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Studium vlivu stresových faktorů na fotosyntézu, vodivost průduchů a transpiraci brukve řepky olejky (Brassica napus L. var. napus) / Investigation of the impact of stress factors on photosynthesis and transpiration of rape (/Brassica napus /L. var./napus/)BICANOVÁ, Laura January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the influence of cold plasma treatment of seeds such as stress factor to the photosynthesis rate, transpiration and stomatal conductance of brassica oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. var. napus). The theoretical part is focused on the cold plasma, its application and effects on plant physiology, photosynthetic process and description of examined oilseed rape crops. The literature review is followed by the experiment which studies the influence of cold plasma on the physiological processes of plants. The seeds of oilseed rape have been treated with cold plasma in various intervals and cultivated plants were subjected to measuring device Licor Li 6400 XT. The results show that cold plasma treatment of brassica oilseed rape influences the physiological processes depending on the length of exposure and the plant age.
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<p>Fruits play a necessary role in the human diet, and their cultivation is important to the prosperity of any country worldwide. However, fruit waste generated in large quantities in agricultural value chain is normally used to feed animals or directly disposed to landfill, ending up with low economic value and a heavy environmental burden. Agricultural waste that contains significant amounts of bioactive compounds can be utilized as byproducts and valorized through bioactives recovery. Conventional bioactive compounds extraction includes intensive uses of organic solvents and also has relatively low efficiency. Therefore, an environment-friendly alternative with higher extraction efficiency is needed. Cold plasma can convert gaseous medium to a highly reacting state with low energy cost, generating reactive species that are able to disrupt cell structures as well as modify material surfaces. This study has developed an innovative cold plasma-assisted extraction technology to enhance the recovery of bioactive compounds from fruit processing byproducts. The objectives of this study are to examine the effects of dielectric barrier discharge plasma on fruit pomaces, in terms of (i) surface microstructure and properties, (ii) extraction efficiency of their bioactive compounds, and (iii) bioactives composition and nutritional value of their extracts.</p><p>High voltage atmospheric cold plasmas (HVACP) generated with different working gases (air, argon, helium and nitrogen) were applied on tomato pomace (TP). In addition to creating ruptures on TP epidermal cells, HVACP treatments were found to decrease the water contact angles of tomato peels and accelerate the drying of tomato fruits, indicating the formation of more hydrophilic surfaces. Helium and nitrogen plasmas-treated TP showed increased PC extraction yields by 10%, and all HVACP-treated samples exhibited higher AA and changes in their phenolic compositions.</p><p>Grape pomace (GP) from red wine production was treated by helium-HVACP for different time periods (5, 10 and 15 min). Similar cell structure disruption and surface hydrophilicity enhancement were observed, and the effects became more significant as treatment extended. HVACP treatment also increased the total phenolic content in GP extracts, by 10.9−22.8%, which contained a higher anthocyanin concentration and showed an improved AA (16.7−34.7%). Furthermore, competitive effects of HVACP treatment on PC extractability enhancement and their degradation were observed.</p><p>The results of this study have proved that HVACP-assisted extraction successfully improved the extraction efficiency of bioactive compounds from fruit pomace and enhanced the nutritional quality of their extracts. This novel technology is a promising method for valorizing different agriculture byproducts into functional food ingredients and nutraceuticals with high nutritional values, which thus can bring significant economic benefits to the agricultural, food and nutraceutical industries.</p>
