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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Denitrification in riparian buffer zones

Matchett, Lisa Susanne January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Quantification of deep drainage flux and drainage water quality characterization below the root zone of a short rotation coppice of willow and poplar receiving municipal treated wastewater irrigation in the lower foothills natural subregion of Alberta

Gainer, Amy E. Unknown Date
No description available.

Measurement and simulation of solute transport in a hummocky landscape

Olatuyi, Solomon Olalekan 08 April 2011 (has links)
Due to the complexity of nitrogen dynamics in the soil, tracer techniques are employed to estimate the fate and transport of nitrate in agricultural fields. This study was conducted to examine effects of N fertilization and landscape position on two-dimensional redistribution of bromide in a hummocky landscape, and to identify the landscape position with the greatest potential for solute loss using a dual application of Br- and 15N. The field data on Br- transport was also simulated using the HYDRUS models. The study was carried out near Brandon, Manitoba in 2007 and 2008, using two separate plots denoted as Site-2007 and Site-2008, respectively. The field plot was delineated into three landscape positions as upper (UPP), middle (MID) and lower (LOW) slope. Each landscape position received labelled K15NO3 at the rates of 0, 90 and 135 kg N ha-1, and KBr at the rate of 200 kg Br- ha-1. Site-2007 was seeded to canola while Site-2008 had winter wheat. Soil samples were taken in the fall and the following spring and were analyzed for Br-, NO3-N, total N, and isotope N ratio. Nitrogen fertilization reduced the downward movement of Br- in the soil profile, resulting in a greater lateral movement of Br- compared to the unfertilized plots. The greatest vertical and lateral movement of Br- occurred at the LOW slope. In the dual-tracer experiment, the smallest amounts of Br-, 15N, and NO3-N were measured in the soil at the LOW slope, while the greatest amounts were at the MID slope; indicating that solute loss was: LOW > UPP > MID. In the absence of crop uptake, Br- transport was identical to that of 15N. The simulation study showed that HYDRUS-1D model was inadequate to describe solute transport in the landscape, as HYDRUS-2D/3D reproduced the field data better than HYDRUS-1D. However, the 2D model did not reflect effects of landscape position and N fertility on Br- transport. Overall, the study confirmed the “Campbell hypothesis” which states that proper N fertilization reduces nitrate leaching. The field experiment and model simulation both showed that downward movement is the main pathway of solute loss in the landscape.

Measurement and simulation of solute transport in a hummocky landscape

Olatuyi, Solomon Olalekan 08 April 2011 (has links)
Due to the complexity of nitrogen dynamics in the soil, tracer techniques are employed to estimate the fate and transport of nitrate in agricultural fields. This study was conducted to examine effects of N fertilization and landscape position on two-dimensional redistribution of bromide in a hummocky landscape, and to identify the landscape position with the greatest potential for solute loss using a dual application of Br- and 15N. The field data on Br- transport was also simulated using the HYDRUS models. The study was carried out near Brandon, Manitoba in 2007 and 2008, using two separate plots denoted as Site-2007 and Site-2008, respectively. The field plot was delineated into three landscape positions as upper (UPP), middle (MID) and lower (LOW) slope. Each landscape position received labelled K15NO3 at the rates of 0, 90 and 135 kg N ha-1, and KBr at the rate of 200 kg Br- ha-1. Site-2007 was seeded to canola while Site-2008 had winter wheat. Soil samples were taken in the fall and the following spring and were analyzed for Br-, NO3-N, total N, and isotope N ratio. Nitrogen fertilization reduced the downward movement of Br- in the soil profile, resulting in a greater lateral movement of Br- compared to the unfertilized plots. The greatest vertical and lateral movement of Br- occurred at the LOW slope. In the dual-tracer experiment, the smallest amounts of Br-, 15N, and NO3-N were measured in the soil at the LOW slope, while the greatest amounts were at the MID slope; indicating that solute loss was: LOW > UPP > MID. In the absence of crop uptake, Br- transport was identical to that of 15N. The simulation study showed that HYDRUS-1D model was inadequate to describe solute transport in the landscape, as HYDRUS-2D/3D reproduced the field data better than HYDRUS-1D. However, the 2D model did not reflect effects of landscape position and N fertility on Br- transport. Overall, the study confirmed the “Campbell hypothesis” which states that proper N fertilization reduces nitrate leaching. The field experiment and model simulation both showed that downward movement is the main pathway of solute loss in the landscape.

