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Pragmatické ukazatele ve španělštině, typy a frekvence / Pragmatic Markers in Spanish, Types and FrequencyTLÁŠKOVÁ, Iva January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to examine which types of pragmatic markers are represented in coloquial Spanish and establish the frequency they occur wiht in native and nonnative speakers. Further, a systematical description of ten most frequent markers in native and nonnative speakers is included and examples of their use based on the transcription are shown. The author bases her work mainly on linguistic studies focused on pragmatic markers and coloquial Spanish ? on the studies of José Portolés Lázaro and María Antonia Martín Zorraquino and Antonio Briz in particular. The author emanates from Lázaro and Zorraquino?s classification, characterists and use of pragmatic markers. The practical part focuses on the differences in use of pragmatic markers between native and nonnative speakers and examines the frequency and representation of particular types of markers in coloquial Spanish.
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Categorización sociopragmática de la cortesía y de la descortesía : Un estudio de la conversación coloquial española / A sociopragmatic categorization of politeness and impoliteness : A study of Spanish colloquial conversationsBernal Linnersand, María January 2007 (has links)
<p>The main purpose of this study is to establish a socio-pragmatic categorization of politeness and impoliteness activities in informal interactions. In doing this, we describe the communicative strategies related to (im) politeness phenomena and how they are used to produce certain <i>social effects</i> in face-to-face interaction through the ongoing negotiation of participants’ <i>face </i>(Goffman, 1967). This study is based on informal conversations extracted from a <i>corpus </i>of spoken Spanish gathered in the metropolitan area of Valencia, Spain (Briz and Val.Es.Co. Group, 2002). Focusing on methodology, this study combines a qualitative method inspired in CA with a DA interpretative approach that analyzes communicative acts (Allwood 1995; Bravo, e. p.1). <i>Face</i> contents such as <i>autonomy </i>and<i> affiliative face, role face, group</i> and <i>individual face, </i>are a resource for analyzing what happens during interaction along with the resulting interpersonal effects. The integration of the analysis of context, which includes the co-text, the situational context and the socio-cultural context (cultural settings and shared assumptions), is equally important in this study. The empirical analysis of both the conversations and a questionnaire on impoliteness bring us to propose a series of categories of (im) politeness. The categories are as follow: Strategic Politeness (within this category we find <i>attenuating politeness </i>and<i> reparatory politeness</i>), Enhancing Politeness, Group Politeness, Ritual Politeness (here we differentiate between meeting situations and visit situations) and Discursive Politeness (we divide this category into <i>conventional </i>and <i>thematic</i>). Concerning Impoliteness, we find situations in informal conversation in which impoliteness is expected (<i>normative impoliteness</i>) and when threatening acts (reproaches, criticism, etc.) do not imply directly, <i>per se</i>, a negative personal effect. We next find two types of impoliteness: one produced by threats to the <i>face </i>of the speaker which are neither mitigated nor amended and the other caused by a break from the normal rules of politeness. </p>
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Categorización sociopragmática de la cortesía y de la descortesía : Un estudio de la conversación coloquial española / A sociopragmatic categorization of politeness and impoliteness : A study of Spanish colloquial conversationsBernal Linnersand, María January 2007 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to establish a socio-pragmatic categorization of politeness and impoliteness activities in informal interactions. In doing this, we describe the communicative strategies related to (im) politeness phenomena and how they are used to produce certain social effects in face-to-face interaction through the ongoing negotiation of participants’ face (Goffman, 1967). This study is based on informal conversations extracted from a corpus of spoken Spanish gathered in the metropolitan area of Valencia, Spain (Briz and Val.Es.Co. Group, 2002). Focusing on methodology, this study combines a qualitative method inspired in CA with a DA interpretative approach that analyzes communicative acts (Allwood 1995; Bravo, e. p.1). Face contents such as autonomy and affiliative face, role face, group and individual face, are a resource for analyzing what happens during interaction along with the resulting interpersonal effects. The integration of the analysis of context, which includes the co-text, the situational context and the socio-cultural context (cultural settings and shared assumptions), is equally important in this study. The empirical analysis of both the conversations and a questionnaire on impoliteness bring us to propose a series of categories of (im) politeness. The categories are as follow: Strategic Politeness (within this category we find attenuating politeness and reparatory politeness), Enhancing Politeness, Group Politeness, Ritual Politeness (here we differentiate between meeting situations and visit situations) and Discursive Politeness (we divide this category into conventional and thematic). Concerning Impoliteness, we find situations in informal conversation in which impoliteness is expected (normative impoliteness) and when threatening acts (reproaches, criticism, etc.) do not imply directly, per se, a negative personal effect. We next find two types of impoliteness: one produced by threats to the face of the speaker which are neither mitigated nor amended and the other caused by a break from the normal rules of politeness.
