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Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Brain Endothelial Cells as a Cellular Model to Study Neisseria meningitidis Infection / Induziert pluripotente Stammzellen-basierte Hirnendothelzellen als zelluläres Modell zur Untersuchung der Infektion mit Neisseria meningitidisGomes, Sara Ferreira Martins January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Bacterial meningitis occurs when blood-borne bacteria are able to penetrate highly specialized brain endothelial cells (BECs) and gain access to the meninges. Neisseria meningitidis (Nm) is a human-exclusive pathogen for which suitable in vitro models are severely lacking. Until recently, modeling BEC-Nm interactions has been almost exclusively limited to immortalized human cells that lack proper BEC phenotypes. Specifically, these in vitro models lack barrier properties, and continuous tight junctions. Alternatively, humanized mice have been used, but these must rely on known interactions and have limited translatability. This motivates the need to establish novel human-based in vitro BEC models that have barrier phenotypes to research Nm-BEC interactions. Recently, a human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) model of BECs has been developed that possesses superior BEC phenotypes and closely mimics the in vivo blood vessels present at the blood-meningeal barrier.
Here, iPSC-BECs were tested as a novel cellular model to study Nm-host pathogen interactions, with focus on host responses to Nm infection. Two wild type strains and three mutant strains of Nm were used to confirm that these followed similar phenotypes to previously described models. Importantly, the recruitment of the recently published pilus adhesin receptor CD147 underneath meningococcal microcolonies could be verified in iPSC-BECs. Nm was also observed to significantly increase the expression of pro-inflammatory and neutrophil-specific chemokines IL6, CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL8, and CCL20, at distinct time points of infection, and the secretion of IFN γ and RANTES by iPSC-BECs. Nm was directly observed to disrupt tight junction proteins ZO-1, Occludin, and Claudin-5 at late time points of infection, which became frayed and/or discontinuous upon infection. This destruction is preceded by, and might be dependent on, SNAI1 activation (a transcriptional repressor of tight junction proteins). In accordance with tight junction loss, a sharp loss in trans-endothelial electrical resistance, and an increase in sodium fluorescein permeability was observed at late infection time points. Notably, bacterial transmigration correlated with junctional disruption, indicating that the paracellular route contributes for bacterial crossing of BECs. Finally, RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) of sorted, infected iPSC-BECs was established through the use of fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) techniques following infection. This allowed the detection of expression data of Nm-responsive host genes not previously described thus far to play a role during meningitidis.
In conclusion, here the utility of iPSC-BECs in vitro to study Nm infection could be demonstrated. This is the first BEC in vitro model to express all major BEC tight junctions and to display high barrier potential. Altogether, here this model provides novel insights into Nm pathogenesis, including an impact of Nm on barrier properties and tight junction complexes and suggests that the paracellular route contributes to Nm traversal of BECs. / Eine bakterielle Meningitis tritt auf, wenn durch Blut übertragene Bakterien hochspezialisierte Hirnendothelzellen (BEC) durchdringen und Zugang zu den Meningen erhalten. Neisseria meningitidis (Nm) ist ein human-exklusiver Erreger, für dessen Untersuchung es an geeigneten In-vitro-Modellen mangelt. Bis vor kurzem war die Modellierung von BEC-Nm-Wechselwirkungen fast ausschließlich auf immortalisierte humane Zellen beschränkt, denen wichtige BEC-Phänotypen fehlen. Besonders hervorzuheben sind das Fehlen physiologischer Barriereeigenschaften durch unkontinuierliche dichte Zell-Zell-Verbindungen. Als alternative Modellorganismen können humanisierte Mäuse verwendet werden, die sich jedoch auf bekannte Wirt-Erreger-Wechselwirkungen stützen und durch Speziesunterschiede eine eingeschränkte Übersetzbarkeit aufweisen. Dies begründet die Notwendigkeit, neuartige humane In-vitro-BEC-Modelle zu etablieren, die physiologische Barrierephänotypen aufweisen, um Nm-BEC-Wechselwirkungen zu untersuchen. Kürzlich wurde ein humanes Modell entwickelt, welches auf aus induziert pluripotenten Stammzellen (iPSCs) abgeleiteten humanen BECs basiert und sich durch einen physiologischen Blut-Hirn-Schranken-Phänotyp auszeichnet.
