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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vyprávění příběhů a usmíření: Posuny rámců a diskurzívních narativů u posluchačů iniciativy "Můj příběh" v Bosně a Hercegovině / Storytelling and Reconciliation: Shifts in Frames and Discursive Narratives in Listeners of the Initiative "My Story" in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Oberpfalzerová, Hana January 2019 (has links)
Storytelling and Reconciliation: Shifts in Frames and Discursive Narratives in Listeners of the Initiative "My Story" in Bosnia and Herzegovina Hana Oberpfalzerová Abstract In Bosnia and Herzegovina, two non-governmental organizations have been running the initiative "My Story" within which three war victims, one Bosniak, one Serb and one Croat, tell their wartime stories and their way to reconciliation in public testimonies in a side-by-side, live setting to an audience of young people or ordinary citizens. The aim of the initiative is to promote reconciliation in the listeners. This doctoral dissertation integrates several disparate fields in order to create an analytical framework for inferring attitude shifts from the discursive narratives recalled by the listeners, and from the frames that connect the single narratives to broader societal discourses within these discursive narratives. Three public testimonies were analyzed and interviews with eighteen listeners from the three Bosnian nations were conducted, some of which were interviewed by phone about four months later to check for further attitude changes. The interview material was analyzed inductively by the means of thematic discourse analysis in order to identify the underlying discursive narratives that were then regrouped into dimensions or...

Bezpečnostní opatření proti extrémizmu v Bosně a Hercegovině: prostor pro zlepšení? / Extremism-countering security measures in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Room for improvement?

Karabin, Kevin January 2018 (has links)
1 Abstract This diploma thesis' aim was to find out what are the security measures countering radicalization and extremism in Bosnia-Herzegovina and whether there is any room for improvement. Firstly, the thesis analysed several official documents related to the security of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the relevant reports of the international community, in order to review the concrete security measures and compared them with security measures, which are in effect in other European countries. This allowed the author to draw specific security recommendation for Bosnia-Herzegovina based on the best-practices from abroad. Secondly, this thesis provides the opinions of three experts on Bosnia-Herzegovina and its internal situation. The experts assessed the security situation in the country, identified the areas of security which shall be enhanced and proposed concrete measures, which could elevate the security situation in the country. This thesis's main assumption was that the security measures currently in effect are insufficient and that there is much room for improvement. The analysis of the documents showed that there are many specific security measures, in terms of fighting radicalisation of youth, online radicalisation or religious extremism, which are used abroad, that could be implemented to...

Válka proti terorismu z pohledu Spojených států: Připadová studie Bosny and Herzegoviny / War on Terrorism Through the Prism of the US: The Case Study of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Heleta, Nataša January 2019 (has links)
The main goal of this paper is to examine the perceptions related to Bosnia and Herzegovina as a country that fosters terrorism. The concepts of radicalization, extremism and terrorism are examined as separate entities in the context of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the confusion of these contexts is particularly harmful, prompting negative attitudes and conclusions. It includes a review of the origins of Jihad in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-1995 war and transformation into the Salafi Movement after it. Some theoretical concepts consider the popular perspective on the Salafi community, relations between the Salafi Community and the Islamic Community the responses of media who propagate both the valid and stereotypical information, the motivations that drive the Salafist community, but also the motives of Bosnia and Herzegovina's society for the exploitation of this community. Other focuses are the changes that take place after the September 11th terrorist attacks, and their effect on Bosnia and Herzegovina are discussed in the context of the fight against terrorism and the re-examination of the intentions of the Salafi communities. Finally, conclusions are drawn about the perception of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a terrorist threat. In addition, the relationship between the Salafi...

