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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationship Between the Invasive Eurasian Milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) and Macrophyte Diversity Across Spatial Scales

Gräfe, Simon 17 December 2013 (has links)
The effect of the invasive macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum L. on native macrophyte diversity was studied across 21 lakes at small (1 quadrat) and large (18 quadrats) scales and in mesocosms. No relationship was observed between M. spicatum and native richness at either spatial scale, or native evenness at small scales; however, at large scales native evenness was negatively correlated with the cover of M. spicatum in lakes. This suggests that M. spicatum can grow in lakes with other dominant species, contrary to predictions that invasive species will outcompete other dominant species. While macrophyte communities were mainly distinguished by environmental and spatial variables, M. spicatum was a significant predictor of the remaining variation in community composition. Within lakes M. spicatum occurred in deep water apart from other species; however, competition studies in mesocosms did not find sufficient evidence that this isolation was due to superior competitiveness.

Relationship Between the Invasive Eurasian Milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) and Macrophyte Diversity Across Spatial Scales

Gräfe, Simon January 2014 (has links)
The effect of the invasive macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum L. on native macrophyte diversity was studied across 21 lakes at small (1 quadrat) and large (18 quadrats) scales and in mesocosms. No relationship was observed between M. spicatum and native richness at either spatial scale, or native evenness at small scales; however, at large scales native evenness was negatively correlated with the cover of M. spicatum in lakes. This suggests that M. spicatum can grow in lakes with other dominant species, contrary to predictions that invasive species will outcompete other dominant species. While macrophyte communities were mainly distinguished by environmental and spatial variables, M. spicatum was a significant predictor of the remaining variation in community composition. Within lakes M. spicatum occurred in deep water apart from other species; however, competition studies in mesocosms did not find sufficient evidence that this isolation was due to superior competitiveness.

Reconstitution des paléoenvironnements et des évènements extrêmes au cours du Quaternaire à l'oued El Akarit (Golfe de Gabès, Sud de la Tunisie) / Paleoenvironmental reconstitution of extreme events in the quaternary of el Akarit oued (Golf of Gabes, Tunisia)

Ben Rouina, Soumaya 10 November 2016 (has links)
Trois carottes de 5 à 6 m de profondeur ont été prélevées tout au long de l’oued El Akarit (Golfe de Gabès, Sud tunisien) : deux sur la rive Nord et une à l’embouchure. L’étude sédimentologique (granulométrie), minéralogique (minéraux argileux) et micropaléontologique (ostracodes, foraminifères et charophytes) et leur étude quantitative et qualitative ainsi que le calcul des indices de diversités de Shannon et d’équitabilité nous a permis de reconstituer l’évolution des paléo-environnements succédés depuis le Pléistocène dans la région El Akarit. La carotte à l’embouchure de l’oued El Akarit (carotte AK1), nous a permis de dater avec précision les dépôts étudiés et de reconstituer la chronologie des évènements ayant contrôlé la sédimentation. La phase pléistocène (>45000 ans B.P), milieu continental estuarien évoluant vers unevaste lagune très ouverte à la mer lors de la transgression marine pléistocène (MIS5e), par la suite l’installation d’un cordon sableux isole cette lagune de l’environnement marin. Les dépôts holocènes inférieurs et moyens sont absents dans l’embouchure de l’oued El Akarit à cause d’une émersion et non dépôt et/ou d’une érosion des dépôts. La phase Holocène supérieur (derniers 3000 ans B.P), se caractérise par la succession de trois épisodes d’évènements extrêmes (crues et tempêtes). A 1 et 2 km du rivage actuel (carotte AK2 et AK3 respectivement), les dépôts généralementcontinentaux montrent des intercalations des dépôts marins et des niveaux à galets enregistrant des évènements extrêmes. Les dépôts de ̴ 8000ans B.P de la poche à « Cardium » à 9 m d’altitude de la mer actuelle, montrent une influence marine (abondance des foraminifères planctoniques), il s’agit évidemment d’un évènement extrême exceptionnel qui provoquerait le transport des foraminifères planctoniques à l’intérieur de la lagune El Akarit. / Three cores varying from 5 to 6 m of depth were taken throughout in the El Akarit River (Gulf of Gabes, south of Tunisia): two on the left river bank and the last at the mouth. The study of the sedimentology (particle size), mineral (clay minerals) and micropaleontology (quantitative and qualitative study of ostracods, foraminifera, charophytes and the calculation of the Shannon / equitability diversity index) deposits content allowed us to reconstruct the paleoenvironments evolution since the Pleistocene in this region. The mouth core (AK1), permitted us to date precisely the studied deposits and reconstruct the events chronology controlling the sedimentation. The Pleistocene phase (> 45 000 years BP) shows a continental estuarine environment evolving toward a vast open lagoon during the Pleistocene marine transgression (MIS5e). Then, the formation of a sand bar isolates the lagoon from the marine environment. The lower and middle Holocene deposits are absent in the mouth deposits. This could be interpreted by the emersion of the zone or by the erosion of deposits. The late Holocene (last 3000 years B.P) phase is characterized by the succession of three extreme events (floods and storms) episodes. At 1 and 2 km from the current shoreline (AK2 and AK3 cores respectively), the continental deposits show an intercalation of marine deposits and pebble levels suggestive of an extreme events occurrence. The existence of the 8000 yr BP deposits "Cardium pocket” at 9 m of the current sea, show a marine influence (planktonic foraminifera abundance). It is apparently an exceptional event that would cause extreme transport of planktonic foraminifera inside the El Akarit lagoon

