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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Defnyddio cyfieithu awtomatig a chof cyfieithu wrth gyfieithu o’r Saesneg i’r Gymraeg : astudiaeth ystadegol o ymdrech, cynhyrchedd ac ansawdd gan ddefnyddio data Cofnodwyr Trawiadau Bysell a Thracio Llygaid

Screen, Benjamin January 2018 (has links)
Mae’r traethawd hwn yn ymchwilio i sut y gall technoleg cyfieithu, sef Cyfieithu Awtomatig a Chofion Cyfieithu, fod o fudd i’r cyfieithydd proffesiynol mewn perthynas ag ymdrech wybyddol, cynhyrchu testun a chynhyrchedd, a sut y gall fod o gymorth o’r herwydd i’r gwaith o greu Cymru ddwyieithog. Ystyrir hefyd yr effaith a gaiff y defnydd o’r technolegau hyn ar ansawdd terfynol y cyfieithiadau, yn ôl cyfieithwyr profiadol a darpar ddefnyddwyr y cyfieithiadau hyn. Defnyddir dulliau ymchwil cofnodi trawiadau bysell a thracio llygaid, ynghyd â theclynnau ymchwil sefydliad Translation Automation Users Society (TAUS), sef dulliau nad ydynt wedi eu defnyddio hyd yma wrth ymchwilio i gyfieithu proffesiynol Cymraeg. Mae’r defnydd o dracio llygaid wrth ymchwilio i ansawdd cymharol hefyd yn wreiddiol yn rhyngwladol, a’r astudiaeth hon yw’r gyntaf i ddefnyddio’r dechnoleg hon i ymchwilio i effaith testunau a ôl-olygwyd ar y darllenydd. Hon yw’r astudiaeth gyntaf o’i bath hefyd i ymchwilio i fuddion ymarferol defnyddio technoleg cyfieithu i’r cyfieithydd proffesiynol Cymraeg y tu fewn i fframwaith rhagdybiaethol-diddwythol, gan ddefnyddio ystadegaeth gasgliadol berthnasol. Dengys y canlyniadau fod modd i’r defnydd o dechnoleg cyfieithu hwyluso gwaith y cyfieithydd yn wybyddol, lleihau’r gwaith wrth gynhyrchu testun ynghyd â chynyddu cynhyrchedd cyfieithwyr. Darganfuwyd hefyd nad yw’r defnydd o dechnoleg cyfieithu yn effeithio’n negyddol ar ansawdd cyfieithiadau terfynol, a hynny yn ôl cyfieithwyr proffesiynol profiadol a’r gymuned Gymraeg sy’n darllen gwaith cyfieithwyr. Y traethawd hwn yw’r cyntaf i ddadlau hyn ar gyfer y Gymraeg. Mae’r ymchwil a gyflwynir yma felly yn gyfraniad sylweddol i Astudiaethau Cyfieithu o safbwynt y Gymraeg, gan mai hwn yw’r traethawd cyntaf i ddadansoddi defnyddioldeb Cof Cyfieithu a Chyfieithu Awtomatig ar gyfer cyfieithwyr y Gymraeg mewn un astudiaeth sylweddol. Ar adeg pan fydd cyfieithu i’r Gymraeg yn tyfu (cf. Pennod 2), cyfraniad gwreiddiol y traethawd hwn yw dangos, trwy arbrofion rheoledig, fod Cyfieithu Awtomatig a Chof Cyfieithu yn medru bod yn arfau gwirioneddol bwerus i gyfieithwyr proffesiynol y Gymraeg.

