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Classification of Perfect codes in Hamming MetricSabir, Tanveer January 2011 (has links)
The study of coding theory aims to detect and correct the errors during the transmission of the data. It enhances the quality of data transmission and provides better control over the noisy channels.The perfect codes are collected and analyzed in the premises of the Hamming metric.This classification yields that there exists only a few perfect codes. The perfect codes do not guarantee the perfection by all means but just satisfy certain bound and properties. The detection and correction of errors is always very important for better data transmission.
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Cardinality for optical orthogonal codes with variable length and weightIsaksson, Erica January 2006 (has links)
To let many users benefit from the high speed communication in an optical fiber, a way to share the channel is needed. One way to share the channel between the users is the multiple access technique of Code Division Multiple Access, CDMA. This technique is based on coding. By assigning the users different codewords, the receiver is able to distinguish the information sent from each user. One family of codes suitable to use in a fiber optic network is the constant weight Optical Orthogonal Codes, OOC. To influence the users interference tolerability it is possible to assign the users codewords of the same length but with different weights. By letting the users have codewords of different length it is possible to have different data rates in the system. These two versions of optical orthogonal codes, with variable length and weight, are investigated in this thesis for their cardinality. The variable weight and variable length codes were created by combining optical orthogonal codes with different parameters. I have found that for variable length OOC:s of weight 2 it seems to be possible to increase the cardinality of a code, but for codes with higer weights than that, it is better that all users are assigned codewords of the same length. But since an upper bound for the cardinality of these types of codes has not been found, it is not possible to verify if this conclusion is correct. For variable weight OOC:s it is found that it is only possible to increase the cardinality of small, not optimal, codes. For codes including many codewords it is rarely possible to include more codewords without breaking the conditions on cross correlation between the codewords.
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Low-complexity iterative receivers for multiuser space-time block coding systemsYang, Yajun 31 October 2006 (has links)
Iterative processing has been shown to be very effective in multiuser space-time block coding (STBC) systems. The complexity and efficiency of an iterative receiver depend heavily on how the log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) of the coded bits are computed and exchanged at the receiver among its three major components, namely the multiuser detector, the maximum a posterior probability (MAP) demodulators and the MAP channel decoders. This thesis first presents a method to quantitatively measure the system complexities with floating-point operations (FLOPS) and a technique to evaluate the iterative receiver's convergence property based on mutual information and extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts.<p>Then, an integrated iterative receiver is developed by applying the sigma mappings for M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) constellations. Due to the linear relationship between the coded bits and the transmitted channel symbol, the multiuser detector can work on the bit-level and hence improves the convergence property of the iterative receiver. It is shown that the integrated iterative receiver is an attractive candidate to replace the conventional receiver when a few receive antennas and a high-order M-QAM constellation are employed.<p> Finally, a more general two-loop iterative receiver is proposed by introducing an inner iteration loop between the MAP demodulators and the MAP convolutional decoders besides the outer iteration loop that involves the multiuser detection (MUD) as in the conventional iterative receiver. The proposed two-loop iterative receiver greatly improves the iteration efficiency. It is demonstrated that the proposed two-loop iterative receiver can achieve the same asymptotic performance as that of the conventional iterative receiver, but with much less outer-loop iterations.
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The Da Vinci Code : En arketypisk saga : En djupstrukturell studie med didaktisk inriktningFritz, Marie January 2005 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att visa på likheten mellan Dan Browns The Da Vinci Code och sagans struktur, aktörer och handling, samt att påvisa romanens didaktiska möjligheter. Utifrån Vladimir Propps sagoteori och Northrop Fryes arketyper och historiska kategorisering samt ett studium av populärromanens likheter med sagan utifrån Ulla Lundqvists undersökning görs en strukturalistisk analys. Vidare har en mindre enkätundersökning gjorts för att skapa en uppfattning om hur en grupp elever på en gymnasieskolan uppfattat romanens didaktiska möjligheter. Resultatet visar att The Da Vinci Code innehåller sagans struktur, med endast några få avvikelser från den kronologiska ordningen, samt att romanens aktörer överrensstämmer med Propps teori och Fryes arketyper. Handlingen uppvisar tydliga inslag från sagan, och överrensstämmer med de sagoelement som Lundqvists undersökning visar, så som exempelvis dualism, magi, i överförd bemärkelse, och ett lyckligt slut. Den didaktiska undersökningen visar att eleverna uppfattar att romanen, trots kritiken kring dess fiktion, kan bidra till att ge kunskaper i ämnen som historia, religion och språk.
