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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metateatralidades na Andria de Terêncio: tradução e estudo das ocorrências metateatrais na comédia / Metatheatricalities in Terence\'s Andria: translation ans study of metatheatrical instances in this comedy

Rossi, Gabriel 19 December 2016 (has links)
Este estudo objetiva estabelecer uma discussão acerca das referencias metateatrais e suas implicações na Andria, a primeira comédia de Terêncio, da qual também oferecemos uma tradução integral para a nossa língua. Quanto ao tratamento terenciano da fabula palliata, longe do que se pensava sobre seu suposto afastamento das técnicas empregadas pelos melhores comediógrafos do gênero, Terêncio se mostra autoconsciente de sua posição em uma tradição literária estabilizada e aceitou o desafio de se colocar na mesma posição renomada que Névio, Plauto e Ênio. Ao fazer isso, ele buscou criar uma comédia que não só não careceria de referencias metateatrais, mas que, ao contrário, daria continuidade ao metateatro plautino. Na Andria de Terêncio o vocabulário do engano, espécie de aceno para uma cena metateatral, alerta-nos para as peças dentro da comédia presentes ou vindouras e para o conhecimento que um personagem tem sobre as convenções cômicas. Plauto amiúde nos apresenta um personagem que reconhece sua existência como figura teatral em cena, mas, quando o velho Simão exibe seu conhecimento do personagem-tipo na peça Andria, podemos ver que ele falha ao enxergar enganos onde não há, interpretando a verdade como uma ficção elaborada por seus escravos, e falha na tarefa de reconhecer que ele pertence ao acervo de personagens da tradição da palliata / This study strives for a discussion about metatheatrical references and their implication in Terence\'s first comedy Andria, of which we also aim to furnish the complete translation to Portuguese. About the Terentian treatment of the fabula palliata, far away of what was thought about his supposed departing from techniques employed by the best playwrights of the genre, Terence is self-consciously aware of his place in an established literary tradition and faced the challenge of placing himself in the same renowned position of Naevius, Plautus and Ennius. In doing so, he tried to create a comedy that was not only not devoid of metatheatrical references, but, on the contrary, fond of the Plautine metatheatre. In Terences Andria the language of deception, a kind of an eye blink to a metatheatrical scene, alerts us to ongoing or further playswithin- a-play and to character\'s knowledge of comic conventions. Plautus usually presents a character who acknowledges his existence as a theatrical figure on stage, but when the old man Simo displays the knowledge of the character type in Andria, we are able to see that he fails to see deceptions where there are none, interpreting the truth as a fiction contrived by their slaves, and he also fails to recognize that he also belongs to the same stock types of palliata tradition.
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Junilistan i europaparlamentsvalet 2004 : Ett mediedrama i tre akter

Ruuti, Kristiina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: The Junilistan in the elections of the European Parliament in 2004 A media drama in three acts</p><p>Number of pages: 42</p><p>Author: Kristiina Ruuti</p><p>Tutor: Amelie Hössjer</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies C</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University</p><p>Date of submission: 2007-01-13, autumn term of 2006</p><p>Purpose/Aim:</p><p>The purpose of the essay is to examine the media coverage of the Swedish Junilistan in the elections of the European Parliament in Sweden 2004. My hypothesis is that the media coverage of the political party Junilistan was a media drama with elements of classical dramaturge.</p><p>Material/Method:</p><p>Qualitative content analyses of four Swedish newspapers from a narratological perspective.</p><p>Main results:</p><p>The media coverage of the political party Junilistan was a media drama with elements of classical dramaturge. The coverage became a drama with three acts. Diverse actors with different projects could be identified from the articles.</p><p>Keywords:</p><p>Narrative, election journalism, classic drama, mediadrama, actant, European parliament</p>
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L'alabastre attique. Origine, forme et usages. / The Attic Alabastron. Origin, Shape and Uses.