'Newydd gân a luniodd i'w genedl' : agweddau ar Geltigrwydd T. Gwynn Jones a W.B. Yeats, 1890-1925

Lewis, Llyr January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Hyfforddiant Ymwybyddiaeth Feirniadol am yr Iaith Gymraeg, a’i Gyfraniad at Gynllunio Ieithyddol Cynhwysol yng Nghymru

Eaves, Steve January 2015 (has links)
Ymdrinia’r traethawd hwn â dwy wedd ar gynllunio ieithyddol i adfywio’r Gymraeg yng Nghymru heddiw, a’r berthynas rhyngddynt. Y wedd gyntaf yw Hyfforddiant Ymwybyddiaeth am y Gymraeg i staff sefydliadau cyhoeddus wedi Deddf yr Iaith Gymraeg 1993, ac yn neilltuol, esblygiad ffurf feirniadol arno. Y wedd arall yw’r model cynllunio ieithyddol cynhwysol a arddelir gan Lywodraeth Cymru ers 2003, model a bennai i’r gymdeithas sifil rôl bartneriaethol allweddol yn y prosiect adfywio ieithyddol. Olrheinir yn gyntaf ddatblygiad y mudiad ymwybyddiaeth iaith ym maes addysgeg dysgu iaith yn Lloegr yn negawdau olaf yr 20fed ganrif, ac esblygiad ei bersbectifau beirniadol. Olrheinir wedyn ddatblygiad Hyfforddiant Ymwybyddiaeth Iaith yng Nghymru, nid ym maes addysgeg iaith, ond fel ymyriad eilaidd gan gyrff is-lywodraethol i esbonio i’w staff y gofynion statudol newydd iddynt drin y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg yn gyfartal wrth ddarparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Gofynnai hyn am gryn newid arferion, wedi tros 450 mlynedd o eithrio’r Gymraeg o beuoedd swyddogol. Esblygodd cyfeiriadedd beirniadol ar yr hyfforddiant i gyflwyno’r cyd-destun ehangach i hyfforddeion, sef ffurf a amlyga natur ideolegol polisïau ieithyddol. Ar sail tystiolaeth wreiddiol ac eilaidd, gan gynnwys arolwg ansoddol a meintiol o hyfforddeion, dadleuir ei fod yn borth mynediad pwysig i ddinasyddion i wybodaeth a disgwrs prin am y Gymraeg. O droi at fodel cynllunio ieithyddol y Llywodraeth, olrheinir rhethreg gynhwysol testunau polisi, a chymherir y rhethreg â’r cynhyrchion polisi a gafwyd. Cyflwynir tystiolaeth mai prin fu’r ymyriadau cynhwysol, ac y methodd y prif asiantau cynllunio ieithyddol ag adnabod potensial Hyfforddiant Ymwybyddiaeth Feirniadol fel porth mynediad arwyddocaol i ddisgwrs cynhwysol. Argymhellir y dylid cynnwys yr hyfforddiant yn yr amrediad o brif ymyriadau a ystyrir gan Lywodraeth Cymru i weithredu’r model cynhwysol, a’i brif-ffrydio mewn sawl pau gymdeithasol er cynyddu mynediad dinasyddion at wybodaeth a disgwrs ieithyddol, gan fraenaru’r tir ar gyfer ‘newid ymddygiad ieithyddol’.

The scholarship of learning modern languages and cultures : integrating education, research and human development

Vera López, Hortensia Beatriz January 2012 (has links)
By taking learning as the axis of scholarship, personal and social epistemologies have a common ground: experience and reflective action. I am not considering learning as a vehicle whose success is measured to the extent that a portion of the external world is appropriated, but as a qualitatively different way to see, understand and handle experience. A scholarship of learning is tightly bound to the experiential roots of objects of study that keep on changing in individual and collective histories. Therefore, a scholarship of learning is not a set of context-free skills but a complex process of transformation of its practitioners’ identity and agency over themselves and their object of study. Such two-fold construction orientates a discipline no less than the ways of knowing, acting and being of those engaged in its investigation. I propose that the object of study of Modern Languages and Cultures should be literacy in the multilayered symbolic codes (some of which are tacit) that make intercultural interchanges intelligible and effective. The scope of this dissertation, however, is restricted to the investigation of deep learning in literacy. My thesis is that Modern Languages and Cultures should not be limited to objects of study, such as language, discourse, texts, films, etc. but has to include the processes of agentification of the learner and making sense of his or her experience in a foreign language and culture. I advocate the investigation of the experiential roots of language and culture in a scholarship of learning which seeks to integrate research and education, on the one hand, and language and content, on the other. Experience and learning are subjective-objective processes, and so I advise the epistemological revaluation of subjectivity. I propose that subjectification (i.e. the construction of the subject) is not only relevant for human development and social well-being, but is a source of knowledge in the Humanities.