Důvody vysoce kvalifikovaných migrantů k návratu do Bosny a Hercegoviny po roce 2005 / Return Decisions of Highly Skilled Migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina after 2005

Andrlová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Brain drain, or human capital flight, is a phenomenon which represents a society-wide problem in the post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). At present, more than half of the people claiming BiH nationality live abroad, out of which a significant part possesses tertiary education. Loss of human capital carries negative socio-economic consequences which hinder the country's development. On the other hand, brain gain, i.e. return of highly skilled migrants to their country of origin, might reverse some of the unfavourable effects. Nevertheless, the phenomenon of the return of highly skilled migrants remains under researched not only within the region of the Western Balkans, but also on a global scale. Although this type of migration has increasingly attracted the attention of many scholars from various academic and non- academic fields, contemporary literature on this topic suffers from limitations and tends to oversimplify the returnees' motivations to purely economic incentives. This study attempts to describe the complex factors leading the highly skilled migrants to return to BiH. Based on the 33 respondents' subjective preferences from the spheres of career, family and lifestyle, this work provides an insight into the decisions of returnees in the context of the developing Western Balkan country.

Књижевна критика Младе Босне / Književna kritika Mlade Bosne / Literary Criticism of Mlada Bosna

Lukić Obrad 19 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Farmakoepidemiologija antidijabetičnih lekova i odnos pacijenata prema leku i lečenju dijabetes melitusa tipa 2 u Republici Srpskoj / Pharmacoepidemiology of antidiabetic drugs and patients' relation towards drugs and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Republic of Srpska

