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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of nano-carburization of mild steel on its surface hardness

Hassan, Ajoke Sherifat 14 April 2016 (has links)
There has been progress in the surface modification of low carbon steel in order to enhance its surface hardness. This study contributes to this by investigating the introduction of carbon nanotubes and amorphous carbon in the carburization of mild steel. In order to achieve the goal, carbon nanotubes were synthesized in a horizontal tubular reactor placed in a furnace also called the chemical vapor deposition process at a temperature of 700oC. Catalyst was produced from Iron nitrate Fe(NO3)3.9H2O and Cobalt nitrate Co(NO3)2.6H2O on CaCO3 support while acetylene C2H2 was used as the carbon source and nitrogen N2 was used as contaminant remover. The as-synthesized carbon nanotubes were purified using nitric acid HNO3 and characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). It was found that as-synthesized carbon nanotubes had varying lengths with diameters between 42-52 nm from the SEM and the TGA showed the as-synthesized CNTs with a mass loss of 78% while purified CNTs had 85% with no damage done to the structures after using the one step acid treatment. The as-synthesized and purified carbon nanotubes were used in carburizing low carbon steel (AISI 1018) at two austenitic temperatures of 750oC and 800oC and varying periods of 10-50 minutes while amorphous carbon obtained by pulverizing coal was also used as comparison. The mild steel samples were carburized with carbon nanotubes and amorphous carbon in a laboratory muffle furnace with a defined number of boost and diffusion steps. The carburizing atmosphere consisted of heating up to the varying temperatures at a speed of 10oC/minute, heating under this condition at varying periods, performing a defined number of boost and diffusion processes at the varying temperatures and cooling to room temperatures under the same condition. The carburized surfaces were observed with the Olympus SC50 optical microscope and the hardness distribution of the carburized layer was inspected with a Vickers FM 700 micro-hardness tester. The as-synthesized and purified CNT samples showed higher hardness on the surface of the mild steel than the amorphous carbon. In the same vein, the change in the microstructures of vi the steel samples indicated that good and improved surface hardness was obtained in this work with the reinforcements but with purified CNT having the highest peak surface hardness value of 191.64 ± 4.16 GPa at 800oC, as-synthesized CNT with 177.88 ± 2.35 GPa and amorphous carbon with 160.702 ± 5.79 GPa which are higher compared to the values obtained at 750oC and that of the original substrate which had a surface hardness of 145.188 ± 2.66 GPa. The percentage hardness obtained for the reinforcement with the amorphous carbon, the CNT and the pCNT showed an increase of 5.47%, 10.04% and 15.77% respectively at 750oC when compared to that of the normal substrate carburized without reinforcements. Furthermore, at 800oC, the reinforcement with the amorphous carbon, the CNT and the pCNT show a percentage hardness increase of 7.04%, 14.68% and 22.05% when compared to that of the normal substrate carburized without reinforcements. Comparing the reinforcement potential of the amorphous carbon, the CNT and the pCNT at 750oC, the percentage hardness reveal that using pCNT displayed an increase of 10.89% over that of amorphous carbon and of 6.37% over that of CNT. In addition, the use of CNT as reinforcement at 750oC displayed a percentage hardness increase of 4.83% over that of the amorphous carbon carburized at the same temperature / Civil and Chemical Engineering / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

Elaboration de nanostructures à une dimension à base de carbure de silicium. / Silicon carbide-based 1D nanostrutures synthesis