Motivating language learners : a classroom-orientated investigation of teachers' motivational practices and students' motivation

Guilloteaux, Marie-Jose January 2007 (has links)
The teachers' use of motivational strategies is generally believed to enhance student motivation, yet there is scant empirical evidence to support this claim. This classroom-oriented investigation focused on how the motivational practices of EFL teachers in South Korea related to students' L2 motivation and motivated classroom behavior. In a first phase, the motivation of over 1,300 students was measured by a self-report questionnaire, and the use of motivational strategies by 27 teachers in 20 different schools was examined with a classroom observation instrument specifically developed for this investigation, the Motivation Orientation of Language Teaching (MOLT). The MOLT scheme, along with a post hoc rating scale completed by the observer, was used to assess the teachers' use of motivational strategies. The MOLT follows the real-time coding principle of Spada and Frohlich's (1995) Communication Orientation of Language Teaching (COLT) scheme but uses categories of observable teacher behaviors derived from Dornyei's (2001) motivational strategies framework for foreign language classrooms. The results indicate that the language teachers' motivational practice is directly linked to increased levels of the learners' motivated learning behavior and their motivational state. In a second phase, three high- and three low-motivation learner groups (selected from the initial sample) were compared in order to uncover the students' interpretations and understandings of the quality of their L2 instructional contexts in relation to their motivation and motivated classroom behavior. Results based on quantitative and qualitative data (which were obtained using three new instruments specifically designed for this study) indicated that the motivational practices coexisting with different levels of motivation were woven into the contents and processes of L2 instruction and instruction in general. These contents and processes seemed to stem from teachers' and students' beliefs about what counts as learning in the L2 classroom and what is the best way to learn an L2.

Typology, history and 'teratology' : the rise and fall of the 'abnormal' main clause with relative structure in P-Celtic /

Manning, H. Paul. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, Dept. of Linguistics, June 2001. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available on the Internet.

Manufacturing masculinities, manufacturing history : masculinity, genre and social context in six anglophone novels of the South Wales valleys

Jenkins, John January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines representations of Welsh masculinity in six South Wales anglophone novels: Gwyn Jones’s ‘Times Like These’ (1936), Lewis Jones’s ‘Cwmardy’ (1937), Menna Gallie’s ‘Strike for a Kingdom’ (1959), Ron Berry’s ‘So Long, Hector Bebb’ (1970), Roger Granelli’s ‘Dark Edge’ (1997), and Kit Habianic’s ‘Until Our Blood is Dry’ (2014). Understanding masculinity as a cultural construct, the following chapters analyse the interconnection between the patriarchal, industrialised social context from which such masculinities emerge, as well as the generic forms through which they are fictionally inscribed in these novels. This thesis applies a broad range of literary and gender theories to close readings of Welsh industrial fiction. Specifically, it draws extensively on R. W. Connell’s formulation of hegemonic masculinity, supplemented by the prominent work of Judith Butler, Michael Kimmel and others. Pierre Macherey and Raymond Williams inform much of the understanding of the interrelationship of culture and society. And the work of Stephen Knight, Katie Gramich and Dai Smith, among many others, has been vital to this study’s understanding of the broad field of Welsh fiction in English. Chapter One adapts Raymond Williams’s tripartite schema of ‘dominant’, ‘residual’ and ‘emergent’ energies in social process to read masculinities in ‘Times Like These’ as studies inflected through a historicised perspective. Focusing on the construction of the individual rather the politicising of the community in ‘Cwmardy’, Chapter Two examines how the coercive paradigms of patriarchal masculinity in the novel fragment both the debilitatingly sensitive Len Roberts and his physically robust, though emotionally suppressed father, Jim. Chapter Three examines how Menna Gallie’s whodunnit ‘Strike for a Kingdom’ manipulates a traditionally patriarchal sub-genre to feminise and infantilise Welsh miners, thereby challenging both the gendering and genre of earlier male-authored industrial novels. Chapter Four diverges from considering masculinity as a cultural construct to argue that in Ron Berry’s paean to ‘authentic’ masculinity, ‘So Long, Hector Bebb’, Hector is an intertextualised amalgam of heroic, mythical characteristics whose lineage extends back to antiquity. The final chapter analyses how, in ‘Dark Edge’ and ‘Until Our Blood is Dry’, the 1984-85 miners’ strike subjects Welsh masculinities to fundamental challenges of self identity when confronted by a radical government and a politically engaged feminism. Although the critical field devoted to studying masculine representations in the Valleys is expanding, it remains relatively small. With the passing of the mining industry and its associated signifiers like boxing, a whole tranche of Welsh literary history is threatened with elision from public consciousness, or incorporation into a mythical retrospective of stabilised masculinity predicated on unassailable patriarchal hegemony. As becomes apparent in the following chapters, a gendered reading of the texts exposes ‘masculinity’ as an elusive concept, as capable of incarcerating men in a patriarchal code of practice as of liberating them.

