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A Preemptive Channel Allocation Mechanism for GSM/GPRS Cellular NetworksYang, Wei-Chun 23 August 2001 (has links)
In the near future, the integration of GSM and GPRS services will bring the wireless personal communication networks into a new era. With the extreme growth in the number of users for contending limited resources, an efficient channel allocation scheme for GSM/GPRS users become very important. Currently, existing channel allocation schemes do not consider the various characteristics of traffic classes. Consequently, users can not obtain their optimal channel resources in delivering different types of traffic.
In this thesis, a preemptive channel allocation mechanism is introduced for GSM/GPRS cellular networks. Based on the call requests, for different types of services, we classify the traffic into GSM, real-time GPRS and non-real-time GPRS. Two channel thresholds are defined. TGSM/GPRS is used to separate the channels between GSM and GPRS users, while TGPRS_rt is used to separate the channels between real-time and non-real-time GPRS users. Since the two thresholds can be dynamically adjusted based on the number of call requests, the channel utilization is increased and less resources are wasted. Note that in our proposed scheme, high-priority users¡]i.e., GSM handoff calls¡^can preempt the channels being used by low-priority users¡]i.e., non-real-time GPRS calls¡^. Hence, the call blocking probability of high-priority calls can be significantly reduced and their quality of services can be guaranteed as well.
We build a 3-D Markov Chain mathematical model to analyze our proposed channel allocation schemes. The parameters of our interests include the call blocking probability, the average number of active calls, the average call completion rate and the overall channel utilization. To verify our mathematical results, we employ OPNET simulator to simulate the proposed schemes. Through the mathematical and simulation results, we have observed that with the preemptive channel allocation, the high-priority calls¡]i.e., GSM and real-time GPRS¡^can achieve relatively low blocking probability while slightly increasing the blocking probability of non-real-time GPRS calls. Besides, the overall channel utilization is greatly improved due to the appropriate channel allocation.
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Radio resource management for wireless indoor communication systems : performance and implementation aspectsPettersson, Stefan January 2004 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, we investigate several radio resourcemanagement (RRM) techniques and concepts in an indoorenvironment with a dense infrastructure. Future wireless indoorcommunication networks will very likely be implemented atplaces where the user concentration is very high. At these hotspots, the radio resources must be used efficiently. The goalis to identify efficient RRM techniques and concepts that aresuitable for implementation in an indoor environment.</p><p>Handling the high level of co-channel interference is shownto be of paramount importance. Several investigations in thethesis point this out to be the key problem in an indoorenvironment with a dense infrastructure. We show that a locallycentralized radio resource management concept, the bunchconcept, can give a very high performance compared to othercommonly used RRM concepts. Comparisons are made withdistributed systems and systems using channel selection schemeslike CSMA/CA. The comparisons are primarily made by capacityand throughput analysis which are made by system levelsimulations. Results show that the centralized concept can give85 percent higher capacity and 70 percent higher throughputthan any of the compared systems.</p><p>We investigate several RRM techniques to deal with thechannel interference problem and show that beamforming cangreatly reduce the interference and improve the systemperformance. Beamforming, especially sector antennas, alsoreduce the transmitter powers and the necessary dynamic range.A comparison is made between the use of TD/CDMA and pure TDMAwhich clearly shows the performance benefits of usingorthogonal channels that separates the users and reduces theco-channel interference. Different channel selection strategiesare studied and evaluated along with various methods to improvethe capability of system co-existence.