Algrain, Isabelle 22 January 2011 (has links)
L’alabastre attique est une forme de vase à parfum en céramique produite à Athènes entre le milieu du VIe s. av. J.-C. et le début du IVe s. av. J.-C. L’objet de cette thèse est de présenter une étude globale, inexistante à ce jour, sur l’alabastre attique. En plus d’un examen typologique de la forme, généralement mené dans le cadre de ce type de recherche, nous avons voulu proposer une lecture économique, culturelle et sociale de l’alabastre. La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l’identification de l’origine de l’alabastre et à sa diffusion en Méditerranée orientale. L’alabastre est originaire d’Egypte, où les premiers exemplaires en albâtre se développent à partir du VIIIe s. av. J.-C. Après avoir tracé son évolution morphologique, la thèse met en évidence les diverses régions de la Méditerranée orientale telles que le Levant, la Mésopotamie ou la Perse, où la forme est exportée et copiée, le plus souvent par des ateliers qui produisent des vases en pierre. Cette première partie met également l’accent sur le statut particulier de l’alabastre en pierre en Orient et en Égypte, où il restera longtemps associé au pouvoir royal ou aristocratique. Elle traite enfin de l’apparition de l’alabastre et de son statut dans le monde grec oriental. Ces importations déclenchent une réaction presque immédiate chez les artisans de ces régions qui produisent des alabastres en argent, en verre, en faïence, en ivoire, en bois et en céramique. La seconde partie de cette étude aborde la production de l’alabastre attique en céramique qui s’étend du VIe s. av. J.-C. au début du IVe s. av. J.-C. Un premier chapitre est consacré à l’étude de son introduction dans le répertoire formel au milieu du VIe s. av. J.-C. par l’atelier d’Amasis et aux inspirations probables de cet artisan. Cette section s’est également penchée sur le difficile problème des phases de la production et de l’organisation interne des différents ateliers. Pour ce faire, nous avons élaboré une méthode d’analyse basée à la fois sur l’examen minutieux du travail du potier grâce aux variations dans les profils des vases et sur les données obtenues par les études ethno-archéologiques pour tenter de différencier les alabastres produits au sein d’ateliers différents et d’identifier, quand cela s’avérait possible, différents potiers au sein d’un même atelier. Cette étude formelle a distingué trois phases différentes de production qui présentent des caractéristiques typologiques distinctes. L’examen de l’organisation interne des ateliers a également mis en évidence les caractéristiques morphologiques des vases et a identifié les potiers les plus importants. L’examen attentif des pièces céramiques a permis de regrouper au sein d’un même atelier des artisans dont les liens étaient jusqu’alors insoupçonnés. Enfin, la deuxième partie se clôture par une analyse de la carte de distribution des alabastres attiques La troisième partie de ce travail porte sur la fonction et les différents usages de l’alabastre sur base des sources littéraires, épigraphiques, iconographiques et archéologiques. Cette section se penche plus particulièrement sur l’identification des utilisateurs privilégiés des alabastres. En effet, de nombreuses études lient, de manière presque systématique, l’alabastre au monde féminin. Ce propos mérite d’être nuancé car, si le vase apparaît à maintes reprises dans des contextes féminins tels que ceux de la toilette et de la parure, il ne constitue pas exclusivement un symbole du monde des femmes. Cette troisième partie met en évidence le fait que l’alabastre est également utilisé dans un grand nombre d’autres contextes, notamment rituels, et représente souvent un symbole de luxe et de raffinement à l’orientale.
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Junilistan i europaparlamentsvalet 2004 : Ett mediedrama i tre akter

Ruuti, Kristiina January 2007 (has links)
Abstract Title: The Junilistan in the elections of the European Parliament in 2004 A media drama in three acts Number of pages: 42 Author: Kristiina Ruuti Tutor: Amelie Hössjer Course: Media and Communication Studies C University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Date of submission: 2007-01-13, autumn term of 2006 Purpose/Aim: The purpose of the essay is to examine the media coverage of the Swedish Junilistan in the elections of the European Parliament in Sweden 2004. My hypothesis is that the media coverage of the political party Junilistan was a media drama with elements of classical dramaturge. Material/Method: Qualitative content analyses of four Swedish newspapers from a narratological perspective. Main results: The media coverage of the political party Junilistan was a media drama with elements of classical dramaturge. The coverage became a drama with three acts. Diverse actors with different projects could be identified from the articles. Keywords: Narrative, election journalism, classic drama, mediadrama, actant, European parliament

