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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SEM image processing as an alternative method to determine chromite pre-reduction / Given Terrance Mpho Mohale

Mohale, Given Terrance Mpho January 2015 (has links)
Ferrochrome (FeCr) is a crude alloy containing chromium (Cr) and iron (Fe). FeCr is mainly used for the production of stainless steel, which is an important modern-day alloy. FeCr is produced from chromite ore through various smelting methods. In this study, the focus was on the pelletised chromite pre-reduction process, which is also referred to as the solid state reduction of chromite. In this process, fine chromite ore, a clay binder and a carbon reductant are dry milled, agglomerated (pelletised) and pre-reduced (solid state reduction) in a rotary kiln. The pre-reduced pellets are then charged hot, immediately after exiting the rotary kiln, into a closed submerged arc furnace (SAF). This production process option has the lowest specific energy consumption (SEC), i.e. MWh/ton FeCr produced, of all the FeCr production processes that are commercially applied. Other advantages associated with the application of the pelletised chromite pre-reduction process are that it eliminates the use of chromite fines, has a high Cr recovery, and produces low sulphur- (S) and silicon (Si)-containing FeCr. The main disadvantage of the pelletised chromite pre-reduction process is that it requires extensive metallurgical control due to the variances in the levels of pre-reduction achieved and carbon content of the pre-reduced pelletised furnace feed material. This implies that the metallurgical carbon balance has to be changed regularly to prevent the process from becoming carbon deficient (also referred to as ‘under coke’) or over carbon (also referred to as ‘over coke’). The analytical technique currently applied to determine the level of chromite pre-reduction is time consuming, making it difficult and expensive to deal with large numbers of samples. In an attempt to develop a technique that would be faster to determine the level of chromite pre-reduction, a new analytical method using a combination of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), image processing and computational techniques was investigated in this study. Metallurgical grade chromite (<1 mm), anthracite breeze (<1 mm), and fine FeCr (<1 mm) that were used to prepare pellets in the laboratory, as well as industrially produced pre-reduced pellets that had already been milled in preparation for the determination of the pre-reduction level with wet chemical analysis were received from a large South African FeCr producer. These laboratory prepared pellets and the industrially produced pellet mixtures were considered in this investigation. Samples were moulded in resin and polished in order to obtain SEM micrographs of the polished cross sections. Elements with higher molecular weights are indicated by lighter greyscale, while elements with lower molecular weights are indicated by darker greyscale in SEM micrographs. This basic principle was applied in the development of the new analytical technique to determine the level of chromite pre-reduction, with the hypothesis that the pixel count of white pixels (representing metallised particles), divided by the combined pixel count of white (representing metallised particles) and grey (representing chromite particles) pixels would be directly related to the level of chromite pre-reduction determined with the current wet chemical method. This hypothesis can be mathematically expressed as: The newly-developed analytical method was validated by correlating the white pixel% calculated with the chromite pre-reduction levels (%) determined with wet chemical analysis of laboratory prepared and industrially produced pellet mixtures, which had R2 values of 0.998 and 0.919, respectively. This suggests that the method can be used to determine chromite pre-reduction accurately. / MSc (Engineering Sciences in Chemical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

SEM image processing as an alternative method to determine chromite pre-reduction / Given Terrance Mpho Mohale

Mohale, Given Terrance Mpho January 2015 (has links)
Ferrochrome (FeCr) is a crude alloy containing chromium (Cr) and iron (Fe). FeCr is mainly used for the production of stainless steel, which is an important modern-day alloy. FeCr is produced from chromite ore through various smelting methods. In this study, the focus was on the pelletised chromite pre-reduction process, which is also referred to as the solid state reduction of chromite. In this process, fine chromite ore, a clay binder and a carbon reductant are dry milled, agglomerated (pelletised) and pre-reduced (solid state reduction) in a rotary kiln. The pre-reduced pellets are then charged hot, immediately after exiting the rotary kiln, into a closed submerged arc furnace (SAF). This production process option has the lowest specific energy consumption (SEC), i.e. MWh/ton FeCr produced, of all the FeCr production processes that are commercially applied. Other advantages associated with the application of the pelletised chromite pre-reduction process are that it eliminates the use of chromite fines, has a high Cr recovery, and produces low sulphur- (S) and silicon (Si)-containing FeCr. The main disadvantage of the pelletised chromite pre-reduction process is that it requires extensive metallurgical control due to the variances in the levels of pre-reduction achieved and carbon content of the pre-reduced pelletised furnace feed material. This implies that the metallurgical carbon balance has to be changed regularly to prevent the process from becoming carbon deficient (also referred to as ‘under coke’) or over carbon (also referred to as ‘over coke’). The analytical technique currently applied to determine the level of chromite pre-reduction is time consuming, making it difficult and expensive to deal with large numbers of samples. In an attempt to develop a technique that would be faster to determine the level of chromite pre-reduction, a new analytical method using a combination of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), image processing and computational techniques was investigated in this study. Metallurgical grade chromite (<1 mm), anthracite breeze (<1 mm), and fine FeCr (<1 mm) that were used to prepare pellets in the laboratory, as well as industrially produced pre-reduced pellets that had already been milled in preparation for the determination of the pre-reduction level with wet chemical analysis were received from a large South African FeCr producer. These laboratory prepared pellets and the industrially produced pellet mixtures were considered in this investigation. Samples were moulded in resin and polished in order to obtain SEM micrographs of the polished cross sections. Elements with higher molecular weights are indicated by lighter greyscale, while elements with lower molecular weights are indicated by darker greyscale in SEM micrographs. This basic principle was applied in the development of the new analytical technique to determine the level of chromite pre-reduction, with the hypothesis that the pixel count of white pixels (representing metallised particles), divided by the combined pixel count of white (representing metallised particles) and grey (representing chromite particles) pixels would be directly related to the level of chromite pre-reduction determined with the current wet chemical method. This hypothesis can be mathematically expressed as: The newly-developed analytical method was validated by correlating the white pixel% calculated with the chromite pre-reduction levels (%) determined with wet chemical analysis of laboratory prepared and industrially produced pellet mixtures, which had R2 values of 0.998 and 0.919, respectively. This suggests that the method can be used to determine chromite pre-reduction accurately. / MSc (Engineering Sciences in Chemical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Auto-redução e fusão redução de pelotas auto-redutoras de cromita. / Self-reduction and fusion reduction of chromite self-reducing pellets

