Spelling suggestions: "subject:"decipher.""
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Odolnost AES proti časovací analýze / AES Tolerance to Timing AnalysisOndruš, Juraj Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis deals with timing analysis of the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). The design of {\em Rijndael\/}, which is the AES algorithm, is described here. For the side channel attacks is necessary to know the principles of the cache memory in CPU and its architecture. In this thesis are involved major security problems of AES which can be used for successful attacks. Several different implementations of AES are discussed too. Several types of timing attaks are also described. According to the experimentations these attacks should be efficient to the most presently used AES implementations. Finally, the results of this work are described, possible countermeasures against this attack and motions for the next research.
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Zabezpečení vysokorychlostních komunikačních systémů / Protection of highspeed communication systemsSmékal, David January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with 128–bit AES data encryption and its implementation in FPGA network card using VHDL programming language. The theoretical part explains AES encryption and decryption, its individual steps and operating modes. Further was described the VHDL programming language, development environment Vivado, FPGA network card Combo–80G and configurable framework NetCOPE. The practical part is the implementation of AES–128 in VHDL. A simulation was used to eliminate errors, then the synthesis was performed. These steps were made using Vivado software. Last step of practical part was testing of synthesized firmware on COMBO–80G card. Total of 4 projects were implemented in FPGA card. Two of them were AES encryption and decryption with ECB mode and another two describe the encryption and decryption with CBC mode.
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Synchronisation et systèmes dynamiques : application à la cryptographie / Synchronization and dynamical systems : application to cryptographyDravie, Brandon 06 July 2017 (has links)
Nous présentons dans le cadre de cette thèse une construction effective de chiffreurs par flot auto-synchronisants centrée autour de la classe particulière des systèmes dynamiques Linear Parameter Varying (LPV). Il s'agit de systèmes dont la représentation d'état admet une écriture affine par rapport à l'état et l'entrée mais dont les matrices de la représentation dépendent de paramètres variants dans le temps. Cette dépendance peut se traduire par des fonctions non linéaires de la variable de sortie. La dynamique résultante est donc non linéaire. Nous montrons que la propriété d'auto-synchronisation est liée à une propriété structurelle du système dynamique à savoir la platitude. La platitude est une propriété algébrique qui permet d'exprimer lorsque cela est possible les paramètres d'entrée et sortie d'un système dynamique en fonction de sa sortie qui est appelée dans ce cas une sortie plate. Une caractérisation de la platitude est exprimée en termes des matrices d'état du système dynamique. Une caractérisation complémentaire est proposée en termes de propriétés d'un graphe d'adjacence associé. L'utilisation conjointe de la caractérisation algébrique et graphique donne lieu à une construction systématique d'une nouvelle classe de chiffreurs auto-synchonisants. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous nous intéressons à la sécurité de chiffreurs auto-synchronisants. Nous proposons dans un premier temps une approche spectrale pour réaliser une attaque par canaux cachés. Cette approche offre une complexité réduite par rapport aux approches classiques utilisées pour les attaques par canaux cachés. Nous donnons ensuite une preuve de sécurité de la forme canonique d'un chiffreur auto-synchronisant basée sur la notion d'indistinguabilité. Une condition nécessaire et suffisante pour caractériser l'indistinguabilité des chiffreurs auto-synchronisants est proposée. Finalement, nous avons établi des résultats sur les propriétés de fonctions vectorielles booléennes qui permettent de caractériser d'une façon générale les chiffreurs auto-synchronisants / In this thesis, we present an effective construction of self-synchronizing stream ciphers based on the class of Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) dynamical systems. For such systems, the state-space representation admits an affine expression regarding the input and the state but the state matrices depend on time varying parameters. This dependence can be expressed using nonlinear functions of the output variable. Hence, the resulting dynamics of the system are nonlinear. We show that the self-synchronization property is related to a structural property of the dynamical system known as flatness. Flatness is an algebraic property that allows, when possible, the expression of the input and state parameters of a dynamical system as functions of its outputs which is then called flat output. A characterization of the flatness is expressed in terms of state matrices of the dynamical matrix. A complementary characterization is given in terms of properties of the related adjacency graph. The combination of the algebraic and graph theory characterization gives a systematic construction of a new class of self-synchronizing stream ciphers. In the second part of the thesis, we tackle security aspects of self-synchronizing stream ciphers. We propose a spectral approach to performing side channel attacks. This approach offers reduced complexity when compared with standard approaches used for side channel attacks. We also give a security proof, based on the notion of indistinguishability, for the canonical form of self-synchronizing stream ciphers. A neccessary and sufficient condition is proposed in order to characterize the indistinguishability. Finally, we establish some results on vectorial boolean functions and properties they can be achieved when trying to design Self-Synchronizing Stream Ciphers