Intended and Received Language Arts Curricula in a Standardized Era: Misalignments and Negotiations in Border Community Schools

Molera, Joan Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is about curriculum and leadership in Arizona-Mexico border community schools. Specifically, I examine intended and received language arts curricula (i.e., what content is taught, to whom, and with what pedagogy) (Porter, 2004), the misalignments between these curriculum types, and the misalignments in leadership approaches in border community schools. My dissertation draws on both classic and critical curriculum leadership studies (e.g., Hallinger, 2008; Johnson, 2006) with an emphasis on Funds of Knowledge (e.g., Moll, Amanti, Neff, & Gonzalez, 1992), cultural capital (e.g., Yosso, 2005), and habitus (e.g., Bourdieu & Passeron, 1990). I utilize ethnographic and phenomenological approaches to my study of four elementary and three middle schools located in two Arizona-Mexico border communities 120 miles apart from each other. Findings suggest that children living in border communities exhibit cultural capital (Yosso, 2005) and Funds of Knowledge (Moll et al., 1992), but these strengths are not considered in the intended curricula. Participants see the culture of the border and the culture of the school as two very separate constructs, particularly in relation to curriculum. The children in the study consider this reality commonsensical. Culturally responsive curriculum leaders, though positioned to change the status quo, are compliant and helpless against the dominant standardized regime. External forces silence everything these leaders know about research and practice. My dissertation concludes with implications for research, practice, and policy to blend culturally responsive structures, pedagogy, and behaviors to the standardization movement.
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Asinchroninė sąsaja internetinėse sistemose ir jos kūrimo metodologija / Asynchronous interface in web systems and methodology for creating it

Sprainytė, Viktorija 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjami pagrindiniai internetiniai modeliai: klasikinis ir asinchroninis (AJAX) ir jų veikimo principai. Didelis dėmesys skiriamas asinchroninei sąsajai - jos veikimui, egzistuojančios programinės įrangos ir problemų apžvalgai. Tiriamajame darbe pateikiamas platus spektras realizavimo galimybių: technologijos atmainos, naudojami formatai, teigiamos ir neigiamos savybės. Taip pat pateikiamas prototipinis tokių sistemų kūrimo redaktoriaus modelis, įvertinamos rizikos realizavimo fazėje ir jų įtaka vartotojams, kūrėjams ir viso interneto saugumui. / Presented work covers main web modelis: classic and asynchronous (AJAX) and their working schemes. The author pays great attention to asynchronous interfaces – their working principles, existing software solutions and problems which may occure when developer tries to adopt them. The research work describes the range of implementation possibilities: branches of technology, usable formats, their pros and cons. Prototype model for creating asynchronous web systems and it‘s features are provided. Author introduces what problems may occur in implementation phase and what influence this technology may have on users‘, developers‘ and whole web‘s security.
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Self-care of incest survivor mothers

Kreklewetz, Christine 16 September 2010 (has links)
While much is known about the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) on women in adulthood, little is currently known about their self-care efforts. Given the paucity of research on self-care for survivors, particularly those who are also mothers, and the potential importance of self-care for both themselves and their children, the main goal of the present study was to explore these women’s perceptions and practices of self-care. A grounded theory approach was chosen for this exploration as it provided a sensitive and open-ended methodology which garnered an in-depth understanding of self-care for survivor mothers. The current study combined classic grounded theory (GT) research methods with photovoice methods to explore self-care from the perspective of CSA survivor mothers. Analyses of interview and photograph data from 14 survivor mothers resulted in an original basic social process for understanding how these women care for themselves, feel better, and engage in healing in the context of past violence and trauma. Complex interactive behavioural patterns were identified that recreated a whole self out of damaged fragments; these were conceptualized as “reconstituting a damaged self”. This basic social process was comprised of three main stages, including: emotional de-paining, safetying, and authenticating and returning to self. Several substages within each of these main stages were also identified. Findings were discussed in relation to four theoretical frameworks. Future research directions and clinical implications for this neglected population were suggested. Reconstituting a damaged self can be a long process for sexual abuse survivor mothers involving taking small safe steps, for the most part, on one’s own.
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Self-care of incest survivor mothers