Pillihuaman Zambrano, Adolfo 05 October 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se a evolução da redução da pelota auto-redutora de cromita contendo coque de petróleo, ferro-silício, cal hidratada, sílica e cimento Portland ARI (alta Resistência Inicial), para a obtenção da liga ferro-cromo alto carbono (FeCrAC). As principais variáveis estudadas foram: influência das adições de Fe-75%Si em sinergismo com coque de petróleo, adição de fluxantes, temperatura e tempo de redução. Além disso, foram realizadas experiências para confirmação dos resultados de auto-redução num forno rotativo de laboratório. Inicialmente os materiais (cromita, ferro-silício, coque de petróleo, cal dolomitica, sílica e cimento Portland ARI), foram caracterizados por análise química e análise granulométrica. Após a caracterização, os materiais, foram aglomerados na forma de pelotas (P1, P2, P3, P4 e P5), com adições de 0, 1, 2 e 4% Fe-75%Si, e adições de 2% Fe-75%Si e de fluxantes (3,83% cal dolomitica e 2,88% sílica), respectivamente. A redução das pelotas foi feita num forno de indução podendo atingir temperaturas de até 1973K (1700oC). Os ensaios experimentais foram realizados nas temperaturas de 1773K (1500°C), 1823K (1550oC) e 1873K (1600oC), utilizando-se cadinhos de grafite. Após os ensaios de redução os produtos obtidos (escória e metal) foram analisados por microscopia ótica, por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e por análise de espectro de dispersão de energia (EDS). O processo de redução nas pelotas 1, 2, 3 e 4 segue os seguintes fenômenos i) via intermediários gasosos (CO/cromita) formam-se glóbulos metálicos nucleados na superfície das partículas de cromita, inicialmente rico em ferro; ii) estes crescem, pela redução na superfície da cromita deixando óxidos refratários na periferia da partícula de cromita original; iii) uma escoria incipiente se forma com os componentes da pelota (aglomerantes inorgânicos, cinza do redutor e fluxantes) e com a dissolução da ganga das partículas pequenas reduzidas da cromita; iv) a escória incipiente dissolve parte refratária da superfície da cromita, liberando a fase metálica e a escória vai se tornando cada vez mais refratária; v) o nódulo metálico segue crescendo e enriquecendo-se de cromo, reduzindo os óxidos de cromo e eventualmente de ferro dissolvido na escória incipiente; vi) o coalescimento da fase metálica é favorecido pela formação de escória e dissolução da ganga refrataria da cromita. O processo de redução da pelota 5 pela presença de fluxantes forma uma quantidade maior de escória inicial e apresenta os seguintes fenômenos: i) as reações indireta e direta reduzem as partículas finas de cromita, com formação de nódulos metálicos e fase escória nos primeiros instantes de redução; ii) os nódulos metálicos são formados pela redução das partículas finas de cromita. As partículas grandes sofrem pequena redução superficial e são encobertas pela escória, permanecendo dispersas na mesma; iii) a formação de escória encobrindo a cromita prejudica a redução gasosa aumentando o tempo de redução da mesma, porem facilita o coalescimento da fase metálica; iv) o nódulo metálico segue crescendo e enriquecendo-se de cromo, reduzindo aos poucos as partículas grandes de cromita. Existe regeneração do gás redutor (Boudouard) que pode ser diretamente com C do redutor ou com C dissolvido na fase metálica. A auto-redução carbotérmica das pelotas de cromita, na faixa de temperatura 1773K (1500oC) a 1873K (1600°C), sofre grande influência da temperatura, seja com ou sem adição de Fe-75%Si. O aumento da temperatura de 1773K (1500°C) para 1873K (1600°C) diminui o tempo para atingir redução completa conforme segue: i) 8 vezes para pelota sem Fe-75%Si; ii) 4 vezes para pelota com 1% de Fe-75%Si; e iii) 3 vezes para pelota com 2% de Fe-75%Si. Há um efeito significativo de adições de Fe-75%Si em pelotas auto-redutoras de cromita no tempo para atingir redução completa. O teor benéfico destas adições foi de 2%, contribuindo com aproximadamente 9% de calor necessário para redução completa, para as temperaturas ensaiadas de 1873K (1600ºC), 1823K (1550ºC) e 1773K (1500ºC). A evolução da redução é altamente sensível (diminui) com adição de fluxantes formadores de escória com temperatura líquidus abaixo de 1773K (1500ºC). A evolução da redução pela reação indireta (CO/cromita) é notavelmente mais rápida que a redução pela reação direta (C/cromita e C dissolvido na fase metálica/óxido de cromo na escória). A redução gasosa atuante nos primeiros estágios de redução, vai sendo prejudicada à medida que aumenta a quantidade de escória. As pelotas (1, 2, 3 e 4) sem adição de fluxantes (sílica e cal dolomítica), após reduzidas, são altamente porosas e têm pequena formação de fase escória se comparar com aquelas com adição de fluxantes com formação maior de fase escória (pelota 5). A pelota 3 com 2% de Fe-75%Si apresentou melhores resultados em relação ao tempo de redução. A pelota com adição de 4% Fe-75%Si (pelota 4), não apresentou diminuição do tempo de redução, devido a uma maior formação de escória que prejudica a reação indireta (mais rápida). As evidências micrográficas, auxiliadas por análises por EDS, mostraram que as reduções das partículas de cromita, foram praticamente completas quando as frações de reação se aproximam da unidade, confirmando a confiabilidade da metodologia utilizada. A redução da pelota auto-redutora, independente da sua composição, acontece de forma não isotérmica apesar de ser ensaiada numa temperatura isotérmica, apresentando-se um gradiente de temperatura entre a superfície e o centro da pelota, ao longo do tempo, mas esta desaparece conforme a reação progride tornando-se uniforme ao final da reação; evidenciando que a transferência de calor é a etapa lenta do processo devido: às reações de redução serem bastante endotérmicas; ao tamanho das pelotas; às altas temperaturas; e por ser um material poroso e refratário. A resistência a compressão das pelotas (1, 2, 3, 4 e 5) após 28 dias de cura e antes de serem reduzidas foi de ~4 kgf/pelota, porém tornou-se bastante alta após reduzidas (150 a 400 kgf/pelota); tornando-as aptas para carga em reatores de fusão. Estes resultados foram confirmados com ensaios no forno rotativo de laboratório, utilizando-se a pelota 2 (2% de Fe-75%Si), evidenciando: i) que as reduções de Cr e Fe foram praticamente completas (fração média de reação de 0,99) em 30 minutos de ensaio a 1500ºC; ii) a coalescência das partículas metálicas, obtidas por redução depende da capacidade da escória de dissolver os óxidos remanescentes na partícula de cromita reduzida; iii) há