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Inactivation and modeling of food-borne pathogens in low-moisture foods using the thermal treatment and non-thermal cold plasmaAjay Daulat Sin Rawat (13133904) 19 September 2022 (has links)
<p>In recent years, numerous multistate foodborne outbreaks have been reported that are often associated with low moisture foods (LMFs). The survival of microorganisms in low moisture conditions has become one of the major concerns in the food industry. With the increasing number of recalls, it is necessary to ensure food safety by developing and validating the process parameters. Establishing a thermal process requires a detailed understanding of the inactivation kinetics of the target pathogen with respect to both the process (temperature, time, equipment) and the product conditions (water activity, composition). Along with the most widely used conventional thermal processing, there has been an increase in the demand for natural or minimally processed foods. As a result, many alternative non-thermal processing approaches that provide antimicrobial benefits while retaining the quality attributes of the food product are under investigation. This research focused on studying the inactivation kinetics of foodborne pathogens <em>Salmonella enteritidis</em> PT30 and <em>Cronobacter</em> <em>sakazakii</em> in powdered LMFs using both the thermal and non-thermal (cold plasma) processing technologies. The efficacy of a dielectric barrier discharge cold plasma equipment was tested against pathogens <em>Salmonella</em> <em>enteritidis</em> PT30 and <em>Cronobacter</em> <em>sakazakii</em> in LMFs at 70 kV, resulting in 3.8 log reduction in <em>Cronobacter</em>, and 4.41 log reduction in <em>Salmonella</em> after 5 min of cold plasma treatment in pea protein. The cellular damage to the pathogens was examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and the reactive oxygen (ROS: OH, O) and nitrogen (RNS: N<sub>2</sub>, N<sub>2</sub><sup>+</sup>) species were identified using optical emission spectroscopy. The RMSE for the model was found to be between 0.11 and 0.36 with the low standard error of the parameters (δ, n, and log N<sub>0</sub>), which illustrated that the Weibull model was a good fit for the experimental inactivation data. </p>
<p>In the thermal processing study, the inactivation kinetic parameters of these pathogens were estimated at 70, 80, and 90 °C at 0.11, 0.22, and 0.33 water activity in pea protein powder. The non-isothermal temperature profiles were simulated by building a two dimensional, axisymmetric heat transfer model of the test cell. The inactivation parameters D<sub>ref</sub>, z<sub>T</sub>, and z<sub>aw</sub> were estimated in MATLAB by using a one-step non-linear regression analysis, which was a combination of the primary log-linear model with the secondary modified-Bigelow model. The model was found to be a good fit, showing lower root mean square error (RMSE) and residuals. Further, <em>Enterococcus</em> <em>faecium</em> was observed to have higher D-values at all the processing temperatures and water activity levels as compared to <em>Salmonella enteritidis</em> PT30 and <em>Cronobacter</em> <em>sakazakii</em>, which provides valuable evidence that <em>Enterococcus</em> <em>faecium</em> can be used as a surrogate microorganism for validating the thermal process for pea protein powder.</p>
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<p>Multiple studies have demonstrated atmospheric cold plasma (ACP)
as an effective non-thermal technology for microbial decontamination, surface
modification, and functionality alteration in food processing and packaging. ACP
constitutes charged particles, such as positive and negative ions, electrons,
quanta of electromagnetic radiation, and excited and non-excited molecules,
which corresponds to its predominant reactive properties. However, in many of