Solute leaching studies in cropped field plots and laboratory columns using nitrate, bromide and chloride tracers

Yazid, Sadek Mohammed January 1989 (has links)
No description available.

Nitrate dynamics of grass-legume pastures

MacPherson, Terri 02 December 2010 (has links)
In response to environmental concerns about NO3- leaching research has shifted toward the increased incorporation of nitrogen-fixing legumes, such as red clover, into agroecosystems to promote tighter cycling of nitrogen (N). Although more sustainable than fertilized systems, red clover still has the potential to contribute to leaching. The objective of this study was to ascertain the contribution of red clover to soil NO3- when grown in mixture with bluegrass. Soil solute samples were collected at 15 and 45 cm depth using ceramic suction lysimeters from two experimental pastures in Nova Scotia in 2009. The concentration of NO3--N in the soil solute of bluegrass-red clover mixtures was 10 to 25 times higher in Truro, and 5 to 16 times greater in Nappan, compared to the corresponding unfertilized pure bluegrass stand. Neither sub-surface irrigation nor two distinct red clover cultivar mixtures were found to significantly alter NO3- leaching patterns.

The farm-level impact of policies to reduce nitrate emission from livestock waste : an economic analysis

Branson, Johannah Helen January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Spatial structure of soil texture and its influence on spatial variability of nitrate leaching

Vivekananthan, Kokulan 06 January 2015 (has links)
Field scale variability of soil texture can influence crop yield and movement of soil water in the field. The objective of this study was to investigate the spatial structure of soil texture in relation to the variability of nitrate-N leaching using geostatistics. Soil textural fractions showed strong spatial autocorrelations from surface to 60 cm depth. Random variability of soil texture increased with depth. Soil water content, as well as total carbon, total nitrogen and soil organic carbon of top 15 cm, also showed spatial autocorrelations similar to soil texture. Elevation, relative slope position and vertical distance to channel network showed significant influence on the distribution of soil texture. Soil texture at 90 cm depth correlated best with cumulative percolated water and cumulative nitrate leached in field lysimeters. Our results showed that soil layers with low hydraulic conductivity control the water and nitrate movement through the soil profile.