formação de fase incipiente de escória não-continua, aos 5 minutos de ensaio, pela parte da ganga do minério de cromita com os componentes de aglomerantes e/ou fluxantes; iv) a recuperação do teor metálico é alto (99%), em 30 minutos de ensaio, a 1500º C. Os resultados mostram um grande potencial do processo de auto-redução na produção de ferro-cromo alto carbono (FeCrAC). / The evolution of reduction of the self-reducing pellets of chromite for obtaining ferro-chromium high carbon (FeCrHC) was analyzed. The influences of Fe-75%Si additions, addition of fluxing agents, temperature and time of reduction were studied. The materials (chromite, ferro-silicon, petroleum coke, dolomite lime, silica and cement Portland), were characterized by chemical and particle size analysis. After characterization, the materials were agglomerated in the form of pellets (P1, P2, P3 and P4), with additions of 0, 1, 2 and 4% Fe-75%Si, respectively, and P5 with additions of 2% Fe-75%Si and fluxing agents (3.83% dolomite lime and 2.88% silica). The reduction of pellets was made using induction furnace with capability to reach temperatures up to 1973K (1700ºC). The experiments were performed at temperatures of 1773K (1500ºC), 1823K (1550ºC) and 1873K (1600ºC), using graphite crucibles. After the reduction the products (slag and metal) were analyzed by optical microscopy, scanning electronic microscopy (MEV) and energy dispersion spectrum analysis (EDS). The reduction process in pellets 1, 2, 3 and 4 followed phenomena as: i) gaseous reduction (CO/chromite) produces metallic globules on the surface of chromite particles, initially rich in iron; ii) these globules grow continuing the reduction at the periphery of chromite particles, leaving refractory oxides at this area of the original chromite particle; iii) an incipient slag is formed with the components of the pellet (inorganic binders, ash of reducer and fluxing agents) and with the dissolution of gangue from small particles of the reduced chromite; iv) the incipient slag dissolves refractory oxides remaining at the periphery of the chromite particles, liberating the metallic phase and the slag becomes more refractory; v) the metallic phase grows and becomes richer in chromium by reducing chromium oxides and eventually of iron dissolved in the incipient slag; vi) the coalescence of the metallic phase is favored by the slag formation and dissolution of refractory gangue of the chromite. The reduction process of pellet 5 follows as: i) indirect and direct reactions reduce fine particles of chromite, with formation of metallic nodules and slag phase at the beginning of reduction; ii) the metallic nodules are formed by the reduction of fine particles of chromite. Large chromite particles are reduced at the peripherical surfaces and are embebeded by the slag and remain dispersed in it; iii) the slag formed is harmful for the gaseous reduction and the time for completing the reduction is increased, but facilitates the coalescence of the metallic phase; iv) the metallic nodule follows growing and becomes richer in chromium. The carbothermic self-reduction pellets of the chromite at the temperature range of 1773K (1500ºC)-1873K (1600ºC), presents great influence of the temperature, either, with or without addition of Fe-75%Si. The increase of the temperature from 1773K (1500ºC) to 1873K (1600ºC) decreases the time for completing the reduction as: i) 8 times for pellet without Fe-75%Si; ii) 4 times for pellet with 1% of Fe-75%Si; and iii) 3 times for pellet with 2% of Fe-75%Si. A significant effect of additions of Fe-75%Si in self-reducing pellets of chromite in the reduction time was observed. The best addition was with 2% and its contribution was approximately 9% of necessary heat for complete the reduction, for the temperatures of 1873K (1600ºC), 1823K (1550ºC) and 1773K (1500ºC). The evolution of reduction is highly sensitive (it decreases) with addition of fluxing agents which form the slag with liquidus temperature below 1500ºC. The evolution of reduction for the indirect reaction (CO/chromites) is remarkably faster than that of the reduction by the direct reaction (C/chromite and C dissolved in the metallic phase/chromium oxide in the slag). At the beginning the gaseous reduction is predominant but it becomes less important with formation of larger amount of slag. The pellets (1, 2, 3 and 4) without addition of fluxing agents (silica and dolomite lime), after reduced, are highly porous and have small formation of slag phase than pellet 5 with addition of fluxing agents. Pellet 3 with 2% of Fe-75%Si presented the best results with relation to time for completing the reduction of chromite. The pellet with addition of 4% Fe-75%Si (pellet 4) did not present advantage with relation to that of 2% addition due to larger volume of slag formation. The micrograph analysis showed that the reductions of chromite particles practically were complete when the reaction fractions approach to the unit, confirming the confidence of the methodology used for determining the reaction fraction. The reduction of the self-reducing pellet, regardless its composition, happens by not isothermal way although it is submitted at isothermal temperature. The temperature gradient between surface and the core of the pellet is larger at the beginning but it disappears as the reaction progresses, becoming uniform with time. The heat transfer showed to be the slowest step of the process due to, the endothermic reactions of reduction, the size of the pellets, the high temperatures and porous nature and refractory material. The compression strength of the pellets (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), after 28 days of curing, before of the reduction was ~4kgf/pellet but it increased up to 150 - 400 kgf/pellet; which are acceptable for charging the melting furnace for metal/slag separation. These results were confirmed by using laboratory rotating furnace, with pellet 2 (2% of Fe-75%Si), as: i) the reductions of Cr and Fe were practically complete (fraction of reaction 0,99) after 30 minutes of experiment at 1500ºC; ii) the coalescence of metallic particles, depends the capability of the slag to dissolve remaining oxides in the reduced chromite particle; iii) incipient not-continuous slag phase forms, at 5 minutes of experiment, from the gangue of the chromite and from the components of binders and/or fluxing agents; iv) the yield of metallic recovery is high (99%), after 30 minutes of experiment at1500º C. The results show that the self-reduction process presents a great potential for the ferro-chromium high carbon production (FeCrHC).

