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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sex differences in brain lateralization for clinically depressed patients

Spong, Jo-Lene Banita, n/a January 2006 (has links)
Research in neuropsychology has found depression to be related to impaired right hemisphere (RH) functioning. How clinical depression affects brain lateralized functioning for each sex, however, is not clear. The main aim of this thesis was to investigate how clinical depression impacts brain lateralized functioning for each sex. Additionally, this thesis investigates brain lateralization for emotional processing in a non-depressed group, as well as sex differences in brain lateralization for spatial, verbal, and emotional processing in a non-depressed group. In order to examine each of these research areas, sixty non-depressed participants, and thirty-nine dilnically depressed patients were recnjited to complete a set of neuropsychological tasks that measure brain lateralized spatial, verbal, and emotional functioning. The neuropsychological tasks that were selected also measure the brain regions known to be involved with depression (frontal lobe and right parietal lobe). The tasks were: the mental rotation task (MRT) to measure RH spatial functioning; the verbal fluency task (phonemic and semantic) to measure left hemisphere (LH) verbal functioning; and the chimeric faces task to measure frontal lobe emotional functioning. The data from these tasks were reported as two separate experiments. Experiment One examined sex differences in brain lateralization for spatial and verbal processing in a non-depressed group. Experiment One also investigates brain lateralization for emotional processing in a non-depressed group, in particular to determine whether there is a sex difference in brain lateralization for emotional processing. The aim of Experiment One was to replicate the male advantage in spatial processing and the female advantage in verbal processing, which have previously been interpreted as reflecting sex differences in brain lateralization for these functions. It was also the aim to differentiate between the competing RH and valence hypotheses of brain lateralization for emotional processing and further investigate sex differences in brain lateralization for emotional processing. Sex differences in brain lateralization for spatial, verbal, and emotional processing were examined by comparing the performance of thirty non-depressed males and thirty non-depressed females on the MRT, verbal fluency task, and chimeric faces task respectively. The hypothesis that males would mentally rotate the stimuli of the MRT faster than the females was not supported, as no significant sex differences in performance were observed on the MRT. Failure to replicate the male advantage in spatial functioning was attributed to a possible sex difference in level of spatial ability, which has been found to mediate hemispheric functioning. The hypothesis that the females would generate significantly more words than the males on the verbal fluency task was supported, thus replicating the female advantage in verbal processing. For the chimeric faces task, the group findings supported the RH hypothesis for brain lateralization for emotional processing, with responses being significanfly faster and more accurate to happy and sad expressions shown in the LVF than in the RVF. No consistent sex differences in performance were observed between the RT and accuracy rate analyses of the chimeric faces task. Reaction times to the chimeric faces showed a LVF advantage in emotional processing for the males, and no hemispheric bias for emotional processing for the females. In contrast, recognition accuracy of the chimeric faces showed a LVF advantage for emotional processing for both the males and the females. The inconsistent sex differences on the chimeric faces task suggests that there is not a strong sex difference in brain lateralization for emotional processing. Expertment Two investigated brain lateralization for spatial, verbal, and emotional functioning in a clinically depressed group. It was the aim of Experiment Two to determine whether clinical depression is associated with impaired RH functioning, as suggested by the literature. It was also the aim of Experiment Two to examine more specifically, how clinical depression affects brain lateralized functioning for each sex separately. To examine the effect of clinical depression on brain lateralized functioning, the performance of thirty-six (fifteen males, twenty-one females) clinically depressed patients (three excluded from the recruited thirty-nine) and thirty-six (eighteen males, eighteen females) non-depressed control participants was compared on the MRT, verbal fluency task, and chimeric faces task. The hypothesis that clinical depression would be associated with impaired RH functioning was partially supported by the results of Experiment Two. The depressed group performed signiflcantiy poorer than the control group on both the RH task (the MRT intercept and overall R and the LH task (semantic verbal fluency). Therefore, impaired RH and LH functioning on the spatial and verbal task was evidenced for the clinically depressed group in Experiment Two. A RH impairment in emotional functioning with clinical depression could not be clearly ascertained from the results of the chimeric faces task. The RT analyses of the chimeric faces task showed a LVF advantage for emotional processing for both the control and depressed groups. In contrast to the RT analyses, the accuracy rate analyses of the chimeric faces task showed a LVF advantage in emotional processing for the control group, and no hemispheric bias for emotional processing for the depressed group, As the depressed group were significantly impaired for both RH and LH functioning in Experiment Two, it is possible that the findings of Experiment Two are reflective of a generalised performance deficit associated with clinical depression, rather than to a disturbance in brain lateralized functioning. The depressed group was also found to respond significantly slower than the control group in overall RT on the MRT and chimeric faces task. The significant group difference on the intercept of the FART implicates impaired information encoding for the clinically depressed group. The slowed Ris of the depressed group may also reflect impaired pre-motor organization with clinical depression, thus resulting in delayed motor responses. In relation to the affect of clinical depression on brain lateralizaflon for each sex, it was hypothesised that the depressed males would perform significantly poorer than the depressed females on tasks measuring functions lateralized to the cerebral hemisphere impaired due to clinical depression. The premise for this hypothesis lies in the evidence from past unilateral brain lesion research, which suggests that the stronger brain ateralization of males restricts assistance from the unimpaired hemisphere to perform the task of the impalred hemisphere. The bilateralization of females however, allows greater assistance of the unimpaired hemisphere to perform the task at hand. In contrast to the hypothesis however, there was no evidence from the results of Experiment Two that clinical depression had a greater impact on the brain lateralized functioning of males than females. No significant sex differences in performance on the FART were observed for either the non-depressed control group or clinical depressed group. For the verbal fluency task, a female advantage in word generation was observed for both phonemic and semantic fluency, regardless of group. Also regardless of group, the RT analyses of the chimeric faces task showed that the males responded significantly faster to emotional expressions shown in the LVF than in the RVF. For the females however, there was no hemispheric bias in RT for emotional processing. The accuracy rate analyses from the chimeric faces task also showed no sex differences for either group. The similar findings of sex differences between the control and depressed groups across each task suggests that clinical depression had a similar impact on both the males and the females, regardless of brain late ralization. The results of Experiment Two could be indicative of impaired LH and RH functioning with clinical depression, or of a generalised performance deficit with clinical depression. A generalised performance deficit for the clinically depressed group in Experiment Two may explain why a sex difference in the effects of clinical depression on brain lateralized functioning was not observed. Future research observing a RH impairment with clinical depression is encouraged to further examine the affect of clinical depression on brain lateralization for each sex separately. Further understanding of the affect of clinical depression on brain lateralization for each sex could provide addiional information on sex difference in the prevalence of clinical depression.

