from 30 to 70 mV. Only in the case of the B. hermsii homologue no pore forming activity could be established. It remains unclear if the lack of activity was due to an evolutionary loss of its porin function or to a higher sensibility to the detergents used for purification. In another project, the controversial P66 pore diameter of B. burgdorferi was analyzed with an empirical method. In a former study, the diameter of the P66 channel was estimated to be 2.6 nm based on theoretical considerations. This diameter is rather large and could impair the outer membrane protective function. Different non-electrolytes were used to study the P66 pore diameter indicating a 1.8 nm entrance diameter and a 0.8 nm inner constriction. In addition, the blockage of the channel with some of those non-electrolytes disclosed an oligomeric organization formed by approximately eight independent channels. Such a structure has not been observed so far in any other living organism and could be exclusive of Borrelia or spirochetes. The third project of this thesis deal with the recombinant production of a B. burgdorferi protein with immunogenic potential. This protein might be used to develop new diagnosis tests and therapeutic treatments. P13 is an outer membrane protein present in LD and RF species and it does not have any other known bacterial homologue. These facts make of P13 a good candidate to be used as a therapeutic target. For such purpose, P13 was cloned in two organisms. First, in Escherichia coli were two different constructs were designed to establish the role of a periplasmic cleaved C-terminus. Second, in a virus based vector delivered by Agrobacterium tumefaciens into tobacco plant cells. The vector replicates inside the plant cells spreading the infection to adjacent cells and at the same time producing the recombinant protein. This second expression method should enable the production of large amounts of the recombinant protein reducing time and costs. The last project of this thesis looked into the outer membrane complexome of B. burgdorferi focusing on the P13 and P66 porin complexes. Blue Native Page and second dimension SDS Page were the technique chosen for this purpose. P66 could be shown to be the only protein involved in the formation of the 11 nS pore which complex is probably formed by eight monomers. It was also possible to divide this complex in two halves with approximately half the molecular weight and a conductance of 5.5 nS. In the case of the P13 complex, a possible association with the lipoprotein OspC was revealed. The gel extraction of the P13 complex and its test with the Back Lipid Bilayer assay exhibited a 0.6 nS activity. This is in high contrast with the 3.5 nS activity previously described for this protein. To sum up, P66 is a porin present in many Borrelia species including not only LD but also RF species and which homologues show similar biophysical properties. The diameter of this pore is smaller than previously thought and it has molecular weight sieving properties. In the case of P13, its recombinant procurement will allow the use of P13 as a diagnostic and therapeutic target. The possible association with OspC could facilitate to unravel in future experiments the function of this intriguing protein.

The development of an immunoblot IgG avidity assay to identify antigenic markers for the different stages of Borrelia burgdorferi infection in Scottish patients

Mavin, Sally January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Porins of Borrelia burgdorferi /

Pinne, Marija, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2006. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

Immune response in persistent bacterial infections identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Chlamydia pneumoniae antigens /

Bunk, Sebastian. January 2008 (has links)
Konstanz, Univ., Diss., 2007.

Beiträge zur Diagnostik und Pathogenese der Lyme-Borreliose und zur Transmission des Erregers "Borrelia burgdorferi" /

Ohlenbusch, Andreas. January 1996 (has links)
Zugl.: Göttingen, Universiẗat, Diss., 1996.

Measuring chemotaxis in Borrelia burgdorferi the Lyme disease spirochete

Bakker, Richard Gerrit. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--West Virginia University, 2004. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains x, 138 p. : ill. (some col.). Vita. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 108-136).

Identification of Borrelia sp. by polymerase chain reaction on ticks and patient samples from Missouri /

Cyr, Tracy L. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 1999. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 70-85). Also available on the Internet.

Identification of Borrelia sp. by polymerase chain reaction on ticks and patient samples from Missouri

Cyr, Tracy L. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 1999. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 70-85). Also available on the Internet.

Inativação da Borrelia anserina pela ação da luz ultravioleta associada à riboflavina em soro sanguíneo de Gallus gallus domesticus