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The Application of Dopplergram on Underwater Intruder Detection in a Harbor EnvironmentGuo, Chin-lin 31 August 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to undertake the analysis of underwater detection and tracking using the Doppler phase-shift effects to enhance the detection capability. The fundamental principle is owing to the fact that the M-sequence may result in a better distinction to the echo returning from a moving target than the traditional LFM signal, in that the matched filter using M-sequence may need to estimate and compensate the doppler shift due to the moving target. The experiments were carried out in two harbors: True Love Pier of Kaohsiung Harbor (TLPKH) and Woods Hole Hrabor (WHH). The TLPKH is an inner harbor, with sediment being mud, while the WHH is an open types, suitable for target detection. The results from WHH experiment has shown that when the results from M-sequence and traditional LFM signal were compared, the M-sequence yields much better capability both in detection and estimation of the speed of the moving target along the beam axis. However, the signals from TLPKH were too weak for analysis, therefore, the data from TLPKH were used to analyze the environmental noise, transmission loss, which were combined with estimated values for sonar parameters to conduct the sonar performance analysis in an harborenvironment.
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Performance Evaluation of Turbo code in LTE systemWu, Han-Ying 25 July 2011 (has links)
As the increasing demand for high data-rate multimedia servicesin wireless broadband access, the advance wireless communication technologies have been developed rapidly. The Long-Term Evolution (LTE) is the new standard for wireless broadband access recently specified by the 3GPP(3rd Generation Partnership Project) on the way towards the fourth-generation mobile. In this thesis, we are interested in the 3GPP-LTE technology and focus on the turbo coding technique used therein. By employing MATLAB/Simulink, we build up the turbo codec simulation platform for 3GPP-LTE system. Two convolutional encoders that realize the concept of parallel concatenated convolutional codes (PCCCs) and a quadratic permutation polynomial (QPP) interleaver are used to implement the turbo encoder. The a posteriori probability (APP) decoder built-in Simulink is utilized to design the decoder that performs the soft-input and soft-output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA). The zero-order hold block is used to control the number of decoding iteration for the iterative decoding process. We carry out the 3GPP-LTE turbo codec performance in the AWGN channel on the developed platform. Various cases that consider different data length, the number of decoding iteration, interleaver and decoding algorithm are simulated. The simulation results are compared to those of the Xilinx 3GPP-LTE turbo codec. The comparisons show that our turbo codec works properly and meets the LTE standard.
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Low-Power Adaptive Viterbi Decoder with Section Error IdentificationLi, Shih-Jie 28 July 2011 (has links)
In wireless communication system, convolutional coding method is often used to encode the data. In decoding convolutional code (CC), Viterbi algorithm is considered to be the best mechanism. Viterbi decoder (VD) was developed to execute the algorithm on mobile devices more effectively. This decoder is often used on 2G and 3G mobile phones. However, on 2G phones, VD consumes about one third of total power consumption of the signal receiver. Therefore it is very necessary to reduce the power consumption of VD on 2G and 3G phones.
VD uses large amount of register in survivor metric unit (SMU), so that the decoder can receive enough CC and converge automatically. The goal of this thesis is to decrease power consumption of SMU by using path metric compare unit (PMCU) to find the best state of path metric unit (PMU). This way decreases half of registers and multiplexers required in SMU, leading to significant area reduction in decoder. During the process of signal transmission in wireless communication, different causes like the atmosphere, outer space radiation and man-made will interfere the signal by different degree. The stronger the noise is, the more interference CC will get.