A comparative study of two ultramafic bodies at the SW end of the Manitoba Nickel Belt : with special reference to the chromite mineralogy.

Bliss, Neil W. January 1972 (has links)
No description available.

The solid state reduction of chromite.

Dawson, Nicholas Finch. January 1989 (has links)
High carbon ferrochromium serves as the main chromium source for almost all chromium containing steel alloys. The traditional method for the production of high carbon ferrochromium via the reduction of chromite using coke in electric arc furnaces, draws its considerable energy requirement from electrical power. The escalation in cost of electric power in South Africa has motivated research into alternative, fuel fired, reduction processes. One such process involves the partial solid state reduction of chromite in coal fired rotary kilns at temperatures between 1200 and 140rrc, prior to electric smelting. such processes are currently operated on a commercial scale and result in considerable savings in electrical energy, despite slow reduction kinetics and low reaction extents. A large amount of research conducted in the past, . aimed at establishing the fundamentals of the reduction process, has not provided satisfactory answers to questions regarding the mechanism of reduction. It was therefore necessary to conduct further test work on the process to establish the mechanism and factors limiting the rate and extent of reduction. Thermodynamic analysis of the reaction system indicates that at temperatures above 1050C reduction of the ore will proceed, and should reach an extent of approximately 90% reduction at 1200C. Complete reduction should be achievable at approximately 125ifc. However experimental results indicate the persistence of a stable magnesiochromite spinel under normal reducing conditions even at 140ifc. This limits the degree of chromium reduction to approximately 65%. Kinetic data from thermobalance studies and electron microscope examination of the reduction product showed independent reduction of iron and chromium. The rate of iron reduction was found to be relatively rapid and to go to completion, compared to that of chromium where the formation of a relatively inert picrochromite- spinel solid solution (MgO(Cr,AI)203) at the surface of the grain liinited the rate and extent of reduction to approximately 65% in the case of LG6 chromite. These findings suggested that the only way in which the kinetics of the process might be improved was through the addition of a component capable of disrupting the spinel layer at the surface of the chromite grain. In this study, fluoride containing mixtures such as CaF2 - NaF and fluorspar- feldspar- silica were successfully used to accelerate the reaction. Such mixtures are commercially interesting and highly effective even at low additions (4- 10%) . The mechanism whereby such mixtures operate was shown to involve the dissolution of all the spinel components in the liquid flux phase. Following dissolution, rapid i i recrystallization of spinel (Mg . Al2 ~) occurs , simultaneous to the transport of Fe 2+ and cr 3+ ions through the liquid to a site where reduction can take place. The main effect of this is to increase the rate and extent of chromium reduction to the point where virtual total reduction can be achieved in less than 90 min at temperatures as low as 1200C. Although the reduction kinetics in the presence of such solvent flux phases are still largely limited by the rate of solid state diffusion, the disruption of the surface enables faster overall diffusion rates to be achieved. Ultimately as the particle size and separation between oxide and reductant is increased, the rate of dissolution and transport through the flux phase become rate limiting. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1989.