Popržen Jelena 20 September 2018 (has links)
<p>Iako je dijabetes melitus (DM) tip 2 je hronično oboljenje čija se stopa značajno povećala poslednjih decenija, podaci o odnosu pacijenta prema leku i lečenju dijabetes melitusa su retki i odnose se na pojedine aspekte terapije. Glavni kamen spoticanja u lečenju dijabetesa jeste nepridržavanje pacijenata propisanim lekovima, &scaron;to otežava održavanje normalne glikoregulacije i doprinosi razvoju te&scaron;kih komplikacija koje značajno utiču na kvalitet života pacijenata sa DM. Raspolaganje tačnim podacima o upotrebi antidijabetičnim lekova, kao i uvidom u realno stanje o odnosu pacijenata prema leku u lečenju DM tipa 2, omogućava pobolj&scaron;anje farmakoterapijske prakse i kreiranje intervencije za pobolj&scaron;anje adherencije pacijenata Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su: 1) analiza obima potro&scaron;nje i strukture antidijabetičnih lekova na teritoriji Republike Srpske i njihovo poređenje sa upotrebom i strukturom propisivanja u okolnim zemljama kao i državama sa razvijenom farmakoterapijskom praksom; 2) analiza obima potro&scaron;nje i strukture antidijabetičnih lekova u op&scaron;tini Foča i poređenje sa savremenim farmakoterapijskim smernicama; 3) određivanje procenta pokrivenosti antidijabetičnom terapijom pacijenata sa DM tip 2 tokom jedne godine u op&scaron;tini Foča; 4) određivanje adherencije pacijenata sa DM tipa 2 prema antidijabetičnoj terapiji metodom brojanja tableta/doza insulina i putem validiranog upitnika; 5) određivanje kvaliteta života povezanog sa zdravljem pacijenata sa DM tipa 2 u op&scaron;tini Foča primenom validiranog upitnika SF-36v2; 6) određivanje prediktora neadherenije kod primene obe metode merenja adherencije u odnosu na karakteristike i kvalitet života pacijenata sa DM tip 2 u op&scaron;tini Foča. Ispitivanje se sastojalo iz dva dela. U prvom delu sprovedeno je retrospektivno farmakoepidemiolo&scaron;ko praćenje upotrebe antidijabetičnih lekova kao i određivanje strukture ovih lekova na teritoriji Republike Srpske u periodu od 01.01.2013. do 31.12.2013.godine i izvr&scaron;eno je poređenje sa upotrebom i strukturom propisivanja u okolnim zemljama kao i državama sa razvijenom farmakoterapijskom praksom. U drugom delu ispitivanja sprovedeno je farmakoepidemiolo&scaron;ko ispitivanje primene antidijabetičnih lekova na nivou same op&scaron;tine Foča u okviru koje je pored analize obima potro&scaron;nje i strukture antidijabetičnih lekova u istom periodu kao i na teritoriji Republike Srpske i poređenja sa savremenim farmakoterapijskim smernicama, određivan i procenta pokrivenosti antidijabetičnom terapijom mereno redovno&scaron;ću ponovnih popunjavanja recepata od strane lekara op&scaron;te prakse tokom jednogodi&scaron;njeg perioda. Takođe je sprovedeno i ispitivanje adherencije prema antidijabetičnim lekovima primenom dve različite metode merenja kao i kvalitet života pacijenata sa DM tip 2 između 01.01.2015. i 31.12.2015.godine. Ukupna upotreba antidijabetika za lečenje dijabetesa tip 1 i tip 2 na teritoriji Republike Srpske iznosila je 38,29 DDD/1000st/dan. Upotreba insulina i analoga iznosila je 11,28 DDD/1000st/dan. Ukupna upotreba oralnih lekova koji snižavaju glukozu i krvi, isključujući insuline iznosila je 27,01 DDD/1000st/dan, a metformin je najče&scaron;će kori&scaron;ćeni predstavnik. Sličan obim i struktura upotrebe antidijabetičnih lekova utvrđena je i u op&scaron;tini Foča. Procenat pokrivenosti antidijabetičnom terapijom pacijenata sa DM tip 2 tokom jedne godine u op&scaron;tini Foča iznosio je vi&scaron;e od 94,91%. Adherencija određivana metodom brojanja tableta/doza insulina iznosila je 52,3%, a merena primenom validiranog upitnikom iznosila je svega 44,9%. Statistički značajni prediktori neadherencije određivane primenom metode brojanja tableta/doza insulina su doplata cena leka kao i niži skor dimenzije mentalnog zdravlja kada je u pitanju kvalitet života. Prediktori neadherencije merene primenom validiranog upitnikom bili su mu&scaron;ki pol, kao i niži skor dimenzije mentalnog kao i fizičkog zdravlja kada je u pitanju kvalitet života. Na osnovu ovih saznanja, intervencije za pobolj&scaron;anje adherencije pacijenata bi bile usmerene na edukaciju pacijenata mu&scaron;kog pola, zatim na smanjivanje izdataka pacijenata za lekove, &scaron;to će doprineti i boljem kvalitetu života ovih pacijenata.