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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biblical interpretation as social discourse: a study of reconstructive religious discourse in post-colonial Democratic Republic of Congo

Epombo-Mwenge, Joseph Bolandza 11 1900 (has links)
The contribution of the Church to the reconstruction of a nation is the primary reason for the present study. The paradox image that the Democratic Republic of Congo presents deserves particular attention. With more than 80% of DRC population being Christians, this study strives to examine the current Christian religious discourse in the DRC and to see in what way this discourse can be ameliorated in order to play properly the role of facilitating a positive transformation of this country. Notwithstanding I have been alienated from the country for some years now, the study analyzes the current situation on the ground on the basis of the data available, and makes some recommendations in order for the situation in the DRC to be ameliorated. This study thus urges a reconstructive Christian religious discourse in the hope of changing the nation’s mentality in order to reconstruct this beautiful Country. / New Testament / M. Div. (New Testament)

Interdependence, responsibility and partnership : a German perspective on the Northern Local Church in her international context

Schmidt, Jörg 05 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This thesis is an attempt to investigate how local churches (re)define their international orientation in response to the shockwaves of globalisation and their interpretation of the signs of the times. The analysis is guided by the key dimensions of interdependence, responsibility, and partnership. The local church is expected to have reached an increasing awareness of interdependence in her international relationships by the emergence of the postmodern systemic paradigm as never before in the history of the ecumenical movement. Consequently, this results in a sense of responsibility developing directly from a prophetic reading and an interpretation of the signs of the times as well as in a receptivity to be fertilised by international impulses. The local church is perceived by both individual Christians and pastors as direct platform for international responsibility. The wounds of the world, the needy and the suffering are suggested as inviting primary responses of local churches in the North. International church partnerships are investigated as practical attempts to live out interdependent relationships, to translate the sense of responsibility into action, and to receive fertilisation from the partner churches. Qualitative case studies from Reformed, United (Lutheran/Reformed) and Free churches present a status analysis of churches regarding the points under discussion. The tendency is observed that pastors inc~easingly look for ways alternative to the old ecumenical structures, which are characterised by rich/poor and donor/recipient relationships, thus operating their churches with free initiative and association. Studies regularly narrow down topics to interdependence, postmodernism, development, development politics, church development services, international partnerships, ecumenical learning, etc. Often recommendations for action are made based on the one single area of research presented. In this study, however, it is argued that pastors and churches do not derive their decisions and programmes from considerations of one single area, but they consider all these areas together. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

The quest for being public church : a study of the South African Moravian Church in historical and contemporary perspective