Strike comparison of the compositional variations of the lower group and middle group chromitite seams of the critical zone, Western Bushveld complex

Doig, Heather Leslie January 2000 (has links)
The variations in the composition, specifically the Cr20 S content and the Cr:Fe ratio, and the morphology of the Lower Group (LG) and Middle Group (MG) chromitite seams of the Critical Zone (CZ) across the western Bushveld Complex, including the Ruighoek and Brits sections, is investigated by means of whole-rock chemical data, both major and trace elements analysis, XRD and electron microprobe data. As a result ofthe paucity of exposed or developed LG1 - LG5 chromitite seams in the western Bushveld Complex, this study is confined to the investigation of the compositional variations of the LG6 to MG4 chromitite seams. In only one section, the Ruighoek section, was the entire succession of chromitite seams, from the LG1 - MG4, exposed. The silicate host rocks from the LG6 pyroxenite footwall to the collar of the CC2 drillcore (lower uCZ) in the Rustenburg section were sampled. This study reviews the compositional trends of the silicate host rocks, as the compositional variations of the chromitite seams reflect the chemical evolution of the host cumulate environment and, to a lesser degree, the composition onhe interstitial mineral phases in the chromitite seams. The compositional variations of the LG and MG chromitite seams are attributed to the compositional contrast between the replenishing magma and the resident magma. The chemical trends of the LG and MG chromitite layers and the host cumUlate rOCKS do not support the existence of two compositionalfy dissimilar magmas in the CZ, rather the cyclic layering of the CZ and the chemical variations of the chromitite seams are attributed to the mixing of primitive magma with the resident magma, both of which have essentially similar compositions. The compositional variations of the LG and MG chromitite seams along strike away from the supposed feeder site (Union section) to the distal facies (Brits section) are attributed to the advanced compositional contrast between the resident magma and the replenishing primitive magma pulses. The CZ is characterized by reversals in fractionation trends and this is attributed to the compositional evolution of the parental magma and not to the replenishment of the resident magma by influxes of grossly dissimilar magma compositions. The Cr20 S content and the Cr:Fe ratio of the MG chromitite layers increase from the Ruighoek (near proximal) section to the Brits section (distal facies). This is attributed to the advanced compositional contrasts between the resident magma and the replenishing primitive magma. In contrast, the Cr20 3 content and Cr:Fe ratios ofthe LG6 and LG8a chromitite seams decreases eastwards from the Ruighoek section. The average Cr:Fe ratio for the western Bushveld Complex is between 1.5 and\2.0, nonetheless, a progressively lower Cr:Fe ratio is noted from the LG1 chromitite up through to the MG4 chromitite seam in the Ruighoek section. tn the LG2 - LG4 chromitite interval a deviation to higher.lratios is encountered. A progressive substitution of Cr by AT and Fe in the Cr-spinel crystal lattice characterizes the chromitite succession from the LG1 seam up through the chromitite succession to MG4. The petrogeneSiS of the chromitite seams of the CZ is attributed to magma mixing and fractional crystallization of a single magma type.

Auto-redução e fusão redução de pelotas auto-redutoras de cromita. / Self-reduction and fusion reduction of chromite self-reducing pellets

