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Plateformes collaboratives et logiques processuelles dans l'évolution des formes organisationnelles : pour une conception étendue de l'information organisationnelle / Collaborative platforms and processual logic in the evolution of organizational forms : to a large conception of organizational informationChaudet, Bruno 01 December 2011 (has links)
La question de la mobilisation des compétences, des informations, des connaissances, des savoirs, des intelligences, appuyée par un ensemble de technologies est aujourd'hui devenue centrale. Dans un contexte où l'information et la connaissance sont des éléments qui participent à l'avantage concurrentiel, leur capitalisation et la création d'un dispositif permettant de les mobiliser en situation sont au cœur des problématiques actuelles qui pourraient alors se résumer autour de la question suivante : Quelle méthode ou quel dispositif pourrions-nous mettre en œuvre pour tenter de décrire et d'accompagner l'intelligence organisationnelle ? Notre thèse propose une méthode de description de l'intelligence organisationnelle. Elle s'inspire des méthodes professionnelles de description des processus et s'est enrichie du séminaire de recherche « Entre normes et formes », développé par le PREFics, laboratoire de recherche de l'université Rennes 2 / The issue of mobilization of skills, information, knowledge, intelligence, supported by a set of technologies has now become central. In an environment where information and knowledge are elements that contribute to competitive advantage, their capitalization and the creation of a mechanism to mobilize them in a situation is at the heart of the current issues that could then be summarized around the question : What method or mechanism could we implement to try to describe and to support organizational intelligence ? Our thesis proposes a method of description of organizational intelligence. It draws on the professional practices of process mapping and has been enriched by the research seminar "Between norms and forms," developed by the PREFics, Research Laboratory of the University of Rennes 2
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Validation of TAM Model on Social Media Use for Collaborative Learning to Enhance Collaborative AuthoringAlenazy, Wael M., Mugahed Al-Rahmi, Waleed, Khan, Mohammad S. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Increased impact of technology leads numerous studies to conduct research on the effect of social media on performance. Very limited of such studies have tried to observe and record the use of social media for collaborative learning as a way to improve collaborative authoring. This paper tries to the validation of the technology acceptance model (TAM) on social media use for collaborative learning to enhance collaborative authoring among research students. To achieve the study objective, this paper employed a questionnaire as the main data collection method and distributed it to 1118 responses of various researchers from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) all of whom use social media. The findings were obtained via a quantitative research method, structural equation modeling (SEM-AMOS). The findings from our empirical study indicate that all the hypotheses were supported; we demonstrate that the use of social media positively and significantly related to collaborative authoring through collaborative learning between researchers in higher education. Therefore, the proposed model will help academic and decision-makers formulate the strategies that can encourage students and researchers to use social media to improving collaborative authoring through collaborative learning.
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Collaborative Localization Enhancement to the Global Positioning System using Inter-Receiver Range MeasurementsBiskaduros, Zachary Jon 05 June 2013 (has links)
The localization of wireless devices, e.g. mobile phones, laptops, and handheld GPS receivers, has gained much interest due to the benefits it provides, including quicker emergency personnel dispatch, location-aided routing, as well as commercial revenue opportunities through location based services. GPS is the dominant position location system in operation, with 31 operational satellites producing eight line of sight satellites available to users at all times making it very favorable for system implementation in all wireless networks. Unfortunately when a GPS receiver is in a challenging environment, such as an urban or indoor scenario, the signal quality often degrades causing poor accuracy in the position estimate or failure to localize altogether due to satellite availability.