Ollivier, Maelig 25 October 2013 (has links)
Le carbure de silicium est pressenti comme un matériau prometteur dans plusieurs domaines de l’électroniquetels que la nano-électronique, l’électronique de puissance ou les capteurs travaillant en milieuxhostiles (hautes températures, milieux corrosifs, milieux biologiques) du fait de ses propriétés physicochimiquessupérieures à celles du silicium, notamment. Cependant, parmi les différentes méthodesd’élaboration par voie descendante ou ascendante permettant de fabriquer des nano-objets à 1D enSiC, aucune n’a pour l’instant permis d’obtenir du SiC d’excellente qualité cristalline.Le travail de cette thèse a porté sur la démonstration de l’élaboration de nanostructures 1D àbase de SiC, à savoir nanofils coeur-coquille Si-SiC, nanofils de SiC et nanotubes de SiC, par unprocédé original de carburation de nanofils de silicium, eux-mêmes élaborés par gravure plasma. Cettedémonstration a été possible grâce au contrôle de la pression de carburation, ce qui permet la maîtrisede l’exodiffusion des atomes de silicium à travers le carbure de silicium.À pression atmosphérique l’exodiffusion des atomes de silicium est restreinte ce qui permet d’élaborerdes nanofils coeur-coquille Si-SiC avec une coquille de SiC monocristalline et entièrement recouvrante.En se servant de la biocompatibilité du SiC et du bon contrôle électronique dans le silicium, ilest possible d’envisager l’utilisation de ces nanofils coeur-coquille Si-SiC pour des bio-nano-capteurs.En diminuant la pression au cours de la carburation, il est possible d’augmenter l’exodiffusion etainsi d’obtenir des nanotubes de SiC cubique de très bonne qualité cristalline avec des parois denses.Ces nanotubes de SiC sont largement modulables en termes de dimensions, et la faisabilité de leurouverture a été démontrée, permettant ainsi l’utilisation du fort rapport surface sur volume de telsnano-objets pour des capteurs électroniques notamment.Un premier pas a été franchi vers les applications des nanofils coeur-coquille Si-SiC et des nanotubesde SiC, puisque les mesures électriques réalisées sur des nano-transistors à effet de champ utilisant cesdeux types de nano-objets comme canal sont prometteurs. / Due to their superior physical and chemical properties —such as high breakdown field, high thermalconductivity and biocompatibility— compared to other semiconductors, silicon carbide is forseento be a promising materials for power electronics, bio-nano-sensors and nano-electronics in harsh environments.However, among the numerous top-down or bottom-up methods used to synthesise siliconcarbide 1D nano-objects, none has been able yet to produce SiC with a high cristalline quality.The aim of this project is to demonstrate the synthesis of silicon carbide- based 1D nanostructures—e.g. core-shell Si-SiC nanowires, SiC nanowires and SiC nanotubes— through an original processbased on the carburization of plasma-etched silicon nanowires. This demonstration is based on thecontrol of the pressure during the carburization process, which leads to the monitoring of the outdiffusionof silicon atoms through silicon carbide.Thus if the pressure is kept at the atmospheric pressure, the out-diffusion of silicon is limited andSi-SiC core-shell nanowires can be synthesized with a single-crystalline cubic SiC shell. Thanks to thebiocompatibility of the SiC shell and the good electronic transport into the Si core, bio-nano-sensorscan be considered.If the pressure is decreased during the carburization process, the outdiffusion of silicon atomsthrough SiC is enhanced, and leads to SiC nanotubes synthesis. SiC nanotubes sidewalls are dense,with an excellent crystalline quality. These original SiC nanotubes have a high surface to volume ratioand thus can be used for sensors or storage devices.The first step for direct applications has also been demonstrated since first results on electricalperformances of nano-field effect transistors, with these nano-objects as channel, are promising.

