Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bubble""
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Particle motion in fluidised bedsStein, Matthias Gert January 1999 (has links)
Gas fluidised beds are important components in many process industries, e.g. coal combustors and granulators, but not much is known about the movement of the solids. Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT) enables the movement of a single, radioactive tracer particle to be followed rapidly and faithfully. Experiments were carried out in columns sized between 70 and 240mm diameter, operating in the bubbling regime at ambient process conditions using particles of group B and D (Geldart Classification). Particle motion was tracked and the data applied to models for particle movement at the gas distributor as well as close to other surfaces and to models for particle circulation in beds of cohesive particles. In the light of these data, models for particle and bubble interaction, particle circulation, segregation, attrition, erosion, heat transfer and fluidised bed scale-up rules were reassessed. Particle motion is directly caused by bubble motion, and their velocities were found to be equal for particles travelling in a bubble. PEPT enables particle circulation to be measured, giving a more accurate correlation for future predictions. Particle motion follows the scale-up rules based on similarities of the bubble motion in the bed. A new group of parameters was identified controlling the amount ofattrition in fluidised beds and a new model to predict attrition is proposed.
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The fundamentals of two-phase flow in wet domestic central heating systemsFsadni, Andrew M. January 2012 (has links)
An emerging trend in the building services industry is the installation of passive deaerators on the flow line of domestic wet central heating systems. To date, no data and theoretical models predicting the two-phase flow characteristics in domestic wet central heating systems are available in the open literature. This gap in literature has prevented essential design improvements to passive deaerators thus impeding the efficiency enhancement of such devices. Hence, the current study is aimed at assisting designers of deaeration devices by providing fundamental data and model correlations with respect to the two-phase flow characteristics typical in a wet domestic central heating system. For this purpose an experimental research project was adopted and several studies were carried out, including; (1) a comprehensive review to understand the background of the phenomena, (2) the design and construction of an experimental test rig to conduct the necessary investigations into the phenomenon of two-phase flow in domestic wet central heating systems, (3) the development of a reliable image capture and analysis technique, (4) the completion of a number of experiments to investigate typical bubble sizes, volumetric void fractions, bubble distributions and nucleation and dissolution rates and (5) the correlation of the data gathered as part of the present study with existing bubble size, nucleation and dissolution prediction models. This research has, for the first time, provided an in depth analysis into two-phase flow characteristics in wet domestic central heating systems through the use of a high speed camera and image analysis techniques. The two-phase phenomenon finds its origins in high dissolved gas concentrations present in the water flowing through the closed loop system, thus resulting in super saturation conditions at the primary heat exchange wall conditions. Bubble sizes at the boiler flow line were found to be dependent on the bulk fluid velocity, heat flux and pressure, with a measured mean diameter in the range of 0.13 mm to 0.39 mm. The Winterton (1972a) force balance model for bubble size prediction was in reasonable agreement with the experimental results. This model was further improved through the correlation of our data with the inclusion of dimensionless groups. Bubble nucleation rates have been calculated in the range of 0.3 to 4 bubbles / cm2 s with total system bubble production rates measured in the range of 784 to 6920 bubbles per second. Bubble nucleation rates have been calculated through the consideration of the heat exchanger surface under super saturation conditions. A correlation for the model by Hepworth et al. (2003) for nonclassical heterogeneous nucleation is proposed based on the experimental data gathered during the present study. Experimental results have shown dissolution rates for the bubble size ratio in the range of 0.4 to 12 % per second with system conditions. A modification of the model developed by Epstein and Plesset (1950) for stationary bubble dissolution is proposed with the inclusion of the Sherwood number to capture the effects of turbulent diffusion. The volumetric void fraction distribution in vertical pipes was found to be quasi-homogenous across the pipe section while being strongly dependent on gravitational and turbulence effects in horizontal pipe bubbly flow. A CFD simulation predicted the volumetric void fraction distribution with reasonable accuracy.
