Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bulk"" "subject:"buck""
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Vývoj morfologických znaků kořenových systémů prostokořenných a krytokořenných sazenic dubu a buku / Root system morphology of bare root and containerized beech and oak plantsBecher, Vladimír January 2017 (has links)
The thesis follows the bachelor thesis on comparison of morphological and economic parameters of various types of seedlings, which resulted in the planting of containerized and bare root seedlings of the European beech (Fagus sylvativa Linne) and the English oak (Quercus robur Linnaeus) in a forest regeneration in September 2011 and April 2012.
The measurement of the height and thickness of the root neck of the seedlings was carried out on designated plots in March 2015. I also investigated possible mortality from the afforestation inspection in July 2012. Furthermore, 154 seedlings, 84 containerized seedlings a 70 bare root seedlings, in order to evalutate the development of the root system, its possible deformation and subsequently detection of the volume by using xylometric method. The data collected in the field were processed into tables and compared with the results observed in the bachelor thesis.
The average figures for the height, the thickness of the root neck and the volume of the root system showed almost identical development of bare root and containerized seedlings in the forest cover, even though the figures of individual seedlings were highly variable. When reviewing the development of the root system, I found unacceptable deformation of the main taproot at 25% containerized seedlings and 20% bare root seedlings. The remaining seedlings were without deformation or with acceptable deformation of the taproot (wavy taproot, unbalanced taproot with the axis in the above-ground part, an outgrowth).
It was discovered that containerized seedlings were more easily removable from the ground, the seedlings were not sufficiently fixed in the ground and its root system was in some cases less developed than it was with bare root seedlings. This may be influenced by several factors, e.g. the influence of richness of the root system on fine roots, the obstruction of development of the root system by cementing the surrounding soil when using the slit method.
The bare root seedlings, the English oak in particular, showed root development to a greater depth, which is very important not only for sealing but also as an important factor in the drought season and extreme summer temperatures when there is rapid exhaustion of the moisture in the upper horizon of the soil due to the vapor.
Unfortunately, it was not possible to verify these findings in a larger sample size, as there had been major damage of the forest.
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Hodnocení provenienční plochy VÚLHM s bukem lesním (Fagus sylvatica L.) na lokalitě Jíloviště, Baně (střední Čechy) / Evaluation of FGMRI provenance plot with European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) on the locality Jíloviště, Baně (Central Bohemia)Kuklová, Alena January 2016 (has links)
Buk lesní (Fagus sylvatica L.) je nejvýznamnější listnatou dřevinou České republiky. V minulých letech se jeho zastoupení velmi snížilo v důsledku nešetrné těžby, přírodních disturbancí a následně hlavně změnou lesního hospodaření, kdy se upřednostňovaly především jehličnaté dřeviny smrk ztepilý (Picea abies) a borovice lesní (Pinus sylvestris). Provenienční výzkum se, díky jejich preferování při pěstování, nejprve věnoval hlavně jehličnatým dřevinám, až v pozdější době se zaměřuje i na dřeviny listnaté. V současné době se naše lesní hospodářství k buku znovu vrací a jeho zastoupení se v našich lesích pomalu opět zvyšuje.
Úkolem diplomové práce je provedení terénního šetření na provenienční výzkumné ploše VÚLHM Strnady č. 82 Jíloviště, Baně ve věku 34 let (zjištění počtu rostoucích jedinců, tloušťkového a výškového růstu, tvárnosti kmene, větvení, úhlu větví, tloušťky větví), zjištěná a naměřená data statisticky zpracovat a vyhodnotit rozdíly mezi testovanými proveniencemi buku lesního.
V první části práce je zpracována literární rešerše, zaměřena na provenienční výzkum buku lesního, v další části jsou statisticky zpracovány kvantitativní a kvalitativní znaky zjišťované na výzkumné ploše. V poslední části jsou vyhodnocená data porovnávána s daty z minulých let.
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Struktura a dynamika přirozené obnovy po skupinové seči ve smíšeném lese na ŠLP KřtinyBíšek, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the work was to evaluate the dynamics and structure of natural forests regeneration in finer (small-scale) management systems and optimize silvicultural (regeneration) operations. For the research were selected three stand types (beech, spruce and mixed), into which were placed 10 group cutting. There were analyzed light conditions, herb layer, density and regeneration parameters. The density of regeneration were analyzed according to the light conditions and position in the group cutting. From the measurements it was found that natural forests regeneration most easily proceeded in a spruce stand type. In these conditions it was achieved less diversity of tree species, the highest was recorded in gaps mixed. Compared small gaps (0.05 ha) and large gaps (0.05 to 0.13 ha) higher densities forests regeneration has been measured in large gaps. Diversity of trees inside the gap corresponds to the light conditions of wood. In the central part prevailed larch, in the transition under the forest wall of shelterwood prevailed spruce and beech. Under the protection of the surrounding stand fir is the best regeneration. Regeneration of species surveyed are oriented to the west, south and east exposure gaps. This fact corresponds to the superiority of Indirect Site Factor (ISF). The results of this study show that at any given time at a given location can be group felling increase species diversity forests regeneration.
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Technologie broušení dřeva, stroje a nástrojeSlezáková, Světlana January 2016 (has links)
The grinding process is important for treatment of the wood surface. There are many different machines for a sanding wood, whether manual or mechanical. By the correct grinding of a wooden surface it is achieved better final result. The thesis describes factors that influence the course of grinding. The main factors are the kind of wood, the moisture, the selected grinding tool and the technical condition of the machine. The main objective of the study is to determine and compare the change of surface roughness when changing the grit of the sanding belt and the grinding angle. There were chosen three angles at which the samples were grinded. The study also investigates relation between the coarse grit of the sanding belt and roughening of the surface. The research was conducted on the tree species beech (Fagus sylvatica). A second objective of the study is to prepare the background for the laboratory exercise and the lecture on the topic of grinding materials.
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Zhodnocení růstových a přírodních poměrů bukových porostů na vybraných lokalitách v ChřibechChrbját, Filip January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv různé výchovy na růst a produkci smíšeného porostu na VP ŠLP KřtinyIllková, Alena January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Zhodnocení současného stavu a péče o bukové rezervace CHKO Beskydy a okolíGongolová, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Vyhodnocení růstu bukové mlaziny s různým proředěním na ŠLP Křtiny.Krůpová, Hana January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Výchova mladých bukových porostů s příměsí jiných dřevinVrbas, Ladislav January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Zhodnocení přirozené obnovy buku lesního na polesí Vranov ŠLP MZLU v BrněJanoušek, Michal January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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