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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvävestatus och risk för nitrifikation i två avverkade skogsområden i Halland

Beckman, Marie January 2005 (has links)
<p>Nitrogen deposition leads to environmental damage in areas where the nitrogen deposition is high. Southwest Sweden receives an annual nitrogen deposition of up to 20 kg N/ha. Nitrogen that is not assimilated by the vegetation is accumulated in the soil, which may lead to nitrogen saturation and an elevated risk of nitrogen leaching. Nitrogen leaching from forest areas in southern Sweden has proven to be higher than from agricultural areas, which have been thought to be the main contributors to elevated nitrogen levels in rivers and lakes. The amount of nitrogen that leaches depends on the fraction of the total nitrogen in the soil that consists of nitrate, since nitrate is easily transported through the soil. Nitrogen leaching increases after clear-cutting since the uptake by vegetation is greatly reduced.</p><p>In this study the soil chemistry of two clear-cut spruce stands in Halland, in southwest Sweden, has been analyzed. A previous study in these areas has indicated higher nitrate concentrations in the groundwater in one of the areas and thus a greater nitrogen leaching. Nitrogen deposition in the two areas is estimated to be the same and therefore the soil chemistry has been analyzed to evaluate if differences in the soil can have resulted in differences in the nitrate concentration in the groundwater. The hypothesis is that the area with higher nitrate concentrations in the groundwater has properties more favorable for nitrification, which would be especially apparent in a lower carbon to nitrogen ratio. The pH and storage of nitrate, ammonium, total carbon, total nitrogen and exchangeable cations was analyzed in soil samples from both areas. In addition, a study of stand properties and previous use of the areas was made.</p><p>The analyses performed in this study indicate that the soil properties could not explain the differences in nitrate concentration in the groundwater. The differences found between the areas were that the area with lower nitrate concentrations in the groundwater had higher nitrate and ammonium concentrations and higher pH in the soil. The reason for this might be that the soil in this area has larger capacity to bind elements. The fact that the soil samples were sampled during different seasons probably had a major effect on these results. The history and stand properties of the two areas were similar. According to site index one area was more fertile, which benefits nitrification. This fact was not confirmed by the analyses, but it probably caused the nitrification rate to be higher in this area.</p> / <p>Det stora nedfallet av föroreningar i form av kväve i framförallt sydvästra Sverige leder till försurning och övergödning av både skogsmarker och vattendrag. Kvävedepositionen i södra Sverige kan uppgå till 20 kg N/ha och år. Det kväve som inte tas upp av vegetationen ackumuleras i marken som efterhand riskerar att bli kvävemättad vilket ökar risken för kväveutlakning. Kväveutlakningen från svenska skogsmarker har visat sig kunna vara i samma storleksordning som från jordbruksmarker som anses vara en av de största orsakerna till ökande kvävehalter i sjöar och vattendrag. Kväveutlakningens storlek beror till stor del på hur stor del av markens kväveförråd som finns i den oorganiska formen nitrat eftersom den är en lättrörlig jon. Efter skogsavverkning ökar nitratutlakningen betydligt på grund av att det finns väldigt lite vegetation kvar som tar upp kväveföreningarna.</p><p>I den här studien har markkemin i två avverkade granskogsområden i Halland undersökts. Tidigare studier i dessa två områden har visat att halterna av nitrat var högre i grundvattnet i det ena området än i det andra, och således var även nitratutlakningen större i detta område. Eftersom kvävedepositionen anses vara densamma i de två områdena har markemin undersökts för att finna skillnader där som kan förklara de olika nitratnivåerna i grundvattnet. Hypotesen var att det ena området skulle ha mer gynnsamma förhållanden för nitrifikation, framförallt en lägre C/N-kvot. Markens förråd av nitrat- och ammoniumkväve, totalkol, totalkväve, utbytbara katjoner samt pH undersöktes i båda områdena. En studie av områdenas historia gjordes även för att kunna utesluta skillnader där som kunde ge upphov till skillnaden i nitrat i grundvattnet.</p><p>Slutsatsen som kan dras från studien är att de analyserade egenskaperna inte visade på mer gynnsamma förhållanden för nitrifikation i det ena området än i det andra. Ingen skillnad i C/N-kvot uppmättes. Skillnaderna som hittades var att området med lägst halter av nitrat i grundvattnet hade högst halter av oorganiskt kväve i marken och högre pH. Att nitrathalterna var högre i grundvattnet men inte i marken kan ha sin förklaring i att marken i det ena området har större förmåga att binda till sig kväve vilket gör att det inte lika lätt kommer ut i grundvattnet. Antagligen spelade det stor roll för dessa resultat att jordproven tagits vid olika årstider. Undersökningen av tidigare användningsområde i skogarna visade att de hade en tämligen liknade historia. Det ena området har enligt ståndortsindex högre bördighet vilket gynnar nitrifikation. Detta framgick dock inte av analyserna men är antagligen orsaken till de högre nitrathalterna i grundvattnet i detta område.</p>