Die iPSC-BECs wurden in dieser Arbeit als neuartiges zelluläres Modell getestet, um Nm-Wirt-Pathogen-Wechselwirkungen zu untersuchen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Wirtsreaktionen auf Nm-Infektionen lag. Zwei Wildtypstämme und drei Mutantenstämme von Nm wurden verwendet, um zu bestätigen, dass diese ähnlichen Phänotypen wie in zuvor beschriebenen Modellen folgten. Hervorzuheben ist, dass die Rekrutierung des kürzlich veröffentlichten Pilus-Adhäsin-Rezeptors CD147 unter Meningokokken-Mikrokolonien in iPSC-BECs verifiziert werden konnte. Es wurde auch beobachtet, dass Nm die Expression der entzündungsfördernden und neutrophilen spezifischen Chemokine IL6, CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL8 und CCL20 zu bestimmten Zeitpunkten der Infektion sowie die Sekretion von IFN-γ und RANTES durch iPSC-BECs signifikant erhöht. Es wurde zudem beobachtet, dass Nm die Tight Junction-Proteine ZO-1, Occludin und Claudin-5 zu späten Zeitpunkten der Infektion zerstört, verursacht durch die Infektion wurde ein ausgefranster und/oder diskontinuierlicher Tight Junction-Phänotyp beobachtet. Dieser Zerstörung geht die SNAI1-Aktivierung (ein Transkriptionsrepressor für Tight Junction-Proteine) voraus und könnte von ihr abhängig sein. In Übereinstimmung mit dem Verlust der Tight Junctions wurde zu späten Infektionszeitpunkten ein starker Verlust des transendothelialen elektrischen Widerstands und eine Zunahme der Natriumfluoreszein-Permeabilität beobachtet. Bemerkenswerterweise korrelierte die bakterielle Transmigration mit dem Verlust der Tight Junctions, was darauf hinweist, dass der parazelluläre Weg zur bakteriellen Überwindung von BECs eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Schließlich wurde die RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) von sortierten, infizierten iPSC-BECs durch die Verwendung von fluoreszenzaktivierten Zellsortiertechniken (FACS) nach der Infektion durchgeführt. Dies ermöglichte erstmalig den Nachweis von Expressionsdaten von Nm-responsiven Wirtsgenen, welche bei der Meningitidis eine Rolle zu spielen scheinen.
Zusammenfassend konnte im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit der Nutzen von iPSC-BECs In-Vitro-Modellen zur Untersuchung von Nm-Infektionen gezeigt werden. Dies ist das erste BEC-In-vitro-Modell, das alle wichtigen BEC-Tight Junctions exprimiert und ein hohes Barrierepotential aufweist. Insgesamt liefert das eingesetzte Modell neue Einblicke in die Nm-Pathogenese, einschließlich der Beeinflussung der Barriereeigenschaften und der Tight Junction-Komplexe durch Nm, und gibt erste Hinweise darauf, dass die parazelluläre Route zum Nm-Übertritt von BEC-Barrieren eine entscheidende Rolle spielt.
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Hochstetler AE Dissertation 7.26.22.pdfAlexandra Elizabeth Hochstetler (13154817) 26 July 2022 (has links)
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<p>Pediatric hydrocephalus is a complex neurological condition associated with a pathological accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), typically within the brain ventricular system. Pediatric hydrocephalus can be primary (due to genetic abnormalities or idiopathic causes), or secondary to injuries such as hemorrhage, trauma, or infection. The current permanent treatment paradigms for pediatric hydrocephalus are exclusively surgical and include the diversion of CSF via shunt or ventriculostomy. These surgical interventions are wrought with failures, burdening both the United States healthcare system and patients with repeat neurosurgical procedures. Thus, the development of nonsurgical interventions to treat hydrocephalus represents a clinically unmet need. To study hydrocephalus, we use a genetic rat model of primary neonatal hydrocephalus, the <em>Tmem67</em>P394L mutant. In several proof-of-concept studies, we identify antagonism of the transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) channel and associated upstream regulatory kinase, serum-and-glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (SGK1) as therapeutics for the treatment of hydrocephalus. Using <em>in vitro</em> models of the choroid plexus epithelium, the tissue which produces CSF, we show compelling proof-of-mechanism for TRPV4 antagonism and SGK1 inhibition at preventing CSF production. Therefore, the studies in this dissertation provide substantive evidence on the role of TRPV4 in the choroid plexus in health and disease. </p>
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Venous hemodynamics in neurological disorders: an analytical review with hydrodynamic analysisBeggs, Clive B. 20 February 2013 (has links)
Yes / Venous abnormalities contribute to the pathophysiology of several neurological conditions. This paper reviews the literature regarding venous abnormalities in multiple sclerosis (MS), leukoaraiosis, and normal-pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). The review is supplemented with hydrodynamic analysis to assess the effects on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dynamics and cerebral blood flow (CBF) of venous hypertension in general, and chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) in particular.CCSVI-like venous anomalies seem unlikely to account for reduced CBF in patients with MS, thus other mechanisms must be at work, which increase the hydraulic resistance of the cerebral vascular bed in MS. Similarly, hydrodynamic changes appear to be responsible for reduced CBF in leukoaraiosis. The hydrodynamic properties of the periventricular veins make these vessels particularly vulnerable to ischemia and plaque formation.Venous hypertension in the dural sinuses can alter intracranial compliance. Consequently, venous hypertension may change the CSF dynamics, affecting the intracranial windkessel mechanism. MS and NPH appear to share some similar characteristics, with both conditions exhibiting increased CSF pulsatility in the aqueduct of Sylvius.CCSVI appears to be a real phenomenon associated with MS, which causes venous hypertension in the dural sinuses. However, the role of CCSVI in the pathophysiology of MS remains unclear.