August, Karel Thomas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh) -- Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study falls within the area of Missional theology, which is a functional thoology. As such, it deals with the function (praxis) and mission of the Church in society. It seeks a better understanding of the functionality of the Church fundamental to the Missio Dei. Since Missional Theology is about the Church's serving function to the community, these functions, viz. mission, proclamation, fellowship, education, growth, habitual change and transformation, are brought to bear on the image of the Moravian Church. Because this study concerns the being and public witness of the Church, it adopted a qualitative approach linked to participatory action research. The research was done diachronically and phenomena were analysed over three periods in the formation of the MCSA: (a) The Missionary era (1737 - 1960), (b) the autonomous Church under apartheid (1960- 1994) and (c) challenges of the democratic dispensation for the United MCSA and its future role in the RSA (1994 and further). Drawing upon these resources, Chapters 3 - 5 examine (based on the epistemological framework designed in Chapter 2) the values, symbols and conceptions of the Moravian Ecclesiastical community in relation to its internal and external environment. It also examines its structures and polity in order to come to a critical understanding of its disposition as a faith community in its interaction with public life. Four presuppositions are established as core principles: The first core principle is that the Moravian Church in SA (MCSA), in its quest for being a public Church, had to act true to its calling as the divine proponent of the reconciled, transformed humanity. The MCSA also had to serve (prophetically and sacrificially) a "broken" society with a view to its transformation, which is essentially its missional quality. The second core principle is that the MCSA in its tendency towards being a public Church had to conform to the theological principles of a public Church. In Chapter 2, based on the three identified publics in which the Church (theology) operates, four relations are applied, i.e. the Church in relation to the State; the Church in relation to market economy; the Church and people's empowerment; and the Church and public values - the quality of human life. Subsequently these configurations of the Church are used to design an epistemological framework according to which the public role of the MCSA throughout its history was established. The third core principle is that the Church, given its context, had to act according to the challenges and needs of that context. The historical analysis of the MCSA helped to establish how it-contributed to the public discourse within those contexts. However, in order to establish how it could contribute in future, the MCSA was evaluated according to a reasonable, contemporary social contextual analysis . (in chapter 7), which was imperative. In Chapter 7, the fourth core principle is developed as the outcome of the investigation in the preceding chapters. In order to be an adequate public Church, the MCSA had to harness the potential of its members by training them, equipping them for justice ministl)', which would provide the Church with the much-neglected public ministry. Based on the historical findings, guidelines were designed to assist the church in training its minista-s and congregations for public witness. There is no simple shortcut formula for developing an effective congregational-based public (advocacy) ministry. It requires the congregation to be bold in its vision, committed to its mission, willing to give significant time, energy and resources, to be a risk taker, and to work in partnership with its larger community (macro environment). Most of all, it requires faith in the knowledge that God's righteousness and justice will prevail. The most practical advice is spiritual - to live the belief that justice is central to our calling as Christ's witness in the world - even in the public arena! / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie val binne die area van Missionere Teologie wat 'n funksionele teologie is. As sulks het dit te do en met die funksie (praxis) en missie van die kerk in die samelewing. Dit poog om die kerk se funksionaliteit fundamenteel tot die Missio Dei te verstaan. Terwyl Missionere Teologie gaan oor die kerk se dienaarsrol in die samelewing, is die volgende funksies, t.w. sending, getuienis en proklamasie, gemeenskap, opvoeding, groei, gewoontes verandering en transformasie toegepas op die beeld van die Morawiese Kerk in Suid-Afrika. Weens die feit dat hierdie studie te make het met die wese en publieke getuienis van die kerk, het dit 'n kwalitatiewe benadering aangeneem wat noodsaaklikerwys gekoppel is aan deelnememde aksie navorsing. Die navorsing is diakronies gedoen en fenomene is oor drie periodes in die formasie van die Morawiese Kerk geanaliseer: (a) Die sendingperiode (1737-1960), (b) die outonome Kerk onder apartheid (1960-1994) en (c) die uitdagings van die demokratiese bedeling vir die Morawiese Kerk in SuidAfrika en die vereistes vir sy Publieke rol (1994-). Met die informasie wat hieruit voortgevloei het, het die projek in Hoofstukke 3-5 (gebaseer op die epistemologiese raamwerk ontwerp in hoofstuk 2) die waardes, simbole en opvattings van die kerklike gemeenskap ondersoek in verhouding tot haar interne en eksterne omgewings. Ook haar strukture en beleid is ondersoek met die doel om tot 'n kritiese verstaan te kom van haar gesitueerdheid in haar interaksie as geloofsgemeenskap met die publieke eksterne omgewing. Vier voorveronderstellings is vasgestel as uitvloeisel van die navorsmg en dien as kernbeginsels: Die eerste kernbeginsel is dat die MKSA in sy strewe na 'n openbare kerk, getrou moes optree aan haar roeping as die goddelike proponent van die versoende, getransformeerde mensheid en profeties en opofferend 'n "gebroke" samelewing dien met die oog op sy transformasie, wat wesenlik die kerk se sendingsaard is. Die tweede kernbeginsel is dat die NrKSA in haar geneigdheid na 'n openbare kerk, haar moes skik (konformeer) volgens die teologiese beginsels van 'n openbare kerk. In hoofstuk 2, gebaseer op die drie ge'indentifiseerde publieke waarbinne die kerk (teologie) haarself manifesteer, is 4 verhoudings waarin die openbare kerk staan ge'identi:fiseer, naamlik die kerk se verhouding tot die Staat, die mark-ekonomie, menslike bemagtiging en tot openbare waardes - die gehalte van menslike lewe. Vervolgens is hierdie gestaltes van die kerk benut om 'n epistemologiese raamwerk te ontwerp waarvolgens die openbare rol van die MKSA in haar geskiedenis blootgele is. Die derde kernbeginsel was dat die kerk moes optree volgens die uitdagings en behoeftes van die konteks. Die historiese analise van die MKSA het gehelp om vas te stel hoe die kerk bygedra het tot die openbare dis~oers, al dan nie, in daardie kontekste. Die navorser is egter genoodsaak om die MKSA te projekteer teen 'n verantwoordelike sosiaal-kontekstuele analise in hoofstuk 7 om te kon vasstel hoe die kerk verder haar hydrae kan maak in die openbare arena. In hoofstuk 7 was die vierde kernbeginsel ontwikkel as uitkoms van die navorsingsprojek in die voorafgaande hoofstukke. Dit behels dat die MKSA, om 'n genoegsame openbare kerk te wees, die potensiaal van haar lidmate moet benut deur hulle op te lei I toe te rus vir openbare bediening. Daar is geen eenvoudige, kortpad formule vir die ontwikkeling van 'n effektiewe, gemeente-gebaseerde, openbare geregtigheidsbediening nie. Dit vereis dat die gemeente dapper moet wees in haar visie, toegewyd aan haar missie (sending), gewillig om beduidende tyd, energie, en bronne te verskaf, bereid moet wees om risiko 's te neem en om in verbondsvennootskappe te werk met sy makro omgewing. Ten diepste vereis dit geloof in die wete dat God se geregtigheid en regverdigheid sal stand hou. Die mees praktiese aanbeveling is geestelik - om in die geloof te lewe sodat regverdigheid sentraal staan tot ons roeping as Christus se getuies in die wereld- selfs in die openbare arena!