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Naviguer en temps de révolution : le Chevalier de L'Espine (1759-1826), de l'Indépendance américaine au service de l'Autriche. Un destin au prisme de l'archéologie et de l'histoire / Navigating in revolutionary times : chevalier de L’Espine (1759-1826) from the American Independence into the service of Austria. : a destiny through the prism of Maritime archaeology and History.Prudhomme, Florence 13 September 2019 (has links)
Au tout début du XXIe siècle, une équipe d’archéologues plonge sur l’épave d’un petit navire de guerre du XVIIIe siècle, au nord de l’actuelle République Dominicaine. Sa coque est de fabrication américaine, ses canons sont écossais et les boutons d’uniformes sont français. Après avoir suivi quelques fausses pistes, la recherche aux Archives nationales permet de résoudre l’énigme : il s’agit de la corvette française Dragon du chevalier de l’Espine, détruite en janvier 1783 à l’issue d’un court combat contre des vaisseaux britanniques assurant le blocus nord de Saint-Domingue. Cette identification sert de catalyseur à une recherche historique dont le chevalier Joseph de L’Espine du Puy (1759-1826) constitue le personnage central. L’enquête révèle le destin de l’officier de la Marine L’Espine, en amont puis en aval de son fait d’armes de janvier 1783. Jeune chevalier de Malte et officier de la Marine de Louis XVI, L’Espine participe à la guerre de l’Indépendance américaine, effectue un passage obligé dans la Marine de Malte, et participe à des missions secrètes françaises de renseignement naval. La Révolution française vient briser ses espérances et l’oblige à l’exil. En Autriche, il gagne la confiance des hautes autorités autrichiennes en s’engageant sans ambiguïté contre les armées de la France à partir de 1795. L’Espine devient rapidement l’un des cerveaux d’une Marine de guerre autrichienne remise en question à chaque traité signé entre la France et l’Autriche. Promu Feldmarschall-Leutnant en 1813, L’Espine décide de ne pas rentrer en France à la Restauration. Nommé Gouverneur de Milan en novembre 1825, il y meurt le 31 décembre 1826. / At the very beginning of the 21st century, a team of archaeologists dived on the wreck of a small 18th century warship in the north of the current Dominican Republic. Its hull is of American manufacture, its guns are Scottish and the buttons of uniforms are French. After having followed some false leads, the research in the National Archives makes it possible to solve this enigma: it concerns the French corvette Dragon of Chevalier de L’Espine, destroyed in January 1783 after a short action against British vessels ensuring the northern blockade of Santo Domingo. This identification serves as a catalyst for a historical research of which Chevalier Joseph de L'Espine du Puy (1759-1826) constitutes the central character. The investigation reveals the fate of the Navy officer L'Espine upstream and downstream of his gallant action in January 1783. Young Knight of Malta and officer of the Navy of Louis XVI, L'Espine participated in the American Revolution, did a mandatory service in the Navy of Malta, and took part in French naval intelligence secret missions. The French Revolution ruined his hopes and forced him into exile. In Austria, he won the confidence of the high Austrian authorities by unambiguously engaging with the armies of France from 1795. L'Espine quickly became one of the brains of an Austrian Navy questioned at each treaty signed between France and Austria. Promoted to Feldmarschall-Leutnant in 1813, L'Espine decided not to return to France at the Restauration. Appointed Governor of Milan in November 1825, he died there on December 31, 1826.
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Užití techniky lámání hesel u komprimačních formátů RAR, ZIP a 7z a extrakce hesel z samorozbalovacích archivů / Analysis of the Possibility of Password Break through for RAR, ZIP and 7z FormatsPrustoměrský, Milan January 2013 (has links)
This Thesis deals with analysis of the possiblity of password breakthrough for common compression formats and password extraction from self-extraction archives used for malicious software. Structure of compression programs, ciphers and connection between cipher and archives is described. Common and specialized attacks on archives and ciphers are described. Structure of self-extracting archives and password location is used to create extractor of passwords in self-extracting archives.
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Návrh bezpečnostní infrastruktury elektronického archivu / Design of security infrastructure for electronic archiveDoležel, Radek January 2009 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with design of security infrastructure for electronic archive. In theoretical part is disscus about technical resources which are based on security services and protocols and methods which are used for protection. On basics of theoretical part is designed model of security infrastructure and it is built in laboratory. Model of security infrastructure is based on Open Source Software and as safety storages for private user authentication data are used cryptographic USB tokens. This master's thesis includes design and construction of real infrastructure of secured electronic archive. In each part of master's thesis is put main emphases on security and clear explanation from the beginning of desing of model of security infrastructure for electronic archive to finish of construction.
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Analýza a optimalizace datové komunikace pro telemetrické systémy v energetice / Analysis and Optimization of Data Communication for Telemetric Systems in EnergyFujdiak, Radek January 2017 (has links)
Telemetry system, Optimisation, Sensoric networks, Smart Grid, Internet of Things, Sensors, Information security, Cryptography, Cryptography algorithms, Cryptosystem, Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication, Data freshness, Non-Repudiation.
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