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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structure, dynamics and the role of particle size in bicontinuous Pickering emulsions

Reeves, Matthew January 2016 (has links)
Bicontinuous Pickering emulsions (or bijels) are a relatively new class of novel soft material with many potential industrial applications, including microfluidics, tissue engineering and catalysis. They are typically formed by initiating the spinodal decomposition of a binary liquid mixture in the presence of neutrally-wetting colloidal particles. The particles attach at the liquid-liquid interface and arrest the phase separation by jamming when the concentration of particles approaches the 2D close-packing limit. Predicted by simulations in 2005 and realized in the laboratory in 2007, many aspects of the bijels complex behaviour and properties have remained unexplored. This thesis expands the knowledge of the bijels structural and dynamical properties, while focusing specifically on the role of particle size. The bijels porosity (average interfacial separation L) according to simulations can be controlled by varying the size r and volume fraction ϕ of particles in the system (L ∝ r/ϕ). The inverse scaling of L with ϕ has been verified for one size of particle, but to access smaller values of L (to allow the structure to be used for a wider range of industrial applications) the scaling with r must be tested. Chapter 3 presents the first systematic study of reducing particle size in bijels made with the liquid pair water/lutidine (W/L).We find that a five-fold reduction in r only requires moderate modification to preparation methods (concentrations of reactants during particle synthesis and increased particle sonication time) and in principle allows L values of between 1 & 10 μm to be accessed in the W/L system, where previously 10 μm was the limit. We demonstrate that this reduced lower bound of L can be translated into a lower bound for polymerized bijels also. Unfortunately, reducing particle size even further (in the same way) reveals a law of diminishing returns, as the uptake fraction of particles to the interface also reduces as we reduce particle size. Hence, to reduce lengthscale even further, a new bijel fabrication paradigm is required. Unexpectedly, we find that the temperature quench rate becomes less important for smaller particles (which constitutes a direct material synthesis advantage) and develop a new theoretical framework to take account of this observation. Large particles promote domain pinch-off during the coarsening (due to a larger driving force towards spontaneous curvature) resulting in bijel failure when slow rates are used because the time required to jam is greater than the time required for depercolation. To further probe the bijels structure as a function of particle size and quench rate, and to account for the success/failure scenarios which seem not to depend on L, in Chapter 4 we quantitatively characterize the morphology by measuring distributions of interfacial curvatures. By computing area-averaged quantities to make valid comparisons, we find that smaller particles and faster quench rates produce bijels with greater hyperbolic `open' character, aligning with our understanding of bijel formation gained from Chapter 3. We compare to simulated bijel data and an estimate of the hyperbolicity of the bare liquids undergoing spinodal decomposition, validating the results. In addition, we uncover a time-dependent `mutation' of the curvature distributions when large particles are used, but not when smaller particles or a different liquid pair is used. The mutation appears to correlate with the propensity of the interfacial particles to form a 'monogel', whereby the interfacial particles develop permanent bonds and remain as a 3D percolating network after the interface is removed, although the precise mechanism of the mutation is still to be verified. Following the results from Chapters 3 & 4 it is clear that there are potentially microscopic phenomena in the bijel which result in macroscopic aging and/or a determination of macroscopic structural properties. To investigate further, we use diffusing-wave spectroscopy (a form of light scattering) to probe the microscopic dynamics of the interfacial particles and/or the particle-laden liquid-liquid (L-L) interface. We find that bijel dynamics show two-step (fast/slow) decay behaviour, with the dynamics slowing as the system ages. The two-step decay is very similar to that observed in colloidal gels formed by diffusion-limited cluster aggregation (DLCA), with the initial (fast) decay due to thermally-activated modes of the gel network, and the later (slow) decay due to the relaxation of internal stresses induced by gel syneresis. For a bijel, the internal stresses could be due to syneresis, but could also be due to the jamming transition and/or the monogelation process and/or the forces acting on the L-L interface by the particle layer. In terms of the aging, if the system does not form a monogel, the correlation functions can be (almost) rescaled on to a master curve, indicating the property of universal aging. If the system does monogel, the functions cannot be superimposed, implicating the monogelation process as a potential cause for a different kind of aging in this system. Due to the interesting differences found when changing the size of the stabilizing particles in a bijel, in Chapter 6 we combine large and small particles (making `bimodal' bijels) and look for evidence of particle segregation by size, quantitatively estimate the ratio of particle uptake fractions and measure kinetics. Larger particles are found to adsorb to the interface in twice the quantity as smaller particles, and we find evidence to suggest the preference of larger particles for interfaces curved in only one direction, corroborating results from previous Chapters. Bimodal bijels take longer to jam than an equivalent monomodal (standard) bijel, which is backed up by simulations and highlights the increased ability of the bimodal particles to reorganise at the interface before arriving at the jammed metastable state. Finally, we also observe that the lengthscale of a bimodal bijel can heavily depend on the quench rate used during the preparation, suggesting that quench rate could be used (as well as particle size, volume fraction and contact angle) as a lengthscale control parameter. This thesis adds to the bijel literature, building on previous experimental studies and verifying/contradicting simulations. Particle size is shown to be a pivotal parameter for bijel formation in the W/L system, with particles of size r = 63 nm proving more versatile (markedly less sensitive to quench rate) than particles of size r ≈ 300 nm. However, even-smaller particles (of the same type) do not provide any additional advantage. We also show how the particle size can not only control bijel porosity (according to L ∝ r/ϕ as predicted by simulations) but can control bijel topology (smaller particles result in structures with greater hyperbolic character). By monitoring the bijel structure over time (topology and dynamics) we have shown that the bijel (in some cases) continues to age for at least c. 1 hr (topology) and in all cases c. 1 day (dynamics). For the first time experimentally, we have used a bimodal dispersion of particles to stabilize a W/L bijel and have uncovered a potentially useful new way to produce samples with different porosities from the same starting mixture, by changing the quench rate. The knowledge of the interplay between particle size and quench rate along with the effect on bijel topology will both assist in the scaling up of processes for industrial-level production and inform future strategies for tailoring the structure for specific applications. Future research should focus on several remaining open questions. The volume fraction of r = 63 nm particles in the W/L system should be increased towards 10% and sonication procedures improved to allow good redispersion to test the lower bound of L, which we expect to be around 1 μm. Also, a new W/L fabrication paradigm should be devised which uses sterically-stabilized particles, to continue the reduction of r towards the value used in simulations (5 nm) in order to test the fundamental physics of bijel formation, specifically what value of interfacial attachment energy is needed for long-term stability. Bijel dynamics can be further probed by using a technique which allows a variation in the probe lengthscale (e.g. / differential dynamic microscopy, DDM), as well as developing a better theoretical model for (multiple) light scattering in a bijel system to arrive at the mechanisms responsible for the anomalous aging, and compare to the predictions of monogelation. Finally, higher magnification/resolution microscopy should be used to look for particle segregation on the liquid-liquid interface (as seen in simulations) and to identify in real-space the locations of the changes in Gaussian curvature over time as measured in Chapter 4.