Dabus, Daniela Marques Maciel. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Raimundo Souza Lopes / Coorientador: Adivaldo Henrique da Fonseca / Banca: Regina Kiomi Takahira / Banca: Pedro Paulo Pires / Resumo: A borreliose aviária é uma doença septicêmica aguda, causada pela espiroqueta Borrelia anserina, atualmente apresenta baixa incidência, porém devido ao crescimento das criações orgânicas e rústicas, maior preocupação com o bem estar animal e a diminuição do uso de antibióticos em rações, existe a preocupação com o surgimento de surtos da doença, que poderão causar prejuízos econômicos. Desta maneira, torna-se de fundamental importância a busca por terapias alternativas, entre elas, a terapia fotodinâmica, como a associação da luz ultravioleta (UV) e riboflavina, com o objetivo de controlar a enfermidade. Este estudo objetivou verificar a eficácia do tratamento com luz UV e riboflavina para inativar ou eliminar a B. anserina no soro de galinhas poedeiras, por meio de exames diagnósticos e laboratoriais, e verificar a resposta imunológica do hospedeiro. O experimento foi conduzido em duas etapas, a etapa in vivo foi formada por 42 galinhas, divididas em sete grupos, composto por seis aves: Grupo 1 (saúde); Grupo 2 (doença) inoculadas com soro parasitado por B. anserina; Grupo 3 (imunossupressor) que receberam metilprednisolona; Grupo 4 ( luz UV) que receberam soro parasitado tratado com luz UV; Grupo 5 (riboflavina) que receberam soro parasitado tratado com riboflavina; Grupo 6 (grupo veículo) que receberam soro parasitado tratado com cloreto de sódio 0,9%; Grupo 7 (tratado) que receberam soro positivo para B. anserina tratado com luz ultravioleta associada à riboflavina. A etapa in vitro, foi realizada com placas de cultivo celular, divididas igualmente à etapa in vivo. Foi possível observar que o tratamento não apresentou resultado esperado na inativação ou completa eliminação do agente. No entanto, uma ave do grupo tratado sobreviveu e apresentou recuperação clínica e laboratorial, apresentando espiroquetemia no Momento 11 e qPCR positivo no momento... / Abstract: Avian borreliosis is an acute septicemic disease caused by the spirochete Borrelia anserina, has a low incidence, however due to the growth of organic and rustic creations, greater concern for animal welfare and reducing the use of antibiotics in feed, there is concern about the emergence of disease outbreaks, which may cause economic losses. Thus, it becomes fundamental to search for alternative therapies, including, photodynamic therapy, such as the combination of ultraviolet (UV) light and riboflavin with the aim of controlling the disease. This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of treatment with riboflavin and UV light to inactivate or eliminate B. anserina from serum laying hens by diagnostic and laboratory tests and to check to the host immune response. The experiment was conducted in two stages. The first one was the in vivo step composed of 42 chickens, divided into seven groups of six birds: Group 1 (health); Group 2 (disease) inoculated with the serum parasitized by Borrelia anserina; Group 3 (immunosuppressant) receiving methylprednisolone; Group 4 (UV light) which received parasitized saline treated with UV light; Group 5 (riboflavin) which received parasitized serum treated with riboflavin; Group 6 (solvent group) parasitized receiving saline treated with 0.9% sodium chloride; Group 7 (treated) which received positive serum for B. anserina treated with ultraviolet light associated with riboflavin. The secund one was the in vitro stage performed with cell culture plates, equally divided in vivo step. It was observed that the treatment did not show expected results in the inactivation or complete elimination of the agent. However, one bird from the treated group survived and showed clinical and laboratory recovery, presenting spirochetemia at the time 11 and qPCR positive at the time... / Mestre

Efeitos da luz visível associada à ftalocianina de cloro-alumínio na inativação da Borrelia anserina /

Lopes, Leizinara Gonçalves. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Raimundo Souza Lopes / Coorientador: Antonio Claudio Tedesco / Banca: Regina Kiome Takahira / Banca: José Jurandir Fagliari / Banca: Aureo Evangelista Santana / Banca: Adivaldo Henrique da Fonseca / Resumo: A terapia fotodinâmica se apresenta como uma opção clínica promissora para o tratamento de tumores e, de infecções causadas por vírus e bactérias por meio do uso de fotossensibilizadores não tóxicos. A ftalocianina, quando associada à luz visível, possui propriedades fotofísicas vantajosas apresentando alta absorção na faixa de espectro luminoso vermelho. A borreliose aviária é uma doença aguda e septicêmica, causada pela bactéria Borrelia anserina, transmitida pelo carrapato Argas miniatus, podendo levar a morte. A enfermidade possui grande importância econômica para a avicultura, por causar alto índice de mortalidade em aves. O estudo teve como objetivo verificar se o soro parasitado com Borrelia anserina, tratado com luz visível associada à ftalocianina de cloro-alumínio, quando inoculado in vivo, é capaz de provocar a enfermidade, e quando in vitro, mantém sua capacidade de crescimento em meio Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly. Foram utilizados 11 frangos doadores de soro parasitado e 42 galinhas receptoras, separadas em sete grupos experimentais, in vivo e in vitro, para ambas as etapas. Grupo controle, grupo doença parasitado com B. anserina, grupo Imunossupressão, grupo luz visível, grupo nanoemulsão, grupo ftalocianina e grupo tratado realizado com luz visível associada à emulsão de ftalocianina de cloro-alumínio. O acompanhamento foi realizado a cada cinco dias, durante 45 dias após a inoculação, com realização de exame clínico, espiroquetemia, reação em cadeia da polimerase quantitativa, dosagem de Imunoglobulina Y, colesterol, triglicerídeos, fosfatase alcalina, alanina aminotransferase e aspartato aminotransferase, volume globular e proteína plasmática total. Foi possível concluir que a associação de luz visível e ftalocianina de cloro-alumínio tem efeito favorável no controle da enfermidade, redução da carga parasitária e taxa de mortalidade / Abstract: Photodynamic therapy is presented as a promising clinical option for the treatment of tumors, viruses and bacteria through the use of nontoxic photosensitizers. When the phthalocyanine is combined with visible light, have advantageous on the photophysical properties presenting high absorption in the red light spectrum range. Avian Spirochetosis is an acute and septicemic disease, caused by the bacterium Borrelia anserina, transmitted by Argas miniatus and can lead to death. The disease has great economic importance to the poultry industry, because this causes a high mortality in aviculture. The study had as objective to determine the serum infested with Borrelia anserina, treated using visible light associated with chloro-aluminum phthalocyanine, when inoculated in vivo, is capable of causing illness, and when in vitro, retains its capacity for growth amid Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly. Were used 11 chicken serum donors parasitized and 42 receiving chickens, in seven separate experimental groups, in vivo and in vitro for both steps. Control group, parasitized disease group B. anserina, immunosuppression group, light group visible, nanoemulsion group, phthalocyanine group and treated group conducted with visible light associated with emulsion chloro-aluminum phthalocyanine. Follow-up was conducted every five days, for 45 days after inoculation with conducting clinical examination, spirochetemia, quantitative polymerase chain reaction, Immunoglobulin Y dosage, cholesterol, triglycerides, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase, Globular volume and plasma total protein. It was concluded that visible light association and chloro-aluminum phthalocyanine has a favorable effect on the control of the disease, reduction in parasite burden and mortality rate / Doutor

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