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Mobile Devices in Business IntelligenceLarsson, Karl January 2013 (has links)
With mobile solutions becoming more requested in the IT world, Business Intelligence is no different. This thesis examines and tests the mobile solutions for Microsoft BI, QlikView and SAP Business Objects to see if it can be used by the Sandvik Group. The tests have consisted of creating standard simple reports for the different platforms, evaluate them and then compare their functions and looks on iPad and computers. During this work it has been stated that all platforms supports mobility quite well and the recommendation is to start using it as soon as possible.
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Využití systému SAP v oblasti business itelligence / Business Intelligence with SAP SystemsHrnko, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá využitím aplikační a integrační platformy SAP NetWeaver 7.0 v oblasti business intelligence a data warehousingu. Hlavním cílem a obsahem této práce je(1) Posoudit, zda je společnost SAP schopna díky akvizici firmy Business Objects splnit své cíle (viz kapitola 5.2.1) a vzájemnou integrací business intelligence (BI) nástrojů posílit svou pozici na tomto trhu a odstranit hlavní nedostatky řešení SAP NetWeaver BI (viz kapitola 4.2). (2) Vzájemně, na základě předem zvolených parametrů, porovnat business intelligence nástroje společnosti SAP a Business Objects s konkurenčními produkty firmy Cognos. Na základě porovnání pak vytvořit hodnocení. (3) Zmapovat pozici SAPu na trhu business intelligence řešení a vytvořit vodítko pro konzultanta, který se zajímá o možnosti uplatnění v této oblasti.
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Aplikace změnového řízení v prostředí SAP / Application for Change Management in the SAP SystemPavelek, Ota January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes implementation of HR change management processes of company ABB in ERP system SAP. Due to highly specific requirements for applications, standard component Personnel Change Request was not used. Authorized applicants have access to applications via SAP NetWeaver Portal. Approvers decide about approval or rejection of requests in Universal Worklist component of SAP NetWeaver Portal. Requests that require processing in HR Center are processed by employees of HR Center in SAP ERP. Applications that can be accessed via SAP NetWeaver portal were programmed with useage of framework Web Dynpro for ABAP. Processes are controlled by SAP Business Workflow.
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Vícevrstvé aplikace v prostředí .NET / Multilayer applications in .NET environmentPalkech, Marek January 2009 (has links)
This thesis represents the Model-View-Controller pattern. It is focused especially at the description of the particular architecture layers principle and its functionality. It deals with the reasons of the three-layer architecture invention and it also deals with the advantages and the disadvantages provided by this pattern. The most frequent implementation of the MVC – the access to the data stored in the database through the web user interface is also described in this chapter. The next part of the thesis is concentrated on .NET Framework platform created from very voluminous, language-neutral library that is basically huge collection of the source codes providing the solution for common programmer’s problems and from the interface used for running up the applications created in .NET environment. The goal of the chapter concering with .NET Framework is to describe its architecture. The thesis also describes the platform invention, various versions of the .NET, the data access technology ADO.NET and the ASP.NET member ObjectDataSource. The chapter describing languages supported by the .NET Framework is focused on the C# language and its versions. The application “Multilayer applications in .NET environment” is the practical implementation of the mentioned technologies and it is described in the last chapter. The application’s architecture with the concentration on the particular Model-View-Controller layers implementation in the form of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 projects is also described in the thesis. Special attention is paid to each operation over the data stored in the database tables that the application enables the user to execute, as for example data inserting, updating, selecting or deleting. The common business object’s child generation process is also described deep into the details.
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Implementace manažerského informačního systému na bázi SAP Business Objects pro mezinárodní výrobní společnosti holdingového typu / Implementation of a Management Information System Based on SAP Business Objects for International Manufacturing Companies a Holding TypeTkačin, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Master’s thesis proposes a solution of data and communication model in the ŽOS Trnava, a.s. and GOŠA FŠV. Thesis proposes model for customer, which generates reports for individual management areas.
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Srovnání BI platforem IBM Cognos a SAP BO / Comparison of BI platforms IBM Cognos and SAP BONovák, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Business Intelligence platforms contain many detailed tools with overlapping functionality. The primary aim of this thesis is to compare two BI platforms from leaders in the market - IBM Cognos BI (version 10) and SAP Business Objects (version 3.1). This comparison emphasises their practical usefulness in both ad hoc and standard reporting. In the first theoretical chapter there is a definition of basic terms and a brief description of the BI solution. In the following two chapters there are detailed descriptions of IBM Cognos BI and SAP Business Objects platforms including the most important tools. The theoretical part of this thesis is based mostly on documentation. The practical part of this thesis defines criteria for the evaluation of BI platforms. Following this chapter is the main comparison based mostly on my practical experience with each tool and experience from a migration project from IBM Cognos to SAP BO. Workarounds are described in some cases to compensate for missing functionality. The results this thesis are evaluation criteria as well as a description and comparison of both platforms. The merit of this thesis is an identification of problematic functionality present in BI solutions from the points of view of new development, implementation and migration.
