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Croissance des rejets de souche de différentes provenances de Calycophyllum spruceanum Benth. dans le bassin amazonien du Pérou /cSara Boivin-Chabot.Boivin-Chabot, Sara. January 2003 (has links)
Thèse (M.Sc.)--Université Laval, 2003. / Bibliogr. Publié aussi en version électronique.
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Variation génétique des caractéristiques de croissance et du bois de Capirona (Calycophyllum spruceanum) provenant de l'Amazonie péruvienneSotelo Montes, Alcira del Carmen 12 April 2018 (has links)
Un essai de provenance/descendance de Calycophyllum spruceanum a été établi dans un bassin de l’Amazonie péruvienne dans le but de: (a) évaluer la variation génétique de la croissance de l’arbre (hauteur et diamètre) et des propriétés du bois (masse volumique, couleur, retrait, résistance maximale et coefficient de déformation statique [s11] en compression longitudinale, s11 dynamique en direction longitudinale mesuré par ultrasons), (b) estimer la proportion de la variation sous contrôle génétique, (c) estimer l’effet de la sélection pour la croissance sur les propriétés du bois, et (d) déterminer la variation radiale de la masse volumique (par densitomètrie à rayons X) et sa corrélation avec la croissance de l’arbre. La hauteur de l’arbre et le diamètre de la tige près du niveau du sol ont été mesurés à l’âge de 16, 28 et 39 mois. Le diamètre à 1,3 m de hauteur et les propriétés du bois ont été mesurés à l’âge de 39 mois. En général, le bois présenta une couleur uniforme, un retrait moyen et une résistance et rigidité relativement élevées. Des variations significatives dues aux familles à l’intérieur des provenances et/ou aux provenances ont été observées pour la croissance, la masse volumique, et quelques paramètres de couleur, retrait, résistance et rigidité. En général, les familles ont présenté plus de variation que les provenances. L’héritabilité a été modérément forte pour la masse volumique basale, le retrait, la résistance et rigidité statique, et relativement faible pour les caractères de croissance, ainsi que pour la couleur, le coefficient d’anisotropie et la rigidité dynamique. Les héritabilités de la croissance, masse volumique, couleur et retrait du bois ont été en général plus élevées pour les zones de plantations à croissance plus rapide. Les corrélations génétiques sont telles que (a) la sélection d’arbres à croissance rapide produirait un bois plus dense, (b) cette sélection d’arbres à croissance rapide et du bois plus dense conduirait à l’obtention d’un bois plus résistant et rigide, sans effet significatif sur la couleur, mais augmenterait le retrait. De plus, la masse volumique a augmenté significativement de la moelle vers l’écorce, spécialement pour les arbres et zones à croissance plus rapide. Les corrélations phénotypiques suggèrent que la sélection d’arbres à croissance rapide pourrait provoquer l’obtention d’une plus grande variation de la masse volumique en direction radiale. Finalement, les méthodes non-destructives utilisées se sont avérées très efficaces pour l’étude de la qualité du bois de cette espèce. / A provenance/progeny test of Calycophyllum spruceanum was established in one watershed in the Peruvian Amazon in order to (a) evaluate genetic variation in tree growth (height, diameter) and wood properties (density, color, shrinkage, ultimate crushing strength (σL) and static compliance coefficients (s11) in longitudinal compression, and dynamic s11 in the longitudinal direction determined by ultrasound), (b) estimate the proportion of the variation under genetic control, (c) estimate the effect of selection for growth on wood properties, and (d) determine the radial variation in wood density (by microdensitometry)and its correlation with tree growth. Tree height and stem diameter near ground level were measured at 16, 28 and 39 months. Diameter at 1.3 m and wood properties were measured at 39 months. In general, the wood was relatively uniform in color, with average shrinkage and relatively high strength and stiffness. Significant variation due to families within provenances and/or provenances was found in tree growth, wood density, and some color, shrinkage, strength and stiffness characteristics. In general, families accounted for more variation than provenances. Heritability was moderately high for basic wood density, shrinkage, strength, and stiffness determined by the static s11, and relatively low for growth traits, wood color, coefficient of anisotropy and stiffness determined by the dynamic s11. The heritability of growth traits, wood density, color and shrinkage was generally higher in the planting zone where trees grew most rapidly. Genetic correlations indicated that (a) selecting faster-growing trees would result in denser wood; (b) the selection of faster-growing trees with denser wood would result in stronger and stiffer wood, without a significant effect on its color, but would increase the shrinkage. In addition, wood density increased significantly from pith to bark, especially in the zones where trees grew more rapidly. Phenotypic correlations suggested that selecting faster-growing trees would result in greater radial variation in wood density. Finally, the non-destructive methods used were very effective for studying wood quality in this species.