Transport of explosive residue surrogates in saturated porous media

Lavoie, Bethsheba 01 December 2010 (has links)
Contamination of soils by munitions constituents is pervasive on Department of Defense operational ranges. Low-order detonations result in the heterogeneous distribution of explosives residues (ER) at shallow depths. At a limited number of ranges ER contamination of groundwater has been observed. Previous studies have shown that the downward migration of colloid-sized contaminants can significantly impact groundwater quality. The goal of this study was to investigate if colloid transport plays a role in the migration of ER contaminants. Our primary objective was to determine the transport potential of fine (<5>um) ER particles under ideal conditions for colloid transport. A secondary objective was to develop a direct detection method for the identification and quantitative analysis of particulate ER. A series of saturated transport experiments were conducted in columns (2x20 cm) packed with clean sand. 2,6- Dinitrotoluene was used as a surrogate for explosives chemicals. Experiments were conducted with both particulate and dissolved-phase DNT. Bromide and microspheres tracers were also used to characterize nonreactive transport. Particulate tracers were applied to the columns, either suspended in the influent solution, or directly to the top layer of sand, in order to more realistically replicate field conditions. Experimental results indicate that DNT movement through the columns occurred as a combination of solid and dissolved phase transport. Concentration differences between unfiltered and filtered samples indicate that particulate DNT accounted up to 30% of the total mass recovered in the effluent.