Cell and Molecular Biology of Bryophytes: Ultimate Limits to the Resolution of Phylogenetic Problems

DUCKETT, JEFFREY G., RENZAGLIA, KAREN S. 01 January 1988 (has links)
Ultrastructure, biochemistry and 5S rRNA sequences link tracheophytes, bryophytes and charalean green algae, but the precise interrelationships between these groups remain unclear. Further major clarification now awaits primary sequence data. These are also needed to determine directionality in possible evolutionary trends within the bryophytes, but are unlikely to overturn current schemes of classification or phylogeny. Comparative ultrastructural studies of spermatogenesis, sporogenesis, the cytoskeleton and plastids reinforce biochemical and morphogenetic evidence for the wide phyletic discontinuities between mosses, hepatics and hornworts, and also rule out direct lines of descent between them. Direct ancestral lineages from charalean algae to bryophytes and to tracheophytes are also unlikely. EM studies of gametophyte/sporophyte junctions, plus immunological investigations of bryophyte cytoskeletons, are likely to accentuate the differences between mosses, hepatirs and hornworts. Other priorities for systematics include elucidation of oil body ultrastructure, analysis of the changes in nuclear proteins during spermatogenesis and a detailed comparison of bryophyte and charalean plastids. The combined evidence from ultrastrueture, biochemistry, morphology and morphogenesis warrants general acceptance of the polyphyletic origin of the bryophytes. Ultrastructural attributes should be more widely used in bryophyte systematics.

Les formations mésozoïques à Charophytes ( Jurassique moyen-Crétacé inférieur) de la marge téthysienne nord-occidentale ( SE de la France, Suisse occidentale, NE de l'Espagne) . Sédimentologie, micropaléontologie, biostratigraphie.