</p> / <p>Although diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 is a chronic disease whose rate has increased significantly in recent decades, data on the patient&#39;s attitudes towards the medicine and the treatment of diabetes mellitus are rare and relate to individual aspects of the therapy. The main stumbling block in the treatment of diabetes is not taking prescribed drugs regularly, which makes it difficult to maintain normal glycoregulation and contribute to the development of severe complications that significantly affect the quality of life of patients with DM. The disposition of accurate data on the use of antidiabeticdrugs, as well as the insight into the real state of the patient&#39;s relationship with the medication in the treatment of DM type 2, enables the improvement of pharmacotherapeutic practice and the creation of an intervention to improve patient adherence.<br />The objectives of this research were:<br />1) analysis of the volume of consumption and structure of anti-diabetic medicines on the territory of the Republic of Srpska and their comparison with the use and structure of prescribing in the surrounding countries as well as countries with developed pharmacotherapeutic practice;<br />2) analysis of the volume of consumption and structure of antidiabetic drugs in the municipality of Foča and comparison with modern pharmacotherapeutic guidelines;<br />3) determining the percentage of coverage with antidiabetic therapy of patients with DM type 2 during one year in the municipality of Foča;<br />4) determining the adherence of patients with DM type 2 in antidiabetic therapy by the method of pill counts /volume of insulin and by validated questionnaire;<br />5) determining the quality of life associated with the health of patients with DM type 2 in the municipality of Foča using the validated questionnaire SF-36v2;<br />6) determination of the predictor of nonadherence in the application of both methods of adherence measurement in relation to the characteristics and quality of life of patients with DM type 2 in the municipality of Foča.<br />The investigation consisted of two parts.<br />In the first part, a retrospective pharmacoepidemiological monitoring of the use of antidiabetic drugs was carried out, as well as determining the structure of these drugs in the territory of the Republic of Srpska in the period from January, 1st 2013 until December, 31st 2013, and a comparison was made with the use and prescription structure in neighboring countries as well as countries with developed pharmacotherapeutic practices. In the second part of the study, a pharmacoepidemiological study was carried out on the use of antidiabetic drugs at the level of the municipality of Foča itself, in which, besides analyzing the volume of consumption and structure of anti-diabetic drugs in the same period as in the territory of the Republic of Srpska and comparison with modern pharmacotherapeutic guidelines, the percentage of coverage by antidiabetic therapy was measured by the regularity of the prescription prescribed by the general practitioner over a one-year period. Medication adherence to antidiabetic drugs was also carried out using two different methods of measurement as well as the quality of life of patients with DM type 2 between January, 1st 2015 and December, 31st 2015. The total use of antidiabetic for the treatment of type 1 diabetes and type 2 in the territory of the Republic of Srpska was 38.29 DDD / 1000st / day. The use of insulin and analogs was 11.28 DDD / 1000st / day. The total use of blood glucose lowering drugs , excluding insulins, was 27.01 DDD / 1000st / day, and metformin is the most commonly used representative. A similar volume and structure of the use of anti-diabetic drugs was also determined in the municipality of Foča. The percentage of coverage of antidiabetic therapy of patients with DM type 2 during one year in the municipality of Foca amounted to more than 94.91%. Adherence determined by the pill counts and the volume of insulin method was 52.3%, and measured by applying the validated questionnaire was only 44.9%. Statistically significant predictors of nonadherence determined by the method of pill counts/volume of insulin are copayment, a fix fee for prescription made by patients as well as the lower score of the mental health dimension when it comes to quality of life. The non-adherence predictors measured using the validated questionnaire were the male sex, as well as a lower score of the mental dimension as well as physical health when it comes to quality of life. Based on these findings, interventions to improve patient adherence would focus on health education of male patients, and policy changes regarding availability of antidiabetic medication through copayment reductions , which will contribute to a better quality of life for these patients.</p>