</p><p>We also investigate several practical measures to facilitatesystem implementation. Centralized RRM is suitable forguaranteeing QoS but is often considered too complex. With thestudied centralized concept the computational complexity can bereduced by splitting the coverage area into smaller pieces andcover them with one centralized system each. This reduces thecomplexity at the prize of lost capacity due to theuncontrolled interference that the different systems produce.Our investigations show that sector antennas can be used toregain this capacity loss while maintaining high reduction incomplexity. Without capacity loss, the computational complexitycan be reduced by a factor of 40 with sectoring. Theimplementation aspects also include installation sensitivity ofthe indoor architecture and the effect of measurement errors inthe link gains. The robustness against installation errors ishigh but the bunch concept is quite sensitive to largemeasurement errors in the studied indoor environment. Thiseffect can be reduced by additional SIR-margins of the radiolinks.</p><p>The studied bunch concept is shown to be promising for usein future wireless indoor communication systems. It provideshigh performance and is feasible to implement.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Radio resource management, indoorcommunication, the bunch concept, centralized RRM, dynamicchannel allocation, channel selection, co-channel interference,power control, feasibility check, capacity, throughput, qualityof service, beamforming, downtilting, sector antennas,co-existence, computational complexity, sensitivity analysis,measurement errors, infrastructure, system implementation,WLAN, HiperLAN/2, IEEE 802.11.</p>
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Principles for Channel Allocation in GSM / Principer för kanalallokering i GSMMånsson, Jonas January 2008 (has links)
<p>In today's GSM system there is a complex resource situation when it comes to the scarce TDMA channels in the air interface, the time slots. There are both voice call services that use one or a half time slot and there are packet data users, that may share time slots with other packet data users, and they can use multiple channels at the same time. Allocating time to users is a crucial part in the system and it may affect the performance for the end user substantially.</p><p>In the future there may be more types of services than just voice and packet data and that these services may have specific demands on their channels, time slots. That means they would not be able to use just any of the available channels. The way to "give" services channels is what is called channel allocation. In this thesis four different services and three different principles for channel allocation is implemented in a Matlab simulator and simulated. The thesis goal is to determine which principle is best for which mix of services.</p><p>The principles that have been investigated are Flexible Algorithm that lets all services use all channels, Fix Dedication Algorithm where all channels are dedicated to a service and only can be used by that one and finally Soft Dedication Algorithm where all channels are dedicated to a service but may be used by other services when it is not needed by the preferred one.</p><p>The conclusion is, simplified, that the Soft Dedication Algorithm generates low blocking rates, high bandwidth and that it is a quite robust principle although the borrowing user may be preempted. It may not always be the best one but over all it is the one to prefer.</p> / <p>Detta examensarbete är utfört på uppdrag av och i samarbete med Ericsson och rör kanal- och resurshantering i GSM-systemet.</p><p>Ett ständigt problem vid trådlös och mobil kommunikation är den begränsade mängd frekvenser som finns tillgängliga i radiogränssnittet och hur pass nära två radioresursers frekvenser kan ligga varandra. I GSM används TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) för att få plats med många användare på ett smalt frekvensband. TDMA innebär förenklat att tiden delas upp i åtta tidsluckor och att varje användare får tillgång till en av radioresurserna under en sådan tidslucka (kanal). Detta gäller både i upp- och nedlänk.</p><p>I nuläget finns två tjänster, paketdata och tal, som använder tidsluckorna på olika sätt. En talanvändare använder en eller en halv lucka själv medan paketdataanvändare kan dela på en eller flera luckor. Det finns alltså en mängd olika sätt att allokera, "dela ut", dessa luckor till ett givet antal användare. I nuläget har man en väl fungerande algoritm för detta men man tror att det i framtiden kommer att finnas fler tjänster med mer specifika krav på sina tidsluckor (kanaler) och att man då inte längre kan använda samma princip för kanalallokeringen.