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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Calibration of mammagraphy ionisation chambers

Steenkamp, Maria 20 October 2008 (has links)
The South African national calibration facility is currently not equipped for mammography, dose-measuring equipment. A therapy X-ray machine was used as a calibration unit at the national secondary standards dosimetry laboratory (SSDL) for medium and low energy X-ray, therapy calibrations. It is not necessarily intuitive that the latter calibrations are applicable to diagnostic X-ray beams generated by high frequency generators. The response of measuring equipment calibrated in a therapy X-ray beam, compared to its response in a diagnostic or clinical mammography unit, is unknown. The aim of the research was to investigate whether there was a measurable difference between the X-ray beam qualities available for low energy diagnostic radiology and radiation therapy, i.e. up to 100 kV. The beam qualities studied included both mammography and conventional diagnostic radiography, i.e. nominally 20 kV to 100 kV. The diagnostic and therapy X-ray tubes under investigation had different target-filter combinations, inherent filtration and theoretically, different X-ray spectra. Practically, spectrometry of X-ray beams is not possible because of the sophistication of the instrumentation, comprehensive analyses being very time consuming and not practically applicable to the clinical environment (Kharatti and Zarrad, 2003). Furthermore, not all SSDL’s or Hospitals have access to spectral analysers. Clinical beam quality is instead specified in terms of both the tube peak voltage and the half-value layer (HVL), the thickness of material that will reduce the maximum output of the X-ray beam to 50%. The goal was to compare measured HVLl’s to the ones recommended by the International Electro technical Commission (IEC-61267, 2005) for available mammography beam qualities. The method was validated using attenuation curves. The attenuation curves were then used to derive the suitability of the X-ray spectra for calibration of mammography ionisation chambers (Waggener and Blough, 1999). One of the low energy therapy units was found to be suitable for introducing a regional calibration service for mammography.

Résultats de régularité et d'existence pour des ensembles minimaux ; Problème de Plateau / Existence and regularity results for minimal sets ; Plateau problem

Cavallotto, Edoardo 25 June 2018 (has links)
Résoudre le Problème de Plateau signifie trouver la surface ayant l’aire minimale parmi toutes les surfaces avec un bord donné.Une partie du problème réside dans le fait de donner des définitions appropriées aux concepts de “surface”, “aire” et “bord”. Dans notre contexte les objets considérés sont ensembles dont la mesure de Hausdorff est localement finie. La condition de bord glissant est donnée par rapport à une famille à un paramètre de déformations compactes laquelle permet au bord de glisser le long d'un ensemble fermé. La fonctionnelle à minimiser est liée aux problèmes de capillarité et de frontière libre.On s'est intéressé aux cônes minimaux glissants, c'est à dire les cônes tangents aux surfaces minimaux glissantes dans des points sur son bord. En particulier on a étudié les cônes contenus dans un demi-espace dont le bord peut glisser le long l'hyperplane bornant le demi-espace. Après avoir donné une classification des cônes minimaux de dimension un dans le demi-plan on a présenté quatre nouveau cône minimaux de dimension deux dans le demi-espace (lesquels ne peuvent pas être obtenus comme un produit cartésien d'un des cône précédents avec la droite réelle). La technique utilisé c'est les calibrations couplées, qui dans un cas on a pu généraliser en grands dimensions.Afin de montrer que la liste des cônes minimaux est complète on a entamé la classification des cônes qui satisfont les conditions nécessaires pour la minimalité, pour lesquels on a obtenu des meilleurs compétiteurs à l'aide des simulations numériques. / Solving the Plateau problem means to find the surface with minimal area among all surfaces with a given boundary. Part of the problem actually consists of giving a suitable definition to the notions of “surface”, “area” and “boundary”. In our setting the considered objects are sets whose Hausdorff area is locally finite. The sliding boundary condition is given in term of a one parameter family of compact deformations which allows the boundary of the surface to moove along a closed set. The area functional is related to capillarity and free-boundary problems, and is a slight modification of the Hausdorff area.We focused on minimal boundary cones ; that is to say tangent cones on boundary points of sliding minimal surfaces. In particular we studied cones contained in an half-space and whose boundary can slide along the bounding hyperplane. After giving a classification of one-dimensional minimal cones in the half-plane we provided four new two-dimensional minimal cones in the three-dimensional half space (which cannot be obtained as the Cartesian product of the real line with one of the previous cones). We employed the technique of paired calibrations and in one case could also generalise it to higher dimension.In order to prove that the provided list of minimal cones is complete, we started the classification of cones satisfying the necessary conditions for the minimality, and with numeric simulations we obtained better competitors for these new candidates.