Adolfo Pillihuaman Zambrano 05 October 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se a evolução da redução da pelota auto-redutora de cromita contendo coque de petróleo, ferro-silício, cal hidratada, sílica e cimento Portland ARI (alta Resistência Inicial), para a obtenção da liga ferro-cromo alto carbono (FeCrAC). As principais variáveis estudadas foram: influência das adições de Fe-75%Si em sinergismo com coque de petróleo, adição de fluxantes, temperatura e tempo de redução. Além disso, foram realizadas experiências para confirmação dos resultados de auto-redução num forno rotativo de laboratório. Inicialmente os materiais (cromita, ferro-silício, coque de petróleo, cal dolomitica, sílica e cimento Portland ARI), foram caracterizados por análise química e análise granulométrica. Após a caracterização, os materiais, foram aglomerados na forma de pelotas (P1, P2, P3, P4 e P5), com adições de 0, 1, 2 e 4% Fe-75%Si, e adições de 2% Fe-75%Si e de fluxantes (3,83% cal dolomitica e 2,88% sílica), respectivamente. A redução das pelotas foi feita num forno de indução podendo atingir temperaturas de até 1973K (1700oC). Os ensaios experimentais foram realizados nas temperaturas de 1773K (1500°C), 1823K (1550oC) e 1873K (1600oC), utilizando-se cadinhos de grafite. Após os ensaios de redução os produtos obtidos (escória e metal) foram analisados por microscopia ótica, por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e por análise de espectro de dispersão de energia (EDS). O processo de redução nas pelotas 1, 2, 3 e 4 segue os seguintes fenômenos i) via intermediários gasosos (CO/cromita) formam-se glóbulos metálicos nucleados na superfície das partículas de cromita, inicialmente rico em ferro; ii) estes crescem, pela redução na superfície da cromita deixando óxidos refratários na periferia da partícula de cromita original; iii) uma escoria incipiente se forma com os componentes da pelota (aglomerantes inorgânicos, cinza do redutor e fluxantes) e com a dissolução da ganga das partículas pequenas reduzidas da cromita; iv) a escória incipiente dissolve parte refratária da superfície da cromita, liberando a fase metálica e a escória vai se tornando cada vez mais refratária; v) o nódulo metálico segue crescendo e enriquecendo-se de cromo, reduzindo os óxidos de cromo e eventualmente de ferro dissolvido na escória incipiente; vi) o coalescimento da fase metálica é favorecido pela formação de escória e dissolução da ganga refrataria da cromita. O processo de redução da pelota 5 pela presença de fluxantes forma uma quantidade maior de escória inicial e apresenta os seguintes fenômenos: i) as reações indireta e direta reduzem as partículas finas de cromita, com formação de nódulos metálicos e fase escória nos primeiros instantes de redução; ii) os nódulos metálicos são formados pela redução das partículas finas de cromita. As partículas grandes sofrem pequena redução superficial e são encobertas pela escória, permanecendo dispersas na mesma; iii) a formação de escória encobrindo a cromita prejudica a redução gasosa aumentando o tempo de redução da mesma, porem facilita o coalescimento da fase metálica; iv) o nódulo metálico segue crescendo e enriquecendo-se de cromo, reduzindo aos poucos as partículas grandes de cromita. Existe regeneração do gás redutor (Boudouard) que pode ser diretamente com C do redutor ou com C dissolvido na fase metálica. A auto-redução carbotérmica das pelotas de cromita, na faixa de temperatura 1773K (1500oC) a 1873K (1600°C), sofre grande influência da temperatura, seja com ou sem adição de Fe-75%Si. O aumento da temperatura de 1773K (1500°C) para 1873K (1600°C) diminui o tempo para atingir redução completa conforme segue: i) 8 vezes para pelota sem Fe-75%Si; ii) 4 vezes para pelota com 1% de Fe-75%Si; e iii) 3 vezes para pelota com 2% de Fe-75%Si. Há um efeito significativo de adições de Fe-75%Si em pelotas auto-redutoras de cromita no tempo para atingir redução completa. O teor benéfico destas adições foi de 2%, contribuindo com aproximadamente 9% de calor necessário para redução completa, para as temperaturas ensaiadas de 1873K (1600ºC), 1823K (1550ºC) e 1773K (1500ºC). A evolução da redução é altamente sensível (diminui) com adição de fluxantes formadores de escória com temperatura líquidus abaixo de 1773K (1500ºC). A evolução da redução pela reação indireta (CO/cromita) é notavelmente mais rápida que a redução pela reação direta (C/cromita e C dissolvido na fase metálica/óxido de cromo na escória). A redução gasosa atuante nos primeiros estágios de redução, vai sendo prejudicada à medida que aumenta a quantidade de escória. As pelotas (1, 2, 3 e 4) sem adição de fluxantes (sílica e cal dolomítica), após reduzidas, são altamente porosas e têm pequena formação de fase escória se comparar com aquelas com adição de fluxantes com formação maior de fase escória (pelota 5). A pelota 3 com 2% de Fe-75%Si apresentou melhores resultados em relação ao tempo de redução. A pelota com adição de 4% Fe-75%Si (pelota 4), não apresentou diminuição do tempo de redução, devido a uma maior formação de escória que prejudica a reação indireta (mais rápida). As evidências micrográficas, auxiliadas por análises por EDS, mostraram que as reduções das partículas de cromita, foram praticamente completas quando as frações de reação se aproximam da unidade, confirmando a confiabilidade da metodologia utilizada. A redução da pelota auto-redutora, independente da sua composição, acontece de forma não isotérmica apesar de ser ensaiada numa temperatura isotérmica, apresentando-se um gradiente de temperatura entre a superfície e o centro da pelota, ao longo do tempo, mas esta desaparece conforme a reação progride tornando-se uniforme ao final da reação; evidenciando que a transferência de calor é a etapa lenta do processo devido: às reações de redução serem bastante endotérmicas; ao tamanho das pelotas; às altas temperaturas; e por ser um material poroso e refratário. A resistência a compressão das pelotas (1, 2, 3, 4 e 5) após 28 dias de cura e antes de serem reduzidas foi de ~4 kgf/pelota, porém tornou-se bastante alta após reduzidas (150 a 400 kgf/pelota); tornando-as aptas para carga em reatores de fusão. Estes resultados foram confirmados com ensaios no forno rotativo de laboratório, utilizando-se a pelota 2 (2% de Fe-75%Si), evidenciando: i) que as reduções de Cr e Fe foram praticamente completas (fração média de reação de 0,99) em 30 minutos de ensaio a 1500ºC; ii) a coalescência das partículas metálicas, obtidas por redução depende da capacidade da escória de dissolver os óxidos remanescentes na partícula de cromita reduzida; iii) há