</p><p>I detta exjobb har tre nya, enkla och renodlade principer för kanalallokering undersökts för fyra fiktiva tjänster. Det tre principerna är Flexible Algorithm, där alla tjänster tillåts använda alla kanaler, Fix Dedication Algorithm, där alla kanaler är dedicerade till någon tjänst och endast kan användas av just denna tjänst; och slutligen Soft Dedication Algorithm som fungerar liknande den föregående men här kan tjänster "låna" kanaler av andra tjänster så längs som de är lediga. I Soft Dedication Algorithm kan en eventuell "låntagare" bli avbruten om en användare av rätt tjänst inte hittar en ledig kanal.</p><p>Utvärdering har skett genom att simulera systemet i en, delvis egengjord, Matlabsimulator.</p><p>Resultaten visar, förenklat, att Soft Dedication Algorithm är den bästa vad gäller låg blockering, kanalutnyttjande och även bandbredder. Den är även förhållandevis robust mot variationer i last.</p>
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Principles for Channel Allocation in GSM / Principer för kanalallokering i GSMMånsson, Jonas January 2008 (has links)
In today's GSM system there is a complex resource situation when it comes to the scarce TDMA channels in the air interface, the time slots. There are both voice call services that use one or a half time slot and there are packet data users, that may share time slots with other packet data users, and they can use multiple channels at the same time. Allocating time to users is a crucial part in the system and it may affect the performance for the end user substantially. In the future there may be more types of services than just voice and packet data and that these services may have specific demands on their channels, time slots. That means they would not be able to use just any of the available channels. The way to "give" services channels is what is called channel allocation. In this thesis four different services and three different principles for channel allocation is implemented in a Matlab simulator and simulated. The thesis goal is to determine which principle is best for which mix of services. The principles that have been investigated are Flexible Algorithm that lets all services use all channels, Fix Dedication Algorithm where all channels are dedicated to a service and only can be used by that one and finally Soft Dedication Algorithm where all channels are dedicated to a service but may be used by other services when it is not needed by the preferred one. The conclusion is, simplified, that the Soft Dedication Algorithm generates low blocking rates, high bandwidth and that it is a quite robust principle although the borrowing user may be preempted. It may not always be the best one but over all it is the one to prefer. / Detta examensarbete är utfört på uppdrag av och i samarbete med Ericsson och rör kanal- och resurshantering i GSM-systemet. Ett ständigt problem vid trådlös och mobil kommunikation är den begränsade mängd frekvenser som finns tillgängliga i radiogränssnittet och hur pass nära två radioresursers frekvenser kan ligga varandra. I GSM används TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) för att få plats med många användare på ett smalt frekvensband. TDMA innebär förenklat att tiden delas upp i åtta tidsluckor och att varje användare får tillgång till en av radioresurserna under en sådan tidslucka (kanal). Detta gäller både i upp- och nedlänk. I nuläget finns två tjänster, paketdata och tal, som använder tidsluckorna på olika sätt. En talanvändare använder en eller en halv lucka själv medan paketdataanvändare kan dela på en eller flera luckor. Det finns alltså en mängd olika sätt att allokera, "dela ut", dessa luckor till ett givet antal användare. I nuläget har man en väl fungerande algoritm för detta men man tror att det i framtiden kommer att finnas fler tjänster med mer specifika krav på sina tidsluckor (kanaler) och att man då inte längre kan använda samma princip för kanalallokeringen. I detta exjobb har tre nya, enkla och renodlade principer för kanalallokering undersökts för fyra fiktiva tjänster. Det tre principerna är Flexible Algorithm, där alla tjänster tillåts använda alla kanaler, Fix Dedication Algorithm, där alla kanaler är dedicerade till någon tjänst och endast kan användas av just denna tjänst; och slutligen Soft Dedication Algorithm som fungerar liknande den föregående men här kan tjänster "låna" kanaler av andra tjänster så längs som de är lediga. I Soft Dedication Algorithm kan en eventuell "låntagare" bli avbruten om en användare av rätt tjänst inte hittar en ledig kanal. Utvärdering har skett genom att simulera systemet i en, delvis egengjord, Matlabsimulator. Resultaten visar, förenklat, att Soft Dedication Algorithm är den bästa vad gäller låg blockering, kanalutnyttjande och även bandbredder. Den är även förhållandevis robust mot variationer i last.