Kreklewetz, Christine 16 September 2010 (has links)
While much is known about the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) on women in adulthood, little is currently known about their self-care efforts. Given the paucity of research on self-care for survivors, particularly those who are also mothers, and the potential importance of self-care for both themselves and their children, the main goal of the present study was to explore these women’s perceptions and practices of self-care. A grounded theory approach was chosen for this exploration as it provided a sensitive and open-ended methodology which garnered an in-depth understanding of self-care for survivor mothers. The current study combined classic grounded theory (GT) research methods with photovoice methods to explore self-care from the perspective of CSA survivor mothers. Analyses of interview and photograph data from 14 survivor mothers resulted in an original basic social process for understanding how these women care for themselves, feel better, and engage in healing in the context of past violence and trauma. Complex interactive behavioural patterns were identified that recreated a whole self out of damaged fragments; these were conceptualized as “reconstituting a damaged self”. This basic social process was comprised of three main stages, including: emotional de-paining, safetying, and authenticating and returning to self. Several substages within each of these main stages were also identified. Findings were discussed in relation to four theoretical frameworks. Future research directions and clinical implications for this neglected population were suggested. Reconstituting a damaged self can be a long process for sexual abuse survivor mothers involving taking small safe steps, for the most part, on one’s own.
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Cognitive and Affective Learning: Feeling What We Know

Libera, Marilia Unknown Date (has links)
The dual process theory proposes that evaluative conditioning is a form of learning distinct from Pavlovian conditioning and that it displays different functional characteristics such as not being subject to modulation. However, when assessed online as opposed to post-experimentally, modulation of evaluative conditioning by context change has been found in a contingency reversal procedure. Reversal of evaluative learning was found to be faster when trained in a different context rather than in the original training context. The present study addressed the question whether context change or instructions would affect the rate of reversal of evaluative learning and whether reversal learning would accelerate across repetitions. A picture-picture paradigm was used to expose participants to CS-US pairs and contingency was reversed three times during the experiment. Participants were required to provide online causal judgements and valence ratings after each set of 10 training trials. Context change, but not instructions, displayed a trend in affecting reversal of evaluative learning with participants displaying faster learning on trials immediately subsequent to contingency reversal. Instructions affected the reversal of contingency judgements. There was no evidence of acceleration across repetitions for either measure or manipulation.
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Cognitive and Affective Learning: Feeling What We Know

Libera, Marilia Unknown Date (has links)
The dual process theory proposes that evaluative conditioning is a form of learning distinct from Pavlovian conditioning and that it displays different functional characteristics such as not being subject to modulation. However, when assessed online as opposed to post-experimentally, modulation of evaluative conditioning by context change has been found in a contingency reversal procedure. Reversal of evaluative learning was found to be faster when trained in a different context rather than in the original training context. The present study addressed the question whether context change or instructions would affect the rate of reversal of evaluative learning and whether reversal learning would accelerate across repetitions. A picture-picture paradigm was used to expose participants to CS-US pairs and contingency was reversed three times during the experiment. Participants were required to provide online causal judgements and valence ratings after each set of 10 training trials. Context change, but not instructions, displayed a trend in affecting reversal of evaluative learning with participants displaying faster learning on trials immediately subsequent to contingency reversal. Instructions affected the reversal of contingency judgements. There was no evidence of acceleration across repetitions for either measure or manipulation.
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