On the geometry of calibrated manifolds : with applications to electrodynamics / Kalibrerade mångfalders geometri : med tillämpningar inom elektrodynamik

Leijon, Rasmus January 2013 (has links)
In this master thesis we study calibrated geometries, a family of Riemannian or Hermitian manifolds with an associated differential form, φ. We show that it isuseful to introduce the concept of proper calibrated manifolds, which are in asense calibrated manifolds where the geometry is derived from the calibration. In particular, the φ-Grassmannian is considered in the case of proper calibratedmanifolds. The impact of proper calibrated manifolds as a model is studied, aswell as the usefulness of pluripotential theory as tools for the model. The specialLagrangian calibration is an example of an important calibration introduced byHarvey and Lawson, which leads to the definition of the special Lagrangian differentialequation. This partial differential equation can be formulated in threeand four dimensions as det(H(u)) = Δu, where H(u) is the Hessian matrix of some potential u. We prove the existence of solutions and some other propertiesof this nonlinear differential equation and present the resulting 6- and 8-dimensional manifolds defined by the graph {x + i<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Cnabla" />u(x)}. We also considerthe physical applications of calibrated geometry, which have so far largely beenrestricted to string theory. However, we consider the manifold (M,g,F), whichis calibrated by the scaled Maxwell 2-form. Some geometrical properties of relativisticand classical electrodynamics are translated into calibrated geometry.

Representation operators of metric and Euclidian charges / Analyse locale des fonctions multivaluées stationnaires

Bouafia, Philippe 07 January 2014 (has links)
On étudie les fonctions multivaluées vers un espace de Hilbert. Après avoir introduit unebonne notion de p énergie, on donne une définition possible d’espace de Sobolev et on prouveun théorème d’existence des p minimiseurs. Puis on considère les fonctions bivaluées de deuxvariables, stationnaires pour les déformations au départ et à l’arrivée. On démontre qu’ellessont localement lipschitziennes et on utilise cette régularité pour montrer la convergence fortedans W1,2 vers leur unique éclatement en un point. L’ensemble de branchement d’une tellefonction est la réunion localement finie de courbes analytiques qui se rencontrent en faisantdes angles égaux. Nous donnons aussi un exemple de fonction discontinue et stationnaireseulement pour les déformations au départ.Dans un deuxième temps, on prouve qu’il n’existe pas de rétraction uniformément continuede l’espace des champs vectoriels continus vers le sous-espace de ceux dont la divergence estnulle en un sens distributionnel. On généralise ce résultat en toute codimension en utilisant lanotion de m charge et à tout ensemble X ⊂ Rn vérifiant une hypothèse géométrique mineure. / We study multiple valued functions with values in a Hilbert space. We introduce a possibledefinition of Sobolev spaces and the rightful notion of p energy. We prove the existence of pminimizers. Then we consider two-valued real functions of two variables which are stationarywith respect to both domain and range transformations. We prove their local Lipschitzcontinuity and use it to establish strong convergence in W1,2 to their unique blow-up at anypoint. We claim that the branch set of any such function consists of finitely many real analyticcurves meeting at nod points with equal angles. We also provide an example showing thatstationarity with respect to domain transformations only does not imply continuity.In a second part, we prove that there does not exist a uniformly continuous retractionfrom the space of continuous vector fields onto the subspace of vector fields whose divergencevanishes in the distributional sense. We then generalise this result using the concept of mcharges on any subset X _ Rn satisfying a mild geometric condition, there is no uniformlycontinuous representation operator for mcharges in X.