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Transmission Strategies for Wireless Multi-user, Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output Communication ChannelsSpencer, Quentin H. 18 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) processing techniques for wireless communication are of interest for next-generation systems because of their potential to dramatically improve capacity in some propagation environments. When used in applications such as wireless LAN and cellular telephony, the MIMO processing methods must be adapted for the situation where a base station is communicating with many users simultaneously. This dissertation focuses on the downlink of such a channel, where the base station and all of the users have antenna arrays. If the transmitter has advance knowledge of the users' channel transfer functions, it can use that information to minimize the interuser interference due to the signals that are simultaneously transmitted to other users. If the transmitter assumes that all receivers treat the interference as noise, finding a solution that optimizes the use of resources is very difficult. This work proposes two classes of solutions to this problem. First, by forcing some or all of the interference to zero, it is possible to achieve a sub-optimal solution in closed-form. Second, a class of iterative solutions can be derived by extending optimal algorithms for multi-user downlink beamforming to accommodate receivers with multiple antennas. The closed-form solutions generally require less computation, but the iterative solutions offer improved performance are more robust to channel estimation errors, and thus may be more useful in practical applications. The performance of these algorithms were tested under realistic channel conditions by testing them on channels derived from both measurement data and a statistical model of an indoor propagation environment. These tests demonstrated both the ability of the channel to support multiple users, and the expected amount of channel estimation error due to movement of the users, with promising results. The success of any multi-user MIMO processing algorithm is ultimately dependent on the degree of correlation between the users' channels. If a base station is required to support a large number of users, one way to ensure minimal correlation between users' channels is to select groups of users whose channels are most compatible. The globally optimal solution to this problem is not possible without an exhaustive search, so a channel allocation algorithm is proposed that attempts to intelligently select groups of users at a more reasonable computational cost.
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CUMAC-CAM: A Channel Allocation Aware MAC Protocol for Addressing Triple Hidden Terminal Problems in Multi-Channel UWSNsRahman, Purobi, Karmaker, Amit, Alam, Mohammad Shah, Hoque, Mohammad Asadul, Lambert, William L. 01 July 2019 (has links)
In this paper, a cooperative underwater multi-channel MAC (CUMAC) protocol has been proposed with both delay mapping and channel allocation assessment in order to improve network performance and handle triple hidden terminal (THT) problems in underwater sensor networks. A novel channel allocation matrix (CAM) was developed for estimating propagation delay and increasing utilization of channel. In the proposed scheme, every node maintains a database for delay mapping, based on which the sender runs a scheduling algorithm prior to transmitting any data. This delay mapping database assists a node in predicting packet collision probability. The overall objectives are—first, to increase the rate of successful transmission through mitigation of THT problems in multi-channel underwater sensor networks; and second, to increase channel utilization leveraging the database of delay mapping and channel allocation assessment. Results from performance evaluation demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed CUMAC-CAM protocol in terms of packet delivery ratio, energy consumption, end-to-end delay, network throughput, collision probability, packet loss ratio and fairness index compared to the contemporary CUMAC protocol and RTS/CTS based multi-channel MAC protocols.
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Dynamic Cellular Cognitive SystemWang, Ying 26 October 2009 (has links)
Dynamic Cellular Cognitive System (DCCS) serves as a cognitive network for white space devices in TV white space. It is also designed to provide quality communications for first responders in area with damaged wireless communication infrastructure. In DCCS network, diverse types of communication devices interoperate, communicate, and cooperate with high spectrum efficiency in a Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) scenario. DCCS can expand to a broad geographical distribution via linking to existing infrastructure. DCCS can quickly form a network to accommodate a diverse set of devices in natural disaster areas. It can also recover the infrastructure in a blind spot, for example, a subway or mountain area. Its portability and low cost make it feasible for commercial applications.
This dissertation starts with an overview of DCCS network. DCCS defines a cognitive radio network and a set of protocols that each cognitive radio node inside the network must adopt to function as a user within the group. Multiple secondary users cooperate based on a fair and efficient scheme without losing the flexibility and self adaptation features. The basic unit of DCCS is a cell. A set of protocols and algorithms are defined to meet the communication requirement for intra-cell communications.
DCCS includes multiple layers and multiple protocols. This dissertation gives a comprehensive description and analysis of building a DCCS network. It covers the network architecture, physical and Medium Access Control (MAC) layers for data and command transmission, spectrum management in DSA scenario, signal classification and synchronization and describes a working prototype of DCCS.
Two key technologies of intra-cell communication are spectrum management and Universal Classification and Synchronization (UCS). A channel allocation algorithm based on calculating the throughput of an available is designed and the performance is analyzed. UCS is conceived as a self-contained system which can detect, classify, and synchronize with a received signal and extract all parameters needed for physical layer demodulation. It enables the accommodation of non-cognitive devices and improves communication quality by allowing a cognitive receiver to track physical layer changes at the transmitter.
