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Vliv ošetření elicitory na obsah některých biologicky aktivních látek ve vybrané rostlině / The effect of the treatment with elicitors on the content of some biologically active constituents in chosen plantPETR, Jindřich January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of the acetylsalicylic acid on the stimulation of plant immunity and thus the influence on the content of the active constituents in Silybum marianum L. plants. The main active constituents of Silybum marianum L. seeds are silybine, silydianine, isosilybine, silycristine, usually expressed as silymarine content, and taxifoline. These constituents have antihepatotoxic effect and many different protective effects on numerous organs and cells. Knowledge about stress and elicitation, origin, botanical characterization, growth, development and cultivation of Silybum marianum L. were summarized before the research.The small-plot experiment was set up in Hluboká nad Vltavou in 2013. Plants of Silybum marianum were divided into four groups and then three goups were treated three times during the vegetation with the acetylsalicylic acid of three different concentrations - 10-3 mol.l-1 (high), 10-4 mol.l-1 (medium) a 10-5 mol.l-1 (low). Every single one group was treated with only one concentration of the acetylsalicylic acid. The last group was treated only with water and served as a control group. The preparation of the extracts was being held with using mixture of acetone, methanol and water. The extracts were determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography.The effects of each chosen concetration of acetylsalicylic acid (high, medium, low) on the active constituents in seeds were not statistically proven compared to seeds without aplication of the elicitor (control group). The ineffectiveness of the elicitor should have been also caused by nonoptimal condition of plants due to various abiotic and biotic stressors.
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Purifikace a charakterizace proteinu IDGF2 / Purificatio and characterization of protein IDGF2BROŽ, Václav January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work was to characterize a member of the Drosophila Idgf family. IDGF2 was expresed in Drosophila S2 cells and purified by affinity chromatography. Function of wild-type and mutant IDGF2 was compared.
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Extrakce antioxidantů z bezových květů a úchova extraktu pro další možné využití / Extraction of antioxidants from the elderberry blossom and preservation of the extract for further possible useKrůzová, Sabina January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the extraction of antioxidants from elder flowers and the way of storage obtained extract. The elder flowers which are obtained by cutting trees as a waste product and after their processing it could be used as an ingredient to cosmetics products for body and face skin or in a spa like additive to baths. In theoretical part are information about black elder, its botanical characteristics, utilization and about substances contained in it. There is also a chapter about lyophilization as a method which was used for concentration of extract. The last chapter describes theoretical information about liquid chromatography because this method was used for analysis of contents of extract. Experimental part describes optimalization steps in preparation of extract. It was found that the biggest content of polyphenolic compounds was when the proportion between flower and water was 1:10, optimal temperature of water for extraction is 100 °C and it was also found that the time of extraction don´t have any influence on content of polyphenols. Thanks to the lyophilization it was obtained dry light brown powder which is stable for long time. The lyophilizate was tested for some physical properties like pH, refractive index, solubility etc. There was also determined antioxidant activity by DPPH method and there was found quenching activity is 64,9 %. In determining of heavy metals in sample was found trace amounts of lead and chrome. By liquid chromatography was determined content of polyphenols, caffeic acid was in an amount 59,6 mgl1, chlorogenic acid 398 mgl1 and ferulic acid wasn´t detected. All of analysis was for 1% solution of extract because to cosmetic it could be just this amount to addition. In the last step was prepared a skin lotion with elder flower extract and it was tested for stability also was prepared an ointment from pork lard.
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Analýza těkavých organických látek produkovaných monocyty během sepse / Analysis of volatile organic compounds produced by monocytes during sepsisBártová, Adéla January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the possibility of analysis of volatile organic compounds produced by monocytes during sepsis. Method of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection was chosen for this purpose. Content of the first part was the optimization of the method of two-dimensional gas chromatography for the determination of volatile organic compounds. In this part were gradually adjusted parameters of the gas chromatography method to achieve the maximum efficiency. Further were adjusted conditions of samples preparation. Content of the second part was the usage of already optimized method for the analysis of the samples set of monocytes. Samples were subjected to the action of different inhibitors of the immune system and stimulators simulating bacterial or yeast infection. Based on this analysis were identified some compounds, which are produced by monocytes under condition simulating the infection.
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Zhodnocení obsahu PCB a PBDE v rostlinných bioindikátorech / Evaluation of content of PCBs and PBDEs in plant bioindicatorsVondráčková, Ilona January 2009 (has links)
In the assessment of the environment pollution level, bio indicators of vegetable or animal origin are often used. Bio indicators include also needles and moss. The samples of moss and needles taken in different locations in the Czech Republic were examined to find out the presence of xenobiotics of polychlorine biphenyls and polybromide diphenylethers types. Selected analytes have been extracted from the matrix by hexan. Extracts have been refined using column chromatography on mixed florisil/silicagel sorbent. To analysis of selected compounds, GC/ECD method has been chosen. Based on our results a comparison of the contamination level in individual locations was enabled.