Hand preferences in bonobos (Pan paniscus) for a variety of actions : spontaneous daily actions (non-social and social), bimanual coordination (tube task), tool-use (termite fishing) and induced gestures (begging)

Chapelain, Amandine January 2010 (has links)
The database on hand preferences in non-human primates provides inconsistent and inconclusive findings, and is plagued by gaps and methodological issues. I studied hand preferences in the bonobo, which is a very interesting model for investigating evolutionary hypotheses on human handedness. There are few previous data on bonobos and they are from small samples and for relatively simple tasks. I studied a large sample of 94 bonobos in three zoos and one sanctuary, on a variety of actions. Five studies were performed to record: 1. hand use for spontaneous daily actions (non-social). 2. hand use for the tube task , a task that requires a manipulative bimanual coordinated precise action. 3. hand use for using a stick as a probe ( termite fishing ). 4. hand use for spontaneous social actions and gestures, recorded during their social interactions (intra-specific) and during interactions with humans (inter-specific). 5. hand use for induced begging gestures (begging for food from the observer). The results show significant manual laterality in almost all the behaviours studied. The hand preferences were present on an individual basis. The numbers of right-handed and left-handed individuals were similar, indicating no group-level bias, for any of the actions studied. There was no significant effect of the settings, rearing history, sex and age (except in study 2 where adults were more right-handed than younger subjects). I examined different factors that have been proposed as selective pressures for the emergence of handedness. Laterality was influenced by: postural demands (posture, activity of the other hand), precision, grip type, manipulation or bimanual coordination, tool-use, throwing, communication. Notably, the laterality was very marked for the tube task , the termite fishing task and the begging experiment, which suggests that the factors involved in these tasks could be important factors regarding laterality.

