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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De l'hospitalisation à l'institutionnalisation des soins de longue durée dans le grand vieillissement : étude clinique, psychopathologique et projective du « travail de dépendance » / From hospitalisation to long-term care institutionalisation in the elderly : clinical, psychopathological and projective study of "dependency work"

Racin, Céline 30 November 2017 (has links)
À partir d'une étude longitudinale menée auprès de 25 personnes hospitalisées en service gériatrique de soins de suite et de réadaptation, et revus quatre mois après leur sortie à leur domicile habituel ou en Établissement d'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes, cette thèse se propose d'explorer l'expérience sensible et singulière des hommes et des femmes qui rencontrent, sur le chemin du vieillissement et de la vieillesse, la nécessité de soins de longue durée, qui inscrit la perspective d'un devenir placé sous le signe de la dépendance. La signification subjective spécifique que revêt la dépendance pour les individus concernés est examinée à l'aune des travaux en psychologie clinique et psychopathologie orientés par les études psychanalytiques sur le vieillissement et sur le handicap. La thèse étudie leur valeur heuristique, en articulation avec les éthiques du care, pour dégager les fondements métapsychologiques de la problématique de dépendance et ses enjeux en termes de dispositifs thérapeutiques. La thèse revient notamment sur les ambiguïtés relatives à la notion d' « institutionnalisation » et propose une problématisation conceptuelle du travail psychique en situation de dépendance, appelé « travail de dépendance », à partir de laquelle est analysé le matériel clinique recueilli pendant le processus de recherche, sur la base d'entretiens cliniques, d'épreuves projectives (Rorschach et Thematic Apperception Test), d'une évaluation de la dépression et d'une évaluation des ressources cognitives. Il apparaît que le caractère de « crise » inhérent à ce moment de passage questionne les modalités de préparation à la sortie de l'hôpital, et notamment la fonction psychique assurée par le projet d'institutionnalisation. L'analyse des résultats montre combien l'investissement des objets du care relève chaque fois d'une véritable création personnelle, à laquelle le type d'organisation psychopathologique, l'intensité des problématiques de perte et de passivité, ainsi que le poids des opérations défensives mobilisées pour y faire face, confèrent une coloration singulière. De manière notable, le traitement de ces problématiques reste saisi dans une intrication des registres psychosexuel et anaclitique, qui dément l'idée selon laquelle l'acuité de la question narcissique abolirait sensiblement la conflictualité liée à la sexualité infantile. Se saisissant du contraste repéré entre la souffrance psychique amplement constatée chez les personnes rencontrées et l'absence, par ailleurs, de décompensation dépressive ou psychiatrique manifeste, la thèse questionne les ressorts subjectifs du consentement au projet d'institutionnalisation des soins de longue durée, et les écueils d'une mobilisation défensive, à visée anti-dépressive, susceptible de s'abîmer dans l'adaptation conformiste ou la (pseudo)normalité discrète. Il en ressort qu'une attention particulière doit être portée à la façon dont le processus de l'annonce du projet d'institutionnalisation est susceptible d'opérer sur la temporalisation nécessaire à l'appropriation subjective de l'expérience. / This thesis analyses the singular experience of elderly men and women who face up to dependency and needs for long- term care supports or services. This analysis is based on a longitudinal study conducted with 25 men and women, hospitalised in geriatric units, and met again four months after the end of their hospitalisation, at home or in nursing home. The specific subjective meaning of dependency for the concerned subjects is examined from clinical psychology and psychopathology works, especially from psychoanalysis contributions on ageing and disability, related with ethics of care. This thesis draws out the meta-psychologic basis of the dependency issue and its stakes in terms of therapeutic settings. In particular, it comes back on the notion of "institutionalisation" and its ambiguities. It also proposes a conceptual problematisation of the psychic work mobilised in the dependency process, called "dependency work". This specific problematisation constitutes the analysis framework of the clinical data we collected for this thesis, on the basis of interviews, projective methods (Rorschach and Thematic Apperception Test), depression scale and cognitive assessment. It appears that the "crisis", that transition from hospital to long-term care may cause for elderly subjects, questions the way hospital discharge is prepared and particularly the psychic function performed by the institutionalisation project. The analysis of our results highlights how important is the involvement of a genuine singular process of creation in the adjustment of long-term care supports in the ageing; this process of creation depends on personality organisation, on the strength of loss and passivity issues, and on the quality of defence mechanisms. It is worth noting that the psychic reorganisations at work in these issues are based on the intertwining of psycho-sexual and anaclitic levels. Therefore, narcissistic crisis does not erase infantile sexuality conflicts in ageing. Besides, we clearly identify a contrast between the psychic suffering largely observed in our subjects and the absence of depressive or psychiatric decompensation. This contrast leads us to study the subjective motivations of elderly subjects to consent to long-term care institutionalisation, and the pitfalls of defensive mechanisms, mobilised against depression, which may trigger conformist adaptive or pseudo-normal responses. Consequently, an outcome of this thesis is that we have to pay special attention to the implications of the announcement process of long-term care project on the necessary temporalisation for elderly subject who experiments this situation to subjectively appropriate it.