these applications, the interactions between plasma and the components in food matrix are not well-understood. The <b>overall goals</b> of this dissertation were
to 1) evaluate the interactions between high voltage atmospheric cold plasma (HVACP) and microbes in liquid and semi-solid
food; 2) investigate plasma transfer into semi-solid foods and determine the
relationship between microbial inactivation and plasma transfer; 3) explore the
interactions between plasma and proteins. </p>
<p>The first
study explored the microbial (<i>Salmonella</i>
<i>enterica</i> serovar Typhimurium, <i>S</i>. <i>enterica</i>)
inactivation efficacy of HVACP. The physicochemical interactions between HVACP
and biomolecules, including an enzyme
(pectin methylesterase, PME), vitamin C and other components in orange juice (OJ) under different conditions was
also evaluated. Both direct and indirect HVACP treatment of 25 mL OJ induced
greater than a 5 log reduction in <i>S</i>. <i>enterica</i> following 30 s of
treatment with air and MA65 gas with no storage. For 50 mL OJ, 120 s of direct
HVACP treatment followed by 24 h storage achieved <i>S</i>. <i>enterica</i> reductions of
2.9 log in air and 4.7 log in MA65 gas. An indirect HVACP treatment of 120 s followed
by 24 hours storage resulted in a 2.2 log reduction in air and a 3.8 log
reduction in MA65. No significant (<i>P </i><
0.05) Brix or pH change occurred following 120 s HVACP treatment. HVACP direct
treatment reduced vitamin C content by 56% in air and PME activity by 74% in
air and 82% in MA65. These results demonstrated that HVACP can significantly
reduce <i>Salmonella</i> in OJ with minimal quality degradation.</p>
<p>The second study in this dissertation examined the
penetration process of plasma into semi-solid food and the resulting microbial
inactivation efficacy. Agar gels of various densities (0.25, 0.5, 1.0, and 2%) with
a pH indicator were inoculated with <i>S</i>. <i>enterica</i> (10<sup>7</sup>>CFU) and exposed directly (between
the electrode) or indirectly (adjacent to the plasma field created between the
two electrodes) to 90 kV at 60 Hz for up to 1.5 h. A long treatment time (1.5 h) caused sample temperature to increase
5~10 °C. The microbial analysis indicated a greater than 6 log<sub>10</sub>
(CFU) reduction (both with air and MA65) in the zone with a pH change.
Inactivation of bioluminescence cells in the plasma penetrated zone confirmed
that the plasma, and its generated reactive species, inactivate microbial as it penetrates into the gel. A two-minute HVACP direct treatment with air at 90 kV induced greater than 5 log<sub>10</sub>
(CFU)<i> S</i>. <i>enterica </i>reduction in applesauce. <em></em></p>
<p>The third
study investigated the interactions between HVACP and protein, using bovine serum albumin (BSA)
as a model protein. The physicochemical and structural alteration of BSA and
its reaction mechanism, when subjected to HVACP, were investigated. After
treating 10 mL of BSA solution (50 mg/mL) at 90 kV for 20, 40, or 60 min, we
characterized structural alteration and side-group modification. FTIR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and circular
dichroism analysis indicated protein unfolding and decreased secondary structure
(25 % loss of α-helix, 12% loss of β-sheet) in HVACP
treated BSA. Average particle size in the protein solutions increased from 10 nm to 113 µm, with a broader
distribution after 60 min HVACP treatment
indicating protein aggregation. SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometer
analysis observed a formation of new peptides of 1 to 10 kDa, indicating that
the plasma triggered peptide bond cleavage.
Chemical analysis and mass
spectrometer results confirmed the plasma modifications on the side chains of
amino acids. This study reveals that HVACP
treatment may effectively introduce structural alteration, protein aggregation,
peptide cleavage, and side-group modification to proteins in aqueous
conditions, through several physicochemical interactions between plasma reactive
species (reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species) and the proteins.