The error detection circuit used will mark the sections with noise interference before the CC enters the VD. If CC is interfered, it will be decoded by the whole VD. Otherwise, it will be decoded by low power decoder, where the controller will start clock gating mechanism on SMU to close up unnecessary power consumption block.
The power consumption of is varying proposed Adaptive Viterbi decoder according to the interference degree. When interference degree is high, the power consumption is 21% less than conventional VD; when interference is low, it is 44% less. The results show that the proposed method can effectively reduce the power consumption of VD.
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The Design and Implement of Digital Chip for Power Line CommunicationTsai, Dong-Ruei 08 August 2011 (has links)
In recent years, the development of power line communication and relational application is gradually attracted much attention. The use of power line system is able to achieve home network automation, automatic meter reading, and demand supply management, so it can be a great help for the current emphasis on energy conservation ideas. Therefore, many international organizations and national programs involve in researches. The signal is vulnerable to the environment causing data error in the power line transmission, so that we reduce the use of power line communication. For making great application of power line system, the main purpose of the thesis is to study that ensure the data accuracy, integrity and security through power line transmission. Therefore, we designed the digital chip for power line communication.
We achieve the signal transmission with the half-duplex ability through power line by digital chip designing and solve error problems about transmitting data. By designing the modules of digital circuit, the chip can encrypt/decrypt data, correct error-bits of data, detect accuracy of data, process control signals, and modulate/demodulate signals. The purpose is for increasing data accuracy in PLC transmission. The chip design adopts TSMC 0.18£gm process as full digital circuits and applies to the energy meter management.
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Code Classification Based on Structure SimilarityYang, Chia-hui 14 September 2012 (has links)
Automatically classifying malware variants source code is the most important research issue in the field of digital forensics. By means of malware classification, we can get complete behavior of malware which can simplify the forensics task. In previous researches, researchers use malware binary to perform dynamic analysis or static analysis after reverse engineering. In the other hand, malware developers even use anti-VM and obfuscation techniques try to cheating malware classifiers.
With honeypots are increasingly used, researchers could get more and more malware source code. Analyzing these source codes could be the best way for malware classification. In this paper, a novel classification approach is proposed which based on logic and directory structure similarity of malwares. All collected source code will be classified correctly by hierarchical clustering algorithm. The proposed system not only helps us classify known malwares correctly but also find new type of malware. Furthermore, it avoids forensics staffs spending too much time to reanalyze known malware. And the system could also help realize attacker's behavior and purpose. The experimental results demonstrate the system can classify the malware correctly and be applied to other source code classification aspect.
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Video transmission over a relay channel with a compress-forward code designPolapragada, Chaitanya 15 May 2009 (has links)
There is an increasing demand to support high data rate multimedia applications over the current day wireless networks which are highly prone to errors. Relay channels, by virtue of their spatial diversity, play a vital role in meeting this demand without much change to the current day systems. A compress-forward relaying scheme is one of the exciting prospects in this regard owing to its ability to always outperform direct transmission. With regards to video transmission, there is a serious need to ensure higher protection for the source bits that are more important and sensitive. The objective of this thesis is to develop a practical scheme for transmitting video data over a relay channel using a compress-forward relaying scheme and compare it to direct and multi-hop transmissions. We also develop a novel scheme whereby the relay channel can be used as a means to provide the required unequal error protection among the MPEG-2 bit stream. The area of compress-forward (CF) relaying has not been developed much to date, with most of the research directed towards the decode-forward scheme. The fact that compress-forward relaying always ensures better results than direct transmission is an added advantage. This has motivated us to employ CF relaying in our implementation. Video transmission and streaming applications are being increasingly sought after in the current generation wireless systems. The fact that video applications are bandwidth demanding and error prone, and the wireless systems are band-limited and unreliable, makes this a challenging task. CF relaying, by virtue of their path diversity, can be considered to be a new means for video transmission. To exploit the above advantages, we propose an implementation for video transmission over relay channels using a CF relaying scheme. Practical gains in peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) have been observed for our implementation compared to the simple binary-input additive white Gaussian noise (BIAWGN) and two-hop transmission scenarios.
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