Mojon, Pierre-Olivier 10 October 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Le thème principal de ce travail de thèse se rapporte à l'étude micropaléontologique et sédimentologique des dépôts émersifs de la plate-forme jurassienne (S.-E. de la France et Suisse occidentale) entre le Jurassique moyen et le Crétacé inférieur (faciès purbeckiens et wealdiens). Grâce aux données complémentaires de coupes sélectionnées dans le N.-E. de l'Espagne (Maestrazgo) et le S.-E. de la France (Basse-Provence), une biozonation continentale principalement basée sur les Charophytes et un nouveau schéma phylogénétique des Clavatoracées (Charophytes) sont établis pour le Jurassique supérieur - Crétacé de l'Europe occidentale. D'autre part, le polymorphisme des gyrogonites des Porocharacées et des Characées (Charophytes) est mis en évidence avec une révision taxonomique. D'après une comparaison entre les données fossiles du Jurassique-Crétacé avec le matériel récolté dans des environnements similaires de l'Actuel, ce polymorphisme résulte des variations de certains paramètres écologiques (salinité, pH, luminosité, température) influençant la croissance des thalles et des fructifications des Charophytes. L'analyse micropaléontologique et sédimentologique des dépôts émersifs mésozoïques de la plate-forme jurassienne permet en outre de déceler l'activité d'une tectonique synsédimentaire d'origine tardi-hercynienne au Crétacé inférieur (phase néocimmérienne) et de reconnaître un climat subtropical à alternances saisonnières de périodes sèches et humides dans l'intervalle Jurassique moyen - Crétacé inférieur. La présence très particulière dans le Jura de rares restes de Dinosauriens (Allosaurus) et de certaines Characées (Aclistochara bransoni) autorise également à postuler durant le Jurassique supérieur et le Crétacé basal des échanges biologiques entre la marge nord-téthysienne (Eurasie) et l'Amérique du Nord. Plus précisément, d'autres éléments de corrélation (Ostracodes, Charophytes, Dinokystes, Ammonites) originaires respectivement des domaines téthysien ou boréal démontrent la réalité de connexions avec la plate-forme jurassienne au Crétacé basal (Berriasien-Valanginien / Volgien-Ryazanien). Dans ses conclusions, ce travail présente une interprétation séquentielle des dépôts margino-littoraux du Jurassique-Crétacé de la plate-forme jurassienne et évalue l'influence des cycles climatiques glacio-eustatiques ou de la dérive des continents dans la mise en place des faciès d'émersion laguno-lacustres sur les marges continentales et les aires cratoniques. Enfin, la lignée phylogénétique des Hemiglobator-Globator (Clavatoracées, Charophytes) est prise comme exemple significatif pour une réflexion sur la théorie néo-darwiniste de l'Evolution et le créationnisme, apparemment contradictoires mais en fait complémentaires.

Role auxinu u streptofytních řas / The role of auxin in streptophyte algae

Schmidt, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
The phytohormone auxin is an important morphogen with an essential role in the development of land plants, where mechanisms of its action are well described. However, its role in green algae is poorly understood. Land plants are part of the phylum Streptophyta together with six closely related groups of predominantly freshwater green algae (charophytes). So far, the knowledge about the evolutionary origins of auxin action mechanism is mainly based on genomic information, and much less on experimental findings. In this work, the presence of auxin, its precursor, and catabolism products were shown in representative species of charophytes with varying levels measured compounds both produced endogenously and into the culture media. Thus, we gained a comprehensive insight into the possible strategies of auxin homeostasis across the non-land plant streptophytes. Also, an effect of exogenous auxin on the cell morphology and culture growth of the desmid Closterium was investigated. Image analysis of IAA-treated cells revealed a rather pleiotropic effect on cell morphology. The culture growth was inhibited by IAA. Additionally, IAA induced malformations in cell shape, and the extent of this phenomenon across individual cultures was dependent on the culture growth status. Lastly, we optimized the method of...

Kransalger i Lillsjön : En studie av vattenkvaliteten i Lillsjön, med fokus på faktorer som påverkar Charas utbredning.

Odelberg, Cecilia January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the water chemistry in lake Lillsjön have changed significantly due to human impact of surrounding areas. Lake Lillsjön is located outside the central parts of Östersund. It is an important recrational area, and has great natural values, among other things it is habitat for several species of Chara stoneworts. Chara requires clear calcareous water, high pH, relatively low levels of nitrate-nitrogen and low phosphorus concentrations. Lake Lillsjöns is recepient for surface water from a nearby commercial and industrial area, as well as melt water from an adjecent snow dump. Compared to ten other Chara-lakes in the region, lake Lillsjön shows higher concentration of total phosphorus and higher water colour. The study concludes that the surface water from surrounding areas, as well as melting water from the snow dump, are the main sources of the higher concentration of total phosphorus in lake Lillsjön. While the colour of the incoming water only shows a weak difference compared to the water colour of the reference lakes, the source of the higher water colour cannot be established. The water of lake Lillsjön can not be consider a suitable habitat for Chara.

