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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors influencing the style of brandy

Bougas, Nina Valleska 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric))-- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Brandy producers in South Africa can produce three categories of brandy, and within those categories, varies styles in order to cater for diverse consumer needs. Thus they have divergent opinions as to what comprises a good base wine and distillate for their individual end-product style in mind. Due to the fact that brandy is the largest locally produced spirit in South Africa, it is crucial to investigate the factors that influence the production of brandy as better understanding and control of these processes leads to the production of a brandy that is more consistent in quality and in style. The factors known to influence the quality of brandy are the grape cultivar, vinification techniques, distillation and the oak maturation process; however limited research has been done on the factors contributing to the style of brandies. Understanding and identifying the factors that contribute to the style of brandy, will allow for better control and manipulation of the process to ultimately produce a spirit product with a desired style classification. In order to do so, one must distinguish as to what differentiates (chemical and sensory analyses) the two most divergent styles of brandy (in this study referred to as class one and class five three-year barrel matured brandy). Over 104 three-year old barrel matured brandy samples were collected and analysed using GC-FID and HPLC analysis over a three year period. Of these samples, only 7 were classified as a class one three-year barrel matured brandy and 23 were found to be classified as class five three-year barrel matured brandy. The results obtained showed that the class one samples were found to contain a higher concentration of total higher alcohols, higher ratio of higher alcohols vs. esters, higher alcohols vs. acids and aldehydes vs. esters, but a lower level of total esters and acids. The class five samples contained a higher concentration of total esters, furans, lactones and acids, but a lower level of total higher alcohols and ratio of higher alcohols vs. esters. The factors investigated that possibly influence the style of brandy were: the base wine prior to distillation, yeast strain, fermentation temperature, condenser water temperature and barrel age. Results of the base wine analysed prior to distillation show that those samples that scored a sensory score of one could produce a class one three-year barrel matured brandy, and base wines that scored a sensory score of five would yield a class five three-year barrel matured brandy. Alchemy 1 yeast was found to produce elevated levels of total esters and could by default result in a class five three-year barrel matured brandy. Similarly if the wine was fermented at 24⁰C it would result in the increased production of higher alcohols and total acids and in-turn could yield a class one three-year barrel matured brandy. The results obtained show that the different condenser water temperatures do not necessarily influence the concentration of esters and higher alcohols. However, if a lower condenser water temperature (8⁰C) was employed, it could yield a class one barrel matured brandy sample. These distillates are associated with a higher concentration of total higher alcohols and even though they may be positively associated with higher levels of esters, the esters could be removed during the head fraction in the distillation process. The results also show that during the maturation process that the use of 18 year old barrels for the maturation of three-year barrel matured brandy samples could possibly produce a class one three-year barrel matured brandy and the use of new barrels could yield a class five three-year barrel matured brandy sample. It is recommended that analysing the base wine prior to distillation using GC-FID to identify the chemical composition is the most important step in determining the outcome of the style of brandy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Brandewyn produsente in Suid-Afrika kan drie kategorieë brandewyn produseer, en binne hierdie kategorieë sekere style om voorsiening te maak vir die diverse behoeftes van die mark, en dus het hulle uiteenlopende menings oor wat 'n goeie basis wyn en distillaat behels vir hul individuele eindproduk se spesifieke styl. As gevolg van die feit dat brandewyn die belangrikste spiritus produk is wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking verbruik word, is dit noodsaaklik dat dié faktore wat die produksie van brandewyn beïenvloed ondersoek word om 'n beter begrip van, en beheer oor hierdie prosesse verkry kan. Dit sal lei tot die produksie van 'n brandewyn van konstante in qualitiet en in style. Die faktore wat bekend is om die gehalte van brandewyn te beïnvloed, is die druifkultivar, wynbereidingstegnieke, distillasie en die hout verouderings proses, maar daar is beperkte navorsing oor die faktore wat bydra tot die styl van n brandewyn. Om die faktore wat bydra tot die spesifieke styl van n brandewyn te identifiseer en te verstaan, kan dit lei tot 'n beter beheer en manipulasie van die prosess om uiteindelik n brandewyn met 'n gewenste styl te produseer. Ten einde dit te kan doen, moet 'n mens kan bepaal wat die twee uiterste style van brandewyn (wat in die studie sal bekend wees as klas een en klas vyf drie-jaar vat veroude brandewyn) van mekaar onderskei (chemiese en sensoriese analise). Meer as 104 drie-jaar vat verouderde brandewyn monsters is ingesamel en ontleed met behulp van GC-FID en HPLC analyliese oor 'n tydperk van drie jaar. Van die 104 monsters, is slegs 7 as 'n klas een drie-jaar vat verourde brandewyn geklassifiseer en 23 as klas vyf drie-jaar vat verourde brandewyn geklassifiseer. Die resultate het getoon dat die klas een monsters 'n hoër konsentrasie van die totale hoër alkohole, 'n hoër verhouding van hoër alkohole teenoor esters het, hoër alkohole teenoor sure en aldehiede teenoor esters, maar 'n laer vlak van totale esters en sure. Die klas vyf monsters het 'n hoër konsentrasie van die totale esters, furanen, laktone en sure, maar 'n laer vlak van totale hoer alkohol en verhouding van hoër alkohole teenoor esters. Die faktore wat ondersoek was wat moontlike ‘n invloed op die styl van brandewyn kon hê, was die basis wyn voor distillasie, die gisras, die fermentasie temperatuur, die kondensor water temperatuur en die vat ouderdom. Die ontledings van die basis wyn voor distillasie het gewys dat die monsters wat 'n sensorise telling van een behaal het, moontlik kan lei tot 'n klas een drie-jaar vat verouderde brandewyn, en basis wyne wat 'n sensorise telling van vyf gekry het weer ‘n klas vyf drie-jaar vat verouderde brandewyn sou oplewer. Alchemie 1 gis ras het ‘n verhoogde vlak van totale esters geproduseer wat tot 'n klas vyf drie-jaar vat verouder brandewyn gelei het As die basis wyn gefermenteer is teen 24⁰C sal dit lei tot die verhoogde produksie van hoër alkohole en totale sure wat 'n klas een drie-jaar vat verouderde brandewyn kan oplewer. Die resultate verkry, toon dat die verskillende kondensor water temperature nie noodwendig die konsentrasie van esters en hoër alkohole beïnvloed het nie, maar dit wil voorkom dat indien 'n laer kondensor water temperatuur (8⁰C) gebruik is, kan dit 'n klas een vat verouderde brandewyn oplewer. Dit hou verband met 'n hoër konsentrasie van die totale hoër alkohole en selfs al word die distillate positief geassosieer met hoër vlakke van esters, kan die esters verwyder word tydens die verwydering van die voorloop in die distillasie proses. Die resultate toon ook dat die gebruik van 18 jaar oue vate vir die veroudering van brandewyn moontlik 'n klas een drie-jaar vat verouderde brandewyn kan oplewer en die gebruik van nuwe vate kan 'n klas vyf drie-jaar vat verouderde brandewyn lewer. Dit word egter aanbeveel dat die basis wyn voor distillasie met GC-FID chemies ontleed word om die samestelling van die wyn te identifiseer Die resultate bly die beste aanduiding van die styl van die brandewyn.