Effect of nano-carburization of mild steel on its surface hardness

Hassan, Ajoke Sherifat 14 April 2016 (has links)
There has been progress in the surface modification of low carbon steel in order to enhance its surface hardness. This study contributes to this by investigating the introduction of carbon nanotubes and amorphous carbon in the carburization of mild steel. In order to achieve the goal, carbon nanotubes were synthesized in a horizontal tubular reactor placed in a furnace also called the chemical vapor deposition process at a temperature of 700oC. Catalyst was produced from Iron nitrate Fe(NO3)3.9H2O and Cobalt nitrate Co(NO3)2.6H2O on CaCO3 support while acetylene C2H2 was used as the carbon source and nitrogen N2 was used as contaminant remover. The as-synthesized carbon nanotubes were purified using nitric acid HNO3 and characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). It was found that as-synthesized carbon nanotubes had varying lengths with diameters between 42-52 nm from the SEM and the TGA showed the as-synthesized CNTs with a mass loss of 78% while purified CNTs had 85% with no damage done to the structures after using the one step acid treatment. The as-synthesized and purified carbon nanotubes were used in carburizing low carbon steel (AISI 1018) at two austenitic temperatures of 750oC and 800oC and varying periods of 10-50 minutes while amorphous carbon obtained by pulverizing coal was also used as comparison. The mild steel samples were carburized with carbon nanotubes and amorphous carbon in a laboratory muffle furnace with a defined number of boost and diffusion steps. The carburizing atmosphere consisted of heating up to the varying temperatures at a speed of 10oC/minute, heating under this condition at varying periods, performing a defined number of boost and diffusion processes at the varying temperatures and cooling to room temperatures under the same condition. The carburized surfaces were observed with the Olympus SC50 optical microscope and the hardness distribution of the carburized layer was inspected with a Vickers FM 700 micro-hardness tester. The as-synthesized and purified CNT samples showed higher hardness on the surface of the mild steel than the amorphous carbon. In the same vein, the change in the microstructures of vi the steel samples indicated that good and improved surface hardness was obtained in this work with the reinforcements but with purified CNT having the highest peak surface hardness value of 191.64 ± 4.16 GPa at 800oC, as-synthesized CNT with 177.88 ± 2.35 GPa and amorphous carbon with 160.702 ± 5.79 GPa which are higher compared to the values obtained at 750oC and that of the original substrate which had a surface hardness of 145.188 ± 2.66 GPa. The percentage hardness obtained for the reinforcement with the amorphous carbon, the CNT and the pCNT showed an increase of 5.47%, 10.04% and 15.77% respectively at 750oC when compared to that of the normal substrate carburized without reinforcements. Furthermore, at 800oC, the reinforcement with the amorphous carbon, the CNT and the pCNT show a percentage hardness increase of 7.04%, 14.68% and 22.05% when compared to that of the normal substrate carburized without reinforcements. Comparing the reinforcement potential of the amorphous carbon, the CNT and the pCNT at 750oC, the percentage hardness reveal that using pCNT displayed an increase of 10.89% over that of amorphous carbon and of 6.37% over that of CNT. In addition, the use of CNT as reinforcement at 750oC displayed a percentage hardness increase of 4.83% over that of the amorphous carbon carburized at the same temperature / Civil and Chemical Engineering / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

Verfahrenskombination zur Randschichthärtung thermisch gespritzter Schichtsysteme aus austenitischem Stahl

Lindner, Thomas 06 September 2018 (has links)
Thermochemische Randschichthärteverfahren ermöglichen eine ausscheidungsfreie Einlagerung von Kohlenstoff bzw. Stickstoff innerhalb des austenitischen Mischkristalls. Im Zusammenhang mit einer Randschichtbehandlung thermisch gespritzter Schichtsysteme stellen die charakteristischen Strukturmerkmale eine bislang weitgehend unerforschte Einflussgröße für die Beurteilung von Diffusionsprozessen dar. Bei der Verarbeitung von randschichtgehärtetem Pulver durch Verfahren des thermischen Spritzens ist die Phasenstabilität des Spritzzusatzwerkstoffs von übergeordneter Bedeutung. Die beiden Möglichkeiten einer Verfahrenskombination werden für hochgeschwindigkeitsflamm- und atmosphärisch plasmagespritzte Schichtsysteme des Werkstoffs EN 1.4404 durch systematische Prozess- und Parametervariation eingehend betrachtet. Für die einzelnen Schichtsysteme werden Einflussfaktoren struktur- und prozessspezifisch sowie in Abhängigkeit vom Anreicherungsmedium erfasst und im Kontext der Massivwerkstoffreferenz eingeordnet. Die daraus abgeleiteten allgemeingültigen Aussagen zu verfahrenstechnischen Wechselwirkungseffekten ermöglichen eine anwendungsorientierte Verfahrensauswahl bzw. Entwicklungsstrategie. / Thermochemical surface hardening enables a precipitation-free solvation of carbon or nitrogen on interstices of the austenitic crystal lattice. However, the interplay of the diffusion mechanisms with the structural properties of thermal spray coatings has not yet been understood. Thermal spraying of surface-hardened powders is a further opportunity, where the phase stability of the feedstock material is of crucial importance. A process and parameter study is conducted on high velocity oxy-fuel and atmospheric plasma spraying of AISI 316L considering both basic concepts. Structural and process-specific influence factors are examined for the different coating systems in comparison to the bulk material reference. Correlation effects are determined allowing for an application-oriented process selection or development strategy.

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