Our goal is to introduce a new solution that has the ability to overcome this limitation by improving the accuracy and availability of a GPS receiver when in a challenging environment. To test this theory we created a simulated GPS receiver using a MATLAB simulation to mimic a standard GPS receiver with all 31 operational satellites. Here we are able to alter the environment of the user and examine the errors that occur due to noise and limited satellite availability. Then we introduce additional user(s) to the GPS solution with the knowledge (or estimate) of the distances between the users. The new solutions use inter-receiver distances along with pseudoranges to cooperatively determine all receiver location estimates simultaneously, resulting in improvement in both the accuracy of the position estimate and availability. / Master of Science
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La traduction collaborative comme stratégie de diffusion de la littérature coréenne en France et dans l'ensemble des pays francophonesLapointe, Catherine 26 May 2023 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde la traduction collaborative sous un angle nouveau, c'est-à-dire qu'elle l'envisage comme une stratégie employée par la culture source pour diffuser sa littérature dans la culture cible. Notre définition de la traduction collaborative inclut non seulement la traduction en binôme (cotraduction et bitraduction), mais aussi l'apport de ces autres collaborateurs, comme les maisons d'édition et les préfaciers, qui entrent en jeu dans la production d'une traduction, avec une attention singulière portée aux organismes de financement. Se basant sur une étude de cas particulièrement significative, soit la traduction de la littérature coréenne en français - pour laquelle non seulement la majorité des oeuvres sont traduites en tandem biculturel et clairement identifiées comme telles, mais où l'on peut de plus observer l'ascendant de ces autres acteurs tout au long du processus traductif -, ce mémoire examine les paratraductions de 360 oeuvres littéraires coréennes traduites en français et publiées entre 1990 et 2020, pour tenter de répondre aux questions que soulève la traduction collaborative : qui traduit, avec qui, et pourquoi. --
This thesis adopts a new approach to collaborative translation, as a strategy employed by the source culture to disseminate its literature to the target culture. Our working definition of collaborative translation includes not only pair translation (cotranslation and bitranslation), but also the input of those other collaborators, such as publishing houses and prefacers, who come into play in the production of a translation, with a particular focus on funding organizations. Based on a particularly significant case study, namely the translation of Korean literature into French - where not only are the majority of works translated by bicultural tandems and clearly identified as such, but where one can also observe the influence of these other actors throughout the translation process - this paper examines the paratranslations of 360 Korean literary works translated into French and published between 1990 and 2020, in an attempt to answer the questions raised by collaborative translation: who is translating, with whom, and why. --
이 논문은 원본 문화가 대상 문화에 문학을 보급하는 전략으로 사용되는 협업 번역에 대한 새로운 접근 방식을 시도한다. 협업 번역에 대한 작업 정의에는 쌍번역 (동시적번역 및 공동번역) 뿐만 아니라 번역 작품 제작에 참여하는 출판사나 서문 제작자 같은 다른 협력자들의 의견도 포함되는데 특히 자금 조달 기관의 의견에 중점을 둔다. 본 논문은 한국 문학 작품을 프랑스어로 번역한 중요한 사례 연구를 바탕으로 하는데 대부분의 이들 작품은 원본문화와 대상문화 번역자들에 의해 공동으로 번역되었을 뿐 아니라 이를 뚜렷하게 명시하고 있으며 또한 번역 과정에서 앞서 언급한 번역 협력자들의 영향을 감지할 수 있다. 본 논문은 1990년에서 2020년 사이에 프랑스어로 번역되어 출판된 360여개의 한국 문학작품의 보조텍스트들을 검토하여 누가, 누구와, 왜 번역을 하는지에 대한, 협업 번역에서 제기되는 문제들에 답하고자 한다.