Behavioral, Policy, and Environmental Approaches to Obesity Prevention in Preschool-Aged Children

Liu, Sherry T. 18 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Perceptions et besoins du personnel des services de garde en milieu scolaire québécois en lien avec le contexte du repas à l’école et la promotion de saines habitudes alimentaires

Meunier, Véronique 03 1900 (has links)
Contexte: Depuis 1985, l’Association des services de garde en milieu scolaire du Québec (ASGEMSQ) a pour principale mission de veiller à l’amélioration de la qualité des services de garde des écoles québécoises afin que chaque enfant puisse évoluer dans un milieu de qualité, respectueux de son bien-être et de son développement. En partenariat avec Québec en forme, l’ASGEMSQ joint sa voix au vaste mouvement d’initiatives favorisant l’adoption de saines habitudes de vie et a amorcé des actions menant au développement d'un environnement favorable à une saine alimentation et à l'activité physique dans les services de garde en milieu scolaire. À cette fin, les responsables des services de garde en milieu scolaire y exercent un rôle déterminant. Objectif: Les objectifs principaux de ce mémoire sont d’étudier des perceptions des responsables des services de garde en milieu scolaire du Québec à l’égard du contexte des repas et des facteurs liés à son déroulement ainsi que d'identifier leurs besoins de formation en nutrition. Méthodologie: À l’automne 2014, un sondage électronique fut envoyé aux 1 655 responsables des services de garde en milieu scolaire du Québec. Des statistiques descriptives et des tests de chi-carré furent menés (SPSS, version 17.01). Résultats: Un total de 624 réponses fut analysé, donnant un taux de réponse de 38%. Le contexte du repas semble être un moment relativement agréable pour la majorité des enfants et du personnel éducateur. Différents obstacles ont une relation statistiquement significative avec la perception générale du contexte du repas comme étant agréable pour la majorité des enfants tels que le non-respect des consignes de la part des parents à l’égard du contenu de la boîte à lunch, le rythme personnel selon lequel les enfants s’alimentent, la nécessité d’encadrer adéquatement des enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux, le non-respect du code de vie de l’école par les enfants, et l’attitude générale du personnel. Les résultats démontrent un intérêt considérable de la part du personnel éducateur pour différentes formations en nutrition. De plus, l'intérêt pour certains thèmes de formation a une relation statistiquement significative avec certains obstacles liés au bon déroulement du repas et certaines caractéristiques du milieu. Conclusion: Les données confirment le besoin d’outiller la main d’œuvre et de maintenir des partenariats avec l’école et les parents pour que le repas en milieu scolaire soit agréable. Le service de garde en milieu scolaire primaire est un milieu à documenter. Il constitue un milieu de vie fréquenté quotidiennement par la majorité des enfants. Avec la collaboration des responsables des services, des directions d’école et des parents, des interventions peuvent être planifiées pour en faire un milieu propice à l’adoption de saines habitudes de vie. Ce portrait des contextes de repas dans les écoles primaires du Québec s’inscrit dans la volonté de comprendre les environnements alimentaires pour en faire des milieux favorables à l’adoption de saines habitudes de vie. / Context: Since 1985, the main objective of the Association des services de garde en milieu scolaire du Québec (ASGEMSQ) has been to improve the quality of child care services in schools so that each child could develop in an environment that contributes to its well-being and growth. In partnership with Québec en forme, ASGEMSQ joined a national movement searching to promote healthy lifestyles and initiated actions leading to the development of environment conductive to healthy eating and physical activities in school child care services. To this end, child care providers definitively play a decisive role. Objective: The main objectives of this research are to study the perceptions of school-age child care providers in Quebec with regards to the meal period and the factors that may impair its development, as well as to identify their training needs in nutrition. Methodology: During fall 2014, an electronic survey was sent to 1655 child care providers from Quebec schools. Descriptive statistics and chi-square tests were conducted (SPSS, version 17.01). Results: In total, 624 responses were obtained, a 38% response rate. The meal context appears to be a relatively pleasant moment for the majority of children and educators. Different obstacles had statistically significant relationship with the perception of the meal context as being enjoyable for the majority of children, namely failure from parents to comply with instructions regarding lunch box content, children personal eating pace, the need to appropriately support children with special needs, non-compliance to the school code of conduct and the general attitude of the school's staff. The results show considerable interest from child care providers in various nutrition training activities. Moreover, specific training themes have a statistically significant relationship with obstacles related to a favorable meal context and to certain characteristics of the environment likely to impact them. Conclusion: The data confirm training needs and the importance to support partnerships with school and parents so that the meal context represents enjoyable moments. Elementary school day care is an environment to be documented. It constitutes a living environment that a majority of children experiment on a daily base. In collaboration with child-care center managers, school principals and parents, actions can be planned to create environments that support the adoption of healthy lifestyles. This transversal study conducted in Quebec's elementary schools contributed to the study on the importance of the environments on overall healthy lifestyles.