Effects of prenatal stress on sepia officinalis / Les effets du stress prénatal sur la seiche sepia officinalis

O brien, Caitlin 08 December 2017 (has links)
Le stress prénatal est un sujet d'intérêt éthologique croissant en raison de ses effets sur la santé humaine et le bien-être des animaux. Cette thése de doctorat s’intéresse à la seiche Sepia officinalis, un modèle pratique dans lequel la progéniture en développement peut être séparée de leurs mères pour examiner diverses sources potentielles de stress en isolement expérimental. Plusieurs catégories de facteurs de stress ont été appliquées aux embryons et aux juvéniles et la progéniture résultante a été testée dans une série d'épreuves physiologiques et comportementales. L'objectif était de déterminer si différents types de stress prénatal affectent la seiche et, dans l'affirmative, comment ces effets se transmettent. Les données présentées démontrent que les stresseurs appliqués aux femelles reproductrices (stress maternel), ainsi que les stresseurs appliqués directement aux embryons (stress embryonnaire), affectent le comportement postnatal (y compris la structuration corporelle, la latéralisation cérébrale, la prédation et les schémas d'activité) la mémoire et / ou la neurobiologie (y compris les concentrations et le renouvellement de la monoamine, la taille des différents lobes cérébraux et la division cellulaire). Les résultats mettent en évidence la présence de trois voies par lesquelles le stress peut exercer des effets: sur le nombre de descendants produits par la femelle, la transmission de la femelle à sa progéniture et directement sur la progéniture elle-même. Les expériences ont également démontré qu'un facteur de stress complètement artificiel (lumière forte) affectait un éventail plus large de comportements chez la progéniture qu’un stress naturel (odeur de prédateur). Enfin, les données ont montré que l'environnement d'incubation et d’élevage peuvent également affecter la progéniture et méritent donc une attention particulière dans la formulation et l'interprétation des expériences avec cette espèce. Ces découvertes informent à la fois les pratiques de bien-être des seiches et d'autres céphalopodes (par exemple, réduisent la manipulation pour maximiser la reproduction) et élucident et renforcent les principes éthologiques qui s'appliquent au stress animal en général (par exemple la transmission des effets de stress de la mère à la progéniture). Compte tenu des informations fournies ici et dans de nombreuses autres études, la seiche et d'autres céphalopodes devraient continuer à servir de modèles comportementaux en éthologie et en biologie en général. / Prenatal stress is a subject of growing ethological interest due to its effects on human health and animal welfare. This Ph.D. thesis utilizes the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, a convenient model in which developing offspring can be separated from their mothers to examine various potential sources of stress in experimental isolation. Several categories of stressors were applied to cuttlefish and cuttlefish eggs and the resulting offspring were tested in a range of physiological and behavioral tests. The goal was to determine if various types of prenatal stress affect cuttlefish, and if so, how these effects are transmitted. The data presented demonstrate that both stressors applied to reproducing females (maternal stress), as well as stressors applied directly to embryos (embryonic stress), affected post-natal behavior (including body patterning, brain lateralization, predation and activity patterns), learning, memory and/or neurobiology (including monoamine concentrations and turnover, the size of various brain lobes and cell division). The results highlight the presence of three pathways by which stress can exert effects: on the number of offspring produced by the female, transmission from the female to her offspring and directly on the offspring themselves. The experiments also demonstrated that a completely artificial stressor (bright light) affected a wider range of behaviors in offspring than a natural-occurring one (predator odor). Finally, the data showed that incubation and spawning environment can also affect offspring, and thus deserve attention in the formulation and interpretation of experiments with this species. These findings inform both welfare practices for cuttlefish and other cephalopods (e.g. reduce handling to maximize reproduction) as well as elucidating and reinforcing ethological principles that apply to animal stress in general (e.g. the transmission of stress effects from mother to offspring). Given the insight provided here and in numerous other studies, cuttlefish and other cephalopods should continue to serve as behavioral models in ethology and biology in general.

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