Logging impacts on catchment biogeochemistry: A review : with emphasis on northern boreal ecosystems

Karlsson, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
The impacts of current forest management methods on surface water quality, especially in northern parts of Sweden, are largely unexplored. In this review reports linked to logging impacts on catchment biogeochemistry, (with special emphasis on boreal ecosystems) has been assessed. Logging disturbances in boreal forest catchments can change biogeochemical processes in soils by alter transpiration, soil conditions, temperature, soil microbial activities and water fluxes. Combined these changes can cause increased soil nutrient leaching to receiving waters. In the studies reviewed, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and export generally increased after logging. Similar responses followed for phosphorous (P), but to a lesser extent for nitrogen (N). Streamflow and peakflow and the export of suspended matter (SM) can also be altered after logging. Removal of streamside vegetation may result in increased stream water temperatures and potentially affect lake water temperature, deepen the epilimnion and deplete oxygen (O2) concentrations. Increased wind exposure can resuspend sediments and potentially release bioavailable P. Affected lake water concentrations of N can be considered negligible after logging, whereas tot-P concentrations has shown to increase to an almost twofold level in some studies. The overall impact on the pelagic productivity are therefore most likely those connected to increased DOC and SM concentrations. The general impact on fish biomass can be considered insignificant. In conclusions, to improve future forest management and for further understanding concerning the biogeochemical environmental impacts that forestry might have on freshwaters, additional studies are still required.

Organic chlorine in soilwater : Influence of Clear-cuttning and Nitrogen

Fredriksson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
Chlorine is one of most common element on earth and it is essential in every living organism, but can also cause problems in the environment. Chlorine can exist both as inorganic (Clin) and organically bound (Clorg). Earlier was the common opinion that Clorg only occurs from anthropogenic sources, but the last years, research has shown that chlorine is a part of the biogeochemical cycle and Clorg also can have natural sources. Many chlorinated substances are poisonous, so the fact that they have a natural source created attention. Fertilizations with nitrogen in forest areas have shown unexpected consequences, such as an increase leakage of nitrogen to ground and surface water. Clear-cutting is a disturbance on the ecosystem and the environment is sensitive for disturbances. Because of the fact that both chlorine and fertilization can be environmental problems and that clear-cutting is a big disturbance in the nature, this study will investigate if there are changes of organic chlorine (Clorg) in soil water after clear-cutting and if fertilization with nitrogen has any influence on the concentration of Clorg. This study was made in a forest area in Värmland, Sweden (Hagfors). Chemical analyses were made in the laboratory though measuring AOX (absorbable organic halogens). The result of this study showed that clear-cutting probably has some effect on the Clorg concentration and that nitrogen doesn’t have any influence.