Sensory analysis of brandy: the application of rapid profiling methodologies

Louw, Leanie 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Brandy has a high alcohol content of at least 36% alcohol by volume and a complex volatile chemical structure. Due to this, the sensory evaluation of brandy is challenging to execute and must be carefully managed to avoid panellists’ sensory and mental fatigue. Although rapid sensory profiling methods, such as projective mapping (PM), are commonly used for fast moving consumer goods, it was unclear whether these methods could accommodate the difficulties associated with brandy evaluation. The primary objective of this study was to validate PM, also called Napping®, as a reliable tool for brandy evaluation. Two variations of PM were tested: global napping (GN) where products are evaluated based on overall sensory perception, and partial napping (PN) where the product perception is broken down in to separate sensory modalities, in this case appearance, aroma and in-mouth sensations. Several practical aspects of PM were investigated in order to optimise the method for brandy evaluation and to gain understanding into practical methodological aspects that have not been fully understood at the onset of this study. The results showed that both GN and PN delivered reliable results, but that PN was more reproducible and better suited to larger sample sets (10 products). The concept of in-mouth sensations was found to be ineffective in extracting useful information on mouthfeel differences in the product set and that retronasal flavour should be separated from basic tastes and mouthfeel. A verbal instruction to the panellists was sufficient to obtain reliable information on mouthfeel differences; it was not necessary to use black glasses or nose-clips to eliminate the influence of appearance and flavour perception. In response to the insufficient reproducibility of GN, the sorting method was tested and validated as a suitable screening method that delivered reliable product maps of larger sample sets (10 products) in one replication, compared to GN which has to be replicated several times. A recent hypothesis states that the elongated horizontal dimension of a rectangular PM tasting sheet could be used to elicit more prominent product differences, while tasting sheets without an elongated axis, such as circles or squares, could be used to bring forth more subtle differences. This hypothesis was challenged by testing rectangular, square and round tasting sheet shapes. Although differences were observed between the shapes in terms of product configuration and panellist performance, the practical value of using different tasting sheet shapes to obtain specific information could not be established. The impact of high alcohol content and product complexity on panellist performance in PM was tested and it was concluded that product complexity did influence the panellists’ performance, particularly for high alcohol products. It was also found that prior knowledge of a products’ high alcohol content influenced the panellists’ descriptive language to include more alcohol-related terms. A new panellist performance measure was developed, namely the Relative Performance Index (RPI). This measure can be used to monitor trained panellists’ performance in the PM task more effectively to thereby ensure reliable results. The outcomes of this study extended the brandy sensory evaluation toolbox. Practical measures were identified that can be used to overcome the challenges associated with the sensory evaluation of complex high alcohol products. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met ‘n alkohol inhoud van mintens 36% alkohol per volume en ‘n komplekse vlugtige chemise samestelling is brandewyn ‘n uitdagende produk om sensories te evalueer. Maatreëls moet in plek gestel word om te verhoed dat sensoriese paneellede nie uitgeput raak nie om sodoende betroubare resultate te verseker. Hoewel vinnige sensoriese toetsmetodes, soos projeksiekartering (PM) en sortering, gereeld gebruik word vir die evaluasie van vining bewegende verbruikersgoedere was dit weens die voorafgenoemde redes onduidelik of die metodes geskik sou wees vir brandewynevaluasie. Die oorhoofse doelwit van hierdie projek was om PM, ook genoem Napping®, te valideer as ‘n geskikte metode vir die sensoriese evaluering van brandewyn. Twee variasies van PM is ondersoek: oorhoofse kartering (GN) waar die produkte op grond van ‘n algehele sensoriese waarneming evalueer word, en gedeeltelike kartering (PN), waar die verskillende sensoriese waarnemingsmodaliteite afsonderlik gemeet word. In hierdie geval is voorkoms, aroma en algehele binne-mondse ervaring gemeet. Verskeie aspekte van GN en PN is ondersoek ten einde die metodes vir brandewynevaluasie te optimiseer asook lig te werp op praktiese metodologiese aspekte waaroor daar nog onsekerheid was by die aanvang van hierdie studie. Die resultate het getoon dat beide GN en PN betroubare inligting oor brandewyn kan oplewer, maar dat PN meer herhaalbaar en beter geskik is vir groter produkstelle (10 produkte). Dit is egter bevind dat die konsep van algehele binne-mondse waarneming nie doeltreffend was om mondgevoelverskille tussen produkte uit te lig nie. Smaak- en mondgevoelwaarnemings moet liefs onderskei word van binne-mondse geurwaarneming. Dis bevind dat dit voldoende is om hierdie onderskeid deur skriftelike instruksies tot die paneel te bewerkstelling en dat die gebruik van swart glase en neusknippies nie nodig was om betekenisvolle inligting oor mondgevoel te bekom nie. Na aanleiding van die swak herhaalbaarheid van GN, is sortering getoets en gevalideer as ‘n geskikte siftingsmetode wat betroubare produkkaarte van groot produkstelle (10 produkte) kan oplewer met slegs een evaluasie, teenoor GN waarvoor meer as een sessie benodig word. ‘n Onlangse hipotese stel dat die langer horisontale dimensie van reghoekige PM proekaarte gebruik kan word om meer prominente verskille tussen produkte uit te wys, terwyl proekaarte sonder verlengde asse, soos sirkels en vierkante, gebruik kan word om meer subtiele verskille uit te wys. Hierdie hipotese is bevraagteken deur reghoekige, vierkantige en ronde PM proekaarte teenoor mekaar te toets. Hoewel die resultate vanaf die verskillende proekaarte effens verskil het in terme van produk konfigurasie en die paneel se taakverrigting, kon die praktiese waarde van die gebruik van produkkaarte met verskillende vorms om spesifieke inligting te bekom nie bevestig word nie. Die impak van hoë alkohol en produkkompleksiteit op paneellede se PM taakverrigting is ondersoek. Dit is bevind dat produkkompleksiteit wel hul taakuitvoering beinvloed, en dat hierdie invloed groter is vir hoë alkohol produkte. Dit is ook gevind dat paneellede se beskrywende taalgebruik beïnvloed om meer alkoholverwante woorde in te sluit word indien hul kennis dra van ‘n produk se hoë alkohol inhoud. ‘n Nuwe vaardigheidsberaming vir die meet van paneellede se taakverrigting is ontwikkel, naamlik die Relatiewe Taakverrigtingsindeks (RTW). Dit kan gebruik word om paneellede se vaardigheid in PM meer doeltreffend te monitor en sodoende betroubare resultate te verseker. Die uitkomste van die studie het die poel beskikbare metodes vir die sensoriese evaluering van brandewyn suksesvol verbreed en praktiese maatreëls is geidentifiseer om die uitdagings van ‘n komplekse hoë alkohol produkte te oorkom.

Estudos de adsorção de di-2-piridil cetona saliciloilhidrazona (DPKSH) em resinas amberlite xad-2 e xad-7. Extração de íons cobre em fase sólida envolvendo a xad-7 modificada com DPKSH / Studies about the adsorption of di-2-pyridyl ketone salicyloylhydrazone (DPKSH) on Amberlite XAD-2 and XAD-7 resins. Extraction of ion Cu(II) using the solid phase XAD-7 modified with DPKSH

Freitas, Patricia Antonio de Menezes 10 December 2007 (has links)
Di-2-piridil cetona saliciloilhidrazona (DPKSH) é uma hidrazona que forma compostos de coordenação com diversos íons metálicos. As resinas Amberlite XAD-2 e XAD-7 são polímeros não-iônicos que podem ser usados para a pré-concentração de íons metálicos. A adsorção de DPKSH nessas matrizes poliméricas foi etudada utilizando a espectrofotometria. A quantidade de DPKSH adsorvida nessas resinas foi calculada a partir da diferença entre a concentração inicial a concentração remanescente na solução sobrenadante, após o contato com a fase sólida em diferentes intervalos de tempo. Modelos cinéticos de pseudo-primeira e pseudo-segunda ordens foram aplicados aos dados experimentais coletados no estudo cinético. Outros experimentos realizados com tempo constante, mas variando a concentração inicial de DPKSH, forneceram dados experimentais que foram aplicados a três modelos de isotermas (Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich) e alguns parâmetros termodinâmicos foram calculados para descrever a adsorção. Para a XAD-7, um estudo cinético mais completo foi realizado incluindo concentrações iniciais de DPKSH. A resina XAD-7 modificada com DPKSH foi então utilizada para estudar a retenção de íons Cu(II) usando três sistemas diferentes: (a) espectrofotometria direta; (b) uma coluna de vidro parcialmente preenchida com a resina modificada e (c) usando a técnica de análise por injeção em fluxo (FIA) com uma mini-coluna preenchida com a fase sólida. Finalmente, Cu(II) foi determinado em amostras sintéticas e comerciais de aguardente. / Di-2-pyridyl ketone salicyloylhydrazone (DPKSH) is a hydrazone which forms coordination compounds with several metallic ions. Amberlite XAD-2 and XAD-7 resins are non-ionic polymers which can be used to pre-concentrate metallic ions. Adsorption of DPKSH onto these polymeric matrices was investigated using the spectrophotometry. The amount of DPKSH adsorbed onto the resins was calculated as the difference between the initial concentration and the remained concentration in the supernatant solution, after the contact with the solid phase at different intervals of time. Kinetic models of pseudo-first and -second orders and intra-particle diffusion model were applied on experimental data collected from the kinetic study. Other experiments carried out under a constant time, but changing the initial DPKSH concentration, led to experimental data which were applied to three different isotherm models (Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich) and some thermodynamic parameters were calculated and used to describe the adsorption. For XAD-7 a more complete kinetic study was carried out including different initial concentrations of DPKSH. The resin XAD-7 modified with DPKSH was then applied to study the retention of Cu(II) ions using three differents systems: (a) direct spetrophotometry; (b) a glass column filled with the modified resin and (c) using the flow injection analysis (FIA) with a mini-column partially filled with the solid phase. Finally, Cu(II) was determined in commercial and synthesized samples of sugar cane brandy.