Une transition vers le monde adulte : un effort collectif en oncologie pour une survie de qualité

Lessard, Maude 05 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Chaque année, au Canada, environ 1000 enfants âgés de 0 à 14 ans recevront un diagnostic de cancer. On estime qu’environ 80 % de ceux-ci vont survivre. La rémission implique un suivi à long terme basé sur la prévention et la promotion de la santé. Une fois adulte, ce type de suivi doit se poursuivre. Ces jeunes âgés de 18 ans devront donc effectuer un transfert de milieu de soins entre le centre pédiatrique et le centre adulte. Le passage à l’âge adulte étant déjà un moment de changement en soi, l’ajout de cette transition de milieu vers un milieu inconnu peut être anxiogène. Des patients qui ont une expérience acquise à naviguer dans le centre de cancérologie adulte pourraient venir en aide à leurs pairs sous forme d’accompagnement à la transition. Objectifs : Identifier les besoins spécifiques des patients en rémission d’une tumeur cérébrale diagnostiquée à l’enfance et qui devront transférer d’un centre pédiatrique à un centre adulte et ainsi, connaître leur intérêt face à une intervention comprenant un patient accompagnateur (PA). Identifier les facteurs favorables et limitants à la mise en place d’une intervention impliquant des PA lors de la transition vers un centre hospitalier adulte des patients en rémission d’un sarcome diagnostiqué à l’enfance. Puis, connaître la perception des parties prenantes qui gravitent autour de la transition de milieux de soins quant aux pistes d’amélioration à apporter, aux enjeux vécus, mais aussi à la possibilité d’impliquer des PA. Méthode : Un devis qualitatif de type exploratoire de faisabilité d’implantation est utilisé. Des entretiens sont conduits auprès de la population de recherche constituée de patients effectuant le transfert de milieu, d’un PA, de professionnels de la santé et des membres de bureaux du partenariat. L’analyse thématique est utilisée afin de faire ressortir les thèmes communs des entrevues autant pour les divergences de point de vue que pour les ressemblances. Résultats : Les membres des bureaux de partenariat voient des bénéfices à l’implication de PA, mais y voient certaines complexités vu le manque de ressource pour soutenir un tel programme. Ils accordent une importance particulière au suivi psychosocial des PA et l’implication des parents dans le processus. Quant aux professionnels de la santé, ils accordent une importance particulière au développement de l’autonomie des jeunes patients et un suivi conjoint entre les centres. Ils sont également sensibles au suivi psychosocial des patients et aux enjeux spécifiques à la transition. Ils voient des bénéfices à l’implication d’un programme de PA, mais soulèvent des réticences. Le patient nomme la différence d’encadrement entre les milieux et les difficultés de communication entre ceux-ci. Les lacunes de la communication transparaissent dans le transfert du dossier médical, une inquiétude soulevée par le patient. Il voit cependant des bénéfices à un programme impliquant des PA. Puis, le PA aborde les défis et les préalables à la réussite de ses interventions. Il soulève également le manque d’accompagnement pour les parents. Conclusion : La transition de milieux de soins génère de nouveaux défis pour les patients comme ceux diagnostiqués à l’enfance d’une tumeur cérébrale ou d’un sarcome. Une attention particulière doit être portée aux besoins de ces patients, mais aussi à l’amélioration du processus. De premier abord, l’implantation d’un programme de PA n’est pas ressortie comme un besoin exprimé par le patient. Il y voyait cependant que des bénéfices. Les données de cette étude sont trop restreintes pour déterminer si l’accompagnement serait bénéfique à la transition entre le milieu pédiatrique et adulte. Cependant, cette étude exploratoire de faisabilité d’implantation a permis de connaître les perceptions des parties prenantes qui gravitent autour de ce processus de transition entre les milieux face à des pistes d’amélioration du processus, des enjeux vécus