formação de fase incipiente de escória não-continua, aos 5 minutos de ensaio, pela parte da ganga do minério de cromita com os componentes de aglomerantes e/ou fluxantes; iv) a recuperação do teor metálico é alto (99%), em 30 minutos de ensaio, a 1500º C. Os resultados mostram um grande potencial do processo de auto-redução na produção de ferro-cromo alto carbono (FeCrAC). / The evolution of reduction of the self-reducing pellets of chromite for obtaining ferro-chromium high carbon (FeCrHC) was analyzed. The influences of Fe-75%Si additions, addition of fluxing agents, temperature and time of reduction were studied. The materials (chromite, ferro-silicon, petroleum coke, dolomite lime, silica and cement Portland), were characterized by chemical and particle size analysis. After characterization, the materials were agglomerated in the form of pellets (P1, P2, P3 and P4), with additions of 0, 1, 2 and 4% Fe-75%Si, respectively, and P5 with additions of 2% Fe-75%Si and fluxing agents (3.83% dolomite lime and 2.88% silica). The reduction of pellets was made using induction furnace with capability to reach temperatures up to 1973K (1700ºC). The experiments were performed at temperatures of 1773K (1500ºC), 1823K (1550ºC) and 1873K (1600ºC), using graphite crucibles. After the reduction the products (slag and metal) were analyzed by optical microscopy, scanning electronic microscopy (MEV) and energy dispersion spectrum analysis (EDS). The reduction process in pellets 1, 2, 3 and 4 followed phenomena as: i) gaseous reduction (CO/chromite) produces metallic globules on the surface of chromite particles, initially rich in iron; ii) these globules grow continuing the reduction at the periphery of chromite particles, leaving refractory oxides at this area of the original chromite particle; iii) an incipient slag is formed with the components of the pellet (inorganic binders, ash of reducer and fluxing agents) and with the dissolution of gangue from small particles of the reduced chromite; iv) the incipient slag dissolves refractory oxides remaining at the periphery of the chromite particles, liberating the metallic phase and the slag becomes more refractory; v) the metallic phase grows and becomes richer in chromium by reducing chromium oxides and eventually of iron dissolved in the incipient slag; vi) the coalescence of the metallic phase is favored by the slag formation and dissolution of refractory gangue of the chromite. The reduction process of pellet 5 follows as: i) indirect and direct reactions reduce fine particles of chromite, with formation of metallic nodules and slag phase at the beginning of reduction; ii) the metallic nodules are formed by the reduction of fine particles of chromite. Large chromite particles are reduced at the peripherical surfaces and are embebeded by the slag and remain dispersed in it; iii) the slag formed is harmful for the gaseous reduction and the time for completing the reduction is increased, but facilitates the coalescence of the metallic phase; iv) the metallic nodule follows growing and becomes richer in chromium. The carbothermic self-reduction pellets of the chromite at the temperature range of 1773K (1500ºC)-1873K (1600ºC), presents great influence of the temperature, either, with or without addition of Fe-75%Si. The increase of the temperature from 1773K (1500ºC) to 1873K (1600ºC) decreases the time for completing the reduction as: i) 8 times for pellet without Fe-75%Si; ii) 4 times for pellet with 1% of Fe-75%Si; and iii) 3 times for pellet with 2% of Fe-75%Si. A significant effect of additions of Fe-75%Si in self-reducing pellets of chromite in the reduction time was observed. The best addition was with 2% and its contribution was approximately 9% of necessary heat for complete the reduction, for the temperatures of 1873K (1600ºC), 1823K (1550ºC) and 1773K (1500ºC). The evolution of reduction is highly sensitive (it decreases) with addition of fluxing agents which form the slag with liquidus temperature below 1500ºC. The evolution of reduction for the indirect reaction (CO/chromites) is remarkably faster than that of the reduction by the direct reaction (C/chromite and C dissolved in the metallic phase/chromium oxide in the slag). At the beginning the gaseous reduction is predominant but it becomes less important with formation of larger amount of slag. The pellets (1, 2, 3 and 4) without addition of fluxing agents (silica and dolomite lime), after reduced, are highly porous and have small formation of slag phase than pellet 5 with addition of fluxing agents. Pellet 3 with 2% of Fe-75%Si presented the best results with relation to time for completing the reduction of chromite. The pellet with addition of 4% Fe-75%Si (pellet 4) did not present advantage with relation to that of 2% addition due to larger volume of slag formation. The micrograph analysis showed that the reductions of chromite particles practically were complete when the reaction fractions approach to the unit, confirming the confidence of the methodology used for determining the reaction fraction. The reduction of the self-reducing pellet, regardless its composition, happens by not isothermal way although it is submitted at isothermal temperature. The temperature gradient between surface and the core of the pellet is larger at the beginning but it disappears as the reaction progresses, becoming uniform with time. The heat transfer showed to be the slowest step of the process due to, the endothermic reactions of reduction, the size of the pellets, the high temperatures and porous nature and refractory material. The compression strength of the pellets (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), after 28 days of curing, before of the reduction was ~4kgf/pellet but it increased up to 150 - 400 kgf/pellet; which are acceptable for charging the melting furnace for metal/slag separation. These results were confirmed by using laboratory rotating furnace, with pellet 2 (2% of Fe-75%Si), as: i) the reductions of Cr and Fe were practically complete (fraction of reaction 0,99) after 30 minutes of experiment at 1500ºC; ii) the coalescence of metallic particles, depends the capability of the slag to dissolve remaining oxides in the reduced chromite particle; iii) incipient not-continuous slag phase forms, at 5 minutes of experiment, from the gangue of the chromite and from the components of binders and/or fluxing agents; iv) the yield of metallic recovery is high (99%), after 30 minutes of experiment at1500º C. The results show that the self-reduction process presents a great potential for the ferro-chromium high carbon production (FeCrHC).