Manipulating the levels of ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate formation during the production of wine and brandy

Bayly, Jennifer Carr,1977- 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The production of wine is a complex process, which involves the conversion of sugar in grape must to ethanol, carbon dioxide and other byproducts. The principal organism in winemaking is yeast, of which Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the most important due to its ability to survive winemaking conditions, its GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) status and the favourable flavours it imparts during the winemaking process. However, due to the demands of the consumer and the emergence of sophisticated wine markets, a demand is developing for specialised yeast strains with enhanced and new oenological properties. For these reasons, research into the contribution of wine yeast to the aroma bouquet as well the influence of wine or brandy maturation in wood on the aroma bouquet is important for consumer demands to be met. The fruity aroma of wine is associated with esters, which are produced during the alcoholic fermentation by yeast. Important acetate esters in wine and brandy are ethyl acetate, which has a fruity, solvent-like aroma, and isoamyl acetate, which has a banana-like aroma. These esters are produced through the action of acetyltransferases (AATases), which catalyse the reaction between a higher alcohol and acyl Coenzyme A. Esters are mainly a product of alcoholic fermentation. However, their concentration changes during wood maturation and it has been found that the concentration of acetate esters can increase during the maturation period. In this study, the aim was to investigate the influence of AATase I and AATase II, which are encoded by the ATF1 and ATF2 genes respectively, on the aroma bouquet of wine and brandy. Therefore, the first objective of this study was to clone the ATF2 gene from a commercial wine yeast strain and to overexpress this gene in a commercial wine yeast strain and in a wine yeast strain that already has the A TF1 gene overexpressed. Disruption cassettes were also designed in order to disrupt the ATF1 and ATF2 genes in a commercial wine yeast strain. The resultant recombinant wine yeast strains were used for the production of wine and brandy. GC analyses and tasting trials were conducted to determine the effect of the overexpression or disruption of these genes on the aroma bouquet of wine. The results obtained indicated that there are differences in the aroma bouquet of wine and brandy when changes are made in gene expression. The results indicated that the A TF1 gene plays a large role in the production of ethyl and isoamyl acetate. When this gene was overexpressed, the level of ethyl acetate was 5.6-fold more than that of the control and the level of isoamyl acetate was 3.5-fold higher than that of the control. However, no increase in ethyl acetate or isoamyl acetate was observed when the A TF2 gene was overexpressed. An increase in 2-phenylethyl acetate and diethyl succinate was observed in brandy, although there was a decrease in total ester concentration. A decrease in acetic acid was also observed in the brandy produced, which could be an indication of ester production. Similarly, no increase in ethyl acetate or isoamyl acetate was observed in the wine or brandy produced when both the ATF1 and ATF2 genes were overexpressed in a single yeast. Once again, a marked decrease was observed in acetic acid concentration in both the wine and brandy. In conclusion, it is clear that changes in gene expression can change the aroma profile of wine or brandy. However, the role of the ATF2 gene still remains unclear and further studies are needed to clarify its role in yeast. Future studies involving the effect of wood maturation on ester concentration will also be of importance, so that the winemaker or distiller can make a product that suits the ever-changing market. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die produksie van wyn is 'n komplekse proses wat die omskakeling van die suiker in mos tot etanol, koolstofdioksied en ander byprodukte tot gevolg het. Die hooforganisme betrokke in die wynmaakproses is gis, waarvan Saccharomyces cerevisiae as een van die belangrikste geag word as gevolg van die vermoë daarvan om onder die wynfermentasietoestande te kan oorleef, die "GRAS"-status (Generally Regarded As Safe) daarvan en die invloed wat dit op die aroma van die uiteindelike produk het weens die werking daarvan gedurende alkoholiese fermentasie. Die behoefte aan wyn met nuwe, verbeterde eienskappe het die vraag na meer gespesialiseerde gisrasse deur beide die verbruiker en nuwe wynmarkte gedurende die afgelope paar jaar drasties laat toeneem. Dit is om dié redes dat navorsing oor die bydrae van wyngis en houtveroudering tot die aroma van beide wyn en brandewyn so belangrik geag word. Die vrugtige aroma van wyn word geassosieer met die esters wat gedurende die alkoholiese fermentasie deur gis gevorm word. Die belangrikste asetaatesters in wyn en brandewyn is etielasetaat, wat vir 'n oplosmiddelagtige, vrugtige aroma bekend is, en isoamielasetaat, wat 'n piesangaroma veroorsaak. Die esters word geproduseer deur die werking van asetieltransferases (AATases), wat as katalis in die reaksie tussen 'n hoër alkohol en asetiel-Ko-ensiem A optree. Alhoewel esters hoofsaaklik 'n produk van alkoholiese fermentasie is, wissel die konsentrasie daarvan gedurende houtveroudering. Daar is gevind dat die konsentrasie van die asetaatesters gedurende die verouderingsproses kan verhoog. Die studie het ten doelom die invloed van AATase I en AATase II, wat onderskeidelik deur die ATF1- en ATF2-gene geënkodeer word, op die aroma van wyn en brandewyn te ondersoek. Die eerste doelwit van die studie was vervolgens om die ATF2-geen vanaf 'n kommersiële wyngisras te kloneer en dit daarna te ooruitdruk in 'n kommersiële wyngisras, asook die geen te ooruitdruk in 'n kommersiële wyngisras wat reeds die ATF1-geen ooruitdruk. Disrupsiekassette is ook vir die disrupsie van die ATF1- en ATF2-gene in 'n kommersiële wyngisras ontwerp. Die rekombinante wyngisrasse wat gedurnde die studie gemaak is, is vir die produksie van wyn en brandewyn gebruik. Gas chromatografise-ontledings en sensoriese evaluerings is ook op die wyn en brandewyn uitgevoer. Die resultate van die studie het bewys dat daar wel veranderings plaasvind wanneer 'n verandering in geenuitdrukking gemaak is. Die resultate het weereens bevestig dat die ATF1-geen 'n belangrike rol in die produksie van etiel- en isoamielasetaat speel. Wanneer die ATF1-geen ooruitgedruk is, is die etielasetaatproduksie 5.6 keer meer en die isoamielasetaatproduksie 3.5 keer meer as in die kontrole. Die ooruitdrukking van die ATF2-geen het geen verhoging in etielasetaat of isoamielasetaat of in totale esters in die wyn getoon nie, alhoewel die ras 2.7 keer meer diëtielsuksinaat geproduseer het. In die brandewyn wat geproduseer is met die gisras waarin ATF2 ooruitgedruk is, was daar wel 'n verlaging in die asynsuur, wat 'n aanduiding van estervorming kan wees, alhoewel die totale esters wat geproduseer is minder was as in die kontrole. 'n Verhoging in diëtielsuksinaat en 2-fenielasetaat is ook gevind. Daar is geen verhoging in etiel- of isoamielasetaat getoon wanneer die ATF1- en ATF2-geen saam ooruitgedruk is nie. Die ras het minder totale sure in wyn en brandewyn geproduseer en ook geen verhoging in totale esters getoon nie. Uit die resultate is dit duidelik dat veranderings in geenuitdrukking 'n verandering in die aromaprofiel van wyn en brandewyn kan veroorsaak. Die rol van dié A TF2-geen is nog steeds onduidelik en verdere studies sal moet plaasvind om die rol van die geen te verduidelik. Studies wat konsentreer op die invloed van houtveroudering op esterkonsentrasie is ook belangrik vir die toekoms, want dit sal die wyn- of brandewynmaker meer beheer oor die uiteindelike produk gee en daardeur die wyn- of brandewynmaker help om 'n produk te vervaardig wat sy mark bevredig.