This finding can be readily applied to
other plasma-protein studies or applications in the food system, such as enzyme inactivation or protein-based film
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Contribution à la conception et la modélisation transformateurs piézoélectriques dédiés à la génération de plasma / Contribution to the conception and the modeling of piezoelectric transformers dedicated to plasma generationNadal, Clément 05 July 2011 (has links)
L'émergence des transformateurs piézoélectriques coïncident avec le développement dans les années 1950 des céramiques ferroélectriques appartenant à la famille cristalline des pérovskites qui n'ont cessé de s'améliorer depuis. Outre la compacité dont bénéficie ces structures, les transformateurs piézoélectriques offrent des performances remarquables en terme de gain en tension et rendement utiles pour des applications nécessitant une adaptation de tension ou une isolation galvanique, parfaitement dédiés aux applications de faibles puissances à haut rendement. Toutefois, les transformateurs piézoélectriques peuvent être déviés de leurs applications premières. En effet, la dernière décennie a été marquée par l'apparition de générateur de plasma par effet piézoélectrique utilisant principalement des architectures de type transformateur. Pourtant, si quelques applications usuelles illustrent parfaitement cette interaction, la compréhension des phénomènes physiques qui en sont à l'origine reste à approfondir. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'en expliquer les fondements par une approche méthodique. Ce travail s'articule autour de plusieurs étapes comprenant la mise en oeuvre d'une méthode systématique de la modélisation analytique d'un transformateur piézoélectrique, de l'étude de la carte de champ produit par un transformateur ainsi qu'une étude expérimentale vue des bornes en guise de premières investigations. La modélisation analytique est basée sur l'exploitation du Principe de Moindre Action (PMA). A partir de la théorie linéaire de la piézoélectricité, un modèle général applicable à toutes les géométries de transformateur, exploitant des modes de couplage piézoélectrique multiples, est proposé. Son caractère multimodal est par ailleurs mis en exergue. Cette modélisation est appliquée à une structure classique de transformateur piézoélectrique de type Rosen et les résultats obtenus sont validés d'une part par une identification numérique, issue d'un logiciel de calcul par éléments finis, et d'autre part par une caractérisation expérimentale. La modélisation analytique précédente ne tient pas compte dans sa mise en oeuvre de l'influence de l'environnement dans lequel évolue le transformateur piézoélectrique. Afin de caractériser le potentiel électrique produit, un modèle numérique 2D du champ électrique environnant est proposé selon la méthode des différences finies. Ce modèle est basé sur une extension du modèle analytique précédemment développé incluant les pertes mécaniques afin de quantifier le potentiel électrique de surface. Même si l'influence du plasma est négligée en première approximation, la modélisation permet de mettre en lumière les zones de fort champ correspondant aux zones de décharges luminescentes observées expérimentalement. Finalement, afin de valider le concept de générateur de plasma piézoélectrique, une caractérisation vue des bornes du transformateur piézoélectrique de type Rosen a été entreprise. Une étude systématique du déclenchement de la décharge plasma en fonction du niveau de tension et de la pression environnante a été menée. Cette part expérimentale de l'étude constitue une approche pionnière pour qualifier le comportement électromécanique du transformateur et a ainsi permis de mettre en évidence des comportements non linéaires issus de ce mode de fonctionnement atypique qu'est la génération de décharges de surface par effet piézoélectrique. / The emergence of piezoelectric transformers coincides with the development in the 1950s of ferroelectric ceramics belonging to the perovskites crystalline family. In addition to providing small size and weight, piezoelectric transformers offer outstanding performances in terms of galvanic insulation, voltage ratio and efficiency. Furthermore, compared with conventional electromagnetic transformers, piezoelectric transformers are free from electromagnetic interference. They are consequently more suitable for low power and high efficiency applications for small embedded systems. However, piezoelectric transformers can be deviated from their initial applications. Indeed, the emergence of plasma generator by piezoelectric effect, using mainly piezoelectric transformers, made its mark on the last decade. Nevertheless, if a few typical applications perfectly exemplify this interaction, the understanding of instigated physical phenomena remains to go into detail. The aim of this thesis is to explain the fundaments by a methodical approach. This work is based on several steps including the implementation of piezoelectric transformer analytical modeling, the study of the electrical field generated by a piezoelectric transformer and a first experimental investigation from piezoelectric transformer terminals. The analytical modeling is based on the utilization of the least action principle. From linear piezoelectric theory, a general model applicable to all transformer geometries, using multiple piezoelectric coupling modes, is put forward. Its multimodal characteristic is in addition underlined. This modeling is applied to a classical Rosen type transformer and the obtained results are confirmed on one hand by a numerical identication, and on the other hand by an experimental characterization. The previous analytical modeling does not take into account in its application the influence of the environment in which the piezoelectric transformer evolves. In order to qualify the produced electrical potential, a 2D numerical model of surrounding electrical field is put forward according to nite difference method. This model is based on the extension of previously developed analytical model including mechanical losses in order to quantify the surfacic electrical potential. Even if plasma influence is ignored in first approximation, the modeling allows to highlight high electrical field areas matching glow discharges areas experimentally observed. Finally, in order to validate the concept of piezoelectric plasma generator, a characterization from Rosen type piezoelectric transformer terminals has been undertaken. A systematic study of plasma discharge ignition in function of the input voltage level and the surrounding pressure has been carried out. This experimental part of the study constitutes a pioneering approach in order to qualify transformer electromechanical behavior. It has consequently allowed to give rise to nonlinear behaviors from untypical operation mode which is the surfacic discharge generation by piezoelectric effect.
