Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anaglyph."" "subject:"catastrophism.""
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The desert ant's celestial compass system / evaluating the role of the polarization compass of Cataglyphis fortisLebhardt, Fleur 18 November 2015 (has links)
Die Wüstenameise, Cataglyphis, orientiert sich vor allem mittels Wegintegration. Über einen Heimvektor, den sie aus Distanz und Richtung einzelner Wegabschnitte berechnet, kann sie auf dem kürzesten Weg zu ihrem Ausgangspunkt zurückkehren. Zur Bestimmung der zurückgelegten Strecken verwendet sie einen Schrittintegrator. Die Laufrichtung wird hauptsächlich über Himmelsinformationen (Polarisationsmuster, Sonnenstand und Spektral- und Intensitätsgradienten) definiert. In dieser Arbeit über die Orientierungsfähigkeit von Cataglyphis fortis wird die Rolle des Polarisationskompasses bei der Bestimmung der Laufrichtung untersucht. In verschiedenen Versuchen wurden der Polarisationskompass der Ameise mit Hilfe eines Polarisationsfilters gezielt manipuliert und künstliche Konfliktsituationen erzeugt. Die Richtungsbestimmung wurde vom Polarisationskompass dominiert, wenn allein die Information des Polarisationskompass und idiothetische Richtungsinformation zur Verfügung standen. Erfuhren die Ameise widersprüchliche Informationen von Sonnen- und Polarisationskompass, berechneten sie eine mittlere Heimlaufrichtung, was eine gemeinsame neuronale Verarbeitung der beiden Signale voraussetzt. Diese These wurde durch Transferexperimente gestützt. In einer weiteren Versuchsreihe wurde die Wahrnehmung des Polarisationsmusters durch direkte Manipulation der entsprechenden Region (DRA) im Ameisenauge untersucht. Standen der Ameise in beiden Augen die frontale oder caudale DRA zur Verfügung führte dies zu einem deutlichen Orientierungsverlust. Die intakte DRA eines Auges erlaubte eine zielgerichtete Fortbewegung, die jedoch von der Erwartungsrichtung abwich. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie, dass der Polarisationskompass die präziseste Richtungsinformation liefert und den Himmelskompass der Wüstenameise dominiert. / The desert ant, Cataglyphis, navigates predominantly by means of path integration. The information about the distance and direction of individual path segments is integrated into a home vector, which allows the ant to return to the starting point on the shortest way. The distances covered are determined by a stride integrator. The heading direction is inferred mainly via celestial cues: the sky’s polarization pattern, the position of the sun, and the spectral and intensity gradient. This thesis focuses generally on the orientation abilities of Cataglyphis fortis and particularly on the role of the polarization compass to determine the heading direction. In the experiments, the ant’s polarization compass was selectively manipulated using a polarization filter and artificial cue conflict situations were created. The ants relied exclusively on the polarization compass to determine their heading direction if only idiothetic information and information from the polarization compass were available. When the ants experienced contradicting information detected via the sun and the polarization compass systems, an intermediate homing direction was calculated, suggesting a combined neural processing of both signals. This statement was supported by transfer experiments. In a further series of experiments, the input part of the polarization compass was manipulated. Particular regions of the ant’s eye (DRA) that detect polarized light were occluded. Ants with only the frontal or caudal parts of the DRA became disoriented, whereas ants with the entire DRA of one eye were able to perform more precise paths, although deviated from the expected direction. Overall, the results from this thesis suggest that the polarization compass provides the most accurate directional information and dominates the celestial compass system of the desert ant.
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Gene fishing in Cataglyphis fortis – Identification of genes inthe desert antMünzner, Ulrike January 2009 (has links)
<p>The desert ant Cataglyphis fortis lives in the Sahara desert where it is exposed to extreme temperatures up to 70° C. In other words, the organism is considered as a thermophile. Until now the genome remains unknown but the fact that C. fortis provides heat stable proteins makes it very interesting in the field of protein studies and maybe even therapeutical research later on. This thesis focuses on trying to find genes that are expressed in C. fortis. Different genes were chosen and capable primers designed. After fishing for the enzyme GAPDH a fragment was found and sequenced. The sequence showed 31% homology on amino acid level with protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) in Apis mellifera (honey bee) and Drosophila melanogaster (fruitfly). The received sequence can be used to design new primers that match exactly. Gene fishing can also be continued by using the other primers that were designed during this project.</p>
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Gene fishing in Cataglyphis fortis – Identification of genes inthe desert antMünzner, Ulrike January 2009 (has links)
The desert ant Cataglyphis fortis lives in the Sahara desert where it is exposed to extreme temperatures up to 70° C. In other words, the organism is considered as a thermophile. Until now the genome remains unknown but the fact that C. fortis provides heat stable proteins makes it very interesting in the field of protein studies and maybe even therapeutical research later on. This thesis focuses on trying to find genes that are expressed in C. fortis. Different genes were chosen and capable primers designed. After fishing for the enzyme GAPDH a fragment was found and sequenced. The sequence showed 31% homology on amino acid level with protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) in Apis mellifera (honey bee) and Drosophila melanogaster (fruitfly). The received sequence can be used to design new primers that match exactly. Gene fishing can also be continued by using the other primers that were designed during this project.