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Estudo fitoquímico dos extratos de folhas, galhos e cascas do caule de Calycophyllum spruceanum Benth para testes de potencial de cosmético funcional / Phytochemical study of extracts of leaves, branches and stem bark of Calycophyllum spruceanum Benth for functional cosmetic potential testsMagrini, Viviane [UNESP] 18 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by VIVIANE MAGRINI null (viviane_magrini@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-03-01T20:13:04Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-18 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / O gênero Calycophyllum pertence à família Rubiaceae, conhecida pela diversidade de metabólitos secundários, e pela variedade de atividades biológicas: antifúngica, bactericida, antiviral e inseticida. A espécie vegetal Calycophyllum spruceanum Benth (Rubiaceae) é muito utilizada pelas populações da América do Sul no combate a doenças dermatológicas, estomacais, diabetes, parasitoses, câncer, entre outras, despertando o interesse pela investigação química deste táxon. A presente pesquisa objetivou o estudo bio-guiado dos extratos obtidos das folhas, galhos e de cascas do caule de C. spruceanum visando à identificação das substâncias bioativas isoladas, incluindo as inativas. A meta é identificar nas substâncias isoladas aquelas com propriedades cosméticas associadas ao uso popular desta espécie, conhecida na região Amazônica por esta propriedade. Diferentes extratos foram preparados e analisados por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE) e Espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN 1H), acompanhados por ensaios biológicos (ensaio de capacidade redutora dos radicais DPPH˙ e ABTS˙+) para determinação de atividade antioxidante. O direcionamento do estudo foi feito em função dos ensaios antioxidantes aplicados aos extratos, conduzindo o estudo experimental para o extrato hidroetanólico de folhas ao foco do estudo, por ter apresentado a maior atividade antioxidante. Por meio de métodos espectroscópicos e espectrométricos (CLAE-DAD, CLAE-EM, CLAE-EM/EM; RMN de 1H e 13C; TOCSY 1D; HMBC; EM-IES) deste extrato e respectivas frações, pode-se identificar algumas substâncias antioxidantes potencialmente ativas, sendo estas: ácido 3,5-di-O-E-cafeoilquínico; duas séries homólogas de proantocianidinas (tipo-B) com grau de polimerização de 1 a 4, e proantocianidinas monoglicosiladas (tipo-B O-glicosilada) com grau de polimerização de 1 a 3; ácido 1,4-di-O-E-cafeoilquínico, quercetina 3-O-α-arabinopiranosil (16) β-glucopiranosídeo, ácido cafeoilquínico e canferol 3-O-β-D-glicopiranosil (12) β-D-xilopiranosídeo. Espera-se que ao final deste estudo, as informações forneçam subsídios para uma possível aplicação dos resultados científicos sobre a espécie vegetal, visando um produto para a linha de cosmético funcional. / The Calycophyllum genus belongs to the Rubiaceae’s family, known for its high diversity of secondary metabolites, which have a wide range of biological activities (antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and pesticide). It is widely used by the people of South America against skin diseases, stomach, diabetes, parasites, cancer, among others. It is therefore essential to study the chemical composition of these species used in folk medicine, aiming to validate the traditional use, with scientific data and thus contributing to the search for new bioproducts. This research aimed the bio-guided fractionation of the extracts from the leaves, branches and stem bark extracts of Calycophyllum spruceanum Benth (Rubiaceae), to identify the secondary metabolites in the extracts and fractions, including bioactive ones, for further evaluation of the cosmetic potential of this species, commonly known in the Amazon region. Different extracts were prepared and analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR), and screened by biological assays (assay of reducing capability of ABTS˙+ and DPPH˙radicals) to determine the antioxidant activity. The chemical investigation was carried out based on the antioxidant activity of the extracts. The experimental study focused on the hydroethanolic extract of leaves, that presented the higher antioxidant activity, which would support the traditional uses of this specie as cosmetic. By means spectroscopic and spectrometric analysis (HPLC-DAD, HPLC-MS, HPLC-MS/MS; 1H NMR and 13C; TOCSY 1D; HMBC, ESI-MS) of this extract and its fractions, some compounds were identified: the 3,5-di-O-E-caffeoylquinic acid; two homologous series of proanthocyanidins (B-type) with a degree of polymerization from 1 to 4 and monoglicosyl proanthocyanidins (B-type O-glycosylated) with degree of polymerization from 1 to 3; 1,4-di-O-E-caffeoylquinic acid, quercetin-3-O-α-arabinopyranosyl (16) β-glucopyranoside, caffeoylquinic acid and kaempferol 3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl (12) β-D-xilopyranosil, which could be responsible for the activity. It is expected that the the complete study of this species provide chemical information, which will validate this plant specie as a potential source of antioxidant natural products that could be material for functional cosmetics. / CNPq: 166069/2014-0
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