The deletion and overexpression of two esterase genes, IAH1 and TIP1, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to determine their effects on the aroma and flavour of wine and brandy

Hignett, Jason Satch 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: No single chemical constituent can be accredited with giving wine and brandy their overall aroma and flavour. The aroma and flavour of wine and brandy are rather attributed to a number of chemical constituents reacting together and it is these reactions that give the beverage its character. Certain chemicals within wine and brandy do, however, make larger contributions to the flavour. These include the esters, terpenes and volatile acids, although others also exist. Esters are a large group of volatile compounds with variable aroma and flavour characteristics, including banana-like (isoamyl acetate), apple-like (ethyl caproate) and chemical/solvent-like (ethyl acetate). Esters are produced as secondary metabolites during the conversion of sugar to ethanol and are formed when an alcohol binds with a fatty acid. Chemically, ester metabolism is well documented and understood; however, much work still needs to be done on a genetic level. The yeast strain used during fermentation is one of the most important factors contributing to the type and quantity of esters produced. This is due to differences in genetic makeup. The metabolism of esters is controlled largely on a genetic level, with numerous genes being involved. The alcohol acetyltransferase genes are involved in ester anabolism, whilst esterase genes are involved in ester catabolism. Esterases have a negative effect on the overall level of esters within an alcoholic beverage, as they are capable of reducing the number of esters and are thus capable of altering the beverage's aroma and flavour profile. The IAH1 and the TIP1 gene products are believed to encode for two such esterases. The objective of this study was to investigate the contribution of the IAH1 and TIP1 genes to the level of esters in both wine and brandy. This was accomplished by using two approaches. Firstly, the above genes were disrupted using a polymerise chain reaction (PCR)-generated disruption cassette homologous to either the IAH1 or the TIP1 gene. These cassettes were integrated into the industrial wine yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain VIN13. The integrations were verified by Southern blot analysis to produce yeasts VIN13-~IAH1 and VIN13-~TIP1; however, only a single copy of each was disrupted. Secondly, the IAH1 and the TIP1 genes were cloned from S. cerevisiae using PCR into plasmid pj between the phosphoglycerate kinase gene (PGK1) promoter and terminator, producing plasmids pJ-IOE1 and pJ-TOE1. The PGK1 promoter has previously been shown to constitutively express genes at high levels. These new constructs were then used as template for PCR to produce two overexpression cassettes, one for IAH1 and the other for TlP1. These cassettes were integrated into S. cerevisiae VIN13 and verified by Southern blot analysis to produce strains VIN13-IOE1 and VIN13-TOE1. The above yeast strains including VIN13 were used for the production of wines and base wines from Colombard must. Reverse-transcriptase (RT-PCR) confirmed that the VIN13-IOE1 and VIN13-TOE1 strains overexpressed the appropriate gene at a higher level than the control VIN13 strain. The VIN13-AIAH1 disrupted strain showed no difference in expression level to that of the control strain, whilst VIN13-ATIP1 showed lower levels of expression than that of the control strain. VIN13-IOE1 behaved as expected, with a decrease of between 30% and 60% in the total ester level in the wine and base wine respectively, a 30% decrease in the total acid level and no change in the higher alcohol level. The VIN13-AIAH1 strain showed no difference to the control wine, most likely as this strain still expressed the IAH1 gene at levels consistent with the control strain. VIN13-TOE1 behaved in an unexpected manner - instead of hydrolysing esters, it appeared to produce them. This increase in the total ester level was most noticeable during distillation, when a 20% increase took place. Another unexpected occurrence was a large decline in the total acid level, with acetic acid being the most significant contributor, decreasing by up to 78%. This is a very favourable finding, as acetic acid is a known spoilage molecule and is a cause of sluggish/stuck fermentations. VIN13-ATIP1 behaved in an opposite manner to VIN13-TOE1, with higher total acid levels and slightly decreased total ester levels, especially during distillation. Neither affected the total higher alcohol levels. Sensorially, the only significant difference in the wine samples was for the fruity flavour. A panel of judges distinguished that VIN13-TOE1 was fruitier than the other wines, with VIN13-ATIP1 being the least fruity. This study again proves the significant impact that a single gene can have on the chemical makeup of wine and brandy. The relatively simple genetic alteration of an organism can drastically change and improve not only the organoleptic properties of the organism, but its viability as well. These alterations can produce more favourable organisms with more desirable characteristics for the fermenting beverage industry to produce products of higher quality and better suitability. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen chemiese komponent kan uitgesonderword as die produseerder van aroma en geur in wyn of brandewyn nie. Die aroma en geur van wyn en brandewyn word eerder toegeskryf aan die interaksie tussen 'n groot aantal chemiese komponente om aan die drank sy karakter te gee. Enkele van hierdie chemiese komponente sluit in esters, terpene en vlugtige sure, om maar 'n paar te noem. Esters is "n groot groep van vlugtige verbindings wat beskik oor 'n verskeidenheid van aroma- en geurkenmerke, soos piesangagtig (isoamielasetaat), appelagtig (etielkaproaat) en chemies/oplosmiddelagtig (etielasetaat). Esters word as sekondêre metaboliete geproduseer wanneer suikers na etanolomgeskakel word en word gevorm wanneer "n alkohol met "n vetsuur verbind. Estermetabolisme is chemies goed beskryf en verstaan, maar op "n genetiese vlak is daar nog heelwat aspekte wat nagevors moet word. Die gisras betrokke gedurende fermentasie word beskou as een van die grootse bydraes tot die tipe en die hoeveelheid esters wat geproduseer word. Dit word toegeskryf aan verskille in die genetiese saamestelling van die gisras. Ester metabolisme word grootliks deur genetiese faktore beheer en verskeie gene is betrokke. Dit is hoofsaaklik die alkoholasetieltransferasegene wat vir esterkatabolisme verantwoordelik is, terwyl die esterasegene vir esteranabolisme verantwoordelik is. Esterases het 'n negatiewe effek op die totale estervlak binne alkoholiese dranke deurdat hulle in staat is om die aantal esters drasties te verminder en sodoende die drank se aroma- en geurprofiel te verander. Daar is voorgestel dat die IAH1- en die TlP1-geen produkte is wat vir twee sulke esterases kodeer. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die IAH1- en die TIP1-gene se bydrae tot die totale estervlak in wyn en brandewyn te ondersoek. Dit is deur twee benaderings uitgevoer. Eerstens is die bogenoemde gene d.m.V. disrupsiekassette wat homoloog aan die IAH1- of die TlP1-gene was, uitgeslaan. Die disrupsiekassette is deur die polimerasekettingreaksie (PKR) geproduseer. Hierdie kassette is in die industriële wyngis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae VIN13, geïntegreer. Die integrasies is deur Southernkladanalise bevestig en het die giste VIN13-~IAH1 en VIN13-~TIP1 gelewer. Net 'n enkele kopie van elke geen is egter uitgeslaan. Tweedens is die IAH1- en TIP1-gene d.m.V. PKR vanaf S. cerevisiae binne in plasmied pJ gekloneer, tussen die fosfogliseraatkinasegeen (PGK1) se promotor en termineerder, om plasmiede pJ-IOE1 en pJ-TOE1 te produseer. Die PGK1-promotor is al tevore geïdentifiseer as "n hoë-vlak konstitutiewe uitdrukker van gene. Hierdie twee nuwe konstrukte het vervolgens gedien as templaat vir PKR om twee ooruitdrukkingskassette, een vir IAH1 en die ander vir TIP1, te produseer. Hierdie kassette is in S. cerevisiae VIN13 geïntegreer en bevestig deur Southernkladanalise. Hierdie integrasies het die giste VIN13-IOE1 en VIN13-TOE1 geproduseer. All die nuwe gisrasse, tesame met VIN13, is gebruik vir die produksie van wyne sowel as rebatwyne vanaf Colombard-mos. Omgekeerde-transkriptase polimerasekettingreaksie (OT-PKR) het bewys dat die VIN13-IOE1 en VIN13-TOE1 rasse die geskikte geen ooruitgedruk het, met hoêr vlakke as van die kontrole VIN13-ras. Dit het ook aangedui dat die VIN13-i\IAH1-ras, waarvan die geen uitgeslaan was, geen verskil in uitdrukking gehad het in vergelyking met die kontroleras nie, terwyl VIN13-i\TIP1 'n lae uitdrukkingsvlak getoon het. VIN13-IOE1 het teen verwagting opgetree, met 'n afname van tussen 30% en 60% in die totale estervlak in beide die wyne en rebatwyne. 'n Afname van 30% in die totale suurvlak, asook geen waarneembare verskil in die hoêr alkoholvlak, in vergelyking met die kontroleras, is ook opgemerk. Die VIN13-i\IAH1-ras het glad nie van die kontroleras verskil nie, heel waarskynlik omdat hierdie ras die IAH1-geen teen dieselfde vlak as die kontroleras kon uitdruk. Die VIN13-TOE1-ras het teen verwagting opgetree deurdat dit esters geproduseer het i.p.v. om esters te hidroliseer. Hierdie toename in die totale estervlak is die meeste waarneembaar tydens distillasie, met tot 'n 20% toename. Nog 'n onverwagte effek was die groot afname in die totale suurvlak. met asynsuur wat die betekenisvolste bydrae gelewer het deurdat dit 'n afname van tot 78% getoon het. Hierdie bevinding is baie voordelig, aangesien asynsuur, 'n bekende bederfmolekuul, veral vir slepende/gestaakte fermentasies verantwoordelik is. VIN13-i\TIP1 het op die teenoorgestelde wyse opgetree as VIN13-TOE1, met 'n hoêr totale suurvlak en 'n klein afname in die totale estervlak. Weereens is dit meer gedurende distillasie waargeneem. Beide rasse het egter geen effek op die hoêr alkoholvlak gehad nie. Die proepaneel het, met betrekking tot die vrugtige geur, een betekenisvolle geurverskil tussen die wyne gevind. VIN13-TOE1 was meer vrugtig as al die ander wyne en VIN13-i\TIP1 was die minste vrugtig. Die studie het weereens bewys dat 'n enkele geen 'n betekenisvolle effek op die chemiese samestelling van wyn en brandewyn kan hê. Die relatief eenvoudige genetiese verandering van 'n organisme kan die organoleptiese eienskappe asook die lewensvatbaarheid van "n organisme, drasties verander en verbeter.