The calibration of material properties for use in discrete element models

Horn, Etienne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the main challenges in using the Discrete Element Method (DEM) is to specify the correct input parameter values. In general, the models are sensitive to the input parameter values and accurate results can only be achieved if the correct values are specified. For the linear contact model, micro parameters such as the particle density, stiffness, coefficient of friction, as well as the particle size and shape distributions are required. Thus, there is a need for a procedure to accurately calibrate these parameters before any attempt can be made to accurately model a complete bulk materials handling system. Since the DEM is often used to model applications in the mining and quarrying industries, a calibration procedure was developed for materials that consist of relatively large (up to 40 mm in size) particles. A coarse crushed aggregate was used as the test material. Using a specially designed large scale shear box, the confined Young’s Modulus and internal friction angle of the material were measured by means of the confined compression test and the direct shear test respectively. The bulk (macro) density and porosity were also measured. The particle size distribution was measured while visual inspection was used to identify the different particle shapes. DEM models of the experimental set-up were developed and the input parameter values were varied iteratively until a close correlation between the experimental and numerical results was achieved. The resulting set of input parameter values were then verified through a series of anchor pull-out and angle of repose experiments and simulations. A good correlation between the experimental and numerical results was observed. In a study, independent of the calibration process, a half fraction factorial design was implemented to quantify the effect of the input parameter values on the bulk properties and to construct multiple linear regression models that relate the parameters to the bulk properties. The results were found to be in accordance with expected bulk behaviour, and can be used to develop advanced DEM calibration strategies. Based on the project outcomes, it was concluded that the developed calibration procedure performed satisfactorily and that the calibrated input parameters allow for the accurate modelling of the coarse aggregate. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die groot uitdagings in die gebruik van die Diskreet Element Metode (DEM) is om die korrekte invoer parameterwaardes te spesifiseer. Die modelle is in die algemeen sensitief vir die invoer parameterwaardes, en akkurate resultate kan slegs verkry word indien die korrekte waardes gespesifiseer word. Mikroparameters soos partikeldigtheid, styfheid, wrywingskoëffisiënt, die partikelgrootte verspreiding asook die partikelvorm verspreiding, word benodig vir die lineêre kontakmodel. ’n Prosedure word dus benodig om hierdie parameters akkuraat te kalibreer alvorens ’n volledige korrelagte materiaalhanteringstelsel akkuraat gemodelleer kan word. Aangesien die DEM gereeld in die modellering van myn- en gruisgroefbedryf toepassings gebruik word, is ’n kalibrasieprosedure ontwikkel vir materiaal wat bestaan uit relatief groot (tot 40 mm in grootte) partikels. Grofgebreekte klippe is as toetsmateriaal gebruik. Deur gebruik te maak van ’n spesiaal ontwerpte grootskaal-skuifboks is die ingeperkte Young se Modulus en die interne wrywingshoek van die materiaal gemeet deur middel van die ingeperkte kompressietoets en die direkte skuiftoets onderskeidelik. Die makro-digtheid en poreusheid is ook gemeet. Die partikelgrootte verspreiding is gemeet terwyl visuele inspeksie gebruik is om die verskillende partikelvorms te identifiseer. DEM modelle van die eksperimentele opstelling is ontwikkel en die invoer parameterwaardes is herhaaldelik gewysig totdat ’n goeie korrelasie verkry is tussen die eksperimentele en numeriese resultate. Die gevolglike stel invoer parameterwaardes is daarna geverifieer deur ’n reeks ankeruittrek- en natuurlike helling eksperimente en simulasies. In ’n studie, onafhanklik van die kalibrasieproses, is die half-fraksie faktoriaalontwerp geïmplementeer om die invoer parameterwaardes se effek op die makro eienskappe te kwantifiseer en om meervoudige lineêre regressiemodelle te ontwikkel wat die parameters met die makro eienskappe verbind. Die resultate was in ooreenstemming met die verwagte makro gedrag en kan gebruik word om gevorderde DEM kalibrasie-strategieë te ontwikkel. Daar is tot die gevolg gekom dat, gebaseer op die projekresultate, die ontwikkelde kalibrasieprosedure bevredigend presteer en dat die gekalibreerde invoer parameters die akkurate modellering van die grofgebreekte klippe toelaat.