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Funcionalização de fibras vegetais com plasma frio de metano para desenvolvimento de novos produtos em fibrocimento / Plasma functionalizations with methane of the vegetable fibres to development of new products in fibrocementBarra, Bruna Neri 28 August 2014 (has links)
Dentre as fibras vegetais estudadas como reforço para produção de compósitos cimentícios, as fibras de coco verde e sisal se destacam por suas características mecânicas de interesse industrial, baixo custo e baixa densidade. O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo da funcionalização de fibras de coco verde e sisal, pela técnica de polimerização com plasma frio de metano, bem como a análise do efeito do tratamento, a fim de reduzir a hidrofilicidade natural das fibras, preservar suas propriedades mecânicas e aumentar sua durabilidade em meio alcalino. Fibras de coco verde e sisal foram tratadas com plasma frio de metano durante 4, 10 e 20 min. O experimento também incluiu ensaio de degradação das fibras, antes e após tratamento, em solução saturada de cimento Portland. Por meio de análise de molhabilidade e de espectroscopia de fotoelétrons excitados por raios X foi identificado que o tratamento tornou a superfície das fibras de sisal tratadas por 10 e 20 min menos hidrofílica, e das fibras de coco verde tratadas durante o mesmo tempo mais hidrofílica. Corroborando esses resultados, ensaio de arrancamento foi realizado em fibras de sisal tratadas por 20 min indicando boa aderência entre a fibra tratada e a matriz cimentícia. Após ensaio de degradação em solução cimentícia de ambas as fibras tratadas durante 10 e 20 min os resultados da espectroscopia na região do infravermelho por transformada de Fourier indicaram que o tratamento retardou o processo de degradação alcalina da hemicelulose e lignina das fibras de sisal, enquanto que para as fibras de coco verde a degradação das fibras sem tratamento foi igual ao daquelas sem com tratamento. Os ensaios mecânicos indicaram que as fibras de sisal tratadas tiveram maior resistência mecânica quando comparadas àquelas sem tratamento, e com relação às fibras de coco verde não houve diferença significativa entre fibras tratadas e sem tratamento. Além disso, não houve alteração do módulo de elasticidade das fibras de coco verde e sisal (sem tratamento e tratadas). Nesse contexto, os resultados obtidos indicaram que o tratamento com plasma frio de metano é eficaz para redução da hidrofilicidade da superfície das fibras de sisal, podendo vir a ser um tratamento promissor para minimizar a degradação alcalina da hemicelulose e lignina. / Among the studied plant fibres as reinforcement for the production of cement composites, green coconut and sisal fibres stand out for its mechanical characteristics of industrial interest, low cost, and low density. The aim of this work is to study of the plasma functionalization of green coconut and sisal fibres with methane cold plasma, as well as the analysis of the effect of this treatment in order to reduce the hydrophilicity of natural fibres, preserving its mechanical properties and increase its durability in alkaline medium. Green coconut and sisal fibres were treated with methane cold plasma for 4, 10 and 20 min. The experiment also included fibre degradation test before and after treatment in saturated solution of Portland cement. Wettability and XPS analyses indicated that the sisal fibres treated for 10 and 20 min presented surface more hydrophobic than green coconut fibres in the same treatment condition. Pullout test was performed in the sisal fibres treated by 20 min indicating good adherence between treated fibre and cement matrix. Both kinds of fibres were submited to degradation test imersed in the cementitious solution. The FTIR results indicated that the treatment retarded the alkaline degradation of the hemicellulose and lignin from sisal fibres whereas treated green coconut fibres showed the same degradation presented by untreated ones. The mechanical tests showed that the treated sisal fibres had higher mechanical strength compared to those without treatment, and regarding green coconut fibres there was no significant difference between treated and untreated fibres. Furthermore, there was no change in the modulus of elasticity of the green coconut and sisal fibre (treated and untreated). In this context, the results indicated that treatment with cold plasma of methane is effective in reducing the excessive hydrophilicity of the surface of sisal fibres and could be a promising treatment to minimize the alkaline degradation of hemicellulose and lignin.