Effects of morphometric isolation and vegetation on the macroinvertebrate community in shallow Baltic Sea land-uplift bays

Hansen, Joakim January 2010 (has links)
Shallow sheltered Baltic Sea bays are ecologically important habitats that harbour a unique vegetation community and constitute vital reproduction areas for many coastal fish species. Knowledge about the invertebrate community in these bays is, however, limited. This thesis examines the macroinvertebrate community in shallow sheltered Baltic Sea bays and how it is affected by: (1) the natural morphometric isolation of bays from the sea due to post-glacial land uplift; and (2) differences in vegetation types. The invertebrate biomass and number of taxa was found to decrease with increased bay isolation. The taxon composition changed from dominance by bivalves and gastropods in open bays to a community composed of a larger proportion of insects in isolated bays. Stable isotope analysis indicated epiphytes and periphyton as the major energy resources for most of the examined consumers, but the relative importance of these in relation to larger plants decreased for some consumers with increased bay isolation. A comparison of invertebrate abundance between plants revealed a close relationship with morphological complexity of the plants. More complexly structured plants had higher invertebrate abundance than plants with simpler morphology. The results suggest that management of these coastal habitats should be dynamic and take into consideration the natural change in invertebrate community resulting from the slow bay isolation process. In addition, the results imply that changes in the aquatic vegetation due to anthropogenic influences could induce changes in the invertebrate community as the plant habitat structure is altered. A changed invertebrate community may in turn affect higher trophic levels since invertebrates are important food for many fish and waterfowl species. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted. Paper 4: In press.

Ανάλυση περιβαλλοντικών παραμέτρων της λιμνοθάλασσας Καϊάφα σε περιβάλλον G.I.S.

Παπαδάκης, Εμμανουήλ 17 October 2007 (has links)
Η περιοχή μελέτης είναι η λιμνοθάλασσα Καϊάφα.Η μελέτη αυτή βασίστηκε στη συλλογή και ανάλυση γεωφυσικών δεδομένων, στην ανάλυση πυρήνων ιζήματος καθώς και σε μικροβιολογική ανάλυση δειγμάτων νερού της λιμνοθάλασσας. Τέλος ελήφθησαν δείγματα υδρόβιων φυτών από τον πυθμένα της λιμνοθάλασσας για τον έλεγχο των γεωφυσικών δεδομένων. Η γεωφυσική έρευνα-δειγματοληψία και η κοκκομετρική ανάλυση έδειξαν δυο περιοχές στον πυθμένα με διαφορετική κοκκομετρική σύσταση (αμμώδης-ιλυώδης πυθμένας) και διαφορετική βλάστηση (Chara hispida f. corfuensis και Potamogeton pectinatus). Επίσης χαρτογραφήθηκαν περιοχές του πυθμένα όπως, κρατηρόμορφοι σχηματισμοί, ουλές και μέτωπα. Η μικροβιολογική ανάλυση έδειξε περιοχές με έντονη μόλυνση κοπρανώδους προέλευσης καθώς και περιοχές χωρίς σημαντική βακτηριακή επιβάρυνση. Οι περιοχές όπου παρατηρείται η μεγαλύτερη μόλυνση είναι τα λουτρά του Καϊάφα και η περιοχή απέναντι από τις στις τουριστικές εγκαταστάσεις του Ε.Ο.Τ (προβλήτα). Η μικρότερη μόλυνση παρατηρείται στο κέντρο της λιμνοθάλασσας όπου ο αριθμός ολικών βακτηρίων και κολοβακρτηρίων είναι μηδενικός. Τέλος η γεωχημική ανάλυση έδειξε παρόμοιες συγκεντρώσεις βαρέων μετάλλων στα ιζήματα με άλλες παράκτιες περιοχές του ελληνικού χώρου. / The study area is Kaiafas lagoon, West Peloponnese. For this study it was collected and analyzed digital geophysical data (side scan sonar echographs), two cores of sediment and samples of water for microbiological examination. It was also collected samples of marine plants for groundtruthing. The geophysical survey-grain size analysis revealed different grain size composition in the South and North part of the lagoon (sandy-silty seabed correspondingly), which was covered with different marine plants species (Chara hispida –Potamogeton pectinatus. The mapping of seabed showed crater-like formations, scars and fronts. The microbiological analysis showed that the pollution (from fecal bacteria) was restricted in the South part of the lagoon near the pipe of the biological treatment plant. In a lower extend, fecal pollution was tracked in the western part of the lagoon near the touristic settlement of E.O.T. The greater part of the lagoon is unpolluted. Geochemistry analysis showed similar levels of heavy metals in sediment with other coastal areas in Greece.

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