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Adaptation of thermal scavenging ants to severe heat-conditionsWillot, Quentin 21 December 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Thermal scavenging is a unique behavior restricted to a few desert ant genera. Workers are among the most thermotolerant land animals known to this day, being able to survive body temperatures of sometimes more than 50°C for several minutes. Making use of their remarkable heat-hardiness, they search for food in plain day, a feat that other desert creatures cannot accomplish. They mostly feed on the corpses of heat-stricken, less tolerant arthropods that were unable to survive the blazing sun of the midday desert. Thermal scavenging has evolved independently at least three times in distantly related genera, geographical well segregated inside the different deserts of the world. First, the Cataglyphis genus ranges from the Sahara Desert and extends its distribution to reach minor Asia through the Mediterranean Basin. Second the Ocymyrmex genus can be found in the Namib and Karoo deserts of southern Africa, extending its range to eastern Africa savanna plains. Finally, the Melophorus genus can be found in Australia, with thermal scavenging species distributed in the central desert of the outback region.While this impressive behavior was already well-described by the start of this PhD project, little was known about the mechanisms supporting the remarkable heat-tolerance of workers. Using biophysical and physiological approaches in Cataglyphis and Ocymyrmex, we’ve been able to pinpoint key aspects underlying stress tolerance in those genera. First, from a biophysical standpoint, the Sahara silver ant Cataglyphis bombycina is covered with a unique and dense array of prismatic hairs reflecting visible wavelengths by total internal reflection. This allows reflection of up to 50% of the incident sunlight energy, thus shifting down the ant’s thermal equilibrium and sparing its body a few critical degrees. Second, in a comparative framework, we found numerous genes involved with critical cellular processes to be constitutively expressed or strongly up-regulated to heat in thermal scavenging ants, while their orthologs were not in mesophilic species. Those processes, such as molecular chaperoning, cell-cycle regulation, energy metabolism and muscular functions are keys that allow those ants to meet the higher requirement needed to scavenge for food at both stunning speed and under extreme heat-pressure. Overall, this work investigates the physiological and biophysical basis enabling thermal scavenging ants to survive extreme heat conditions. It provides a deeper understanding of cellular heat-tolerance pathways in non-model animals and contribute to our knowledge of life’s adaptation to extreme conditions. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Stratégies reproductrices chez la fourmi Cataglyphis cursorPearcy, Morgan January 2005 (has links)
La sélection de la parentèle est le concept actuellement le plus fréquemment avancé pour justifier l’évolution et le maintien d'une caste ouvrière stérile chez les Hyménoptères sociaux. La fourmi méditerranéenne Cataglyphis cursor possède plusieurs traits biologiques qui font de cette espèce un modèle particulièrement intéressant pour tester les prédictions de la théorie de la sélection de la parentèle, le plus important d'entre eux étant la capacité des ouvrières, qui ne s'accouplent jamais, à produire une descendance mâle (haploïde) par parthénogenèse arrhénotoque, ou femelle (diploïde) par parthénogenèse thélytoque. Nos analyses génétiques, basées sur des marqueurs microsatellites développés au préalable pour cette espèce, ont révélé que les reines utilisent la reproduction sexuée et asexuée respectivement pour la production de la caste ouvrière et reproductrice. L'analyse du pedigree des reproductrices issues de la reproduction asexuée nous a permis d'identifier le mécanisme cytologique de la parthénogenèse thélytoque et d'estimer la proportion de reines issues de la reproduction des ouvrières au sein de la population. De plus, bien que les reines soient capables de produire une descendance diploïde (femelle) par parthénogenèse thélytoque, elles ont conservé la reproduction sexuée pour la caste ouvrière et s'accouplent avec plusieurs mâles. Ceci indique que la reproduction sexuée a une fonction importante au niveau de la colonie, et nous avons testé certaines des hypothèses avancées pour justifier l'évolution de la polyandrie. Finalement, nous avons étudié l'impact des stratégies de dispersion de cette espèce sur le sex-ratio de la descendance sexuée. Ces résultats confirment l'intérêt que représente l'étude des stratégies reproductrices chez les Hyménoptères sociaux pour tester les prédiction de diverses théories en biologie évolutives et ouvrent également de nouvelles perspectives de recherche, tant chez C. cursor que chez d'autres espèces appartenant au genre Cataglyphis. / Kin selection is, to date, the most widely accepted theory to justify the evolution of a sterile worker caste among social Hymenoptera. The Mediterranean ant Cataglyphis cursor represents an interesting biological model for several reasons, the most important of them being the ability for unmated workers to produce haploid (male) offspring, through arrhenotokous parthenogenesis, and