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A commercial redevelopment for Staunton, VirginiaBosserman, Donald Lee January 1958 (has links)
It is the intent of this thesis to compare the most common problems being faced by today's American cities with those of Staunton. By applying the principles of good planning and common logic, an abbreviated plan for relieving the problems of the commercial district will be evolved. The plan is further intended to incite the leaders and citizens of Staunton to launch an urban renewal project that will serve as a guide to intelligent and continuous planning. / Master of Science
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Diffusion of Energy Efficient Technology in Commercial Buildings: An Analysis of the Commercial Building Partnerships ProgramAntonopoulos, Chrissi Argyro 26 November 2013 (has links)
This study presents findings from survey and interview data investigating replication of green building measures by Commercial Building Partnership (CBP) partners that worked directly with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). PNNL partnered directly with 12 organizations on new and retrofit construction projects, which represented approximately 28 percent of the entire U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CBP program. Through a feedback survey mechanism, along with personal interviews, quantitative and qualitative data were gathered relating to replication efforts by each organization. These data were analyzed to provide insight into two primary research areas: 1) CBP partners' replication efforts of green building approaches used in the CBP project to the rest of the organization's building portfolio, and, 2) the market potential for technology diffusion into the total U.S. commercial building stock, as a direct result of the CBP program. The first area of this research focused specifically on replication efforts underway or planned by each CBP program participant. The second area of this research develops a diffusion of innovations model to analyze potential broad market impacts of the CBP program on the commercial building industry in the United States.
Findings from this study provided insight into motivations and objectives CBP partners had for program participation. Factors that impact replication include motivation, organizational structure and objectives firms have for implementation of energy efficient technologies. Comparing these factors between different CBP partners revealed patterns in motivation for constructing energy efficient buildings, along with better insight into market trends for green building practices. The optimized approach to the CBP program allows partners to develop green building parameters that fit the specific uses of their building, resulting in greater motivation for replication. In addition, the diffusion model developed for this analysis indicates that this method of market prediction may be used to adequately capture cumulative construction metrics for a whole-building analysis as opposed to individual energy efficiency measures used in green building.
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A review of Hong Kong approach to retail floor space calculationCheung, Wing., 張嶸. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning
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Biofouling treatment of seawater cooling systems in Hong KongWong, Yiu-ming, 黃耀明 January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Environmental Management / Master / Master of Science in Environmental Management
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Уговор о закупу пословних зграда и просторија / Ugovor o zakupu poslovnih zgrada i prostorija / Lease Contract of Commercial Buildings and PremisesPušac Jovana 25 January 2017 (has links)
<p>Савремено друштво почива на принципима тржишне економије коју, у правилу, прати убрзан процес производње и промета, те јачање економске самосталности привредних субјеката. Отуда је и разумљива потреба ових субјеката да своје привредне циљеве остварују на што ефикаснији и економичнији начин. Један од њих је и прибављање употребне вредности одређеног добра путем закупа, при чему се, као најраспрострањенији правно - економски облик закупа, јавља закуп пословних зграда и просторија. Овај облигациони однос одликује низ специфичних елемената што га, спрам закупа у општем смислу, чини односом дифферентиа специфица. Управо та посебна обележја уговора о закупу пословних зграда и просторија, посматрана кроз етапе његовог рађања, стварања права и обавеза његових учесника и, најзад, специфицитет његовог гашења, чине окосницу овог истраживања.<br />Истраживање обухвата седам тематских целина, при чему резултати упоредноправне анализе овог института у евроконтиненталним правним системима (свим државама бивше Југославије, Руској Федерацији, Швајцарској, Аустрији, Немачкој, Француској и Италији), те у англосаксонском правном кругу (Великој Британији и Сједињеним Америчким Државама) прожимају целокупну материју дисертације.<br />Пружање научно утемељених и актуелном судском праксом поткрепљених аргумената за ново и модерно нормативно уређење закупа пословних просторија у правним системима Републике Српске и Републике Србије, по узору на савремене тенденције у упоредном праву, представља основни мотив истраживања. У исти мах, сврха овог научног подухвата исцрпљује се и у тежњи да се потенцијалним субјектима уговора о закупу пословних зграда и просторија пружи могућност за прецизним утаначењем уговорних воља (правних и економских интереса) како би се предупредили судски спорови или макар допринело бржем и ефикаснијем решавању истих, те како би се стране мотивисале за поштовање своје уговорне дисциплине.