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Recherche d'optimisation énergétique d'un réacteur plasma froid de traitement d'effluents gazeux chargés en composés organiques volatils à pression atmosphérique. / Energetic optimization of cold plasma process for VOC charged industrial gaseous effluent treatmentMericam bourdet, Nicolas 19 March 2012 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans le processus de développement d’un dispositif de traitement de composés organiques volatils (COV) par plasma non-thermique. L’application industrielle des dispositifs de dépollution par plasma froid se heurte à deux limitations majeures que sont une consommation énergétique importante et la formation de sous-produits. Deux axes d’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique du procédé à décharges sur barrière diélectrique sont explorés dans ce travail de thèse : le mode de dépôt d’énergie dans la décharge et le couplage du réacteur plasma avec un dispositif catalytique. Concernant le premier axe, l’étude a montré que dans le cas des réacteurs DBD étudiés, le paramètre gouvernant la réactivité chimique du plasma à pression atmosphérique était la densité d’énergie, qu’il s’agisse de production d’ozone ou d’élimination d’un COV de la phase gazeuse. L’étude chimique des sous-produits de dégradation par décharge a été conduite pour trois molécules cibles : l’éthanol, l’acétone et la méthyléthylcétone. Dans le cas de l’éthanol, un schéma cinétique 0D est proposé, montrant l’importance de la dissociation dans les mécanismes de dégradation du COV. Pour le second axe exploré, le réacteur plasma a été couplé à un catalyseur. Deux formulations de catalyseurs ont été utilisées, avec et sans métaux précieux. Dans les deux cas, l’activation du catalyseur à basse température par couplage avec le réacteur plasma est démontrée. La dernière partie de l’étude présente les résultats obtenus sur un réacteur plasma à échelle pilote visant à estimer l’impact de l’augmentation des capacités de traitement d’un réacteur DBD sur l’efficacité énergétique du procédé. / This work deals with the development of a VOC removal method by non-thermal plasma which has several advantages including flexibility, compactness and limited investment costs. Further development of this technology needs to overcome major drawbacks such as high energy consumption for high flow rate treatment and the presence of by-products. The first part of the study focuses on the method of discharge energy deposition and the search for optimization of the process energy efficiency. Development of experimental and measurement tools, in particular for the determination of the electrical power injected into the discharge were carefully carried out. The effect of voltage waveform, signal frequency and electrode shape were investigated. The results show that no energy efficiency improvement could be brought by variation of these parameters and that only energy density is important in the gas treatment process. The second part of the study was devoted to the study of conversion of three pollutants (acetone, ethanol and methylethylketone). Formation of by-products was analyzed and a kinetic scheme is proposed for ethanol conversion. To decrease the level of by-products at the reactor outlet, the association between cold plasma and catalysis was investigated. Catalysis was found to allow an improvement in the oxidation of the pollutants and of the discharge by-products. The last part of this work focused on results obtained with a large flow rate plasma reactor to confirm extension of laboratory scale results to larger equipment. Results confirmed that the extension of low flow rate experimental results is possible.