The role of lactic acid bacteria in brandy production

Du Plessis, Heinrich Wilbur,1975- 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The presence and growth of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in wine and their influence on wine quality has received much attention in recent years. Lactic acid bacteria are responsible for conducting malolactic fermentation (MLF) in wine. The benefits associated with malolactic fermentation in terms of deacidification of wine and the contribution to wine flavour and complexity have also recently been the topic of research. It is impossible to describe malolactic fermentation as distinctly desirable or undesirable in terms of its influence on the final quality of wine. The benefits and disadvantages are dependent upon viticultural region, grape variety, wine composition, winemaking techniques and the style and objectives of the winemaker. Brandy production is a multi-stage process in which base wine production, distillation technique and wood maturation all have a large influence on the final chemical profile and organoleptic quality of the brandy. The volatile composition of the base wine, which basically undergoes a concentration process during the subsequent double distillation phase, is critical in determining the aroma and flavour quality of the final brandy product. Thus, the brandy is only as good as the base wine it is distilled from. The aims of this study were to determine the effect of lactic acid bacteria and spontaneous malolactic fermentation on the quality of brandy base wine and the resulting distillate, and to determine which LAB species had been responsible for the occurrence of spontaneous MLF. This study showed that LAB are present at high numbers and are able to conduct spontaneous MLF of brandy base wines. It was shown that the incidence of spontaneous MLF varied from year to year. In 1998, 50% of the commercially produced base wines had undergone partial MLF prior to distillation. In 1999 and 2000 respectively, 34% and 45% of the commercial base wines had undergone partial MLF prior to distillation. The occurrence of spontaneous MLF had an influence on the chemical composition and the sensory quality of the base wine and distillate. There was an increase in the concentrations of ethyl lactate, acetic acid and diethyl succinate in samples that had undergone MLF. There was also a decrease in the concentrations of esters, such as iso-amyl acetate, ethyl acetate, ethyl caproate, hexyl acetate and 2-phenethyl acetate in these same samples. Sensory evaluation of the base wines and distillates demonstrated that samples that had undergone MLF differed significantly from samples that had not undergone MLF. It was also shown that distillates that had not undergone MLF had a slightly better aroma profile than those that had. Sweet aromas, like chocolate and caramel, as well as negative aromas, like chemical or solvent, were more prominent in brandy distillates that had undergone MLF. Herbaceous and fruity aromas were more intense in distillates not having undergone MLF. Fifty-four strains, all Gram-positive and catalase negative, were isolated at different stages of brandy production. Seven strains were isolated from the grape juice, 15 strains were isolated from the base wine, 20 strains were isolated during MLF and 12 strains were isolated from the base wine after MLF had been completed. Based on C02 production from glucose and gluconate, 17 strains were classified as facultatively heterofermentative and 37 strains as obligately heterofermentative. Fifteen of the 37 obligately heterofermentative strains were rod-shaped and were regarded as lactobacilli. The remaining 22 strains were oval or cocci-bacilli shaped. The isolates were identified to species level by using numerical analysis of the total soluble cell protein patterns, 16S rRNAsequencing and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with species-specific primers. The facultative heterofermentative lactobacilli were identified as Lactobacillus paracasei and Lactobacillus p/antarum. The fifteen obligately heterofermentative lactobacilli were identified as members of the species Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus verrniforme, Lactobacillus buchneri and Lactobacillus hi/gardii. The 22 obligate heterofermentative isolates, with a coccoid morphology, could be grouped into two clusters and were identified as Oenococcus oeni. O. oeni was the species responsible for the occurrence of spontaneous MLF in most of the commercial base wines. Lb. brevis, Lb. hi/gardii and Lb. paracasei were also isolated from commercial base wines that had undergone spontaneous MLF. In nine out of 14 experimental base wine samples that had undergone spontaneous MLF, O. oeni was again the predominant species. Lb. brevis, Lb. hi/gardii and Lb. paracasei were identified in the remaining experimental base wine samples. This is the first report of the presence of Lb. perecese! and Lb. vermiforme in brandy base wine. It was shown that the occurrence of spontaneous MLF had a negative effect on the quality of brandy base wine, but that was shown to be due to the different species and strains performing MLF. In the non-preferred distillate samples, Lactobacillus spp. had performed MLF or had developed after or during MLF. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die teenwoordigheid en die vermoë van melksuurbakterieë (MSB) om in wyn te groei, is 'n onderwerp wat al heelwat nagevors is. Melksuurbakterieë is verantwoordelik vir die uitvoering van appelmelksuurgisting (AMG) in wyn. Die voordele verbonde aan appelmelksuurgisting, ten opsigte van die verlaging van die totale suurinhoud en die bydrae tot die verbeterde geur en kompleksiteit van die wyn, is ook al goed bestudeer. Wat die invloed op die finale wynkwaliteit betref, is dit byna onmoontlik om AMG as uitsluitlik gewens óf ongewens te beskou. Die voordele en nadele van AMG is afhanklik van verskeie faktore, nl. wingerdkundige streek, druifkultivar, wynsamestelling, wynmaakpraktyke, asook die styl en doelwitte van die wynmaker. Die produksie van brandewyn is 'n multistapproses waarin die bereidingsmetode van die basiswyn, die distillasietegniek en houtveroudering 'n groot invloed op die finale kwaliteit en chemiese samestelling van die brandewyn het. Die vlugtige verbindings van die basiswyn, wat tydens die dubbele distillasieproses gekonsentreer word, is van wesenlike belang in die bepaling van die aroma en geur van die finale brandewynproduk. Brandewyn is dus inderdaad net so goed soos die basiswyn waarvan dit gestook is. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was om te bepaal wat die invloed van MSB en die voorkoms van spontane AMG op die kwaliteit van die basiswyn en die distillaat is, asook om die MSB wat vir die voorkoms van spontane AMG verantwoordelik was, te identifiseer. Hierdie studie het bewys dat MSB in hoë getalle teenwoordig was en dat dit in staat is om die spontane AMG van basiswyne uit te voer. Daar is bewys dat die voorkoms van spontaneAMG moontlik van jaar tot jaar kan verskil. In 1998 het 50%, in 1999 het 34% en in 2000 45% van die kommersieel-geproduseerde basiswyn gedeeltelike AMG spontaan voor distillasie ondergaan. Daar is ook gevind dat spontane AMG 'n invloed op die chemiese samestelling en sensoriese kwaliteit van die basiswyn en die distillaat gehad het. Daar was 'n toename in die konsentrasies van etiellaktaat, asynsuur en diëtielsuksinaat in monsters wat spontane AMG ondergaan het. In dieselfde monsters was daar ook 'n afname in die konsentrasies van iso-amielasetaat, etielasetaat, etielkaproaat, heksielasetaat en 2-fenielasetaat. Sensoriese evaluering van die basiswyne en distillate het getoon dat daar betekenisvolle verskille was tussen die monsters wat AMG ondergaan het en dié wat nie AMG ondergaan het nie. Daar is bewys dat die distillate wat nie AMG ondergaan het nie, 'n beter aromaprofiel gehad het as dié wat AMG ondergaan het. Soet geure, soos sjokolade en karamel, en negatiewe geure, soos "chemies" en "oplosmiddel", was prominent in distillate wat AMG ondergaan het. Kruidagtige en vrugtige geure was meer intensief in distillate wat nie AMG ondergaan het nie. Vier-en-vyftig bakteriese rasse, almal Gram-positief en katalase-negatief, is gedurende die verskillende stadia van brandewynproduksie geïsoleer. Sewe rasse is uit druiwesap, 15 rasse gedurende die alkoholiese fermentasie, 20 rasse gedurende AMG en 12 rasse na voltooiing van AMG geïsoleer. Op die basis van koolstofdioksied (C02)-produksie vanaf glukose en glukonaat is 17 rasse as fakultatief heterofermentatief en 37 rasse as obligaat heterofermentatief geklassifiseer. Vyftien van die 37 obligaat-heterofermentatiewe rasse was staafvormig en is as lactobacilli geïdentifiseer. Die oorblywende 22 het ovaal of kokkus-bacillusvormige selmorfologie getoon. Identifikasie tot op spesievlak is gedoen deur van numeriese analise van die totale oplosbare selproteïenprofiele, 16S-rRNAvolgordebepalings en spesie-spesifieke inleiers vir die polimerasekettingreaksie (PKR) gebruik te maak. Die fakultatief-heterofermentatiewe rasse is as Lactobacillus paracasei en Lactobacillus p/antarum geklassifiseer. Die 15 obligaat heterofermentatiewe stafies is as Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus buchneri, Lactobacillus hi/gardii en Lactobacillus vermiforme geïdentifiseer. Die 22 ovaal, obligaat heterofermentatiewe isolate kon in twee groepe ingedeel word en is as Oenococcus oeni geïdentifiseer. Daar is bevind dat O. oeni-isolate vir die voorkoms van spontane AMG in die meeste van die kommersiêle basiswyne verantwoordelik was. Lb. brevis, Lb. hi/gardii en Lb. paracasei is ook uit kommersiêle basiswyne wat spontane AMG ondergaan het, geïsoleer. In nege uit 14 van die eksperimentele basiswyne wat spontane AMG ondergaan het, was O. oeni die dominante spesie. In die oorblywende eksperimentele wyne is Lb. brevis, Lb. hi/gardii en Lb. paracasei aangetref. Hierdie is die eerste vermelding van die teenwoordigheid van Lb. paracasei and Lb. vermiforrne in brandewynbasiswyn. Daar is gevind dat die voorkoms van spontane AMG "n negatiewe invloed op brandewynkwaliteit het, maar dit is as gevolg van die verskeidenheid van MSB-spesies en rasse wat voorkom. In die distillate wat deur die proepaneel afgekeur is, het Lactobacillus spesies die AMG deurgevoer, of het dit tydens of na AMG ontwikkel.

