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Estimating calibration factors and developing calibration functions for the prediction of crashes at urban intersections in Kansas.Karmacharya, Rijesh January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Civil Engineering / Sunanda Dissanayake / Kansas experienced about 60,000 crashes annually from 2013 to 2016, 25% of which occurred at urban intersections. Hence, urban intersections in Kansas are one of the most critical locations in terms of frequency of crashes. Therefore, an accurate prediction of crashes at these locations would help identify critical intersections with a higher probability of an occurrence of crash, which would help in selecting appropriate countermeasures to reduce those crashes. The crash prediction models provided in the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) predict crashes using traffic and geometric data for various roadway facilities, which are incorporated through Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) and Crash Modification Factors.
The primary objective of this study was to estimate calibration factors for different types of urban intersection in Kansas. This study followed the crash prediction method and calibration procedure provided in the HSM to estimate calibration factors for four different urban intersection types in Kansas: 3-leg unsignalized intersections with stop control on the minor approach (3ST), 3-leg signalized intersections (3SG), 4-leg unsignalized intersections with stop control on the minor approach (4ST), and 4-leg signalized intersections (4SG). Following the HSM methodology, the required data elements were collected from various sources. The Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) data were extracted from Kansas Crash Analysis & Reporting System (KCARS) database and GIS Shapefiles downloaded from Federal Highway Administration website. For some of 3ST and 3SG intersections, minor-street AADT was not available. Hence, multiple linear regression models were developed for the estimation of minor-street AADT. Crash data were extracted from the Kansas Crash Analysis and Reporting System database, and other geometric data were extracted using Google Earth. The HSM requirement for sample size is 30 to 50 sites, with at least 100 crashes per year for the study period for the combined set of sites.
In this study, the study period for 3ST, 3SG, and 4SG intersections were taken as 2013 to 2015, and 2014 to 2016 for 4ST, based on the availability of recent crash data at the beginning of the calibration procedure for each facility type. The sample size considered for calibration was 234 for 3ST, 89 for 3SG, 167 for 4ST, and 198 for 4SG intersections. Out of the 234 3ST intersections, minor-street AADT was estimated using multiple linear regression models for 106 intersections. For 3SG intersections, minor-street AADT was estimated for 21 out of the 89 intersections. The calibration factors for these facility types were estimated to be 0.64 for 3SG, 0.51 for 3ST, 1.17 for 4SG, and 0.61 for 4ST when considering crashes of all severities. Considering only the fatal and injury crashes, the calibration factors were estimated as 0.52 for 3SG, 0.40 for 3ST, 2.00 for 4SG, and 0.73 for 4ST. The calibration factors show that the HSM methodology underpredicted crashes for 4SG, and overpredicted crashes for other three intersection types. The reliability of the calibration factors was assessed with the help of Cumulative Residual plots and coefficient of variation. The results from the goodness-of-fit tests showed that the calibration factors were not reliable and showed bias in the prediction of crashes. Hence, calibration functions were developed, and their reliability were examined. The results showed that calibration functions had better reliability as compared to calibration factors, with more accuracy in crash prediction. The findings from this study can be used to identify intersections with a higher probability of having crashes in the future. Suitable countermeasures can be applied at critical locations which would help reduce the number of crashes at urban intersections in Kansas; thus increasing the safety.
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Monitoring of age-relevant parameters in an integrated inverter system for electrical drives based on SiC-BJTsFrankeser, Sophia 16 November 2018 (has links)
The Silicon Carbide Bipolar Transistor is a device that is barely brought into real application so far. It features very low conduction losses and a high power density. The application is in some points different and unusual in comparison to the mainstream power semiconductors as IGBTs or MOSFETs. The Silicon Carbide Bipolar Transistor, the SiC-BJT, is a current driven device and the effort in driving is uncommonly high. As an outcome of the present work it can be said that it is more like a shift of requirements from the power semiconductor power unit to the driver stage. With consideration of all system losses, including driving losses, the final unoptimized COSIVU prototype inverter system gained an increase of efficiency of 40-60% in comparison to the IGBT-based reference system dependent on the applied load points.
In terms of reliability and possible failure modes, the SiC-BJT behaves differently from the mainstream devices. One result of the project is that the chips itself are quite robust but the packaging needs some improvements. Thermal impedance spectroscopy is a method for detecting possible deterioration in the cooling path of a device. A method for temperature estimation of the SiC-BJT during on-state will be presented in this work. The electronic hardware for thermal impedance spectroscopy has been developed to do the measurements in a non-laboratory setup in the inverter in real application. Furthermore, the hardware implementation was realized on a very small space for integration into an in-wheel motor inverter system. / Der Siliciumkarbid Bipolartransistor ist ein leistungselektronisches Bauelement, was bis heute kaum über Labor- und Forschungsprojekte hinaus anwendungsnah zum Einsatz kam. Er verfügt über sehr geringe Durchlassverluste und eine hohe Leistungsdichte. Seine Verwendung und Anwendung ist in mancher Hinsicht anders und unüblich im Vergleich zu den etablierten leistungselektronischen Bauelementen wie IGBT und MOSFET. Der Siliciumkarbid Bipolartransistor, also der SiC-BJT, ist ein stromgesteuertes Bauteil, weswegen der Aufwand für die Treiber sehr hoch ist. Die praktische Arbeit im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes „COSIVU“ mit den SiC-BJTs in Verbindung mit dem fertigen integrierten Invertersystem hat unter anderem gezeigt, dass es mehr eine Verschiebung der Anforderungen von der Leistungselektronik hin zu den Treibern für die Leistungselektronik ist. Unter Betrachtung der Verluste des gesamten Systems, einschließlich der Motor-, Treiber- und Steuerverluste, hat das fertige Prototyp-Invertersystem, welches durchaus noch Potential zur Optimierung besaß, eine deutliche Verbesserung des Wirkungsgrades erreicht. Gegenüber dem auf IGBT basierenden Referenz-Invertersystem, hat das COSIVU Invertersystem eine Verbesserung des Wirkungsgrades um 40-60 % erreicht.
Eine Erkenntnis aus dem Forschungsprojekt in Bezug auf Zuverlässigkeit und mögliche Fehler und Defekte ist, dass der Chip selbst zwar ziemlich robust ist, aber dass die Gehäuse-, Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik angepasst und verbessert werden sollte. Thermische Impedanzspektroskopie ist eine Methode um Verschlechterungen im Kühlpfad eines leistungselektronischen Halbleiters zu erkennen, was ein Kriterium für die Alterung des Bauteils ist. Eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Sperrschichttemperatur von SiC-BJTs während des normalen Durchlassbetriebes wird in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt. Die Platine für die thermische Impedanzspektroskopie wurde entwickelt, um die Messung in einem laborfernen Aufbau in einer echten Inverteranwendung durchzuführen. Zudem wurden die Platinenaufbauten auf sehr kleiner Fläche realisiert. Die Integration musste nämlich sehr kompakt gestaltet werden, da es sich um ein „in-wheel“ Motor-Inverter-System handelt, was zum größten Teil innerhalb eines Fahrzeugrades untergebracht ist.
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