"Jedna si jedina moja domovina?" Etno-demografické proměny Bosny a Hercegoviny v letech 1945 - 2012 / "Are You the One and Only Homeland I have?" Ethnodemographic Changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1945-2012

Žíla, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
ŽÍLA, Ondřej: "Are You the One and Only Homeland I have?" Ethno-demographic Changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1945-2012 Abstract Thesis on "Are You the One and Only Homeland I have?" Ethno-demographic Changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1945-2012 analyses population development of three constitutive nations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, transformation of ethnic proportional representation of Bosnian population due to differences in demographic behaviour and spatial impacts of forced migration on population distribution after the end of the civil conflict in the 1990s. The main focus is on comparing the development of the ethno-demographic structure of socialist Bosnia and Herzegovina with the condition of the country after the war. The current demographic characteristics of the population, and contemporary ethnic composition of the country remains fundamentally affected by events related to the conflict: the so called forced migration and ethnic cleansing. The thesis compiles two fundamental approaches, one of them being the top-down approach. It focuses on the characteristics of the role of Western powers in the post-war peace-building process, specifically the analysis of their principal objective - restoration of the original ethnic heterogeneity by means of controlled repatriation of refugees, and evaluation...

Western Balkans and Austrian position on the EU integration of Western Balkans / Western Balkans and Austrian position on the EU integration of Western Balkans

Holopírková, Petra January 2008 (has links)
Rozbor oficiálních stanovisek EU k rozšíření EU o země Západního Balkánu (Chorvatsko, Makedonie, Černá Hora, Albánie, BiH, Srbsko, nově Kosovo) ukazuje na zdrženlivost EU k vlastnímu aktu přijetí. Přes všechna prohlášení o vůli přijmout tyto země, tato vyjádření zůstávají spíše proklamací, bez vyhlášení konkrétních dat přijetí těchto zemí do společenství. Na rozdíl od Rakouska, která jako jediná země EU deklaruje co nejrychlejší rozšíření EU o země Západního Balkánu přímo ve vládním programu jako prioritu své zahraniční politiky. Motivace Rakouska je založena na důkladné ekonomické analýze situace, kdy Rakouské investice do těchto zemí jsou nejvyšší ze všech zemí EU. Mezi Rakouskem a zeměmi Západního Balkánu a Rakouskem probíhá čilý obchod i pohyb osob, na který ostatní země EU nejsou ještě připraveny. Překážkou rychlého přijetí se tedy jeví důvody povahy nikoliv ekonomické, ale politické. Evropská unie se shoduje na roku 2008 jako na roku klíčovém v přístupových jednáních. V době publikace této práce ovšem EU nebyla s to jako celek schválit nezávislost Kosova. Minimálně tento bod zůstává otevřen k dořešení v roce 2008 spolu s dalšími body týkajícími se příštího rozšíření. EU má v této chvíli (duben 2008) jasno, že favorizovanými kandidáty pro přístup jsou Chorvatsko, Makedonie a Albánie, zatím bez konkrétního data přístupu.

Právo národů na sebeurčení jako faktor mezinárodních vztahů / The Right of Peoples to Self-determination as a Factor of International Relations

Drahoňovská, Soňa January 2008 (has links)
This paper explores the current understanding of the right of peoples to self-determination and its impact on international relations. A number of new states have gained international recognition outside the scope of decolonisation, several of which have not fulfilled the usual criteria for statehood, based on existing state practice. In addition, the parent states of Bangladesh, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as Kosovo have not consented to the secession of these territories. The main purpose of this paper is to determine whether based on the stipulations of international documents and mainly on existing state practice, it is possible to verify the existence of a customary law enabling peoples to unilaterally secede. Such a right would pose a threat to the future application of the principle of territorial integrity as one of the basic principles of international relations. In order to answer this question I compare case studies of successful and unsuccessful nations striving for their own state outside the realm of decolonisation. Based on this comparison I analyse the current understanding of the right to self-determination and its impact on international relations. I conclude by stating that it is not possible to unambiguously confirm the existence of such a right. However, in practice the principle of territorial integrity is being breached nonetheless, due to persisting uncertainties regarding the possible application of secession by peoples whose internal right to self-determination was not respected. Together with the fact that the current concept of self-determination ignores collective rights of national groups, this poses a threat to international stability.

Lékaři bez hranic jako aktér mezinárodních vztahů: Mise v Somálsku, Rwandě a Bosně a Hercegovině / Doctors Without Borders as an International Relations Actor: The Cases of Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina Missions

Němcová, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this Master thesis is to identify the specifics of non-governmental organization Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) as an actor of international relations, mainly through the presentation and activities of the organization during the implementation of its programs in the early 1990s, when the process of internationalization was consolidated. The thesis also covers the issue of respecting the commitment to shared values for which Doctors Without Borders claim responsibility, and which also represents the principles of their activities. Based on the theoretical framework of actorness, it is possible to compare three missions of Doctors Without Borders implemented during the internal state conflicts in Somalia, Rwanda and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The analysis shows that during this period, Doctors Without Borders is characterized by a strong national identity of particular sections, in that we can see the strong national features of the French, Belgian and Dutch sections, which often behaved contradictorily and incoherently. The commitment to respect the shared values is fulfilled with one exception, namely the obligation to respect the neutral status.

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