et la perception de l’implication des PA. Mots clés: Tumeur cérébrale, sarcome, patient accompagnateur, transition de milieux de soins, pédiatrie, centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine, centre hospitalier universitaire de Montréal, hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont / Background: Every year, in Canada around 1000 kids between 0 and 14 years old will be diagnosed with a cancer. The survival rate is estimated around 80%. Remission involves a survivorship follow up based on prevention and health promotion. As an adult, their follow up must continue. The 18 years old young adult will transfer from pediatric care center to adult care center. Transition to adulthood is a turning point for them and the adding of adult care center transfer can be anxiety inducing. Patients who had experience navigating in the adult cancer care center can help reduce this anxiety by being mentor for the other patients. Objectives: Identify the needs of patients in remission from a brain tumor cancer diagnosed in childhood who will transfer from a pediatric center to an adult center and thus, know their interest in an intervention including a mentor patient. Identify the positive and limiting factors for the implementation of an intervention involving mentor patients during the transition to an adult hospital center for patients in remission from a sarcoma diagnosed in childhood. Then, know the perception of the stakeholders of the process as to the avenues for improvement to made, the issues experienced, but also the possibility of involving mentor patients. Design: A qualitative design of exploratory type of implementation feasibility is used. Interviews are conduct with patients, mentor patient, health care professionnal and paternership members. A content analysist is used to bring out the principal themes in the interviews and also the different and the similar points of view. Results: The members of the partnership offices clearly see the benefits of involving mentor patient but see certain complexities in it because of the lack of resources to support such program. They attach particular importance to the psychosocial follow-up of mentor patient and the involvement of parents in the process. As for health professionals, they attach a particular importance to the development of young patient’s autonomy and joint monitoring between the centers. They are also sensitive to the psychosocial follow-up of patients and to the specific issues of the transition. They see benefits in the involvement of a mentor patient program but raise some reservations. The patient raises the difference in supervision between the care centers and the communication difficulties between them. The gaps in communication are reflected in the transfer of the medical file, a concern of this patient. However, he sees only benefits to a program involving mentor patient. Then, the mentor patient discusses of the challenges and prerequisites for the success of his interventions. He also raises the lack of support for parents. Conclusion: The period when care environment change, being a time of new challenges for patients such as those diagnosed with a brain tumor or sarcoma in their childhood, special attention must be paid to their needs, by improving the process. At first, the implementation of a mentorship program did not emerge as a need expressed by the patient. However, he only saw benefits. The data from this study are too limited to determine whether mentor support would be beneficial to the transition between the pediatric and adult settings. However, this exploratory study made it possible to know the perceptions of the stakeholders who gravitate around this process of transition between the care centers which is improving the process, the issues experienced and the perception of the mentors’ patients. Key words: Brain tumor, sarcoma, mentor patient, transition of care settings, pediatrics, centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine, centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Maisonneuve-Rosemont hospital

