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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Collaborative public management : exploring public-social enterprise partnerships in conceptualising innovative models of user involvement in the co-design and co-delivery of public services

Tita, David Ndoh January 2013 (has links)
This study explores partnership working as a mechanism for effective public service delivery. It investigates into how Public-Social Enterprise Partnerships (P-SEPs) can utilise innovative models of user involvement and Service Innovation (SI) in the co-design and co-delivery of user-led socially-oriented services to young adults (18-24) in East England. It identifies the inability of P-SEPs to conceptually explore innovative models of user involvement and SI when engaging young-adult end users in the co-design and co-delivery of user-led solutions to `wicked` issues like `rough sleeping` as a gap in knowledge which I will explore three interrelated research questions in filling. This study draws conceptual inspiration from the network theory, the Pragmatic research paradigm and the inductive-deductive research strategy in exploring the Concurrent Mixed Method underpinned by Likert-scale questionnaires and semi-structure interviews as my data gathering instruments. The emergent conceptual framework from my data analyses posits that high users` perception of their involvement in the co-design and co-delivery of user-led public services can engineer satisfaction, transformational outcomes and high service quality. A fieldtrip provided the conceptual opportunity for me to explore three multiple-case studies in gathering qualitative data through semi-structured interviews administered to staff as these were coded, thematised and analysed using NVivo. Quantitative data from questionnaires administered to end users were analysed using Excel. Evidence gleaned from both strands was integrated and triangulated in complementing and enhancing my research findings. This study challenges misconceptions and dominant ideologies which underpin user involvement while making three interconnected contributions to knowledge. First, it extends the frontiers of knowledge in the discipline by creating new insights and articulating four innovative models of user involvement. Second, at the practical level, it contributes to the ongoing debate on conceptualising, modernising and delivering more effective userengineered public services by informing professional practice and policymaking. And third, at the theoretical level, it contributes towards the development of a theory on user involvement. It thus underlines the factual conclusion that high users` perception of their involvement in the co-design and co-delivery of user-led outcomes can engineer high user satisfaction, high service quality and transformational outcomes. It successfully re-positions the debates on user involvement on new conceptual and empirical grounds.

What Matters Most To Mayors Making Interlocal Agreement Decisions

Haney, Douglas C 01 January 2018 (has links)
Local governmental units in the United States are struggling to cope with dwindling public resources and surging public demands. They often turn to interlocal agreements (ILAs) as a collaborative means by which to more effectively serve their constituents. Unfortunately, many ILAs never materialize or fail prematurely. The purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological study was to explore the experiences of 13 purposefully selected mayors in the State of Indiana to discover what factors they considered important when making their ILA entry and continuation decisions. It utilized a conceptual framework based on the transaction costs theory, as informed by the utility maximization, bounded rationality, social decision scheme, and groupthink theories. Interviews were transcribed, and data were subjected to an inductive analysis using idiographic interpretation to develop themes and to describe the essence of the ILA decision-making process. Key findings included that direct cost savings, a detailed, written agreement, contractual flexibility, an ability to perform, the effect on constituents and the current municipal workforce, and having a trusted, like-minded partner were important ILA entry factors. Furthermore, contractual flexibility, meeting constituent expectations, service effectiveness, relevancy, having a communicative partner, being able to measure an ILA service, and saving money were important ILA continuation factors, but that both service quality and doing the right thing trumped saving money. These findings have implications for positive social change because they can assist local leaders in achieving ILA success, with society benefitting from a commensurate increase in public value and in the more efficient and effective meeting of societal needs.

社會中心途徑之跨部門治理研究:以「洛杉磯河整治計畫」為例 / Society-Centered Approach for the Research of Cross-Sectoral Governance: A Case Study of “Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan(LARRMP)”