Kvävestatus och risk för nitrifikation i två avverkade skogsområden i Halland

Beckman, Marie January 2005 (has links)
<p>Nitrogen deposition leads to environmental damage in areas where the nitrogen deposition is high. Southwest Sweden receives an annual nitrogen deposition of up to 20 kg N/ha. Nitrogen that is not assimilated by the vegetation is accumulated in the soil, which may lead to nitrogen saturation and an elevated risk of nitrogen leaching. Nitrogen leaching from forest areas in southern Sweden has proven to be higher than from agricultural areas, which have been thought to be the main contributors to elevated nitrogen levels in rivers and lakes. The amount of nitrogen that leaches depends on the fraction of the total nitrogen in the soil that consists of nitrate, since nitrate is easily transported through the soil. Nitrogen leaching increases after clear-cutting since the uptake by vegetation is greatly reduced.</p><p>In this study the soil chemistry of two clear-cut spruce stands in Halland, in southwest Sweden, has been analyzed. A previous study in these areas has indicated higher nitrate concentrations in the groundwater in one of the areas and thus a greater nitrogen leaching. Nitrogen deposition in the two areas is estimated to be the same and therefore the soil chemistry has been analyzed to evaluate if differences in the soil can have resulted in differences in the nitrate concentration in the groundwater. The hypothesis is that the area with higher nitrate concentrations in the groundwater has properties more favorable for nitrification, which would be especially apparent in a lower carbon to nitrogen ratio. The pH and storage of nitrate, ammonium, total carbon, total nitrogen and exchangeable cations was analyzed in soil samples from both areas. In addition, a study of stand properties and previous use of the areas was made.</p><p>The analyses performed in this study indicate that the soil properties could not explain the differences in nitrate concentration in the groundwater. The differences found between the areas were that the area with lower nitrate concentrations in the groundwater had higher nitrate and ammonium concentrations and higher pH in the soil. The reason for this might be that the soil in this area has larger capacity to bind elements. The fact that the soil samples were sampled during different seasons probably had a major effect on these results. The history and stand properties of the two areas were similar. According to site index one area was more fertile, which benefits nitrification. This fact was not confirmed by the analyses, but it probably caused the nitrification rate to be higher in this area.</p> / <p>Det stora nedfallet av föroreningar i form av kväve i framförallt sydvästra Sverige leder till försurning och övergödning av både skogsmarker och vattendrag. Kvävedepositionen i södra Sverige kan uppgå till 20 kg N/ha och år. Det kväve som inte tas upp av vegetationen ackumuleras i marken som efterhand riskerar att bli kvävemättad vilket ökar risken för kväveutlakning. Kväveutlakningen från svenska skogsmarker har visat sig kunna vara i samma storleksordning som från jordbruksmarker som anses vara en av de största orsakerna till ökande kvävehalter i sjöar och vattendrag. Kväveutlakningens storlek beror till stor del på hur stor del av markens kväveförråd som finns i den oorganiska formen nitrat eftersom den är en lättrörlig jon. Efter skogsavverkning ökar nitratutlakningen betydligt på grund av att det finns väldigt lite vegetation kvar som tar upp kväveföreningarna.</p><p>I den här studien har markkemin i två avverkade granskogsområden i Halland undersökts. Tidigare studier i dessa två områden har visat att halterna av nitrat var högre i grundvattnet i det ena området än i det andra, och således var även nitratutlakningen större i detta område. Eftersom kvävedepositionen anses vara densamma i de två områdena har markemin undersökts för att finna skillnader där som kan förklara de olika nitratnivåerna i grundvattnet. Hypotesen var att det ena området skulle ha mer gynnsamma förhållanden för nitrifikation, framförallt en lägre C/N-kvot. Markens förråd av nitrat- och ammoniumkväve, totalkol, totalkväve, utbytbara katjoner samt pH undersöktes i båda områdena. En studie av områdenas historia gjordes även för att kunna utesluta skillnader där som kunde ge upphov till skillnaden i nitrat i grundvattnet.</p><p>Slutsatsen som kan dras från studien är att de analyserade egenskaperna inte visade på mer gynnsamma förhållanden för nitrifikation i det ena området än i det andra. Ingen skillnad i C/N-kvot uppmättes. Skillnaderna som hittades var att området med lägst halter av nitrat i grundvattnet hade högst halter av oorganiskt kväve i marken och högre pH. Att nitrathalterna var högre i grundvattnet men inte i marken kan ha sin förklaring i att marken i det ena området har större förmåga att binda till sig kväve vilket gör att det inte lika lätt kommer ut i grundvattnet. Antagligen spelade det stor roll för dessa resultat att jordproven tagits vid olika årstider. Undersökningen av tidigare användningsområde i skogarna visade att de hade en tämligen liknade historia. Det ena området har enligt ståndortsindex högre bördighet vilket gynnar nitrifikation. Detta framgick dock inte av analyserna men är antagligen orsaken till de högre nitrathalterna i grundvattnet i detta område.</p>