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Funcionalização de fibras vegetais com plasma frio de metano para desenvolvimento de novos produtos em fibrocimento / Plasma functionalizations with methane of the vegetable fibres to development of new products in fibrocementBruna Neri Barra 28 August 2014 (has links)
Dentre as fibras vegetais estudadas como reforço para produção de compósitos cimentícios, as fibras de coco verde e sisal se destacam por suas características mecânicas de interesse industrial, baixo custo e baixa densidade. O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo da funcionalização de fibras de coco verde e sisal, pela técnica de polimerização com plasma frio de metano, bem como a análise do efeito do tratamento, a fim de reduzir a hidrofilicidade natural das fibras, preservar suas propriedades mecânicas e aumentar sua durabilidade em meio alcalino. Fibras de coco verde e sisal foram tratadas com plasma frio de metano durante 4, 10 e 20 min. O experimento também incluiu ensaio de degradação das fibras, antes e após tratamento, em solução saturada de cimento Portland. Por meio de análise de molhabilidade e de espectroscopia de fotoelétrons excitados por raios X foi identificado que o tratamento tornou a superfície das fibras de sisal tratadas por 10 e 20 min menos hidrofílica, e das fibras de coco verde tratadas durante o mesmo tempo mais hidrofílica. Corroborando esses resultados, ensaio de arrancamento foi realizado em fibras de sisal tratadas por 20 min indicando boa aderência entre a fibra tratada e a matriz cimentícia. Após ensaio de degradação em solução cimentícia de ambas as fibras tratadas durante 10 e 20 min os resultados da espectroscopia na região do infravermelho por transformada de Fourier indicaram que o tratamento retardou o processo de degradação alcalina da hemicelulose e lignina das fibras de sisal, enquanto que para as fibras de coco verde a degradação das fibras sem tratamento foi igual ao daquelas sem com tratamento. Os ensaios mecânicos indicaram que as fibras de sisal tratadas tiveram maior resistência mecânica quando comparadas àquelas sem tratamento, e com relação às fibras de coco verde não houve diferença significativa entre fibras tratadas e sem tratamento. Além disso, não houve alteração do módulo de elasticidade das fibras de coco verde e sisal (sem tratamento e tratadas). Nesse contexto, os resultados obtidos indicaram que o tratamento com plasma frio de metano é eficaz para redução da hidrofilicidade da superfície das fibras de sisal, podendo vir a ser um tratamento promissor para minimizar a degradação alcalina da hemicelulose e lignina. / Among the studied plant fibres as reinforcement for the production of cement composites, green coconut and sisal fibres stand out for its mechanical characteristics of industrial interest, low cost, and low density. The aim of this work is to study of the plasma functionalization of green coconut and sisal fibres with methane cold plasma, as well as the analysis of the effect of this treatment in order to reduce the hydrophilicity of natural fibres, preserving its mechanical properties and increase its durability in alkaline medium. Green coconut and sisal fibres were treated with methane cold plasma for 4, 10 and 20 min. The experiment also included fibre degradation test before and after treatment in saturated solution of Portland cement. Wettability and XPS analyses indicated that the sisal fibres treated for 10 and 20 min presented surface more hydrophobic than green coconut fibres in the same treatment condition. Pullout test was performed in the sisal fibres treated by 20 min indicating good adherence between treated fibre and cement matrix. Both kinds of fibres were submited to degradation test imersed in the cementitious solution. The FTIR results indicated that the treatment retarded the alkaline degradation of the hemicellulose and lignin from sisal fibres whereas treated green coconut fibres showed the same degradation presented by untreated ones. The mechanical tests showed that the treated sisal fibres had higher mechanical strength compared to those without treatment, and regarding green coconut fibres there was no significant difference between treated and untreated fibres. Furthermore, there was no change in the modulus of elasticity of the green coconut and sisal fibre (treated and untreated). In this context, the results indicated that treatment with cold plasma of methane is effective in reducing the excessive hydrophilicity of the surface of sisal fibres and could be a promising treatment to minimize the alkaline degradation of hemicellulose and lignin.