A Model for Nonlinear Electrokinetics in Electric Field Guided Assembly of Colloids

Steuber, James G. 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Electric field guided assembly of colloids is a new area of research in colloidal science where sub-micrometer particles, or colloids, are assembled using patterned electrodes. The design of these devices is often limited by an inability to characterize accurately forces and fluxes with linearized electrokinetic theory. The research presented in this dissertation describes an application of the finite element method to the nonlinear electrokinetic equations. The finite element model thus developed is then used to describe the nonlinear electrophoretic mobility of a dilute colloidal dispersion, investigate hydrodynamic and electric particle-particle interactions, and characterize particle-surface interactions. The effect of Stern layer conduction on the electrophoretic mobility and dielectric response is included using the generalized dynamic Stern layer model. The electrokinetic force is calculated using the Maxwell stress tensor method rather than the effective dipole method as it is more consistent with nonlinear electrokinetic theory. Significant results of this dissertation demonstrate the effect of nonlinear electrokinetic phenomena and extend the present electrokinetic theory. The calculation of nonlinear electrophoretic mobility of a dilute colloidal dispersion, which is valid for arbitrary particle surface charge or zeta potential, applied (AC) electric field strength, and applied AC electric field frequency. Also, the adsorption isotherm used by the generalized dynamic Stern layer theory is extended to include non-equilibrium reaction kinetics. This results in a model for Stern layer conduction which is valid for frequencies above 1 MHz. The utilization of the Maxwell stress tensor method results in a finite element model which is valid for arbitrary electric field strength and includes the effects of traveling-wave dielectrophoresis a nonlinear electrokinetic phenomena resulting from non-uniform electric field phase.

Role of Acidity in Mobilizing Colloidal Particulate Matter From Natural Sand Grain Surface

Hammons, Jessica Lynn 2011 December 1900 (has links)
Mobilization of colloidal particulate matter (most important, clay particles) from a soil matrix in the subsurface environment is an important environmental process. As many contaminants tend to adsorb onto various colloidal mineral particles, co-transport of contaminants in association with mobilized particles could contribute significantly to the migration of these contaminants in the environment. Numerous studies have observed the effects of pH on colloid mobilization but have overlooked the possible direct role of acidity. This study looked at the role of acidity with H⁺ as a chemical agent. Through cyclic elution of a natural sand column with a weak acid and base solution, there was an increase in mobilized clay colloids. It was found that low concentrations of organic acids could assist in detaching surface clays through lysing of labile Ca²⁺ and Mg²⁺ ions. The H⁺ ions sever the chemical bonds between the grain surface and the colloidal surface by being substituted for the interstitial Ca and Mg ions. This substitution has been found to release over 1 kg of surface clay per 1 mole of H⁺ consumed. It was postulated that pH oscillation addition to proton dynamics could play a major role in subsurface colloid transport. The results from this study could help improve predicting of subsurface contaminant fronts and aid in managing contaminant transport in the soil water environments.

The application of eccentric rotating cylinder apparatus for the improved study of particle coagulation

Lee, Chun Woo 15 November 2004 (has links)
Concentric rotating cylinder and turbulent mixing devices have been frequently used in studying mixing and particle coagulation. However, these apparatus develop simple laminar flow (concentric rotating cylinders) or do not have well-defined flow (turbulent mixing devices). In this work, the eccentric rotating cylinder apparatus was investigated to find applicability for the improved study of coagulation based on the modified analytical solution of Ballal and Rivlin. Various eccentricity ratios, rotation speeds and viscosities were simulated to obtain optimum operating conditions. Inertial forces working on the fluid increased as the eccentricity ratio and rotation speed increase. As inertial forces increase, the eddy developed in wide clearance was more skewed in the direction of rotation. Both root-mean-square velocity gradient and average principal strain-rate, were increased by increasing eccentricity ratio. avaerage principal strain-rate were linearly increased as rotation speed increases, which suggested that average prinipal strain-rate can properly represent mixing intensity. Comparison of average principal strain-rate and RMS velocity gradient revealed that RMS velocity gradient overestimated mixing intensity and its error increased as eccentricity ratio increases. This study showed that the eccentric rotating cylinder apparatus has a non-uniform velocity distribution with well-defined fluid dynamics. Therefore, the eccentric rotating cylinder apparatus can be applicable as a model flocculator. However, in order to achieve reliable model predictability, the fluid Reynolds number must be below 200.