Dentals in the insular-Celtic languages

Greller, Wolfgang January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

A social network analysis of Irish language use in social media

Caulfield, John January 2013 (has links)
Statistics show that the world wide web is dominated by a few widely spoken languages. However, in quieter corners of the web, clusters of minority language speakers can be found interacting and sharing content. This study is the first to compare three such clusters of Irish language social media users. Social network analysis of the most active public sites of interaction through Irish – the Irish language blogosphere, the Irish language Twittersphere and a popular Irish language Facebook group – reveals unique networks of individuals communicating through Irish in unique and innovative ways. Firstly, it describes the members and their activity, and the size and structure of the networks they share. Then through focused discourse analysis of the core prolific users in each network it describes how the language has been adapted to computer-mediated communication. This study found that the largest networks of Irish speakers comprised between 150-300 regular participants each. Most members were adults, male, and lived in towns and cities outside of the language’s traditional heartland. Moreover, each group shared one common trait: though scattered geographically, through regular online interaction between core members they behave like communities. They were found to have shared histories, norms and customs, and self-awareness that their groups were unique. Furthermore, core users had adapted the language in new and innovative ways through their online discourse. This study is the first comprehensive audit of who is using the Irish language socially on the web, where they are forming networks online, and how they are adapting the language to online discourse. It makes a unique contribution in re-imagining what constitutes an Irish language community in the context of the Network Society. In the process, it contributes to the growing body of sociolinguistic research into globalisation and local identity on the web.

Eadar DàChànan : self-translation, the bilingual edition and modern Scottish Gaelic poetry

Krause, Corinna January 2008 (has links)
Self-translation has become a firmly established translation practice in connection with contemporary Scottish Gaelic poetry, so much so that the corpus of contemporary Gaelic poetry might be more realistically understood as referring to a bilingual corpus of Gaelic originals and their English translations provided by the author. This was of course not always the case. Rather, today’s situation has to be seen as the result of a steady development over the past sixty years or so which began with initial attempts by Gaelic authors such as Sorley MacLean (Somhairle MacGill-Eain) and Derick Thomson (Ruaraidh MacThòmais) to enter into a professional dialogue with others involved with literary writing and appreciation in Scotland and beyond. During the 1930s and 1940s, working most intensely towards the publication of his renowned poetry collection Dàin do Eimhir, MacLean had close friends in Hugh MacDiarmid, Douglas Young, Robert Garioch and other influential Scottish poets, all of them highly aware of the importance and potential of the linguistic diversity within Scottish society. As a result, we find some of MacLean’s poetry translated into Scots by his literary friends and colleagues. Dàin do Eimhir, which was finally published in 1943, could well have been published with a selection of Young’s translations into Scots. Eventually, however, a selection of MacLean’s own prose translations into English were printed at the end of the volume. This choice indicates an approach to Gaelic poetry publishing which was to become established over the following half century, namely to be inclusive towards the Anglophone world whilst maintaining authorial authority throughout the publication.

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