Tratamento de caldo e tipos de fermentos sobre os componentes secundários e qualidade da cachaça de alambique / The treatment of the juice and types of yeast on the secondary components and quality of the alembic cachaça

Garcia, Graciany [UNESP] 07 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by gracianygarciamestra@gmail.com (gracianygarciamestra@gmail.com) on 2016-04-04T18:37:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Graciany_Garcia.pdf: 921895 bytes, checksum: bd45dc3e7ee4305b8a89c5ad98fe0101 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-04-06T16:46:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 garcia_g_me_jabo.pdf: 921895 bytes, checksum: bd45dc3e7ee4305b8a89c5ad98fe0101 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-06T16:46:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 garcia_g_me_jabo.pdf: 921895 bytes, checksum: bd45dc3e7ee4305b8a89c5ad98fe0101 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-07 / Cachaça is the second most widely consumed alcoholic beverage in Brazil, obtained by distillation of sugarcane wine, having its quality affected by the raw material, fermentation conditions and productive process. With the growing demand of the consumer market for quality cachaça, the search for the improvement in relation to the progress of the technical-scientific knowledge has been intensified. The physical chemical treatment of the juice is a technology that qualifies the beverage. This study aimed is to evaluate the performance of two types of yeast (selected CA-11 and the pressed) and the influence of the physical-chemical treatment of sugarcane juice on the secondary compounds and the interference of the same in the quality of the beverage. The experiment was carried out in 2014/2015, using a variety of SP83-2847 cane grown in Pitangueiras-SP region. The trial design was done in blocks with 9 repetitions, 3 cycles with 3 repetitions, where the primary treatment was the clarified juice and not clarified and secondary the two types of yeast. It has assessed the viability of the cells and shoots and the index of budding along the fermentation. In the wine was determined the total acidity, pH, ARRT, alcoholic content, glycerol, efficiency fermentative and mineral composition. In distillates was analyzed total aldehydes, volatile acidity, total esters, methanol, acrolein, ethyl carbamate, furfuraldehyde and hydroxymethylfurfural, higher alcohols, alcohol sec. butyl and n-butanol, all determined by GC and HPLC. The use of CA-11 yeast combined with the juice treatment process, has indicated highest cell viability index and lower alcohol concentrations and congeners coefficient higher in relation to others. All results were lower than the limits allowed by Brazilian law. The results obtained suggest that the use of selected strains with the prior treatment of the juice enables better performance of the fermenting yeasts, resulting in distillate with appropriate physico-chemical standards and with quality. / A cachaça é a segunda bebida alcoólica mais consumida no Brasil, obtida pela destilação do vinho de cana-de-açúcar, tendo sua qualidade afetada pela matéria-prima, condições da fermentação e processo produtivo. Com a crescente exigência do mercado consumidor por cachaça de qualidade, intensificou-se a busca pelo aprimoramento em relação ao avanço do conhecimento técnico-científico. O tratamento físico químico do caldo é uma tecnologia que pode qualificar a bebida. Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho de dois tipos de fermento (selecionado CA-11 e o prensado) e a influência do tratamento físico-químico do caldo de cana sobre os compostos secundários e a interferência dos mesmos na qualidade da bebida. O experimento foi realizado na safra 2014/2015, utilizando a variedade de cana SP83- 2847 cultivada na região de Pitangueiras-SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi feito em blocos com 9 repetições, sendo 3 ciclos com 3 repetições, onde o tratamento primário foi o caldo clarificado e não clarificado e o secundário os dois tipos de fermento. Avaliou-se a viabilidade das células e de brotos e o índice de brotamentos ao longo da fermentação. No vinho determinou-se acidez total, pH, ARRT, teor alcoólico, glicerol, eficiência fermentativa e composição mineral. Nos destilados foram analisados aldeídos totais, acidez volátil, ésteres totais, metanol, acroleína, carbamato de etila, furfural e hidroximetilfurfural, álcoois superiores, álcool sec. butílico e n-butanol, todos determinados por cromatografia gasosa e HPLC. O emprego do fermento CA-11 aliado ao processo de tratamento do caldo indicaram maior índice de viabilidade celular e menores concentrações de álcoois superiores e coeficiente de congêneres em relação aos demais. Todos os resultados foram abaixo dos limites permitidos pela legislação brasileira. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a utilização de cepas selecionadas com o prévio tratamento do caldo possibilita melhor desempenho das leveduras fermentadoras, resultando em destilados com padrões físico-químicos adequados e de qualidade.

Estudos de adsorção de di-2-piridil cetona saliciloilhidrazona (DPKSH) em resinas amberlite xad-2 e xad-7. Extração de íons cobre em fase sólida envolvendo a xad-7 modificada com DPKSH / Studies about the adsorption of di-2-pyridyl ketone salicyloylhydrazone (DPKSH) on Amberlite XAD-2 and XAD-7 resins. Extraction of ion Cu(II) using the solid phase XAD-7 modified with DPKSH

Patricia Antonio de Menezes Freitas 10 December 2007 (has links)
Di-2-piridil cetona saliciloilhidrazona (DPKSH) é uma hidrazona que forma compostos de coordenação com diversos íons metálicos. As resinas Amberlite XAD-2 e XAD-7 são polímeros não-iônicos que podem ser usados para a pré-concentração de íons metálicos. A adsorção de DPKSH nessas matrizes poliméricas foi etudada utilizando a espectrofotometria. A quantidade de DPKSH adsorvida nessas resinas foi calculada a partir da diferença entre a concentração inicial a concentração remanescente na solução sobrenadante, após o contato com a fase sólida em diferentes intervalos de tempo. Modelos cinéticos de pseudo-primeira e pseudo-segunda ordens foram aplicados aos dados experimentais coletados no estudo cinético. Outros experimentos realizados com tempo constante, mas variando a concentração inicial de DPKSH, forneceram dados experimentais que foram aplicados a três modelos de isotermas (Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich) e alguns parâmetros termodinâmicos foram calculados para descrever a adsorção. Para a XAD-7, um estudo cinético mais completo foi realizado incluindo concentrações iniciais de DPKSH. A resina XAD-7 modificada com DPKSH foi então utilizada para estudar a retenção de íons Cu(II) usando três sistemas diferentes: (a) espectrofotometria direta; (b) uma coluna de vidro parcialmente preenchida com a resina modificada e (c) usando a técnica de análise por injeção em fluxo (FIA) com uma mini-coluna preenchida com a fase sólida. Finalmente, Cu(II) foi determinado em amostras sintéticas e comerciais de aguardente. / Di-2-pyridyl ketone salicyloylhydrazone (DPKSH) is a hydrazone which forms coordination compounds with several metallic ions. Amberlite XAD-2 and XAD-7 resins are non-ionic polymers which can be used to pre-concentrate metallic ions. Adsorption of DPKSH onto these polymeric matrices was investigated using the spectrophotometry. The amount of DPKSH adsorbed onto the resins was calculated as the difference between the initial concentration and the remained concentration in the supernatant solution, after the contact with the solid phase at different intervals of time. Kinetic models of pseudo-first and -second orders and intra-particle diffusion model were applied on experimental data collected from the kinetic study. Other experiments carried out under a constant time, but changing the initial DPKSH concentration, led to experimental data which were applied to three different isotherm models (Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich) and some thermodynamic parameters were calculated and used to describe the adsorption. For XAD-7 a more complete kinetic study was carried out including different initial concentrations of DPKSH. The resin XAD-7 modified with DPKSH was then applied to study the retention of Cu(II) ions using three differents systems: (a) direct spetrophotometry; (b) a glass column filled with the modified resin and (c) using the flow injection analysis (FIA) with a mini-column partially filled with the solid phase. Finally, Cu(II) was determined in commercial and synthesized samples of sugar cane brandy.