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Syntetické vonné látky ve vodním ekosystému / Musk compounds in water ecosystemGuryčová, Hana January 2009 (has links)
Synthetic fragrances or MUSK compounds are artificialy synthetised organic substances, used as fragrant constituents in various homecare products, such as cosmetics, detergents, air fresheners etc. The aim of diploma thesis was the quantification of some selected MUSK compounds in the influent and efluent of the water treatment plants.The method of quantification of MUSK compounds in organic matrix was also optimised during the research. Two modifications of solid phase microextraction were tested and evaluated. The analytes were identified and quantified by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The results were used to evaluate the amount of MUSK compounds in sewage waters and the ability of various water treatment plants to eliminate this kind of pollution from the water during the treatment process.
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Posouzení kontaminace kalů z čistíren odpadních vod rezidui léčiv / Assessment of contamination of sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plant by drug residualsDvořáková, Petra January 2009 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis was finding of the method for the determination of drug residua in sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plant. Selected sulfonamide and diaminopyrimidine antibiotics, which are used in human and veterinary medicine, were selected as target comopounds. They are discharged to the sewer systems together with the urine and faeces and enter the sewage treatment plant, where they are not completely removed. They can be found in treated waste water or in sewage sludge. They can enter to the environment, where they can induce negative effects on organisms in soil and water ecosystem. An optimized method was used for identification and determination of these antibiotics in real samples from the large-scale waste water treatment plant in Brno-Modřice and from the waste water treatment plant situated in the area of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University Brno. Antibiotics were extracted from sewage sludge by ultrasonic and by pressure solvent extraction (PSE). Waste water and sewage sludge real samples were concentrated and cleaned by solid phase extraction (SPE). For determination these antibiotics high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector (HPLC - DAD) was used.
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Změny ve složení mléka po dotaci dojnic vybraným aditivem / Milk composition changes after fortification milch cow feed with selected additiveTůmová, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with effect of supplement limiting aminoacid histidin, that was applied as duodenal infusion, on yield and composition of high production dairy cows milk. The theoretical part describes overview about milk composition and metabolism of dairy cows. There are described nutrition requirements of dairy cows for esential aminoacids. In this part are also presented principles of analytical methods used for analysis of milk. For determination of basic components of milk were used infrared spectroscopy and enzymatic-conductometry. Aminoacid profile of casein was determined by ion exchange liquid chromatography. In the experimental part is described method of experiment. There is described technique of acid and oxidative hydrolysis of lyofilized casein and technique of determination aminoacids in this hydrolyzated casein. Results of analysis were interpreted and discussed with literature. This diploma thesis was made as a cooperation between the Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology, the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Technology, Brno and the Research Institute for Cattle Breeding, Department of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Pohorelice.
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Organohalogenové sloučeniny - kontaminanty životního prostředí / Organohalogenic compounds - contaminants of environmentKociánová, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers belong to group of brominated flame retardants. Important property of these substances is their ability to reduce flammability or to prevent ignition of many products of daily use, such us televisions, carpets, mattresses and many others. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers however are characterized by high persistence and lipophility, leading to their accumulation in the environment. In recent years, concerns about the effects of organic halogen compounds on human health, suggesting their inclusion in the list of persistent organic pollutants in 2009. These contaminants are capable of long-range transport and accumulation in the environment. Therefore, the presence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers is systematically observed in the abiotic and biotic components of the environment worldwide. Their presence has been demonstrated in areas that are clearly very distant from sources of contamination. This thesis is focused on the use of gas chromatography to assess the level of contamination of selected components of the environment, especially of soil. For these purposes was used method of gas chromatography with electron capture detection mass spectrometry.
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Analýza nápojů slazených extrakty stévie cukerné / Analysis of drinks sweetened with stevia extractsProcházka, Václav January 2013 (has links)
The steviolglycosides are the natural, sweet substances from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. It affect human health positively and its sweetness is 300x stronger than the sweetness of sucrose. That's why it's used to sweetening the commercial products. Because of its potential properties it's good to have an appropriate method to isolate it. High performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC) is based on the separation of analyte between two immiscible phases with high pressure pump and appropriately chosen stationary phase in the column. Than the analytes come out from the column in different retention times. This master´s thesis follows up selection of the best HPLC system for isolation of the main steviolglycosides and its analysis in commercial products. In the theoretical part of the thesis is described the origin, basic characteristics, botanical description, cultivation and affect to the human health of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni and its use in food industry. There are also concisely characterized the sweet substances contained in the plant, so called steviolglycosides. Than there are given the theoretical basics of high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC instrumentation and its specific applications at sleviolglycosides with the basic chromatographic parameters. The object of the first experimental part was to research the optimum conditions for time and separation effective chromatographic analysis and select the best chromatographic system for isolation of steviolglycosides. In the second experimental part, I have compared and defined the main steviolglycosides (stevioside, rebaudioside A) in nine selected products, commercially available in Czech republic, with the best chromatographic method. In these products was the contain of the stevioside or rebaudioside A confirmed or refused.
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