Inter-cell communications are the backhaul connections of DCCS. This dissertation discusses two approaches to obtaining spectrum for inter-cell communications. A temporary leasing approach focuses on the policy aspects, and the other approach is based on using OFDMA to combine separate narrowband channels into a wideband channel that can meet the inter-cell communications throughput requirements.
A prototype of DCCS implemented on GNU radio and USRP platform is included in the dissertation. It serves as the proof of concept of DCCS. / Ph. D.
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No description available.
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Resource Allocation and Adaptive Antennas in Cellular CommunicationsCardieri, Paulo 25 September 2000 (has links)
The rapid growth in demand for cellular mobile communications and emerging fixed wireless access has created the need to increase system capacity through more efficient utilization of the frequency spectrum, and the need for better grade of service. In cellular systems, capacity improvement can be achieved by reducing co-channel interference.
Several techniques have been proposed in literature for mitigating co-channel interference, such as adaptive antennas and power control. Also, by allocating transmitter power and communication channels efficiently (resource allocation), overall co-channel interference can be maintained below a desired maximum tolerable level, while maximizing the carried traffic of the system.
This dissertation presents investigation results on the performance of base station adaptive antennas, power control and channel allocation, as techniques for capacity improvement. Several approaches are analyzed. Firstly, we study the combined use of adaptive antennas and fractional loading factor, in order to estimate the potential capacity improvement achieved by adaptive antennas.
Next, an extensive simulation analysis of a cellular network is carried out aiming to investigate the complex interrelationship between power control, channel allocation and adaptive antennas. In the first part of this simulation analysis, the combined use of adaptive antennas, power control and reduced cluster size is analyzed in a cellular system using fixed channel allocation.
In the second part, we analyze the benefits of combining adaptive antennas, dynamic channel allocation and power control. Two representative channel allocation algorithms are considered and analyzed regarding how efficiently they transform reduced co-channel interference into higher carried traffic. Finally, the spatial filtering capability of adaptive antennas is used to allow several users to share the same channel within the same cell. Several allocation algorithms combined with power control are analyzed. / Ph. D.
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Radio Resource Management in Bunched Personal Communication SystemsBerg, Miguel January 2002 (has links)
The traditional way of increasing capacity in a wirelesscommunication system has been cell splitting and fixedchannel-allocation based on prediction tools. However, theplanning complexity increases rapidly with the number of cellsand the method is not suitable for the large temporal andspatial traffic variations expected in the future. A lot ofresearch has therefore been performed regarding adaptivechannel allocation, where a channel can be used anywhere aslong as the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) is acceptable. Acommon opinion is that these solutions must be decentralizedsince a centralized one would be overly complex. In this thesis, we study the locally centralizedbunch conceptfor radio resource management (RRM) in aManhattan environment and show that it can give a very highcapacity both for outdoor users and for indoor users covered byoutdoor base stations. We show how measurement limitations anderrors affect the performance and wepropose methods to handlethese problems, e.g. averaging of measured values, robustchannel selection algorithms, and increased SIR margins. Wealso study the computational and signaling complexities andshow that they can be reduced by splitting large bunches, usingsparse matrix calculations, and by using a simplified admissionalgorithm. However, a reduction of the complexity often means areduction of the system capacity. The measurements needed for RRM can also be used to find amobile terminal's geographical position. We propose and studysome simple yet accurate methods for this purpose. We alsostudy if position information can enhance RRM as is oftensuggested in the literature. In the studied scenario, thisinformation seems to be of limited use. One possible use is toestimate the mobile user's speed, to assist handover decisions.Another use is to find the location of user hotspots in anarea, which is beneficial for system planning. Our results show that the bunch concept is a promisingcandidate for radio resource management in future wirelesssystems. We believe that the complexity is manageable and themain price we have to pay for high capacity is frequentreallocation of connections. <b>Keywords:</b>bunch concept, radio resource management,network-assisted resource management, base station selection,dynamic channel allocation, DCA, channel selection,least-interfered, interference avoidance, interferenceaveraging, handover, power control, path-loss measurements,signal strength, link-gain matrix, TD-CDMA, UTRA TDD, Manhattanscenario, microcells, mobile positioning, position accuracy,trilateration, triangulation, speed estimation
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