Viabilidade econômica dos créditos de CO2 da cana-de-açúcar na produção de aguardente artesanal / Economic viability of sugarcane CO2 credits in the production of craftwork brandy

Alves, Lázaro Quintino 17 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-02T13:54:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LazaroQuintinoAlves-Dissertacao.pdf: 282398 bytes, checksum: 6c06233155f4edef4588242b671b2afa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-17 / One of the greatest challenges of humankind is sustainable production with clean development mechanisms (CDM) in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and provide a better world to future generations. In this context, sugarcane brandy production should be considered an agroindustrial complex which is capable of contributing to carbon sequestration. As a traditional activity in Brazil, it also generates jobs and wealth. The purpose of this research was to economically evaluate the potentialities of carbon emission and sequestration balance of sugarcane in brandy production, and verify whether the sale of carbon credits could provide additional income and increase the gross revenue in each harvest. An attempt was made to understand the history of sugarcane, a primary source of brandy, and it was found that its history is mixed with Brazil s own history, even today. We studied aspects of carbon balance, economical aspects, and the amount of trading of carbon and brandy, from April to October 2008, to assess the economic viability of sugarcane carbon sequestration and brandy. To determine the carbon sequestration balance in the sugarcane brandy agribusiness a survey was made of all the carbon sequestered by the sugarcane plantation, and also of the carbon emission during all the stages of the productive process. All this survey was based on data obtained from scientific papers. Carbon trading can be done at BM&F (Futures and Commodities Exchange) or directly by the companies that to lower their pollution levels. It is understood that the best way for small producers to engage in carbon trading is through a cooperative of CO2 trading. Alongside with the search for production of clean energy, the correctly managed sugarcane cultivation can contribute to agriculture sustainability as both a great carbon sequesterer and an additional source of income for brandy producers. / Atualmente, um dos maiores desafios da humanidade é produzir, de maneira sustentável, a partir de mecanismos de desenvolvimento limpo (MDL), reduzindo as emissões dos gases do efeito estufa (GEE) e proporcionando um mundo melhor às gerações futuras. Neste contexto, a produção de aguardente é um segmento produtivo que deve ser considerado como complexo agroindustrial com possibilidades de contribuir para o sequestro de carbono, sendo, ainda, atividade tradicional no Brasil, geradora de emprego e renda. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar economicamente as potencialidades do balanço de emissão e sequestro de carbono da cana-de-açúcar utilizada no fabrico de aguardente, para verificar se a venda dos créditos de carbono pode proporcionar rendimentos extras e aumentar a receita bruta da propriedade a cada safra. Como fonte primaria da aguardente, procurou-se compreender a história da cana-de-açúcar, que se confunde com a própria história do Brasil até os dias atuais. Procurou-se estudar os aspectos do balanço de carbono e os aspectos econômicos a montante do macrossegmento da comercialização do carbono e da aguardente, no período de abril a outubro de 2008, para verificar a viabilidade econômica do sequestro de carbono e da aguardente procedentes da cana-de-açúcar. Para apurar o saldo do sequestro de carbono no agronegócio da aguardente foi realizado um levantamento de todo o carbono sequestrado pela lavoura canavieira, bem como as emissões de carbono durante todas as etapas do processo produtivo. Todo este levantamento foi estimado a partir de dados retirados de artigos publicados em revistas científicas especializadas. A comercialização de carbono pode ser através da BM&F ou diretamente com as empresas que desejam baixar o seu nível de poluição. Percebe-se que a melhor maneira de realizar a transação do carbono pelos pequenos produtores é através de uma cooperativa que tenha como objetivo a comercialização do CO2. Paralelamente à corrida pela produção de energia limpa, o cultivo da cana-de-açúcar, manejado corretamente pode contribuir para a sustentabilidade da agricultura como grande sequestradora de carbono e como fonte extra de rendimentos dos produtores de aguardente.

Future applications of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in the South African brandy and distillation industry