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Algorithms and Models for Collaborative Filtering from Large Information CorporaStrunjas, Svetlana January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Collaborative inhibition: Evaluation of the part-set cuing hypothesis for key-term definitionsWissman, Kathryn Taylor 27 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Collaborative transboundary water quality monitoring :a strategy for Fezile Dabi District Municipality and its neighbours / André Stephmar van ZylVan Zyl, André Stephmar January 2012 (has links)
The geographic location of Fezile Dabi District Municipality is unique in the sense that it is one of five district municipalities in the Free State Province that borders on five district municipalities and three provincial boundaries. The Vaal River, a valuable domestic, industrial and agricultural water resource for millions of South Africans, forms one of the administrative boundaries of this district municipality and of the Free State Province. However, despite the vital role the Vaal River plays in the Fezile Dabi region, there is poor water management and assessment system in place. There is a lack of intergovernmental and trans boundary efforts to assess water quality by both district municipalities and provinces. The status of the Vaal River as a visible aquatic boundary line provides an excellent opportunity to develop a trans boundary collaborative water quality monitoring strategy between Fezile Dabi District Municipality and its neighbouring district municipalities. The only way to ensure the safety of water and a healthy environment for all is by addressing the challenges of water quality monitoring in a Trans boundary, integrated and multidisciplinary manner. This study provides a strategy for Fezile Dabi District Municipality and its neighbours by proposing an ideal structure to optimise effective water quality monitoring between them. Firstly, it gives an explanation of what is meant by water quality monitoring as a key performance area of municipal health services. Secondly, information is provided and proposals made on how to integrate water quality monitoring across municipal boundaries. Thirdly, the study suggests how trans boundary collaboration can contribute to improving water quality assessment strategies between Fezile Dabi District Municipality and its adjacent district municipalities. Lastly, an exposition of an ideal organisational structure and methods to optimise effective water quality monitoring between Fezile Dabi District and these municipalities is provided. A way forward is proposed in terms of a structure negotiated and developed at an environmental health workshop held on 28–29 March 2012 in Sasolburg. / Thesis (M. Development and Management (Water Studies))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013
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Developing young thinkers : discovering baseline understandings of effective thinking among children and teachers and intervening to enhance thinking skillsBurke, Lynsey A. January 2007 (has links)
This thesis considers teachers’ and pupils’ conceptions of effective thinking, and analyses how these are developed through an explicit thinking skills intervention. An analysis of children’s concepts of intelligence has shown that, with age, children tend to associate ‘cleverness’ with knowledge acquisition rather than active thinking. Perhaps as a reflection of this it is increasingly popular to teach thinking skills in schools, although how best to support practitioners in this task remains contested. This thesis presents findings from three linked studies conducted to discover pupils’ and practitioners’ understandings of ‘effective thinking’ (which few research studies have attempted) before intervening to explicitly enhance children’s thinking skills. Study 1 was questionnaire-based and investigated teachers’ definitions of effective thinking, their views of thinking skills taught within the curriculum and whether thinking skills are fostered developmentally. 127 questionnaires were returned representing teachers from 36 primary schools in central Scotland. A qualitative analysis of teachers’ concepts indicated that many did not have a clear understanding of ‘effective thinking’. Quantitative data indicated that practitioners believe thinking skills are more frequently integrated into some curricular areas than others and highlighted the lack of a developmental progression of thinking skills being taught throughout primary school. In Study 2, 75 children were interviewed with 25 children from each of the following ages: 5, 7 and 11 years. This study explored the development of children’s definitions of intelligence and effective thinking and the characteristics and causes associated with each. It also produced novel data on how children’s knowledge of thinking skills changes over time. Content analysis revealed age trends in children’s definitions of intelligence, as, with age, children were increasingly likely to hold cognitive views and incorporate knowledge into those definitions. Whilst no age trends were found in children’s concepts of effective thinking, with all three age groups defining it as a cognitive ability, clear developmental trends emerged in children’s understandings of individual thinking skills. The final study (involving 178 primary 7 pupils and their teachers) challenged these concepts through an intervention designed to evaluate the effects of infusing thinking skills throughout the curriculum, and investigated the belief that collaborative learning enhances thinking skills. There were three intervention conditions: collaborative, individual and control. Six thinking skills were focused on, with training sessions and curricular lesson plans devised to support practitioners. The intervention lessons were based on an identified underpinning pedagogy of effective thinking (i.e., making the thinking skill explicit; fostering appropriate thinking dispositions; developing metacognition and encouraging transfer). The intervention evaluation utilised standardised and study-specific pre- and post-tests. Results demonstrated statistically significant gains for the individual and collaborative learning conditions in a range of thinking skills. The greatest increase in performance was seen in the collaborative learning condition. These three studies highlight the importance of gathering baseline data on understandings of effective thinking before intervening to successfully develop awareness of the cognitive processes involved in ‘good thinking’ and enhance children’s thinking skills. The findings from this thesis have significant implications for education; practitioners need clearer guidance on how to teach a coherent developmental progression of thinking skills, and need to be supported when explicitly infusing thinking skills throughout the curriculum.