Amélioration des mesures anthroporadiamétriques personnalisées assistées par calcul Monte Carlo : optimisation des temps de calculs et méthodologie de mesure pour l’établissement de la répartition d’activité / Optimizing the in vivo monitoring of female workers using in vivo measurements and Monte Carlo calculations : method for the management of complex contaminations

Farah, Jad 06 October 2011 (has links)
Afin d’optimiser la surveillance des travailleuses du nucléaire par anthroporadiamétrie, il est nécessaire de corriger les coefficients d’étalonnage obtenus à l’aide du fantôme physique masculin Livermore. Pour ce faire, des étalonnages numériques basés sur l’utilisation des calculs Monte Carlo associés à des fantômes numériques ont été utilisés. De tels étalonnages nécessitent d’une part le développement de fantômes représentatifs des tailles et des morphologies les plus communes et d’autre part des simulations Monte Carlo rapides et fiables. Une bibliothèque de fantômes thoraciques féminins a ainsi été développée en ajustant la masse des organes internes et de la poitrine suivant la taille et les recommandations de la chirurgie plastique. Par la suite, la bibliothèque a été utilisée pour étalonner le système de comptage du Secteur d’Analyses Médicales d’AREVA NC La Hague. De plus, une équation décrivant la variation de l’efficacité de comptage en fonction de l’énergie et de la morphologie a été développée. Enfin, des recommandations ont été données pour corriger les coefficients d’étalonnage du personnel féminin en fonction de la taille et de la poitrine. Enfin, pour accélérer les simulations, des méthodes de réduction de variance ainsi que des opérations de simplification de la géométrie ont été considérées.Par ailleurs, pour l’étude des cas de contamination complexes, il est proposé de remonter à la cartographie d’activité en associant aux mesures anthroporadiamétriques le calcul Monte Carlo. La méthode développée consiste à réaliser plusieurs mesures spectrométriques avec différents positionnements des détecteurs. Ensuite, il s’agit de séparer la contribution de chaque organe contaminé au comptage grâce au calcul Monte Carlo. L’ensemble des mesures réalisées au LEDI, au CIEMAT et au KIT ont démontré l’intérêt de cette méthode et l’apport des simulations Monte Carlo pour une analyse plus précise des mesures in vivo, permettant ainsi de déterminer la répartition de l’activité à la suite d’une contamination interne. / To optimize the monitoring of female workers using in vivo spectrometry measurements, it is necessary to correct the typical calibration coefficients obtained with the Livermore male physical phantom. To do so, numerical calibrations based on the use of Monte Carlo simulations combined with anthropomorphic 3D phantoms were used. Such computational calibrations require on the one hand the development of representative female phantoms of different size and morphologies and on the other hand rapid and reliable Monte Carlo calculations. A library of female torso models was hence developed by fitting the weight of internal organs and breasts according to the body height and to relevant plastic surgery recommendations. This library was next used to realize a numerical calibration of the AREVA NC La Hague in vivo counting installation. Moreover, the morphology-induced counting efficiency variations with energy were put into equation and recommendations were given to correct the typical calibration coefficients for any monitored female worker as a function of body height and breast size. Meanwhile, variance reduction techniques and geometry simplification operations were considered to accelerate simulations.Furthermore, to determine the activity mapping in the case of complex contaminations, a method that combines Monte Carlo simulations with in vivo measurements was developed. This method consists of realizing several spectrometry measurements with different detector positioning. Next, the contribution of each contaminated organ to the count is assessed from Monte Carlo calculations. The in vivo measurements realized at LEDI, CIEMAT and KIT have demonstrated the effectiveness of the method and highlighted the valuable contribution of Monte Carlo simulations for a more detailed analysis of spectrometry measurements. Thus, a more precise estimate of the activity distribution is given in the case of an internal contamination.