The role of Christian churches in community development : a case study of Ovia South-West Nigeria

Ovbiebo, David 06 1900 (has links)
The role of Christian churches in community development cannot be over-emphasised. In the past, Christian churches have played vital roles in community development, both in rural and urban areas. It is in light of this that the researcher views the current situation in Ovia South-West and seeks to determine whether or not this also applies to Ovia South-West. This study is an exploration of the role of Christian churches in community development, with particular reference to the Ovia South-West region of Nigeria. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Serve the City : eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung zu Jugendpartizipation aus der Perspektive einer Offentlichen Theologie / Serve the City : An empirical-theological study of adolescent participation from a public theology perspective

Petry, Andreas 04 1900 (has links)
The basis for the work at hand is a look at current and future societal challenges in living together in communities. Public Theology claims to offer an important contribution as far as the overcoming of societal issues is concerned. The aim of this research is to shed light on this theoretical claim by relating it to a practically applied project while asking the question how the existing challenges can be dealt with. It is explicitly about participatory structures and their advancement. Participation is considered a key element for functioning communities in society. The advancement of participation for young people contains an element of activation, support and care. This research investigates which access paths the young people chose for their participatory engagement, how these are designed and experienced, and finally, how these paths can be strengthened and developed. The response to these questions resulted in concrete courses of action for the research project STC-Bremen, and furthermore, in generalized interpretations which can aid the development of other fields of action. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

The role of Christian churches in community development : a case study of Ovia South-West Nigeria

Ovbiebo, David 06 1900 (has links)
The role of Christian churches in community development cannot be over-emphasised. In the past, Christian churches have played vital roles in community development, both in rural and urban areas. It is in light of this that the researcher views the current situation in Ovia South-West and seeks to determine whether or not this also applies to Ovia South-West. This study is an exploration of the role of Christian churches in community development, with particular reference to the Ovia South-West region of Nigeria. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Interdependence, responsibility and partnership : a German perspective on the Northern Local Church in her international context

Schmidt, Jörg 05 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This thesis is an attempt to investigate how local churches (re)define their international orientation in response to the shockwaves of globalisation and their interpretation of the signs of the times. The analysis is guided by the key dimensions of interdependence, responsibility, and partnership. The local church is expected to have reached an increasing awareness of interdependence in her international relationships by the emergence of the postmodern systemic paradigm as never before in the history of the ecumenical movement. Consequently, this results in a sense of responsibility developing directly from a prophetic reading and an interpretation of the signs of the times as well as in a receptivity to be fertilised by international impulses. The local church is perceived by both individual Christians and pastors as direct platform for international responsibility. The wounds of the world, the needy and the suffering are suggested as inviting primary responses of local churches in the North. International church partnerships are investigated as practical attempts to live out interdependent relationships, to translate the sense of responsibility into action, and to receive fertilisation from the partner churches. Qualitative case studies from Reformed, United (Lutheran/Reformed) and Free churches present a status analysis of churches regarding the points under discussion. The tendency is observed that pastors inc~easingly look for ways alternative to the old ecumenical structures, which are characterised by rich/poor and donor/recipient relationships, thus operating their churches with free initiative and association. Studies regularly narrow down topics to interdependence, postmodernism, development, development politics, church development services, international partnerships, ecumenical learning, etc. Often recommendations for action are made based on the one single area of research presented. In this study, however, it is argued that pastors and churches do not derive their decisions and programmes from considerations of one single area, but they consider all these areas together. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Biblical interpretation as social discourse: a study of reconstructive religious discourse in post-colonial Democratic Republic of Congo