Kvävestatus och risk för nitrifikation i två avverkade skogsområden i Halland

Beckman, Marie January 2005 (has links)
Nitrogen deposition leads to environmental damage in areas where the nitrogen deposition is high. Southwest Sweden receives an annual nitrogen deposition of up to 20 kg N/ha. Nitrogen that is not assimilated by the vegetation is accumulated in the soil, which may lead to nitrogen saturation and an elevated risk of nitrogen leaching. Nitrogen leaching from forest areas in southern Sweden has proven to be higher than from agricultural areas, which have been thought to be the main contributors to elevated nitrogen levels in rivers and lakes. The amount of nitrogen that leaches depends on the fraction of the total nitrogen in the soil that consists of nitrate, since nitrate is easily transported through the soil. Nitrogen leaching increases after clear-cutting since the uptake by vegetation is greatly reduced. In this study the soil chemistry of two clear-cut spruce stands in Halland, in southwest Sweden, has been analyzed. A previous study in these areas has indicated higher nitrate concentrations in the groundwater in one of the areas and thus a greater nitrogen leaching. Nitrogen deposition in the two areas is estimated to be the same and therefore the soil chemistry has been analyzed to evaluate if differences in the soil can have resulted in differences in the nitrate concentration in the groundwater. The hypothesis is that the area with higher nitrate concentrations in the groundwater has properties more favorable for nitrification, which would be especially apparent in a lower carbon to nitrogen ratio. The pH and storage of nitrate, ammonium, total carbon, total nitrogen and exchangeable cations was analyzed in soil samples from both areas. In addition, a study of stand properties and previous use of the areas was made. The analyses performed in this study indicate that the soil properties could not explain the differences in nitrate concentration in the groundwater. The differences found between the areas were that the area with lower nitrate concentrations in the groundwater had higher nitrate and ammonium concentrations and higher pH in the soil. The reason for this might be that the soil in this area has larger capacity to bind elements. The fact that the soil samples were sampled during different seasons probably had a major effect on these results. The history and stand properties of the two areas were similar. According to site index one area was more fertile, which benefits nitrification. This fact was not confirmed by the analyses, but it probably caused the nitrification rate to be higher in this area. / Det stora nedfallet av föroreningar i form av kväve i framförallt sydvästra Sverige leder till försurning och övergödning av både skogsmarker och vattendrag. Kvävedepositionen i södra Sverige kan uppgå till 20 kg N/ha och år. Det kväve som inte tas upp av vegetationen ackumuleras i marken som efterhand riskerar att bli kvävemättad vilket ökar risken för kväveutlakning. Kväveutlakningen från svenska skogsmarker har visat sig kunna vara i samma storleksordning som från jordbruksmarker som anses vara en av de största orsakerna till ökande kvävehalter i sjöar och vattendrag. Kväveutlakningens storlek beror till stor del på hur stor del av markens kväveförråd som finns i den oorganiska formen nitrat eftersom den är en lättrörlig jon. Efter skogsavverkning ökar nitratutlakningen betydligt på grund av att det finns väldigt lite vegetation kvar som tar upp kväveföreningarna. I den här studien har markkemin i två avverkade granskogsområden i Halland undersökts. Tidigare studier i dessa två områden har visat att halterna av nitrat var högre i grundvattnet i det ena området än i det andra, och således var även nitratutlakningen större i detta område. Eftersom kvävedepositionen anses vara densamma i de två områdena har markemin undersökts för att finna skillnader där som kan förklara de olika nitratnivåerna i grundvattnet. Hypotesen var att det ena området skulle ha mer gynnsamma förhållanden för nitrifikation, framförallt en lägre C/N-kvot. Markens förråd av nitrat- och ammoniumkväve, totalkol, totalkväve, utbytbara katjoner samt pH undersöktes i båda områdena. En studie av områdenas historia gjordes även för att kunna utesluta skillnader där som kunde ge upphov till skillnaden i nitrat i grundvattnet. Slutsatsen som kan dras från studien är att de analyserade egenskaperna inte visade på mer gynnsamma förhållanden för nitrifikation i det ena området än i det andra. Ingen skillnad i C/N-kvot uppmättes. Skillnaderna som hittades var att området med lägst halter av nitrat i grundvattnet hade högst halter av oorganiskt kväve i marken och högre pH. Att nitrathalterna var högre i grundvattnet men inte i marken kan ha sin förklaring i att marken i det ena området har större förmåga att binda till sig kväve vilket gör att det inte lika lätt kommer ut i grundvattnet. Antagligen spelade det stor roll för dessa resultat att jordproven tagits vid olika årstider. Undersökningen av tidigare användningsområde i skogarna visade att de hade en tämligen liknade historia. Det ena området har enligt ståndortsindex högre bördighet vilket gynnar nitrifikation. Detta framgick dock inte av analyserna men är antagligen orsaken till de högre nitrathalterna i grundvattnet i detta område.