Kvävestatus och risk för nitrifikation i två avverkade skogsområden i Halland

Beckman, Marie January 2005 (has links)
Nitrogen deposition leads to environmental damage in areas where the nitrogen deposition is high. Southwest Sweden receives an annual nitrogen deposition of up to 20 kg N/ha. Nitrogen that is not assimilated by the vegetation is accumulated in the soil, which may lead to nitrogen saturation and an elevated risk of nitrogen leaching. Nitrogen leaching from forest areas in southern Sweden has proven to be higher than from agricultural areas, which have been thought to be the main contributors to elevated nitrogen levels in rivers and lakes. The amount of nitrogen that leaches depends on the fraction of the total nitrogen in the soil that consists of nitrate, since nitrate is easily transported through the soil. Nitrogen leaching increases after clear-cutting since the uptake by vegetation is greatly reduced. In this study the soil chemistry of two clear-cut spruce stands in Halland, in southwest Sweden, has been analyzed. A previous study in these areas has indicated higher nitrate concentrations in the groundwater in one of the areas and thus a greater nitrogen leaching. Nitrogen deposition in the two areas is estimated to be the same and therefore the soil chemistry has been analyzed to evaluate if differences in the soil can have resulted in differences in the nitrate concentration in the groundwater. The hypothesis is that the area with higher nitrate concentrations in the groundwater has properties more favorable for nitrification, which would be especially apparent in a lower carbon to nitrogen ratio. The pH and storage of nitrate, ammonium, total carbon, total nitrogen and exchangeable cations was analyzed in soil samples from both areas. In addition, a study of stand properties and previous use of the areas was made. The analyses performed in this study indicate that the soil properties could not explain the differences in nitrate concentration in the groundwater. The differences found between the areas were that the area with lower nitrate concentrations in the groundwater had higher nitrate and ammonium concentrations and higher pH in the soil. The reason for this might be that the soil in this area has larger capacity to bind elements. The fact that the soil samples were sampled during different seasons probably had a major effect on these results. The history and stand properties of the two areas were similar. According to site index one area was more fertile, which benefits nitrification. This fact was not confirmed by the analyses, but it probably caused the nitrification rate to be higher in this area. / Det stora nedfallet av föroreningar i form av kväve i framförallt sydvästra Sverige leder till försurning och övergödning av både skogsmarker och vattendrag. Kvävedepositionen i södra Sverige kan uppgå till 20 kg N/ha och år. Det kväve som inte tas upp av vegetationen ackumuleras i marken som efterhand riskerar att bli kvävemättad vilket ökar risken för kväveutlakning. Kväveutlakningen från svenska skogsmarker har visat sig kunna vara i samma storleksordning som från jordbruksmarker som anses vara en av de största orsakerna till ökande kvävehalter i sjöar och vattendrag. Kväveutlakningens storlek beror till stor del på hur stor del av markens kväveförråd som finns i den oorganiska formen nitrat eftersom den är en lättrörlig jon. Efter skogsavverkning ökar nitratutlakningen betydligt på grund av att det finns väldigt lite vegetation kvar som tar upp kväveföreningarna. I den här studien har markkemin i två avverkade granskogsområden i Halland undersökts. Tidigare studier i dessa två områden har visat att halterna av nitrat var högre i grundvattnet i det ena området än i det andra, och således var även nitratutlakningen större i detta område. Eftersom kvävedepositionen anses vara densamma i de två områdena har markemin undersökts för att finna skillnader där som kan förklara de olika nitratnivåerna i grundvattnet. Hypotesen var att det ena området skulle ha mer gynnsamma förhållanden för nitrifikation, framförallt en lägre C/N-kvot. Markens förråd av nitrat- och ammoniumkväve, totalkol, totalkväve, utbytbara katjoner samt pH undersöktes i båda områdena. En studie av områdenas historia gjordes även för att kunna utesluta skillnader där som kunde ge upphov till skillnaden i nitrat i grundvattnet. Slutsatsen som kan dras från studien är att de analyserade egenskaperna inte visade på mer gynnsamma förhållanden för nitrifikation i det ena området än i det andra. Ingen skillnad i C/N-kvot uppmättes. Skillnaderna som hittades var att området med lägst halter av nitrat i grundvattnet hade högst halter av oorganiskt kväve i marken och högre pH. Att nitrathalterna var högre i grundvattnet men inte i marken kan ha sin förklaring i att marken i det ena området har större förmåga att binda till sig kväve vilket gör att det inte lika lätt kommer ut i grundvattnet. Antagligen spelade det stor roll för dessa resultat att jordproven tagits vid olika årstider. Undersökningen av tidigare användningsområde i skogarna visade att de hade en tämligen liknade historia. Det ena området har enligt ståndortsindex högre bördighet vilket gynnar nitrifikation. Detta framgick dock inte av analyserna men är antagligen orsaken till de högre nitrathalterna i grundvattnet i detta område.

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