diploid (female) offspring, through thelytokous parthenogenesis. Our genetic analyses, based on microsatellite loci developed for this purpose, revealed that queens selectively use sexual and asexual reproduction to produce workers and sexuals, respectively. Pedigree analyses allowed us to identify the cytological mechanism involved in thelytokous parthenogenesis and to estimate the proportion of worker-produced queens in the study population. Although C. cursor queens do not require mating to produce diploid offspring, they have retained sexual reproduction and mate multiply with up to 8 males. This suggests that sexual reproduction has important benefits for colony function, and we tested several hypotheses accounting for the evolution of polyandry. Eventually, we studied the effect of dispersal strategies on sex-ratio of the sexual brood. These results confirm the interest of investigating the reproductive strategies of social Hymenoptera to test the predictions of diverse theories in the field of evolutionary biology, and open new research perspectives in C. cursor and other ants of the Cataglyphis genera. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Social hybridogenesis in ants of the genus CataglyphisDarras, Hugo 26 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Les Hyménoptères sociaux (abeilles, fourmis et guêpes) doivent leur succès écologique à une division dutravail marquée par l’existence de castes. Les reines sont spécialisées dans la reproduction, tandis que les ouvrières sont stériles et prennent en charge la construction du nid et sa défense, la récolte de nourriture et l’élevage des jeunes. Le développement d’un œuf femelle en une reine ou une ouvrière est généralement régi par des facteurs environnementaux, tels que la qualité ou la quantité de la nourriture.En réalisant une étude de génétique des populations chez la fourmi Cataglyphis hispanica, nous avons mis en évidence un mode de reproduction inhabituel appelé hybridogenèse sociale. Cette espèce est caractérisée par la co-existence de deux lignées génétiques au sein des populations. Les reines de chaque lignée s’accouplent systématiquement avec un mâle de l’autre lignée génétique. Ainsi, les reines de la lignée 1 s’accouplent toujours avec un mâle de la lignée 2, et les reines de la lignée 2 s’accouplent avec un mâle de la lignée 1. Les ouvrières sont issues du croisement entre les deux lignées :il s’agit donc d’individus hybrides. A l’inverse, les individus reproducteurs (nouvelles reines et mâles) sont produits exclusivement par reproduction asexuée. La caste femelle (reine ou ouvrière) est donc déterminée génétiquement; les ouvrières portent un génome hybride, alors que les reproducteurs possèdent un génome non-hybride hérité exclusivement de la mère.Les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse de doctorat visent à comprendre l’origine et l’évolution de l’hybridogenèse sociale chez les fourmis Cataglyphis par le biais d’approches variées (génétique des populations, phylogéographie et manipulation de colonies en laboratoire). Ils sont articulés selon plusieurs axes complémentaires :la description du phénomène, l’étude de sa distribution géographique et phylogénétique au sein du genre Cataglyphis, et l'étude de ces mécanismes génétiques sous-jacents. / In eusocial Hymenoptera, such as bees, wasp and ants, it is commonly accepted that the diploid female eggs are bipotent and develop either into a queen or a worker depending on environmental factors. While conducting a population genetic study of the ant Cataglyphis hispanica, we discovered an unusual reproductive system called social hybridogenesis. Under this system, queens and workers develop from eggs with different genetic make-up. Two divergent genetic lineages coexist within a population. Queens of each lineage mate with males originating from the other lineage. Workers are produced by sexual reproduction; hence, they are first generation hybrids of the two lineages. By contrast, new queens and males are produced by thelytokous and arrhenotokous parthenogenesis, respectively. By using alternative modes of reproduction, queens appear to maximize their reproductive success by increasing the transmission rate of their genes to the reproductive offspring while benefiting from genetic diversity and heterosis effects in their worker force. Males, however, do not contribute genes to the next generation as they only sire sterile workers. This system is expected to be evolutionary short-lived as lineages may be selected to stop the production of males with null direct fitness. This PhD project aims at understanding the origin and evolution of social hybridogenesis in Cataglyphis. Using several different approaches including population genetics methods based on microsatellite makers, phylogeography and experimental manipulations on lab colonies, I explored tthe characteristics of social hybridogenesis, the genetic mechanisms underlying the system and its distribution within the genus Cataglyphis. My results, together with other recent findings, question the paradigm of environmental caste determination in eusocial Hymenoptera and suggest that genetic influences on caste determination may be more common than previously thought. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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