Representation operators of metric and Euclidian charges

Bouafia, Philippe 07 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
We study multiple valued functions with values in a Hilbert space. We introduce a possibledefinition of Sobolev spaces and the rightful notion of p energy. We prove the existence of pminimizers. Then we consider two-valued real functions of two variables which are stationarywith respect to both domain and range transformations. We prove their local Lipschitzcontinuity and use it to establish strong convergence in W1,2 to their unique blow-up at anypoint. We claim that the branch set of any such function consists of finitely many real analyticcurves meeting at nod points with equal angles. We also provide an example showing thatstationarity with respect to domain transformations only does not imply continuity.In a second part, we prove that there does not exist a uniformly continuous retractionfrom the space of continuous vector fields onto the subspace of vector fields whose divergencevanishes in the distributional sense. We then generalise this result using the concept of mcharges on any subset X _ Rn satisfying a mild geometric condition, there is no uniformlycontinuous representation operator for mcharges in X.

Two Simple Soil Temperature Models: Applied and Tested on Sites in Sweden

Kjellander, Kalle January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Integration of Camera and LiDAR Units onboard Mobile Mapping Systems for Deriving Accurate, Comprehensive Products

Tian Zhou (6114419) 08 August 2024 (has links)
<p>Modern mobile mapping systems (MMSs)  -- such as Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), backpack systems, Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs), and wheel-based systems -- equipped with imaging/ranging modalities and navigation units -- i.e., integrated Global Navigation Satellite System/Inertial Navigation System (GNSS/INS) -- have emerged as promising platforms due to their ability to conduct fine spatial/temporal resolution mapping at a reasonable cost. The integration of camera and LiDAR data acquired by these MMSs can result in an accurate and comprehensive description of the object space, due to their complementary characteristics. Meaningful integration of multi-temporal data/products from different modalities onboard single or multiple systems is contingent on their positional quality. The objective of this dissertation is to develop strategies that enable the derivation of accurately georeferenced data from LiDAR and camera units onboard UAVs and backpack systems across diverse mapping environments. To do so, accurate system calibration parameters -- including the sensor's interior orientation parameters (IOP) and mounting parameters relating the sensors to the INS's Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) body frame -- and trajectory information need to be derived.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In this dissertation, to resolve the issues that arose from unstable IOP of consumer-grade camera onboard a GNSS/INS-assisted UAV, a LiDAR-aided camera IOP refinement strategy is first proposed. Additionally, in a more general case where system calibration is required for both camera and LiDAR units onboard single or multiple GNSS/INS-assisted UAV(s), an automated, tightly-coupled camera/LiDAR integration workflow through simultaneous system calibration and trajectory refinement is developed. While UAVs typically operate in open sky conditions, conducting in-canopy mapping using backpack systems for forest inventory applications is significantly affected by GNSS signal outages induced by the canopy cover. To derive accurate trajectory information in such scenarios, a system-driven strategy for trajectory enhancement and mounting parameters refinement of UAV and backpack LiDAR systems in forest applications is developed. Furthermore, considering that this approach requires an initial trajectory with limited drift errors, the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) technique is adopted to directly derive the trajectory information. Specifically, a comprehensive forest feature-based (i.e., tree trunks and ground) LiDAR SLAM framework using 3D LiDAR mounted on backpack systems is developed. These proposed strategies are tested using multiple datasets from UAV and backpack mobile mapping systems. Experimental results verify that the proposed approaches successfully derive accurate system calibration parameters and trajectory information, and consequently well-aligned multi-system, multi-temporal, multi-sensor data with high relative/absolute accuracy.</p>