Dynamics of hard and soft colloids in confined geometries and on structured surfaces

Yarlagadda, Sri Charan 21 September 2015 (has links)
We investigated the depletion interactions of colloids and hindrance behavior of hard and soft colloidal particles near neighboring walls. We first used numerical modeling to compute depletion interaction strengths for simple geometries which eventually guided our experiments to make interactions highly selective. The model helped us in identifying the important parameters to finetune these interactions and shed light on geometric design rules to optimize desirable shape-selective interactions on a variety of complex geometries. We further reported experimental studies that highlight the differences in the dynamics of hard and soft colloids under confinement using video microscopy and particle tracking. It was found that both soft sphere systems that we investigated (swollen polymer particles, core/shell microgels) behave differently from hard sphere systems under all degrees of confinement that were measured. Our findings suggest that soft sphere systems have lesser hindrance compared to hard sphere counterparts and the hindrance varies as a function of softness. In order to understand the soft sphere confinement dynamics more clearly, implications for future research are discussed.

Silica Colloidal Crystals as Porous Substrates for Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy

Bethea, Tomika R. C. January 2006 (has links)
In cell biology and chemistry, total internal reflection microscopy (TIRFM) has proven to be a useful technique that allows the probing of cellular processes with high-signal-to-noise ratio imaging. However, samples on solid substrates limit the accessibility to probe processes on extracellular membrane surface closest to the microscope objective. Colloidal crystals provide a porous alternative to the traditional solid substrates. Thin crystals exhibit optical properties similar to that of a fused silica coverslip allowing for TIRFM in the same manner as with a typical coverslip as demonstrated by the observance of Chinese hamster ovary cells with fluorescently labeled receptors on both types of substrates. Accessibility of the cell membrane closest to the substrate and the ability to probe fluorophore orientation information was observed by the binding of TIPP-cy5 to the human delta opioid receptor.

Deposition of Bacteria from Sessile Drops

Baughman, Kyle January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation reports on the discovery of a new method of patterning bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1) on a surface using a drying sessile drop. This work identifies bacterial suspension age and the length of time mica is exposed to the laboratory atmosphere as the key parameters which impact the behavior of the sessile drop and the resulting residue. Possible origins of mica aging and bacterial suspension aging are discussed in light of the literature and the experimental conditions. The residue area and the fraction of the residue area on which substantial bacteria and salt deposits remained after the drying of the drop (fill-in fraction) were measured via analysis of optical micrographs. In general, smaller residues are more filled in. For fresh bacterial suspensions, and short mica exposure times, the residue covers the largest area and is characterized by rings formed during discrete depinning events as the solvent evaporates. As the exposure time increases and the mica surface slowly picks up contaminants from the atmosphere, the drop residue shrinks in size and bacteria are deposited in a regular cellular film in the interior of the drop residue. The fraction of the interior area covered by the cellular film is well correlated with the mica exposure time. For sufficiently aged bacterial suspensions, residues are small and more filled-in than residues formed from fresh suspensions on similarly aged mica. In addition, the interior deposition pattern transitions from a cellular film characteristic of fresh suspensions to a cracked carpet pattern for aged suspensions. Suspension aging related changes in the residues are attributed to accumulation of organic materials such as DNA, RNA, proteins, and other bacterial components in the suspension. The suspension aging process is also observed to be at least partially dependent on ventilation of the suspension during aging.

Aggregation and sedimentation of fine solids in non-aqueous media

Fotovati, Maryam Unknown Date
No description available.

Aggregation and sedimentation of fine solids in non-aqueous media

Fotovati, Maryam 06 1900 (has links)
A major challenge to any “solvent-based” bitumen extraction technology is the removal of suspended fine solids from the hydrocarbon medium (i.e. diluted bitumen). To address this problem, we examined how colloidal solids could be made to aggregate in a hydrocarbon medium and thus be separated by gravity settling. The model solids were micron-sized “bitumen-treated” silica particles; the oil phase was bitumen diluted in an organic solvent of variable aromatic content. On the macroscopic scale, the experiments involved quantifying the settling rates of the particles as the aromatic content of the solvent was varied. Our results showed the existence of an optimal (non-zero) aromatic content at which the solids settling rate was the highest. On the microscopic scale, adhesive forces between individual glass spheres were directly measured using the microcantilever technique (again in non-aqueous media). It was demonstrated that, in addition to being captured by asphaltene networks, the suspended solids could also homo-flocculate — and thus form aggregates and be separated — in an alkane-diluted bitumen environment. / Chemical Engineering

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