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Cosmic Radiation Bubbles|Cosmic Structure from Radiation-Blown BubblesHogan, C. J. 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Modelagem e simulação para transferência de oxigênio em aeração forçada por bolhas utilizando os métodos MAC e Crank-Nicolson / Modeling and simulation for oxygen transfer in forced aeration bubbles using the MAC and Crank-Nicolson methodsFalanca, Nayara 21 October 2013 (has links)
A aeração artificial em meio líquido visa suprir a baixa concentração de oxigênio dissolvido em ambientes deficientes deste, sendo um processo comumente aplicado na área de tratamento de efluentes por processos aeróbios. Uma forma de produzir aeração artificial é através de difusores submersos no fundo de um tanque com formação de bolhas, que ascendem e transferem seu oxigênio ao longo da coluna dágua. Para simular e melhor entender este processo e sua fluidodinâmica, um modelo inicial simplificado foi proposto, baseado em conceitos teóricos e equações que representem o fenômeno, como a de dispersão de bolhas, velocidades médias e concentração de oxigênio dissolvido. Foi considerado para realização dos cálculos um tanque retangular, com entrada de água a esquerda e saída de água a direita, com superfície sólida ao fundo e superfície livre acima, em contato com o ar. As equações de transporte de massa foram discretizadas no tempo, utilizando a técnica de Crank-Nicolson e no espaço segundo metodologia de diferenças centrais, solucionadas posteriormente por meio de técnicas iterativas do tipo Gauss-Seidel. As equações de transporte de quantidade de movimento foram resolvidas com o método MAC, explícito nas velocidades do fluido e implícito na pressão, para fornecer o campo de velocidade e pressão. A equação de que fornece o perfil de espalhamento das bolhas foi tomada como uma Equação Gaussiana de dispersão bidimensional. A implementação computacional necessária para aplicação das abordagens foi no ambiente de programação MATLAB. O método MAC e a técnica Crank-Nicolson apresentaram resultados satisfatórios para simulações rápidas e noção do comportamento do fluido e da concentração de oxigênio dissolvido. / The artificial aeration in aqueous mean aims to supply low concentration of dissolved oxygen in deficient atmospheres of it. This process is commonly applied in the field of wastewater treatment by aerobic processes. One way to produce artificial aeration is through diffusers submerged at the bottom of a tank with the formation of bubbles, which ascend and transfer its oxygen throughout the water column. To simulate and better understand this process and its fluid dynamics, a simplified initial model was proposed based on theoretical concepts and equations that represent the phenomenon, as the dispersion of bubbles, average speeds and dissolved oxygen concentration. It was considered for the calculations one rectangular tank with the water inlet and water outlet from left to right, with solid surface to the bottom and free surface at the top in contact with air. The mass transport equations were discretized in time, using the Crank-Nicolson technique and in space according to the methodology of central differences, subsequently resolved by Gauss-Seidel technique iterative. The transport equations of momentum were solved with the MAC method, explicit on the velocities of the fluid and implicit on pressure, to afford the velocity field and pressure. The equation which provides the spreading profiles of bubbles was taken as a two-dimensional Gaussian dispersion equation. The computational implementation necessary for application of the approaches was the programming environment MATLAB. The MAC method and Crank- Nicolson technique showed satisfactory results for quick simulations and notion of the behavior of the fluid and the concentration of dissolved oxygen.