Eluvial chromite resources of the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe

Musa, Caston Tamburayi January 2007 (has links)
Apart from the concentrations of chromite in layers within the Great Dyke and other ultramafic complexes, chromite also occurs as interstitial grains throughout the olivine-bearing rock-types. These olivine-bearing rocks include no rites, gabbros, dunites and pyroxenites. Chromite concentration in these rocks varies from 0.48 to 3.09 per cent of the rock, usually in the form of chromite (Ahrens, 1965; Worst, 1960). A small fraction of this chromite settled to form chromitite layers whilst the remainder is retained within the rock mass as finely disseminated chromite and chromite interstitial to olivine. This retained chromite is much finer grained than layer chromite and is the primary source of eluvial chromite (Cotterill, 1981). During weathering of the serpentine rock and transportation by rainwater, the heavier chromite and magnetite grains are re-deposited along watercourses and vleis or valleys as the speed of the water is retarded sufficiently for the heavier particles to settle. The lighter serpentine material is removed and the chromite concentration in the soil is increased, thus resulting in eluvial chromite (Keech et ai, 1961; Worst, 1960; Prendergast, 1978). The concentration of chromite particles in soil can be up to 15 (or more) Cr₂O₃ %, resulting in economic and exploitable deposits, located primarily along the Great Dyke fiacks. A preliminary evaluation of the eluvials indicate that the Great Dyke could be host to up to 10 million tonnes of potential chromite concentrates which could be processed from such eluvial concentrates. These chromite-rich soils can be mined more cheaply than the traditional seams mining and processed into chromite concentrates through simple mechanical processing techniques of spirals, jigs and heavy media separators. The resultant chromite concentrates are of high quality and can be used to manufacture chromite ore briquettes, which are an alternative to lumpy chromite smelter feed. The main challenges to eluvial mining are the inevitable environmental degradation and coming up with methods that could possibly mitigate against such environmental damage. The distribution of these eluvials over vast plains as thin soil horizons, necessitate use of mobile concentrator plants and hence establishment of extensive infrastructure. These challenges, however, are not insurmountable and test mining and previous production runs have proved profitable. The eluvials are also associated with some lateritic nickel concentrations. The nickel occurs in close association with some oxide such as goethite and garnierite and is associated with iron-manganiferous soil pisolites. The analyses of these pisolites indicate high nickel grades of generally above 1.00 %Ni. Such high nickel-content of Great Dyke laterites warrant, further investigations.

A Petrological investigation of the Rustenburg layered suite and associated mineralization South of Potgietersrus

Hulbert, Larry John January 1983 (has links)
A sequence of 3250 m of the Rustenburg Layered Suite and its associated mineralization south of Potgietersrus was investigated. Four episodes of faulting have deformed the area. This resulted in very early differentiates, not seen elsewhere in the Bushveld Complex, to outcrop together with economic concentrations of the best metallurgical grade chromite presently being mined in the Republic. The Mg:Fe:Ca ratio of theCa-poor pyroxenes varies from 89,5:8,8:1,6 in the lower zone to 44,2:52,3:3,37 in the upper zone. The latter composition demarcates the Fe-rich end of the two pyroxene limit. Textural evidence implies that there is a peritectic reaction between the ironrich Ca-poor pyroxene and the melt and that this may account for the termination of the two pyroxene field. A significantly higher mean Ko~~~F~p; for the study area (0,822) than for the other sectors of the Bushveld Complex (0,782) suggests that the pyroxenes of similar composition crystallized at higher temperatures in the Potgietersrus limb. Examination of the Al :Si ratio in Ca-rich pyroxenes from a variety of magmatic environments confirms that this variable can be used to monitor relative changes in the a ~~~t. Chemical data of the Ca-rich pyroxenes suggest that this phase define~ an Fe enrichment - Ca depletion trend during differentiation uhlike that for most other tholeiitic intrusions. The V205 content of the main magnetitite layer and the cr203 and the Cr/Fe2++Fe3+ values in the upper and lower chromitite layers in the study area are the highest encountered in the Bushveld Complex. Textural evidence in these layers show that they have been up-graded to dense monomineralic layers by postcumulus sintering. Calculated intensive parameters for the Potgietersrus magma suggest that it crystallized over a temperature interval from 1276°C in the lower zone to 1022°C in the basal portion of the upper zone. Oxygen fugacity conditions for the lower zone ranged from 10-6,21 to 10-4,98 atm whereas lower values of 1o-11 to 1o-9 atm were operative in the upper zone. The study area contains abundant concentrations of sulfides at several levels in the sequence. The separation of the sulfide liquid is related in most cases to new influxes of metal-rich magma and mixing with the residual magma in the chamber. Several definite sulfide facies occur in the layered sequence. Sulfur isotope investigations indicate that all the sulfur in the study area is mantle derived and that the isotopic composition of the sulfur was controlled by the prevailing fo2, which in turn controlled the partitioning of S02 and HzS between sulfide melt and magma. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 1983. / gm2014 / Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering / Unrestricted

A comparative study of two ultramafic bodies at the SW end of the Manitoba Nickel Belt : with special reference to the chromite mineralogy.

Bliss, Neil W. January 1972 (has links)
No description available.

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