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Expanding the Rise of Collaborative Consumption : A qualitative study on how to increase the attitude-behavior consistencyEnmark, Emelie, Wånge, Ida January 2016 (has links)
A major transformation within the traditional market exchange has taken place during the last decade. Sustainability concerns and individuals’ attempt to protest against the crazy consumption have giving birth to a new movement, namely collaborative consumption. A new trend is identified where the consumers desire more sustainable types of consumption and a preference of access over ownership. Collaborative consumption is aiming to maximize the utility by a peer-to-peer solution, providing access to a wide range of products and generating environmental, social and economic benefits. Whereas sharing is considered as a universal form of economic human behavior, its implementation within a business context is relatively new, creating a scarcity of existing research. Previous research revealed that consumers possess a positive attitude towards sharing activities, however the adoption of using the services and products available on the market has been slow. Hence, the authors deemed it interesting to investigate the inconsistency regarding attitude and behavior within the concept of collaborative consumption. The preliminary purpose of the study was to contribute with knowledge of how a collaborative consumption firm can increase the attitude-behavior consistency. The authors conducted the study through the perspective of non-users familiar with and positive to the concept in regard to the objective of the research. The study has throughout the process been guided by the research question; “How can a collaborative consumption firm increase the consumers’ attitude-behavior consistency?”. In consideration of existing research mainly been conducted by a usage of quantitative methods, the authors found it relevant to apply qualitative methods in combination with an inductive approach. Hence, the authors hoped to discover additional insights that have been overlooked by previous studies. Additionally, the authors investigated the phenomenon by taking the epistemological position of interpretivism together with the ontological position of constructivism. The authors conducted the study in two partsapplying different methods to examine whether a group setting would impact the individuals’ responses. The study on individual level was based on four unstructured interviews with two representatives from each age group; 20-30 and 30-60. These findings served the purpose of creating a framework for the following study on group level, conducted by two semi-structured focus groups. Whilst the findings from the study revealed that positive attitudes were possessed, stronger conflicting attitudes also existed. The findings further provided evidence that individuals’ attitude and behavior consistency is affected by intrinsic motives or social pressure. Hence, the authors recommend two strategies that could be applied in order to increase the consistency among non-users within collaborative consumption. The firms should enhance the intrinsic motives by emphasizing the desired attributes provided; convenience and the ability to match preferences with purpose and by educating the non-users in order to inspire a reflective thinking. A social pressure could be achieved by highlighting the attributes that are in line with today’s social norms and by encouraging current users to display their participation. These two strategies could be applied to minimize the attitude-behavior gap and transform a non-user into a user.
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Development of a Multiple Vehicle Collaborative Unmanned Aerial SystemMize, Lloyd B., IV 28 July 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to design a multiple UAV system with collaborative operation. This project is built on work that has been done in the field of Unmanned Systems at VCU and is aimed at providing a starting point for research into collaborative control of multiple UAVs. The current GCS software was extended to include multiple vehicles per single controller via a new communication protocol. Many changes were made to the user interface to facilitate controlling multiple vehicles with a single operator. A second processor, called an MCS, was added to each vehicle to allow for greater flexibility and processing power, while maintaining backwards-compatibility and limiting infringement on the real-time processing of the FCS itself. The system was fully simulated via both hardware and software simulators, and ultimately the system was field tested using multiple vehicles collaboratively searching a defined area.
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