</p> / <p>Savremeno društvo počiva na principima tržišne ekonomije koju, u pravilu, prati ubrzan proces proizvodnje i prometa, te jačanje ekonomske samostalnosti privrednih subjekata. Otuda je i razumljiva potreba ovih subjekata da svoje privredne ciljeve ostvaruju na što efikasniji i ekonomičniji način. Jedan od njih je i pribavljanje upotrebne vrednosti određenog dobra putem zakupa, pri čemu se, kao najrasprostranjeniji pravno - ekonomski oblik zakupa, javlja zakup poslovnih zgrada i prostorija. Ovaj obligacioni odnos odlikuje niz specifičnih elemenata što ga, spram zakupa u opštem smislu, čini odnosom differentia specifica. Upravo ta posebna obeležja ugovora o zakupu poslovnih zgrada i prostorija, posmatrana kroz etape njegovog rađanja, stvaranja prava i obaveza njegovih učesnika i, najzad, specificitet njegovog gašenja, čine okosnicu ovog istraživanja.<br />Istraživanje obuhvata sedam tematskih celina, pri čemu rezultati uporednopravne analize ovog instituta u evrokontinentalnim pravnim sistemima (svim državama bivše Jugoslavije, Ruskoj Federaciji, Švajcarskoj, Austriji, Nemačkoj, Francuskoj i Italiji), te u anglosaksonskom pravnom krugu (Velikoj Britaniji i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama) prožimaju celokupnu materiju disertacije.<br />Pružanje naučno utemeljenih i aktuelnom sudskom praksom potkrepljenih argumenata za novo i moderno normativno uređenje zakupa poslovnih prostorija u pravnim sistemima Republike Srpske i Republike Srbije, po uzoru na savremene tendencije u uporednom pravu, predstavlja osnovni motiv istraživanja. U isti mah, svrha ovog naučnog poduhvata iscrpljuje se i u težnji da se potencijalnim subjektima ugovora o zakupu poslovnih zgrada i prostorija pruži mogućnost za preciznim utanačenjem ugovornih volja (pravnih i ekonomskih interesa) kako bi se predupredili sudski sporovi ili makar doprinelo bržem i efikasnijem rešavanju istih, te kako bi se strane motivisale za poštovanje svoje ugovorne discipline.</p> / <p>Modern society is based on the principles of market economy, which, as a rule, follows an accelerated process of production and trade, and strengthening the economic independence of economic entities. Hence there is a clean need these entities to achieve their business objectives in the most efficient and economical way. One of them is the acquiring use value for certain goods through lease, in which, as the most widely used legal - economic forms of lease, appears lease of commercial buildings and premises. This contractual relationship is characterized by a set of specific elements of it, towards the basic type of lease, seems relations differentia specifica. Just these special characteristics of the lease contract of commercial buildings and premises, seen through the stages of its genesis, the creation of rights and obligations of its participants, and finally, through the specificity of its termination, are the backbone of this research.<br />Research includes seven thematic parts, whereby the results of the comparative analysis of this institute in the continental law systems (all countries of former Yugoslavia, the Russian Federation, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France and Italy) and in common law jurisdictions (the UK and the United States) permeate the entire matter of the dissertation.<br />Providing scientifically justified, a current jurisprudence substantiated arguments for a new and modern normative regulation of a lease of business premises in the legal systems of the Republic of Srpska and Republic of Serbia, modeled on contemporary trends in comparative law, is the basic motive of the research. At the same time, the purpose of this scientific project consists in striving to provide to potential subjects of the lease contract of commercial buildings an opportunity for precise contractual stipulations about legal and economic interests in order to prevent litigation, or at least contribute to a faster and more efficient resolution of the same, and to motivate the parties to respect their contractual discipline.</p>
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Impact Of Land Use Changes On The Authentic Characteristics Of Historical Buildings In Bursa Historical City CentreKeles Ericok, Aysegul 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Historic commercial centres are subject to continuous change and transformation due to the changing socio-economic and cultural structure and relations of production and consumption. Organized within a traditional structure, these spaces have survived until today with their altering meanings and different identities as well as the restructuration they went through because of the socio-economic transformation processes. Besides, they are not only shopping areas or consumption spaces but also urban areas with a traditional style of manufacture and crafts. Theoretical discussions on the conservation of historic city centres focus on issues such as integration of city centres into contemporary life with functions that do not have adverse effects on the authentic characteristics of historic streets and urban fabrics, the role of new functions, activities and structures in the historic fabric, and participation in the conservation process.