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Modeling Microbial Inactivation Subjected to Nonisothermal and Non-thermal Food Processing TechnologiesGabriella Mendes Candido De Oliveira (7451486) 17 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Modeling microbial
inactivation has a great influence on the optimization, control and design of
food processes. In
the area of food safety, modeling is a valuable tool for characterizing survival curves and for
supporting food safety decisions. The modeling of microbial behavior is based
on the premise that the response of the microbial population to the environment
factors is reproducible. And that from the past, it is possible to predict how
these microorganisms would respond in other similar environments. Thus, the use
of mathematical models has become an attractive and relevant tool in the food
<p>This research provides
tools to relate the inactivation of microorganisms of public health importance
with processing conditions used in nonisothermal and non-thermal food
processing technologies. Current models employ simple approaches that do not capture the realistic behavior of microbial inactivation. This oversight brings a number of fundamental and practical
issues, such as excessive or insufficient processing, which can result in
quality problems (when foods are over-processed) or safety problems (when foods
are under-processed). Given these issues, there is an urgent need to
develop reliable models that accurately
describe the inactivation of dangerous microbial
cells under more realistic processing conditions and that take into account the
variability on microbial population, for instance their resistance to lethal
agents. To address this urgency, this dissertation focused on mathematical
models, combined mathematical tools with
microbiological science to develop models that, by resembling realistic and practical processing conditions, can
provide a better estimation of the efficacy of food processes. The objective of
the approach is to relate the processing conditions to microbial inactivation. The
development of the modeling approach went through all the phases of a modeling
cycle from planning, data collection, formulation of the model approach
according to the data analysis, and validation of the model under different
conditions than those that the approach was developed.</p>
<p>A non-linear ordinary differential equation was used to
describe the inactivation curves with the hypothesis that the momentary
inactivation rate is not constant and depends on the instantaneous processing
conditions. The inactivation rate was related to
key process parameters to describe the
inactivation kinetics under more realistic processing conditions. From
the solution of the non-linear ordinary differential equation and the
optimization algorithm, safety inferences in the microbial response can be
retrieved, such as the critical lethal variable that increases microbial
inactivation. For example, for nonisothermal processes such as microwave
heating, time-temperature profiles were modeled and incorporated into the
inactivation rate equation. The critical temperature required to increase the
microbial inactivation was obtained from the optimization analysis. For
non-thermal processes, such as cold plasma, the time-varying concentration of
reactive gas species was incorporated into the
inactivation rate equation. The approach allowed the estimation of the critical
gas concentration above which microbial inactivation becomes effective. For
Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF), the energy density is the integral parameter that
groups the wide range of parameters of the PEF process, such as the electric
field strength, the treatment time and the electrical conductivity of the
sample. The literature has shown that all of these parameters impact microbial
inactivation. It has been hyphothesized that the inactivation rate is a
function of the energy density and that above a threshold value significant
microbial inactivation begins. </p>
<p>The differential equation was solved
numerically using the Runge-Kutta
method (<i>ode45</i> in MATLAB ®). The<i> lsqcurvefit</i> function in MATLAB ®
estimated the kinetic parameters. The approach to model microbial inactivation,
whether when samples were subjected to nonisothermal or to non-thermal food
processes, was validated using data published in the literature and/or in other
samples and treatment conditions. The modeling approaches developed by this dissertation
are expected to assist the food industry in the development and validation
process to achieve the level of microbial reduction required by regulatory
agencies. In addition, it is expected to
assist the food industry in managing food safety systems through support food
safety decision-making, such as the designation of the minimal critical
parameter that may increase microbial inactivation. Finally, this dissertation
will contribute in depth to the field of
food safety and engineering, with the ultimate outcome of having a broad and highly positive impact on human health by ensuring the consumption of
safe food products.</p>
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Application radio-oncologique d'un plasma jet, l’APGD-t, pour le traitement de cancer du seinMahfoudh, Ahlem 08 1900 (has links)
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