De Bruyn, Natasha 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc )--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study shows the potential of near infrared spectroscopy for both qualitative and quantitative analyses of wine and brandy in the distilling industry. Wines intended for further processing by the distillation industry have to meet certain specifications to ensure an efficient and cost-effective distilling process with a suitable product yield. Certain compounds have, therefore, been recognised as significant quality parameters and through their regulation, a product of consistent quality can be ensured. These quality parameters include alcohol, total acid, volatile acid, total sulphur dioxide, total phenolics, reducing sugars and acetaldehyde concentrations and pH. The effective control of all these compounds in the wines prior to distillation, is critical to maintain the feasibility and efficiency of the process. Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIRS) can be used as a rapid and accurate analytical method for the determination of alcohol concentrations in distilling and brandy base wine. The choice of path length for the liquid sampling cell is an important consideration. In this study, alcohol with its strong absorption of OH bands in the near infrared region was not significantly affected, but difference in path length showed a significant influence on the prediction of the volatile acid concentration in distilling wine. Very strong correlations were found between the spectral data and the alcohol concentration data in distilling wine (r = 0.99, SEP = 0.18% v/v, RER =30) and brandy base wine (r = 0.92, SEP = 0.18% v/v, RER = 11.1). Good predictions were obtained for the volatile acid content of brandy base wine (r = 0.85, SEP = 0.04 g.L-1 ) but better accuracy could be obtained by incorporating a wider concentration range and more sensitive, although not the accepted reference methods, such as HPLC and GC, into the modelling. In contrast to the brandy base wine, the much cruder, turbid distilling wine (r = 0.67, SEP = 0.33 g.L-1 ) yielded poor calibration results for volatile acid. FT-NIRS can also be used as a rapid screening method to measure the total acid content, pH and total phenol levels in brandy base wine samples. Satisfactory predictions were obtained for the total acid content (r = 0.89, SECV = 0.38 g.L-1 ), pH (r = 0.84, SEP = 0.09) and total phenol levels (r = 0.71, SEP = 16.4 mq.L" GAE). The SEP of all the parameters compared well with the SEL and were within acceptable limits. The range of the concentration measurements were, however, very narrow and the accuracy of these models (measured as the ratio of the range to the standard error of prediction) were all below 10, indicating that modelling of these parameters in brandy base wine should be attempted with reference values covering a wider range. Poor correlations and predictions were obtained between the wine spectral data and the acetaldehyde (r = 0.39 , SECV =1.45 rnq.L"), residual sugar (r = 0.58, SECV =0.49 mq.L" ) and total sulphur dioxide (r = 0.35, SEP = 10.9 mq.L" ) concentration data. The unique character of potstill distillates, originating from the grape cultivar, type and age of the oak casks, lends itself to the development and blending of different brandies. The process of blending and correcting the brandy is necessary to obtain a product and brand of established and recognised character. The brandy is generally divided into different classes prior to blending based on the degree of "smoothness" or "hardness" of the matured distillate as determined by a sensorial panel. The ideal would, however, be to replace this subjective evaluation method with a more objective approach, such as an instrumental method like NIRS. Near infrared spectroscopy showed potential to successfully discriminate and classify brandy samples in terms of their sensorial classification status. The near infrared spectra of unblended three-year old brandies were measured and discriminant analysis performed using the subjective sensory classification data of the brandy. SIMCA (soft independent modelling of class analogy) models were developed by calculating separate peA (principal component analysis) models for each of the classes for which qualitative analysis were required. An assessment of class membership of an unknown sample was made on the basis of the distance to the cluster centroid. Two types of NIRS instruments, a Fourier transform near infrared system and a diode array spectrophotometer were employed to examine the discriminatory abilities of NIRS. Excellent predictions (90.9%-100%) were obtained for the "smoothest" and "hardest" classes within the 2000 and 2001 seasons with FT-NIRS. For the diode array spectra reasonable classification data were obtained for all the classes within the 2000 and 2001 seasons, as well as an excellent classification rate (100%) of the smoothest class in the 1999 season. Prediction results for class membership of the brandy samples from the three season's combined data did not deliver satisfactory discriminatory results. By applying NIRS and SIMCA, rapid and objective classification of brandy samples within seasonal context can be established to enhance the blending processes. Having accurate reference data in the calibration set is essential in near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). The precision (usually decided by blind duplicate determination) of the reference data serves as the performance target for correlation-based near infrared analysis. The differences between reference values obtained from two independent laboratories and the Foss Winescan FT 120, which is also a predictive method, for the alcohol and volatile acid determinations in distilling wine and between two independent laboratories for the measurement of the total sulphur dioxide content, were investigated. ANOVA and post-hoc analysis (Bonferroni testing) revealed statistically significant differences (p<O.OS)between all three measurements for the volatile acid analysis. One laboratory differed significantly from the other two measurements in its measurement of the alcohol content in distilling wine. A paired t-test performed on the two laboratories' values obtained for total sulphur dioxide revealed statistically significant differences (p<O.OS) between the two sets of results. This study restated the importance of obtaining reliable reference data for calibration purposes to maintain the efficiency and accuracy and therefore the reputability of NIRS as an accurate and reliable analytical method. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie dui op die potensiaal van naby infrarooi spektroskopie (NIRS) vir beide die kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe analise van wyn en brandewyn in die distillasie industrie. Sekere spesifikasies word gestel waaraan wyn met voldoen voor dit verdere prosessering tydens distillasie kan ondergaan. Die regulering van wynkwaliteit is noodsaaklik om die distilleringsproses ekonomies volhoubaar te maak. Sekere komponente in die wyn het 'n direkte invloed op die kwaliteit van die eindproduk en word beskou as betekenisvolle parameters wat beheer moet word om 'n produk van konstante hoë kwaliteit te lewer. Hierdie parameters sluit alkohol, titreerbare suur- en vlugtige suurinhoud, asook die pH, totale swaweidioksied, totale fenol vlakke, reduserende suikers en asetaldehied konsentrasies in. Die regulering van al hierdie komponente in die wyne is essensieel voor die aanvang van distillasie om die effektiwiteit en produktiwiteit van die proses te verseker. Fourier transformasie naby-infrarooi spektroskopie (FT-NIRS) kan benut word as 'n vinnige en akkurate analitiese metode om die alkohol konsentrasie in stook- en rabatwyn te bepaal. 'n Geskikte padlengte kuvet moet gekies word vir die ontleding van vloeistof monsters met NIRS. In hierdie studie is gevind dat die voorspelling van alkoholkonsentrasie in wyn, nie soseer beïnvloed is deur die keuse van padlengte nie. 'n Vlugtige komponent soos asynsuur, wat die maatstaf van die vlugtige suurinhoud van die wyn is, word egter regstreeks beïnvloed deur die keuse van padlengte. 'n Sterk korrelasie is gevind in die datastel vir die alkoholinhoud van die stookwyn (r = 0.99, SEP = 0.18% v/v, RER = 30) en rabatwyn (r = 0.92, SECV = 0.18% v/v, RER = 11.1). Baie goeie voorspellings is ook gevind vir die vlugtige suurinhoud van rabatwyn (r = 0.85, SEP = 0.04 g.L-1). Die akkuraatheid van die metode (uitgedruk as die RER waarde) het egter aangedui dat 'n wyer konsentrasie omvang en meer akkurate verwysingswaardes gebruik moet word om 'n geskikte model vir vlugtige suur kwantifikasie in rabatwyn te bewerkstellig. In teenstelling met die resultate verkry vir die rabatwyn, het die ruwer, turbiede stookwyn swak gekalibreer vir die vlugtige suurinhoud (r = 0.67, SEP = 0.33 g.L-1 ). FT-NIRS kan ook gebruik word as 'n vinnige seleksie metode om titreerbare suur vlakke, pH en totale fenolinhoud van rabatwyn monsters te bepaal. Sterk korrelasies is in die datastel gevind vir die titreerbare suurinhoud (r = 0.89, SECV = 0.38 g.L-1 ), pH (r = 0.84, SEP = 0.09) en totale fenol vlakke (r = 0.71, SEP = 16.4 rnq.L" GAE) van rabatwyn. Die SEP waardes verkry vanaf die NIRS bepalings het baie goed vergelyk met die standaard foute wat verkry is vir die chemiese bepalings. Die konsentrasie omvang van die verwysingswaardes was, egter, beperk en die akkuraatheid van die NIRS modelle (uitgedruk as die verhouding tussen die konsentrasie omvang en die standaard fout van voorspelling) was laer as 10. Dit het daarop gedui dat die NIRS kalibrasie van die parameters eerder uitgevoer moet word met monsters wat 'n wyer konsentrasie omvang dek en gemeet is met meer sensitiewe analitiese metodes soos HPLC en GC. Die kalibrasie en voorspelling van die asetaldehied inhoud (r = 0.39 , SECV =1.45 rnq.L"), reduserende suiker konsentrasie (r = 0.58, SECV =0.49 mq.L" ) en totale swaweldioksiedinhoud (r = 0.35, SEP = 10.9 rnq.L" ) het onaanvaarbare voorspellings gelewer. Die unieke karakter van potketel distillate wat bepaal word deur die druifkultivar, tipe en ouderdom van die eikehoutvate, bied die potensiaal vir die ontwikkeling en versnyding van verskillende style brandewyn. In 'n poging om 'n produk en handelsnaam van erkende en gevestigde karakter te verkry, moet die brandewyn eers versny word na veroudering. Die brandewyn word geklassifiseer in verskillende style op grond van sensoriese gehalte. NIRS is gebruik as 'n vinnige tegniek om te onderskei tussen verskillende style onversnyde drie jaar-oue brandewyn. SIMCA (soft independent modelling of class analogy) modelle is ontwerp deur aparte PCA (hoof komponent analise) modelle vir elke klas waarvoor kwalitatiewe analise vereis is, te ontwikkel. 'n Skating van klas lidmaatskap van 'n onbekende monster is gemaak deur die afstand van die monster na die groepsmiddelpunt te bereken. Twee soorte NIRS instrumente, 'n FT-NIR en 'n diode array spektrofotometer is gebruik tydens die studie om die diskrimineringsvermoë van elk te ondersoek. Uitstekende voorspellings (90.9%-100%) is gekry vir die "sagste" en "hardste" klasse binne die 2000 en 2001 seisoene met FTStellenbosch NIRS. Met die diode array spektra is redelike klassifikasie resultate verkry vir al die klasse binne die 2000 en 2001 seisoene, asook 'n uitstekende klassifikasie (100%) vir die sagste klas binne die 1999 seisoen. Voorspellings vir klas lidmaatskap van die brandewyn monsters vir die drie seisoene se gekombineerde data het egter onaanvaarbare diskriminasie resultate gelewer. NIRS en SIMCA sal 'n vinnige en objektiewe klassifikasie proses van onversnyde brandewyn monsters kan meebring wat tot voordeel van die versnydings- en produksieproses sal wees. Hierdie voorspellings sal egter binne seisoensverband moet geskied. Akkurate verwysingsdata in die kalibrasie datastel is 'n essensiële fasset van naby infrarooi spektroskopie. Die presisie (bepaal deur blinde duplikaat bepalngs) van die verwysingsdata dien as 'n prestasie teiken vir korrelasie-gebaseerde naby infrarooi voorspellings. Die verskille tussen die data verkry vir die alkohol- en vlugtige suurinhoud van stookwyn deur twee onafhanklike laboratoriums en 'n instrumentele metode (Foss Winescan FT 120) asook die verskille tussen die data verkry van twee laboratoriums vir die totale swaweidioksied metings, is ondersoek. ANOVA en post-hoc toetse het aangedui dat al die data verkry vir die vlugtige suur bepalings, statisties betekenisvol van mekaar verskil het (p<0.05). Vir die alkohol bepalings in stookwyn, het die data verkry van een laboratorium betekensvol verskil van die ander twee datastelle. Gepaarde t-toetse uitgevoer op die data verkry vir totale swaweldioksiedinhoud, het ook betekinisvolle verskille aangedui tussen die twee laboratoriums. Hierdie studie het die belangrikheid van betroubare verwysingsdata vir kalibrasie doeleindes beklemtoon, veral waar 'n tegniek soos NIRS se werksverrigting afhang van die akkuraatheid van dié waardes.

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