Historic buildings adopt functions that are different from their original functions due to changing life styles. Having functioned in a well-organized order and shaped by the socio-cultural and economic structure of their eras, they are subject to interventions due to the functions required by the present conditions, such as the addition of a mezzanine or the establishment of a connection between spaces. As a result of these interventions, the original plan schemes and authentic characteristics of historic buildings have changed. This thesis aims at identifying the types of commercial functions that intervene into the authentic design characteristics of commercial buildings located in the historic commercial centre. To this end, the Commercial Centre of Bursa was chosen as the case and the change in the functions of the hans located in this area was examined in detail.
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Transformation Of The Arcades In BeyogluOzkan, Miray 01 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is the study of the 19th century arcades in Beyoglu. The aim is to explore
the interrelation between the arcades of Beyoglu and their surrounding urban
structure in both of their formation and transformation processes, and to find out the
possible contributions of arcades to the transformation and recentralization process
of & / #272 / stanbul.
The individual stories of the arcades as well as the socio-economic and political
conditions are studied to find out the formation and transformation processes.
Therefore the study is constructed by historical and spatial analysis.
The history of arcades gives important clues about the development and
transformation processes of the cities. Apart from the changes in surrounding urban
structure and functioning, individual attempts in existing socio-economic
environment determines the transformation. Therefore, changes in ownership along
with changes in building have been taken as the basis for the study.
At the end of the study, possible contributions of arcades to the urban space,
derived from the tendencies and spatial opportunities were discussed and the role of
arcade in redeveloping the central areas was pointed out. And this thesis showed
that arcades may be the alternative to the peripheral shopping centers with their
spatial possibilities and social facilities.
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Limitation of building controls on the architectural design based on domestic and non-domestic use of buildings in Hong KongGuan, Rui, 关锐 January 2010 (has links)
Many contemporary building codes are written based on building occupancy classifications. However, with the abundance of multiplexes and highly efficient communication through advanced technology today, this principle of classification of buildings through specific use in building code-writing may cause problems in building controls. This is especially true when the trend of modern and future building occupancy is towards flexible, mixed, and transferable uses with non-distinction between working and habitation.
In the highly dense urban environment and under current Hong Kong building regulation controls, all buildings are classified for domestic or non-domestic use, which imposes control barriers to any mixed-use, merged-use or adaptive re-functioned buildings. Furthermore, the local profit-oriented real estate market always pushes the architectural design of buildings to follow the control regulations tightly. Thus, innovations are limited and usually sacrificed for the maximization of development potential in terms of economy and quality only.
This research investigates the relationship between building controls and the architectural design of buildings in Hong Kong, with a focus on the impact that building codes have imposed on the architectural design of buildings through its occupancy-based categorization of domestic or non-domestic use. It also aims to open a fresh look at the control of buildings in a high density environment.
By reviewing the origin of building laws and basic principles of building code creation, the research takes a comprehensive study with focus on four building sub-control aspects: building density, building safety, building environmental health and building sustainable designs. Case-studies, literature reviews, interviews, surveys and data analysis, and correlation analysis are used. To explore the effect of categorization of buildings, relevant professional terms and their significance also are addressed and studied.
Through various findings, this research uncovers the relationship between building controls and architectural design of buildings in Hong Kong. Results from sub-control aspects are concluded and compared. The key sub-control aspect of building density control and its control variables are identified, analyzed and re-evaluated. Comparative cases from international cities with similar environmental contexts are studied and applicable references are made.
In brief, this research provides an original perspective and approach in the field of study of building controls that related to the architectural design of buildings. It also establishes a refreshing base to understand different practical design-control issues. Moreover, some progressive and holistic recommendations in future policy makings and code writings of building control are advised. / published_or_final_version / Architecture / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Waste management of commercial building in Hong KongMak, Wan-han, 麥韞嫻 January 2013 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Housing Management / Master / Master of Housing Management
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The dissemination of the Chicago school of architecture in the MidwestSzufnar, Elizabeth A. January 1999 (has links)
The tall office building is a uniquely American invention, designed to meet the demands of industry and commerce. The technical and architectural achievements of the Chicago school of architecture marked the beginning of a new style of architecture for commercial buildings.The creative vitality that was so prevalent in Chicago was felt throughout the Midwest. Chicago style structures in a selected number of Midwestern cities are examined in the context of this thesis and these structures are promoted as historically significant to their locales and as a body of work in general. The purpose of this thesis is to document these structures and to discern the possible reasons for the dissemination of the Chicago school of architecture in the Midwest. / Department of Architecture
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