陳秋政, Chen, Chiu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
面對所謂棘手議題(wicked issues),本文有別於傳統府際管理及其他解析理論的分析觀點,改以跨部門治理概念探討行政轄區界線模糊,多部門、多組織同時參與標的個案之狀況。同時為處理治理概念定義模糊的問題,爰採文獻分析法將治理概念內涵區分為政府中心、市場中心及社會中心三類,並發現多數跨部門治理議題的研究,偏重應用政府與市場觀點,爰本文主張以社會中心治理途徑針對「洛杉磯河整治計畫」進行分析。簡言之,本文的研究問題包括: 一、過往國、內外跨部門治理議題,採取哪些治理途徑?何謂社會中心治理途徑?以跨部門治理議題之規劃過程為例,其治理原則、治理結構與治理結果應有何具體主張? 二、「洛杉磯河整治計畫」的草案規劃過程,應用哪些制度性安排,藉以產生該計畫之集體規劃成果? 三、在前述參與機制的安排之下,研究個案的集體規劃過程是否在治理實務與理論主張之間出現落差?各部門參與狀況為何?存在哪些爭議問題? 四、「跨部門治理」個案,在集體規劃過程應採用何種治理架構,有助於落實跨部門治理原則,以及提高各部門利害關係人對治理結果的滿意程度。 透過上述研究問題與個案,本研究探討三個部門(sectors)間如何(How)「合作」(collaboration)或如何促進合作,以達成共識的問題;又或者從反面來說,是探討哪些因素影響了跨部門合作,三個部門之間存在哪些衝突。從個案研究出發,則關心個案為何(Why)合作成效不佳或無法合作的問題,同時以提出促進合作、參與的制度性安排(What)為目標。 文獻歸納指出,為促進跨部門治理的成效,應堅持公共性、課責與公共參與作為治理原則。就治理結構而言,必須觀察各部門利害關係人於個案參與機制中落實治理原則的程度,並指出應以合作性公共管理作為促進部門間合作的工具。就治理結果而言,則建議對政策利害關係人進行態度調查,詢問對政策結果的滿意與支持程度,亦即以正當性與承諾作為治理結果的指標。 本研究內文在介紹洛杉磯河整治計畫的推動過程、內容與規劃草案結果後,指出其乃是洛杉磯市府會高度共識下的政策產物,並由議會發動的跨部門治理個案。在個案之規劃過程,執行重心乃是由市政府團隊所主導,安排「社區座談會、諮詢委員會、同儕評論委員會、利害關係人委員會、任務小組會議」等五類官方主辦的參與機制,以期落實公眾參與該政策規劃過程的目的;草案規劃期間,洛杉磯河特別委員會則擔任監督的角色。 研究發現各部門參與者多數認同也支持整治計畫的願景與草案規劃內容。但整體而言,仍發現部分有待改善的重要問題,分別為受訪者對治理原則的落實存在權變的觀念,政府部門以外的參與者代表性仍嫌不足,對於社會弱勢議題缺乏討論與回應,缺乏明確的責任歸屬與課責結構安排,未臻透明的決策議價過程。再者,從治理結果的角度來分析,對草案規劃結果抱持不滿態度者多數來自整治區,對規劃結果未表支持者多為男性、30歲以上、政府部門以外之受訪者、來自整治區、參與時間點較早;特別是針對整治的經濟利益與所需經費來源的估算,表示了高度的質疑。 儘管個案規劃過程仍有前述疑義,但在參與觀察的過程,研究者發現個案所處系絡具有較為成熟的社會條件,對於治理原則的認同程度彰顯了公民社會的成熟,也奠定尋求部門間合作的可能性。就跨部門治理之規劃個案而言,本文建議以樹立治理原則為先,進而逐步將其落實於參與過程及相關機制設計之內,最後則可透過正當性與承諾對集體參與之規劃成效加以評估。在研究調查資料與參與觀察的基礎之上,本文運用John Clayton Thomas所提出之「公共涉入形式矩陣」,將洛杉磯河整治計畫草案之規劃過程定位為「修正的獨立自主管理決策」,意指徒具參與形式的決策類型。依據本研究之個案分析架構,本文為洛杉磯河整治計畫之規劃過程提出十三項建議,於下分述之: 一、就制度性安排而言 (一)規定弱勢團體最低代表制;(二)公布各委員會之委員遴選標準、程序與職權;(三)訂定跨部門治理個案之責任宣言;(四)增辦弱勢團體公共會議;(五)善用既有公、私渠道以彙整利害關係人的建議。 二、就部門參與而言 (一)建立主動的意見回饋系統;(二)提高各類資訊的曝光度;(三)擴大計劃團隊、減小公共會議規模。 三、就提高規劃草案結果的「正當性」而言 (一)進行部門間的規劃溝通會議;(二)進行二度訪視/會談計畫;(三)避免由上而下的事前提議。 四、就提高利害關係人對草案結果的「承諾」而言 (一)進行施政成效行銷;(二)縮小計畫範圍,推動先導型計畫為先。 總結研究「洛杉磯河整治計畫」所獲得之啟示,在研究層面確認政府機關在跨部門治理議題中,其扮演的角色不因營利及非營利部門的涉入而被取代,反倒是承擔關鍵整合者的角色,應以合作促進政策議題得以被妥善解決。對本土的啟示而言,社會條件的成熟程度乃是推動跨部門治理的重要因素,無論是公民資格的養成或公民社會的建立,都將有利政策參與環境的鞏固。對土本同質個案的啟示而言,以台北市政府目前積極推動的「活化淡水河系」政策為例,其政策倡議的源頭與洛杉磯河整治計畫絕然不同,規劃、整合、執行及監督的分工亦尚未明朗,民間力量的參與渠道亦尚未建立。質言之,若以洛杉磯河整治計畫草案的規劃經驗為鑑,要避免陷落於「獨立自主決策」類型,建議除了持續健全社會條件之外,在參與機制的安排上,應妥善顧及公共性、課責及公共參與等治理原則,以社會中心治理途徑平衡過渡傾向政府主導、市場取向的規劃觀點。

Examining the representativeness of Georgia's state water plan

Marshall, Amanda Christine 18 November 2010 (has links)
This thesis provides an analysis of the Georgia statewide regional water planning process; a system deemed to be operating in the adaptive management framework. The principal focus of this analysis is to detail a novel paradigm capable of dynamic response to changing resource demands which stems from adaptive management principles and ensures representativeness. The paradigm extends directly from application of the theories of bounded rationality and adaptive management. Development of the framework is accomplished through application of theory and correlated empirical analysis. Extreme drought conditions signal a punctuated-equilibrium effecting statewide water resource management which in turn drives the issuance of an executive-level directive to prioritize and effectively manage critical state water resources. This study evolves directly from analysis of the current effort to establish unified regional water plans which address rapid population growth, and escalating water resource conflicts with Alabama and Florida while satisfying priorities established within the executive directive. Fundamental to this analysis is the survey of currently seated regional water planning council members. The essential function of the survey is to provide a qualitative assessment of the perceptions of appointed council members. These perceptions influence water management techniques prescribed by the final policy. While this is a fuzzy correlation, a primary function of this analysis is to quantify the strength of correlation between perceptions and developed policy. This survey details appointed council member attitudes and attributes and affords analysis of future decision making outcomes. The method prescribed herein unifies multi-level decision making processes under a dynamic adaptive management paradigm, and is intended to link the regional water planning processes with continuous annual assessment in order to achieve the pluralistic benefits of adaptive management decision making.

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