Estimating the Early Evolution of Brachiopods Using an Integrated Approach Combining Genomics and Fossils / En uppskattning av armfotingarnas tidiga evolution med hjälp av genomik och fossil

Robert, Chloé January 2019 (has links)
The Brachiopoda, a major group of the Lophotrochozoa, experienced a rapid early evolutionary diversification during the well-known Cambrian explosion and subsequently dominated the Palaeozoic benthos with its diversity and abundance. Even though the phylogeny of the Lophotrochozoa is still hotly debated, it is now known that the Brachiopoda are a monophyletic grouping. However, the early evolutionary rates for the Brachiopoda have never been studied in the framework of a study combining molecular data and fossil time calibration points. In order to investigate the expected higher evolutionary rates of the Phylum at its origin, we conducted phylogenetic studies combining different methodologies and datasets. This work has at its foundation Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analyses of 18S and 28S rRNA datasets followed by analyses of phylogenomic sequences. All material was obtained from previously available sequences and from sequencing of genetic material from specimens from a concerted worldwide collection effort.       While the analyses of the phylogenomic dataset produced a robust phylogeny of the Brachiopoda with good support, both the results of the novel rRNA and phylogenomic dating analyses provided limited insights into the early rates of evolution of the Brachiopoda from a newly assembled dataset, demonstrating some limitations in calibration dating using the software package BEAST2. Future studies implementing fossil calibration, possibly incorporating morphological data, should be attempted to elucidate the early rates of evolution of Brachiopoda and the effect of the Push of the Past in this clade. / Det är ofta antaget att evolution (förändringar i arvsmassan hos en grupp organismer) sker i en konstant hastighet men i slutändan ändå osäkert om så är fallet. Stora grupper av organismer har ofta associerats med en högre evolutionär hastighet, speciellt nära deras uppkomst, vilket ökar sannolikheten för överlevnad.  Armfotingar (Brachiopoda) är marina ryggradslösa djur med skal som tidigare var allmänt spridd, idag är istället musslor (Bivalvia) betydligt mer spridda. Armfotingar har funnits och utvecklats under flera miljoner år med ursprung under tidigt kambrium. Genom år av forskning och många fossil har vi fått mer information om utseendet hos utdöda organismer vilket har bidragit till att antalet fossila arter som vi känner till har ökat tusenfalt. Under den senaste tiden har det också skett innovationer inom molekylära tekniker som gjort det möjligt att applicera dessa kunskaper även på utdöda arter. Dessa molekylära tekniker har nyligen hjälpt till att bestämma några av släktskapsförhållandena inom armfotingar som tidigare ansetts vara väldigt svåra att lösa.  Det finns fortfarande vissa släktskapsförhållanden inom armfotingar som inte är kända och man vet ännu inte hur fort de utvecklades. Genom att undersöka just evolutionens hastighet kan man börja förstå gruppens tidiga framgång under Kambrium och Ordovicium samt minskningen som följde. Syftet med den här studien var att beräkna evolutionshastigheten hos armfotingar med särskild fokus på den tidiga diversifieringen av gruppen. För att undersöka detta använde vi oss av molekylära data för att analysera släktskapsförhållandena inom armfotingar. Dessutom använde vi fossil för att datera stora händelser i armfotingarnas evolutionära historia. Med hjälp av statistiska analyser kunde vi beräkna evolutionshastighet och släktskapsförhållandena inom gruppen. Vi kom fram till att armfotingar härstammar från en gemensam förfader. Dateringen kring när detta skedde blev inte fastställd då det beräknades ske miljoner år före det äldsta djurfossilet. Det kommer behövas mer forskning för att ta reda på om armfotingar hade en högre evolutionär hastighet i tidigt skede.

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