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Regionalized choroid plexus-cerebrospinal fluid factors and effect of DNA Ligase IV deficiency in the developing mammalian brainLun, Melody 03 November 2016 (has links)
Fundamental to mammalian brain development is the integration of cell intrinsic and extrinsic signals that direct the proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells. Precise expression of transcription factors together with other intracellular components instruct progenitor cell fate, whereas interaction with extracellular signaling factors refines this process. We have elucidated the composition of the cerebrospinal fluid that is the source of multiple extrinsic cues during brain development. The choroid plexus, a highly vascularized tissue located in each ventricle of the brain, actively secretes cerebrospinal fluid. By RNA sequencing, we obtained transcriptome data on the choroid plexi from lateral and fourth ventricles of the mouse brain and discovered that they include transcripts unique to each tissue. Transcription factor expression in the macaque and human choroid plexi suggests that positional identities of these tissues are conserved in the primate brain. Based on transcriptional results, we defined the choroid plexus secretome, a prediction of secreted factors from the choroid plexus. By quantitative mass spectrometry, we detected proteins secreted by each choroid plexus, and comparison of these proteomic results with transcriptional profiling suggests that choroid plexus transcriptomes contribute to availability of regionalized cerebrospinal fluid factors during development.
In the second part of my dissertation research, I studied the role of DNA repair mechanisms in regulating neural stem cells. These studies focused on DNA LigaseIV, an essential component of DNA double-stranded break repair, during cerebral cortical development. Deficiency of LigaseIV activity caused by a missense mutation leads to LigaseIV syndrome, in which a key clinical feature is microcephaly. Using the Lig4 R278H mouse mutant, we found increased cell death in the developing cortex, contributing to reduced cortical thickness and cellularity in the anterior cerebral cortex. These results indicate that DNA LigaseIV is essential for proper cortical development.
Together, these findings illustrate the complexity of regulatory mechanisms that guide brain development, requiring the integration of mechanisms from within and outside the cell. We have investigated two such mechanisms, extrinsic cues from regionalized cerebrospinal fluid and DNA LigaseIV. These results should provide greater insight into mechanisms of normal brain development and neuropathological states. / 2017-11-02T00:00:00Z
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Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) and blood vessel density changes in an experimental model of Chronic HydrocephalusDeshpande, Abhishek 16 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Non-Invasive Assessment of Cerebrospinal Fluid and Brain Tissue Biomechanics using MRI and Computational ModelingHeidari Pahlavian, Soroush 23 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation of Phosphorylated Proteins and Peptides in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid via High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Elemental and Molecular Mass SpectrometryStuart, Orville Dean January 2009 (has links)
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Elemental Detection with ICPMS - Implications from Warfare Agents to MetallomicsZhang, Yaofang 30 October 2012 (has links)
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Development, Characterization, And Implementation Of An In Vitro Model Of Cerebrospinal Fluid Outflow Across The Arachnoid GranulationsHolman, David W. 11 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Dirty-Appearing White Matter in the Brain is Associated with Altered Cerebrospinal Fluid Pulsatility and Hypertension in Individuals without Neurologic DiseaseBeggs, Clive B., Magnano, C.R., Shepherd, Simon J., Belov, P., Ramasamy, D.P., Hagemeier, J., Zivadinov, R. 20 April 2015 (has links)
Aging of the healthy brain is characterized by focal or nonfocal white matter (WM) signal abnormality (SA) changes, which are typically detected as leukoaraiosis (LA). Hypertension is a risk factor for WM lesion formation. This study investigated whether LA might be associated with increased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pulsatility linked to arterial hypertension.
A total of 101 individuals without neurologic diseases (53 females and 48 males) aged between 18 and 75 years underwent 3T brain MRI with cine phase contrast imaging for CSF flow estimation, after providing their informed consent. LA was defined as the presence of focal T2 WM SA changes and/or nonfocal uniform areas of signal increase termed dirty appearing white matter (DAWM). Relevant information relating to cardiovascular risk factors was also collected.
When controlled for age and hypertension, significant partial correlations were observed between: DAWM volume and: net negative flow (r = –.294, P = .014); net positive flow (NPF) (r = .406, P = .001); and peak positive velocity (r = .342, P = .004). Multiple linear regression analysis revealed DAWM volume to be significantly correlated with CSF NPF (P = .019) and hypertension (P = .007), whereas T2 WM SA volume was only significantly correlated with age (P = .002). Combined DAWM and T2 WM SA volumes were significantly related with age (P = .001) and CSF peak negative velocity (P = .041).
Rarefaction of WM leading to LA is a multifactorial process, in which formation of DAWM induced by hypertension and increased aqueductal CSF pulsatility, may play a contributory role. These two factors appear to act independently of each other in a process that is independent of age.
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