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Modelagem e simulação para transferência de oxigênio em aeração forçada por bolhas utilizando os métodos MAC e Crank-Nicolson / Modeling and simulation for oxygen transfer in forced aeration bubbles using the MAC and Crank-Nicolson methodsNayara Falanca 21 October 2013 (has links)
A aeração artificial em meio líquido visa suprir a baixa concentração de oxigênio dissolvido em ambientes deficientes deste, sendo um processo comumente aplicado na área de tratamento de efluentes por processos aeróbios. Uma forma de produzir aeração artificial é através de difusores submersos no fundo de um tanque com formação de bolhas, que ascendem e transferem seu oxigênio ao longo da coluna dágua. Para simular e melhor entender este processo e sua fluidodinâmica, um modelo inicial simplificado foi proposto, baseado em conceitos teóricos e equações que representem o fenômeno, como a de dispersão de bolhas, velocidades médias e concentração de oxigênio dissolvido. Foi considerado para realização dos cálculos um tanque retangular, com entrada de água a esquerda e saída de água a direita, com superfície sólida ao fundo e superfície livre acima, em contato com o ar. As equações de transporte de massa foram discretizadas no tempo, utilizando a técnica de Crank-Nicolson e no espaço segundo metodologia de diferenças centrais, solucionadas posteriormente por meio de técnicas iterativas do tipo Gauss-Seidel. As equações de transporte de quantidade de movimento foram resolvidas com o método MAC, explícito nas velocidades do fluido e implícito na pressão, para fornecer o campo de velocidade e pressão. A equação de que fornece o perfil de espalhamento das bolhas foi tomada como uma Equação Gaussiana de dispersão bidimensional. A implementação computacional necessária para aplicação das abordagens foi no ambiente de programação MATLAB. O método MAC e a técnica Crank-Nicolson apresentaram resultados satisfatórios para simulações rápidas e noção do comportamento do fluido e da concentração de oxigênio dissolvido. / The artificial aeration in aqueous mean aims to supply low concentration of dissolved oxygen in deficient atmospheres of it. This process is commonly applied in the field of wastewater treatment by aerobic processes. One way to produce artificial aeration is through diffusers submerged at the bottom of a tank with the formation of bubbles, which ascend and transfer its oxygen throughout the water column. To simulate and better understand this process and its fluid dynamics, a simplified initial model was proposed based on theoretical concepts and equations that represent the phenomenon, as the dispersion of bubbles, average speeds and dissolved oxygen concentration. It was considered for the calculations one rectangular tank with the water inlet and water outlet from left to right, with solid surface to the bottom and free surface at the top in contact with air. The mass transport equations were discretized in time, using the Crank-Nicolson technique and in space according to the methodology of central differences, subsequently resolved by Gauss-Seidel technique iterative. The transport equations of momentum were solved with the MAC method, explicit on the velocities of the fluid and implicit on pressure, to afford the velocity field and pressure. The equation which provides the spreading profiles of bubbles was taken as a two-dimensional Gaussian dispersion equation. The computational implementation necessary for application of the approaches was the programming environment MATLAB. The MAC method and Crank- Nicolson technique showed satisfactory results for quick simulations and notion of the behavior of the fluid and the concentration of dissolved oxygen.
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The housing bubble in ChinaBa, Lei January 2012 (has links)
Language: English Title: The Housing Bubble in China Abstract: This paper studies the housing price boom in recent decade since 2003 in China. The study focuses on four municipalities of China, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing. Despite the fact that the whole country is suffering a sky soaring housing boom, this paper reveals a regional difference between two types of big cities. Better developed cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are experiencing greater volatility in the boom and economic fundamentals have less explanatory power to the price increases. Oppositely, less developed cities such as Tianjin and Chongqing have relatively sustainable housing prices which are better supported by economic fundamentals. Finally, this paper concludes that Beijing and Shanghai are experiencing a bubble in the housing prices, if the public expectation on economic growth cannot maintain, the bubble will burst.
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Bursting bubbles: a moving image exploration of contemporary Chinese individualityGao, Yi January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is a practical project which involves moving images and paintings together as a medium that explores phenomena of contemporary China relating to personal identity, independence and its relationship with the traditional importance on collective groups, group centredness and interdependence. The project’s approach draws on sociological research on Western thought, values and beliefs naturally occurring in China since the “Open Door” policy as raw data to focus on the transition and transformation of contemporary Chinese individuality, and translates these data to form the concepts underpinning the metaphoric method of my artwork. Bubbles are the main visual symbols that metaphorically imply the incessantly transformable Chinese individuality and social cultural identity. My aim has been to portray this phenomenon through artistic practices on screens. By reflecting and engaging with moving images and paintings, underpinned by theoretical research and methods including data collecting, self-reflecting on data, practical manifestation and self-inquiry, I have attempted to unfold the phenomenon of contemporary Chinese individuality through my art practice. The thesis is composed as a creative work of moving images accompanied by an exegesis component. The moving image represents a nominal 80%, and the exegesis 20% of the final submission.