HIV and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination reduction-intervention strategy in health care settings of Amahara Region, Ethiopia

Wodajo, Befekadu Sedeta 06 1900 (has links)
Stigma and discrimination (SAD) attached to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has been recognised as a major obstacle to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support throughout the world. SAD is more devastating when it occurs in health care settings where it is least expected. Health care providers (HCPs) are supposed to provide physical, social and psychological support to people living with HIV (PLWHA) but HIV and AIDS-related SAD has been extensively documented among the HCPs. Different studies have pointed out that there are three major actionable causes of HIV-related SAD in health care settings. These are lack of awareness among HCPs, fear of casual contacts and associating the SAD to immoral behaviour. The main objective of the current study is to determine the magnitude of HIV and AIDS-related SAD and its associated factors in hospitals and then to propose appropriate SAD reduction-intervention strategy in the health care settings. The study employed pre-test-post-test design with non-equivalent control group. Two paradigms were used in this study including quantitative and qualitative approaches. The sampling method for the quantitative part of the study was probability sampling in which the respondents were randomly selected using stratified sampling technique. The study was able to determine the magnitude of HIV and AIDS-related SAD among the HCPs. Moreover, the study has identified the factors that are attributed to the prevalence of SAD in the hospitals. The major factors identified for causing the SAD in the hospitals were sex, age, work experience, low level of knowledge, negative attitudes and percieved risk of HIV infection of some HCPs toward the PLWHA. The intervention made on the respondents in the treatment group was able to reduce the overall prevalence of the SAD among the HCPs. The study suggests that to reduce the SAD, HIV and AIDS-related trainings before and after graduation is critical to improve the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the HCPs. Besides, ensuring the availability of the protective supplies in hospitals is crucial in reducing the fear of HIV infection among the HCPs while providing care for HIV positive patients. Effective implementation of the hospital policies, strategies, guidelines and protocols along with good institutional support is also vital in creating safe and user-friendly hospitals for PLWHA / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Social workers’ perceptions of their role in providing palliative care to patients with life-limiting illnesses : a qualitative study among social workers in primary care settings in Namibia

Freeman, Rachel Johanna 07 1900 (has links)
This study explored social workers’ perceptions of their role in providing palliative care to patients with life-limiting illnesses in six hospitals across Namibia. A qualitative grounded theory approach was use in which in-depth interviews were conduct with twenty (20) social workers. Several key findings are presented: First, the emerging constructivist grounded theory of social workers’ multi-dimensional roles in providing palliative include identities of advocate, assessor, broker, counsellor, educator, facilitator, patient liaison, mediator, discharge planner and manager of in-country referrals. Second, several participants’ uncertainties of what palliative care entails offered insight that they are in need of palliative care education and training. Third, healthcare professionals do not understand the role of the social workers and therefore social workers receive inadequate support from them. Fourth, there is a lack of in-service training and continuous education in palliative care. Fifth, there are inadequate practice opportunities in palliative care for undergraduate social work students. Finally, the well-being of social workers is another concern with limited debriefing opportunities available. Further research needs to be conducted and policy guidelines established to identify ways to improve the field of palliative care social work. In achieving this, formal education and palliative care practice opportunities for social workers need to be established, providing continuing education and establishing a Centre of Excellence on palliative care provision. This study argues that the social work profession is well positioned to draw upon its values, culture and experiences (particularly from their clients) to get involved in creating a constructivist grounded theory of social workers’ roles in providing palliative care. / Sociology / D. Phil. (Sociology)