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La competencia sociopragmática en aprendices suecos de español como lengua extranjera: el caso de la Descortesía No Auténtica / The sociopragmatic competence in Swedish learners of Spanish as a foreign language: the case of Non-Genuine ImpolitenessToledano Fernández, Alba María January 2013 (has links)
La presente investigación se establece en el ámbito de la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera e integra el estudio de ciertos fenómenos abordados por la teoría de la cortesía. Se trata de un estudio de carácter investigativo cuyo propósito es determinar el nivel de competencia sociopragmática que demuestra un grupo experimental de hablantes de sueco L1 y español LE respecto a la Descortesía No Auténtica, en adelante DNA (Bernal, 2007). En este tipo de cortesía que implica dirigir insultos y/o términos con carga actitudinal convencionalmente negativa hacia el interlocutor, los factores contextuales intervienen haciendo que estos adquieran un fin afiliativo. Para ejemplificar este tipo de cortesía recurrimos al uso de materiales auténticos de tipo audiovisual, concretamente a seis secuencias extraídas de la serie de televisión española Los hombres de Paco, sobre las que nuestro grupo experimental nos mostrará sus percepciones por medio de una encuesta. Partimos de la hipótesis de que los informantes suecos, al no compartir los conocimientos propios de la comunidad española y aprender la lengua en un contexto formal (en el aula), no serán capaces de comprender en su totalidad el uso de esta DNA. En nuestro trabajo nos basamos en una metodología propia de la pragmática sociocultural (Bravo, 2009), lo que requiere la participación de un grupo de consultación de origen español con dos objetivos principales: que sus aportaciones confirmen el análisis introspectivo realizado por la investigadora y que ambos conjuntos de resultados sirvan de base para analizar las respuestas que ofrece el grupo experimental. Un análisis cualitativo de todas las respuestas proporcionadas nos permite concluir que el grupo sueco, si bien posee un nivel de competencia sociopragmática desarrollado respecto a la comprensión de la DNA, este es limitado a la hora de ponerla en práctica, por lo que su nivel sociopragmático no es totalmente equiparable al de los nativos de español. / The present research belongs to the field of Teaching Spanish as a foreign language and deals with the study of certain phenomena pertaining to the theory of politeness. This investigative study intends to determine the level of sociopragmatic competence demonstrated by an experimental group composed by Swedish native speakers who are also Spanish non-native speakers, regarding Non-Genuine Impoliteness (Bernal, 2007). In this type of politeness which involves to address towards the interlocutor insults and/or expressions that conventionally express a negative attitude, contextual factors take part making they get an affiliative aim. To illustrate with examples this type of politeness we recur to the use of authentic audiovisual materials, specifically to six sequences extracted from the Spanish TV series Los hombres de Paco. By means of a survey, our experimental group of students will demonstrate their perceptions of the sequences. We hypothesize that, as that our Swedish experimental group does not share the same knowledge of the Spanish-speech community and as they learn this foreign language in a formal environment (the classroom), they will not be able to understand the use of this NGI in its entirety. We base our investigation in a methodology directly pertaining to sociocultural pragmatics (Bravo, 2009), which requires the participation of a further Spanish consultative group of participants, with two main objectives in mind: that their contributions confirm the introspective analysis made by the researcher and that both sets of results serve as a basis for the analysis of the answers given by our student experimental group. A qualitative analysis of all the answers provided enables us to conclude that the Swedish group, although they possess a developed level of sociopragmatic competence regarding the understanding of the NGI, is still limited when it comes to putting it into practice, as their sociopragmatic level of competence is not entirely comparable to that of native Spanish speakers.
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Expression de l’affectivité dans l’espagnol du Chili : étude linguistique de quatre phénomènes prégnants / The expression of affectivity in Chile's spanish language : linguistic study of four significant phenomenaMoreno Nilo, Juan Luis 26 February 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre général de la linguistique descriptive et s’intéresse à l’espagnol familier d’usage au Chili, à travers les affects exprimés par les locuteurs chiliens. Notre hypothèse consiste dans le fait que l’espagnol du Chili est défini sur la base des affects, et que l’expression de ceux-ci, au niveau linguistique, est observable dans les phénomènes les plus divers, pouvant aller d’un simple morphème à une structure syntagmatique complexe. Afin de concevoir l’expression linguistique des affects d’un point de vue plus large, cette recherche vise l’étude de quatre phénomènes clairement différenciés : le suffixe –it dans le cadre de la communauté linguistique chilienne, la « paronomase orientée », le défigement phraséologique dans le domaine des locutions verbales et adverbiales et la particule illocutoire poh. Notre méthodologie consiste en l’extraction d’un nombre d’exemples conséquents pour illustrer les phénomènes choisis à partir de 103 numéros du journal chilien La Cuarta de 2010 et 2011. Parallèlement nous considérons un nombre significatif d’exemples issus de l’enregistrement de conversations menées auprès de 58 locuteurs chiliens pendant 9 heures 11 minutes et 33 secondes.Les quatre phénomènes de langue visés ont été étudiés sous