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The nucleation and growth of gas bubbles in irradiated materialsVela, Petar. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Reduction of vascular bubbles: methods to prevent the adverse effects of decompressionMøllerløkken, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Reduksjon av gassbobler i blodbanen: metoder for å forebygge ugunstige effekter av dekompresjon.</p><p>Når en dykker returnerer til overflaten etter dykking, kan det dannes gassbobler i kroppen som følge av overmetning av gasser. Slike gassbobler kan igjen føre til trykkfallsyke, men det gjenstår fremdeles å finne alle mekanismene bak denne sammenhengen. Gassbobler er derimot gode indikatorer på risiko for trykkfallsyke, og den gjennomgående arbeidshypotesen i denne avhandlingen har vært at gassbobler i blodbanen er den bakenforliggende årsaken til alvorlig trykkfallsyke. Det å redusere mengden gassbobler vil dermed øke sikkerheten for dykkeren.</p><p>Avhandlingen består av tre studier som på forskjellige måter forsøker å redusere boblemengden ved trykkreduksjon. Alle arbeidene er gjennomført med bruk av gris som forsøksdyr, og alle dykkene er simulert i trykk-kammer spesielt laget for slike studier. For å måle gassbobler har vi benyttet ultralydavbildning, samt at vi har tatt ut kar for å måle eventuelle funksjonelle endringer i disse i etterkant av dykkene.</p><p>Den første studien demonstrer en ny metode for å redusere gassbobledannelsen ved dekompresjon. Ved kortvarig å øke trykket under pågående trykkreduksjon kan boblemengden signifikant reduseres, resultatene viser at en modell som tar hensyn til bobledannelse beskriver resultatene bedre enn en tradisjonell modell som bare tar hensyn til overmetningen. I den andre studien har vi for første gang vist at gassbobler i blodbanen kan påvirkes medikamentelt også hos store dyr under dekompresjon fra metning. Ved å gi nitrater umiddelbart før dekompresjonen startet, ble mengden gassbobler signifikant redusert sammenlignet med kontrollene som ikke fikk tilført nitrater. Studien åpner veien for videre studier av biokjemiske prosesser involvert i både dannelsen av og effektene av gassbobler. I den siste studien undersøkte vi om en behandlingsprosedyre for trykkfallsyke til bruk når et trykk-kammer ikke er tilgjengelig ville være effektiv om behandlingstrykket ble redusert fra 190 kPa til 160 kPa med pusting av ren oksygen. Vi viste her at trykket var tilstrekkelig for å fjerne boblene etter dykket, men vi forhindret ikke skader på blodkarene.</p><p>Kandidat: Andreas Møllerløkken</p><p>Institutt: Institutt for sirkulasjon og bildediagnostikk</p><p>Veileder: Professor Alf O. Brubakk</p><p>Finansieringskilder: Statoil, Norsk Hydro, Phillips Petroleum Company Norway og Petroleumstilsynet gjennom programmet forskning og utvikling innen dykking, kontraktsnr. 4600002328 med Norsk Undervannsintervensjon (NUI).</p><p>Ovennevnte avhandling er funnet verdig til å forsvares offentlig</p><p>for graden Philosophia Doctor i medisinsk teknologi</p><p>Disputas finner sted i Auditoriet, Medisinsk teknisk forskningssenter</p><p>Tirsdag 15.01.08 , kl. 12.15</p>
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Pulsed sonolysis of surfactants in aqueous solutionsYang, Limei. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2006. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-174).
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