HIV and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination reduction-intervention strategy in health care settings of Amahara region Ethiopia

Befekadu Sedata Wodajo 06 1900 (has links)
Stigma and discrimination (SAD) attached to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has been recognised as a major obstacle to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support throughout the world. SAD is more devastating when it occurs in health care settings where it is least expected. Health care providers (HCPs) are supposed to provide physical, social and psychological support to people living with HIV (PLWHA) but HIV and AIDS-related SAD has been extensively documented among the HCPs. Different studies have pointed out that there are three major actionable causes of HIV-related SAD in health care settings. These are lack of awareness among HCPs, fear of casual contacts and associating the SAD to immoral behaviour. The main objective of the current study is to determine the magnitude of HIV and AIDS-related SAD and its associated factors in hospitals and then to propose appropriate SAD reduction-intervention strategy in the health care settings. The study employed pre-test-post-test design with non-equivalent control group. Two paradigms were used in this study including quantitative and qualitative approaches. The sampling method for the quantitative part of the study was probability sampling in which the respondents were randomly selected using stratified sampling technique. The study was able to determine the magnitude of HIV and AIDS-related SAD among the HCPs. Moreover, the study has identified the factors that are attributed to the prevalence of SAD in the hospitals. The major factors identified for causing the SAD in the hospitals were sex, age, work experience, low level of knowledge, negative attitudes and percieved risk of HIV infection of some HCPs toward the PLWHA. The intervention made on the respondents in the treatment group was able to reduce the overall prevalence of the SAD among the HCPs. The study suggests that to reduce the SAD, HIV and AIDS-related trainings before and after graduation is critical to improve the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the HCPs. Besides, ensuring the availability of the protective supplies in hospitals is crucial in reducing the fear of HIV infection among the HCPs while providing care for HIV positive patients. Effective implementation of the hospital policies, strategies, guidelines and protocols along with good institutional support is also vital in creating safe and user-friendly hospitals for PLWHA. / Health Studies

HIV and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination reduction-intervention strategy in health care settings of Amahara Region, Ethiopia

Befekadu Sedeta Wodajo 06 1900 (has links)
Stigma and discrimination (SAD) attached to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has been recognised as a major obstacle to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support throughout the world. SAD is more devastating when it occurs in health care settings where it is least expected. Health care providers (HCPs) are supposed to provide physical, social and psychological support to people living with HIV (PLWHA) but HIV and AIDS-related SAD has been extensively documented among the HCPs. Different studies have pointed out that there are three major actionable causes of HIV-related SAD in health care settings. These are lack of awareness among HCPs, fear of casual contacts and associating the SAD to immoral behaviour. The main objective of the current study is to determine the magnitude of HIV and AIDS-related SAD and its associated factors in hospitals and then to propose appropriate SAD reduction-intervention strategy in the health care settings. The study employed pre-test-post-test design with non-equivalent control group. Two paradigms were used in this study including quantitative and qualitative approaches. The sampling method for the quantitative part of the study was probability sampling in which the respondents were randomly selected using stratified sampling technique. The study was able to determine the magnitude of HIV and AIDS-related SAD among the HCPs. Moreover, the study has identified the factors that are attributed to the prevalence of SAD in the hospitals. The major factors identified for causing the SAD in the hospitals were sex, age, work experience, low level of knowledge, negative attitudes and percieved risk of HIV infection of some HCPs toward the PLWHA. The intervention made on the respondents in the treatment group was able to reduce the overall prevalence of the SAD among the HCPs. The study suggests that to reduce the SAD, HIV and AIDS-related trainings before and after graduation is critical to improve the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the HCPs. Besides, ensuring the availability of the protective supplies in hospitals is crucial in reducing the fear of HIV infection among the HCPs while providing care for HIV positive patients. Effective implementation of the hospital policies, strategies, guidelines and protocols along with good institutional support is also vital in creating safe and user-friendly hospitals for PLWHA / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

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