Epombo-Mwenge, Joseph Bolandza 11 1900 (has links)
The contribution of the Church to the reconstruction of a nation is the primary reason for the present study. The paradox image that the Democratic Republic of Congo presents deserves particular attention. With more than 80% of DRC population being Christians, this study strives to examine the current Christian religious discourse in the DRC and to see in what way this discourse can be ameliorated in order to play properly the role of facilitating a positive transformation of this country. Notwithstanding I have been alienated from the country for some years now, the study analyzes the current situation on the ground on the basis of the data available, and makes some recommendations in order for the situation in the DRC to be ameliorated. This study thus urges a reconstructive Christian religious discourse in the hope of changing the nation’s mentality in order to reconstruct this beautiful Country. / New Testament / M. Div. (New Testament)

"Incwala sacred ceremony" as a challenge to mission

Mabuza, Comfort 04 1900 (has links)
This dissertation aims to critically evaluate the Incwala Sacred Ceremony and its relevancy to Ancestral Veneration in the life of the Swazi Nation. Swazis to a greater extent are believed to be quite obsessed about their cultural heritage. They view this cultural event as sacred and very important in their national unity and pride of being a sovereign entity. They religiously observe this rite as an integral part of their cultural heritage and see it as a vital glue that holds together the national unity and cements the eternity of the Swazis' existence. Celebrating and commemorating this sacred festival can be equated to what Christians do when celebrating and observing Good Friday or Holy Easter. It could also be related to the Islamic Pilgrimage to Mecca. Swazis are strongly connected to their Ancestral Veneration. It is inculcated in their core system of beliefs and is part of their lives because it tends to shape their religious view, as well as moulding it. The Supreme God (Mvelinchanti) is believed to have spoken to the founding fathers of the nation about how the nation ought to conduct its affairs (in different forms through visions and dreams). Hence there is a deeply held view that the departed kings and the forefathers are believed to be alive and closer to that very Supreme God. According to this long held view the dead are asleep and are continually involved in directing the affairs of the nation. Indeed they decide on blessings, health and life of the living. It is embedded in the subconscious mind of Swazis that the living dead (emadloti, labaphasi or labalele) continually influence the affairs of the nation and any given family; hence they need to be consulted from time to time. Emadloti are the mediators between human beings and God and they can be contacted through the spiritual mediums. The national elders and advisors to the Monarchy,1 as well as traditional medicine persons (muti) people (Tinyanga and Tangoma), are there as custodians of the Incwala Ceremony. In any given family, emadloti (ancestors) are consulted in times of marriages, new births and any other eventualities that may befall that family. In the life and worldview of Swazis, nothing just happens without any involvement and sanction of the ancestors. In fact, for anything to happen in the life of a Swazi, there must be a supernatural cause or reason, hence in the very core of foundational beliefs there are involvements of the supernatural powers and the forces believed to be operational. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Specialization in Urban Ministry)

Vereinsamung in der postmodernen Gesellschaft als Herausforderung der Kirche / Isolation in postmodern society as a challenge to the church

Breidenbach, Roy 30 April 2007 (has links)
Text in German / Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht von der Beobachtung aus, dass die postmoderne Gesellschaft tendenziell isolierend auf die Menschen wirkt. Demgegenüber wohnt der Kirche ein Gemeinschaftspotential inne, das eine greifbare Alternative für vereinsamte Menschen anbieten kann. Diese Untersuchung stellt nun die zentrale Frage, wie die Kirche ihr gemeinschaftsförderndes Potential effektiver in die Gesellschaft einbringen kann. Hierzu werden zunächst die soziologischen und theologischen Voraussetzungen geklärt, denen dann, anhand einer begrenzten empirischen Studie, praktische Erfahrungen von Menschen mit kirchlicher Gemeinschaft an die Seite gestellt werden. Zuletzt wird die zeitgenössische Gemeindebauliteratur vergleichend herangezogen, um schlussendlich die zentrale Frage dieser Untersuchung mit einigen praktischen Vorgehensvorschlägen zu beantworten. Summary of Dissertation This study has its roots in the observation, that the postmodern society has a tendency to isolate the people. In contrast to this, the church has an inherent potential of community, which can offer a concrete alternative for isolated people. This study now asks the central question, how the church can be enabled to bring their community-promoting potential more effectively into the society. For this, firstly the sociological and theological conditions are clarified, to which then, on the basis of a limited empirical study, practical experiences of people with church community are placed beside. At last, the contemporary literature of church growth is consulted comparatively, in order to finally answer the central question of this study by some practical procedure suggestions. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

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