Hur påverkas bentiska funktionella födogrupper av kalavverkning? : Effekt på abundans, samt återhämning, av funktionella födogrupper efter kalavverkning kring små vattendrag.

Lidman, Johan January 2012 (has links)
Forestry affects most of the forest-covered land in Sweden. In the landscape, the most common stream type is headwaters, which are important sites for many processes and organisms in both the terrestrial and the aquatic ecosystems. The aim of this study was to investigate how the abundance of benthic invertebrate functional feeding groups in headwater streams develops after clear-cutting and if it also is possible to detect a change in the composition of feeding groups. The study also attempts to determine what factors have an effect on temporal changes in abundance of these groups. For the study, 11 sites in northern Sweden were sampled for benthic invertebrates using a Surber-sampler, and for each site canopy-cover and pH was obtained. Further, the age of the surrounding forest at each was visually assessed and created a 100-year gradient along which temporal changes in abundance of the functional feeding groups were investigated. The results revealed that the total abundance of organisms was the highest short after clear-cutting and afterward decreased to the lowest level in streams with the highest age of surrounding forest. Significant results for the functional feeding groups were found for predators, shredders and scrapers, which also had the highest levels of abundance early after clear-cutting and thereafter decreased. The result shows that clear-cutting, not only changes the fundamental terrestrial conditions, but also has an impact on the abundance of different benthic functional feeding group.

Organic chlorine in soilwater : Influence of Clear-cuttning and Nitrogen

Fredriksson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>Chlorine is one of most common element on earth and it is essential in every living organism, but can also cause problems in the environment. Chlorine can exist both as inorganic (Clin) and organically bound (Clorg). Earlier was the common opinion that Clorg only occurs from anthropogenic sources, but the last years, research has shown that chlorine is a part of the biogeochemical cycle and Clorg also can have natural sources. Many chlorinated substances are poisonous, so the fact that they have a natural source created attention. Fertilizations with nitrogen in forest areas have shown unexpected consequences, such as an increase leakage of nitrogen to ground and surface water. Clear-cutting is a disturbance on the ecosystem and the environment is sensitive for disturbances. Because of the fact that both chlorine and fertilization can be environmental problems and that clear-cutting is a big disturbance in the nature, this study will investigate if there are changes of organic chlorine (Clorg) in soil water after clear-cutting and if fertilization with nitrogen has any influence on the concentration of Clorg. This study was made in a forest area in Värmland, Sweden (Hagfors). Chemical analyses were made in the laboratory though measuring AOX (absorbable organic halogens). The result of this study showed that clear-cutting probably has some effect on the Clorg concentration and that nitrogen doesn’t have any influence.</p>

The Short-term Impacts of Aspen Clear-cutting on Upland Groundwater Recharge / Clear-cutting Impacts on Groundwater Recharge

Hairabedian, Melissa Manuella Unknown Date
No description available.