le concept d’affectivité proposé par Bally (1965 [1913]), qui distingue les principes d’intensité et de valeur (1951 [1909]).L’étude de l’affectivité du suffixe –it dans le contexte chilien a révélé que l’affectivité est une propriété qui opère sur deux dimensions. Elle est, d’un côté, intrinsèque à un signe linguistique – base lexicale, suffixe –it et tout autre élément linguistique convergeant dans le discours – et, d’un autre côté, extrinsèque, car relatée à des éléments culturels ou idéologiques, et plus généralement à tout ce qui est extralinguistique. Dans les deux dimensions, l’affectivité du locuteur fonctionne comme élément de fusion et donne son vrai sens au signe linguistique. Concernant la « paronomase orientée » (terme que nous avons proposé), nous avons constaté que l’affectivité constitue la caractéristique principale de ce type de paronomase, et que son usage repose notamment sur la figure de la plaisanterie, cela étant dû à des caractéristiques communes qui se sont révélées être : la fonction ludique, l’intentionnalité comique et l’effet de surprise.La paronomase orientée, qui s’investit sur les plans phonétique, morphologique, lexical et sémantique, constitue pour nous une opération linguistique dérivative, où deux lexies simples ou complexes, qui se substituent l’une à l’autre au sein d’un énoncé, partagent des propriétés phonétiques, alors que leur contenu sémantique diverge.En liaison avec le défigement des locutions verbales et adverbiales, il s’avère que le défigement phraséologique est une activité linguistique naturelle faisant appel à la relation figurative constante entre les mots, qui permet de créer d’autres manières d’exprimer et d’actualiser les usages de termes déjà existants.L’évolution des phrases figées passe par un processus de transformation souhaité par les locuteurs au détriment des normes phraséologiques ou syntaxiques données. Cependant, l’intérêt de la création néologique intervient quand le locuteur a la possibilité de créer et de recréer des structures linguistiques nouvelles.Quant à la particule illocutoire poh, particule notamment orale qui provient du connecteur pues (Oroz : 1966), nous avons réussi à montrer que poh aide à la progression de la communication, favorisant la cohérence et la cohésion entre l'énoncé et le texte. De plus, par le truchement de poh, un accord consensuel entre le locuteur et l’interlocuteur s’établit et, à partir de cet accord, des fonctions pragmatico-affectives nouvelles surgissent. / This thesis fits into the general framework of descriptive linguistics. The thesis focuses on the colloquial Spanish used in Chile, through the affects expressed by the Chilean speakers.Our hypothesis is that Chilean Spanish is defined on the basis of affects, and linguistically, the expression of these affects is observed in various phenomena, from a simple morpheme to a complex phrase structure.In order to consider the linguistic expression of affects from a broader perspective, this research aims to study four clearly differentiated phenomena: the –it suffix as it is used within the Chilean linguistic community, the oriented paronomasia, phraseological deautomatization of verbal and adverbial phrases, and the illocutionary particle poh.Our methodology involves the removal of a number of consistent examples to illustrate the phenomena chosen from 103 copies of the Chilean newspaper La Cuarta (examples collected between 2010 and 2011). Similarly, we have extracted a selection of examples of recordings of conversations conducted with 58 Chilean speakers.The four linguistic phenomena focused upon have been studied from the concept of affectivity proposed by Bally (1965 [1913]), who distinguishes the principles of intensity and value (1951 [1909]).The study of the affectivity of the –it suffix in the Chilean context, has revealed that the affectivity is a property that operates in two dimensions. It is, firstly, intrinsic to a linguistic sign - lexical base, –it suffix and other convergent linguistic elements in the speech - and on the other hand, extrinsic, as it refers to cultural or ideological elements. In other words, everything that is extralinguistic. With respect to the "oriented paronomasia" (a term we put forward), we found that affectivity is the main feature of this type of paronomasia and that their use is essentially based on the form of the joke, this is due to the common characteristics that we found: the recreational function, the comic intent and surprise.The oriented paronomasia, which participates in the phonetic, morphological, lexical and semantic levels, constitutes for us a linguistic derivative transaction in which two simple or complex lexemes that are replaced by one another inside a sentence, share phonetic properties, even though the semantic content of these diverges.Concerning the deautomatization of verbal and adverbial phrases, it is revealed that the manipulation phraseology is a natural linguistic activity that appeals to the constant figurative relationship between the words, allowing one to create other ways in which to express and update the use of terms already in existence.The evolution of fixed phrases undergoes a process of transformation desired by speakers to the detriment of given phraseological or syntactic rules. However, the interest of neological creation intervenes when the speaker is able to create and recreate new linguistic structures.Regarding the illocutory particle poh, it is a linguistic particle, primarily oral, that derives from the connector 'pues' (Oroz, 1966), whose original form has been absorbed by phonetic attrition. We have managed to demonstrate that poh helps the progression of communication, favouring the coherence and cohesion between the statement and the text. Also, through the use of poh, a consensual agreement is established between the speakers and, from this agreement, arise pragmatic-affective functions.
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