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Systemunterstützung für den Abgleich von Geschäftsobjekten zwischen Anwendungsservern über WebServicesAmeling, Michael 28 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Geschäftsanwendungen wie Supply Chain Management (SCM) oder Customer Relationship Management (CRM) werden repliziert, um eine hohe Skalierbarkeit und schnellen lokalen Zugriff zu erreichen. Die Geschäftsobjekte als Datencontainer der Anwendungen müssen infolge von Änderungen synchronisiert werden. Diese Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur Effizienzsteigerung des Synchronisationsprozesses durch die Reduzierung der Anzahl der Synchronisationsnachrichten sowie der zu übertragenden Datenmenge - auch unter Berücksichtigung des entstehenden Mehraufwands durch zusätzliche Verarbeitungsprozesse. / Business applications such as supply chain management (SCM) or customer relationship management (CRM) are replicated in order to reach high scalability and fast local access. The business objects representing the data containers have to be synchronized to stay consistent across the application servers. This thesis provides a contribution to reach more efficiency during the synchronization process by reducing the amount of synchronization messages and the amount of data to be transmitted. The additional effort due to further processing steps is taken into account via a proper cost model.
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Srovnání komerčních BI reportovacích nástrojů s nástroji Open Source / Comparison of commercial and Open Source Business Intelligence reporting toolsBednář, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with comparison of commercial and Open Source Business Intelligence (BI) reporting tools. The main aim of the thesis is to provide a list of BI reporting tools and their further comparison. Evaluation is based on a set of criteria. Every criterium has its assigned value that represents the importance of the criterium in a given group. The same procedure is applied on the groups. The final evaluation is based on defined values of these groups. The output of the thesis is a table structured into five parts according to defined groups of criteria. The second part of the thesis walks the reader through the practical showcase of implementation one of the selected tools that is SAP Business Objects Enterprise 4.0. At the beginning, there is a description of report proposal that contains graphical design and functionality requirements. Next part shows the whole process in detail.
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Systemunterstützung für den Abgleich von Geschäftsobjekten zwischen Anwendungsservern über WebServices: Systemunterstützung für den Abgleich von Geschäftsobjekten zwischen Anwendungsservern über WebServicesAmeling, Michael 07 September 2009 (has links)
Geschäftsanwendungen wie Supply Chain Management (SCM) oder Customer Relationship Management (CRM) werden repliziert, um eine hohe Skalierbarkeit und schnellen lokalen Zugriff zu erreichen. Die Geschäftsobjekte als Datencontainer der Anwendungen müssen infolge von Änderungen synchronisiert werden. Diese Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur Effizienzsteigerung des Synchronisationsprozesses durch die Reduzierung der Anzahl der Synchronisationsnachrichten sowie der zu übertragenden Datenmenge - auch unter Berücksichtigung des entstehenden Mehraufwands durch zusätzliche Verarbeitungsprozesse. / Business applications such as supply chain management (SCM) or customer relationship management (CRM) are replicated in order to reach high scalability and fast local access. The business objects representing the data containers have to be synchronized to stay consistent across the application servers. This thesis provides a contribution to reach more efficiency during the synchronization process by reducing the amount of synchronization messages and the amount of data to be transmitted. The additional effort due to further processing steps is taken into account via a proper cost model.
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Návrh databázově neutrální objektově-relační vrstvy / Design of a Database Neutral OR Mapper in C++Ježa, Pavel January 2007 (has links)
This diploma work deals with design and implementation of the database neutral object-relational (OR) layer in C++ language over inherited database. The goal is to create the layer to encase the access to database from the application layer. Suggested layer will stem from the object-relation mapping technology, which is currently available for many object-programming language, such as C#, Java or Visual Basic. The work consists of three main parts. The forepart is focused on clearing object-relation mapping technology. It briefly overviews differences in capabilities and levels of implementation of various approaches. The next part describes significant properties of databases considered as back-ends for data storage in the project. The aim of this part is to present enough information to support database neutral design of the OR layer. The rest of the document deals with design and implementation of OR layer for the considered environment followed by the summarization of results and overall evaluational.
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