The Short-term Impacts of Aspen Clear-cutting on Upland Groundwater Recharge / Clear-cutting Impacts on Groundwater Recharge

Hairabedian, Melissa Manuella 06 1900 (has links)
The impacts of aspen clear-cutting on upland groundwater recharge are presented based on two years (2007-2008) of the five year (2005-2009) HEAD2 NSERC-CRD paired-catchment experiment. Research was conducted at the Utikuma Region Study Area (URSA), 370 km north of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in the Boreal Plain ecozone. Results show greater soil water content in the root zone and potential for recharge into the deeper unsaturated zone during the first year of regeneration. Sites with shallow water table levels (<600 cm) increased more than sites under uncut conditions. Sites with deeper water table levels (>600 cm) responded minimally, if at all, to spring-melt and summer storms suggesting that water exchanges with the atmosphere occurred to and from the unsaturated zone only during the first-year regeneration. Upland groundwater gradients to adjacent pond-peatland complexes persisted at least ten times longer under clear-cut than under uncut conditions. Water table trends recovered to uncut conditions by the second year of regeneration. / Ecology

Testing the influence of riparian buffer design on stream biodiversity following drought / En undersökning av kantzoners påverkan på den biologiska mångfalden av makroevertebrater efter en period av torka

Eriksson, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
Forestry is a major industry in Sweden and the most common method to harvest timber is to clear-cut large areas. Clear-cutting can alter multiple physical, chemical, and ecological characteristics of headwater streams. To minimize these effects, vegetated riparian ‘buffers zones’ are often spared along streams and lakes. Despite this, there are uncertainties regarding optimal width of buffers to safeguard streams from clearcutting effects. In this study, I ask how riparian buffer width influences stream macroinvertebrate communities, and how this influence may be altered by summer drought. I tested this in 24 headwater streams, half located in northern Sweden and the other half in southern Sweden. Streams in each region included four different buffer width categories (n = 3), including: “no buffer” (no trees left post-harvest), “thin buffer” (&lt; 5 m), “moderate buffer” (&gt; 5 m) and “reference” (no harvest). I analysed a suite of metrics that describe the abundance, richness, and composition of macroinvertebrates, and compared these across streams with different buffer properties. Regionally, southern streams had marginally greater taxonomic richness and relative abundance of sensitive taxa compared to northern counterparts, regardless of buffer conditions. Further, thin and absent buffers performed the best across several macroinvertebrate metrics, particularly for southern streams. Antecedent drought had no observable effects on macroinvertebrate communities, but taxonomic richness across region was positively correlated with stream pH. Overall, my findings, while tentative given low statistical power, suggest that retaining coniferous-dominated buffers may not lead to the desired ecological outcomes in boreal headwaters.

Diversity of vascular plants in Swedish forests. : Comparison among and within forest, partially cut down and clear cut forest communities.

Mokonya, Ngomba Henry January 2010 (has links)
Swedish forests are mostly used for timber harvesting and 96 % of this harvesting is made by clear cutting while only 4 % is effected through other methods such as single tree harvesting. All species are not affected by forestry to same magnitude. Some specifically generalists are not affected at all. Hence, this study, had its aim to find out vascular plant species that persist, disappear or colonize other species as a result of anthropogenic disturbances in different production forests, so as to determine not only if canopy openness affects the species distribution but also the magnitude of the effects. I examined 10 different forest localities during May and June 2008. Three of these localities were made up of clear cut forest plots, 3 with partially cut down forest plots and 4 with undisturbed production forest plots. Species composition and diversity were then compared between these plots. A total of 34 different species were found. Statistical Analysis was made on how well the species in the partially cut down forest plots fitted into the undisturbed forest group as well as comparing this results with results of how counterpart species in the clear cut forest plots fitted into the undisturbed forest groups. These results showed that there was no significant difference, ANOVA values of P = 0.839, 0.602 and 0.564 respectively among the species composition between the forest, partially cut down and clear cut forest groups between the forest, partially cut down and clear cut forest plots. However, among the 54 species found in all study plots, 11 were common between the forest and partially logged sites whereas only Carex sp in the clear cut forest was common to those in the forest plots implying that canopy openness did not affect the total species number but had an effect in species composition. Clear cutting seems to kill off everything but trees and generalists. Hence, resiliency of vegetation should be increased by management practices that ensure the maintenance of prior species.

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