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The rebirth of the shophouse in the modern age with a special reference to Montreal /Xu, Ti, 1973- January 1998 (has links)
This thesis examines a typical Montreal housing type---the multiplex, a time-tested model to accommodate commercial activities. The focus of this research is on its physical characteristics, which facilitate small-scale commercial transformations of homes with specific needs for different businesses. / Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical background of this thesis, and places it in the context of previous research on the subject of small-scale transformations of dwellings. / Chapter 2 reviews the history of shophouses in Montreal from 1642, when the city was founded, through to the Industrial Age. / Chapter 3 begins with a general discussion of the multiplex dwelling---its basic forms, types, and architectural character. The second section of this chapter introduces the case studies. These trace the interior transformations of four multiplexes, all of which were built in the first decade of this century. / In Chapter 4 and 5, the spatial changes identified and collected in all four cases are closely examined. All existing changes have been photographed. These changes are associated with the specific needs of each shop; the four cases were tested, and proved the building's adaptable nature to different degrees. All changes are further regrouped and analyzed according to four important elements---bearing members, non-bearing members, service, and circulation. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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Streetscapes of Manly on Moreton Bay: 1890s-1950sGoodwin, Kathleen M. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Streetscapes of Manly on Moreton Bay: 1890s-1950sGoodwin, Kathleen M. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Cost Evaluation of Building Space Heating; District Heating and Heat PumpsSultan, Sahira January 2017 (has links)
Climate change and energy efficiency has become a matter of concern in recent times; therefore, energy efficiency of buildings has drawn major attention. According to the European Commission, EU countries must improve energy efficiency of existing buildings by retrofitting and renovating the buildings. A case study of a renovated commercial building is considered in this degree project. A model of the building is developed in the IDA Indoor Climate and Energy (IDA ICE) software. The model is then augmented to include renovations in the building. Further, the model is simulated in IDA ICE before and after renovations to investigate the impact of renovations on energy consumption of the building for one year. The simulation results indicate peak demands of district heating that occur in the coldest days of the year. The peak demands of energy are expected to increase the district heating cost because they serve as a basis for new pricing model introduced by the energy providers. Hence, it is important from the customer point of view to reduce the peak loads for cost shavings. The project work also provides an insight into the alternative source of energy such as heat pumps to reduce the peak load demands of district heating.
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The rebirth of the shophouse in the modern age with a special reference to Montreal /Xu, Ti, 1973- January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Data-Driven Analysis and Validation of Refrigeration in United StatesCommercial BuildingsTimothy, Stephen Colin 26 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Solar PV and Lithium-ion BESS for Commercial Buildings in Sweden : Techno-economic evaluation of Peak Shaving, Energy Arbitrage and Frequency Regulation as management strategies.Sköld, Zacharias January 2023 (has links)
The residential and commercial sector is the largest consumer of electricity in Sweden and therefore highly affected by fluctuations in electricity price. On the other hand, there is a large potential to reduce both the electricity demand and emissions from electricity generation on a national level if measures are taken within this sector. This Masters' Thesis focuses on the implementation of Solar PV panels and Lithium-ion Battery Energy Storage Systems (Li-BESS) in commercial buildings. The thesis was conducted in collaboration with Vasakronan, one of Sweden’s largest real-estate companies in terms of market share with a lot of focus on sustainability and reducing the electricity demand of their properties. The objective of this study is to determine which one out of three management strategies: Peak Shaving, Energy Arbitrage and Frequency Regulation that generate the highest revenue for a Solar PV + Li-BESS system in Vasakronan’s Lumi Property. A research gap was identified in the literature for a techno-economic model evaluating and comparing these three control strategies, where Peak Shaving and Energy Arbitrage are established, while Frequency Regulation is a new possible control strategy in commercial buildings. The techno-economic model is developed for the three control strategies using the System Advisor Model and Microsoft Excel. The model evaluates battery sizes between 0-600 kWh and uses input data on weather and electricity prices for the years 2018-2022. Quantifiable outputs in terms of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from the model are compared between control strategies. Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) are the main economic KPIs to determine which control strategy is the most profitable. The result of the analysis showed that the Peak Shaving and Energy Arbitrage controllers does not reach a positive NPV or an IRR above the set discount rate of 6.5 % for any of the battery sizes above 120 kWh for any of the studied datasets. The main reason is that the investment cost for a battery large enough to reduce a sufficient part of the demand or generate enough revenue from the difference in electricity price, is too high. With no battery at all, or a small battery of 120 kWh, the savings in electricity cost from the Solar PV system surpasses the investment and entails a profitable result. The Frequency Regulation controller generated a positive NPV and IRR above the discount rate for all battery sizes between 240 – 600 kWh for all years except 2021, which was the year with the lowest solar radiation. The conclusion from the result for the Frequency Regulation controller is that the revenue gained from a 120-kWh battery is not enough to cover for the investment cost, but for larger batteries the revenue exceeds the investment cost over the whole modelling period. The overall conclusion from is that battery storage with a Li-BESS in commercial buildings coupled with a Solar PV system is only profitable if the battery capacity is offered on the FCR markets. In all other cases, it is preferable to have a solar PV system without battery storage from an economical point of view. However, new markets and potential business models are developing continuously which is something future studies should investigate. A more thorough analysis of the frequency regulation markets and how these will develop over time is required to further validate the result of this thesis. / Sektorn för Bostäder och Service är den största elkonsumenten i Sverige och påverkas därför starkt av fluktuationer i elpriset. Samtidigt finns en stor potential att minska elbehovet och utsläppen från elproduktion på nationell nivå om åtgärder vidtas inom denna sektor. Denna masteruppsats fokuserar på implementeringen av solclellspaneler och batterilagring med ett Lithium-jon-batteri i komersiella byggnader. Uppsatsen har genomförts i samarbete med Vasakronan, ett av Sveriges största fastighetsbolag sett till marknadsandelar, med stort fokus på hållbarhet och att minska elbehovet i deras fastigheter. Syftet med denna studie är att avgöra vilken av tre förvaltningsstrategier: Lapa Effekttoppar, Energi-arbitrage eller Frekvensreglering som genererar de högsta intäkterna för ett solcells- och batterilagringssystem i Vasakronans fastighet Lumi. I den undersökta litteraturen identifierades en avsaknad av en teknoekonomisk modell som utvärderar och jämför dessa tre styrstrategier, där Energi-arbitrage och att Kapa Effekttoppar är etablerade, medan Frekvensreglering är en ny möjlig styrstrategi för kommersiella byggnader. Målsättningen utvärderas genom en teknoekonomisk modell som är utvecklad för de tre olika styrstrategierna i modelleringsprogrammet System Advisor Model (SAM) och Microsoft Excel. Modellen utvärderas för batteristorlekar mellan 0-600 kWh med indata på solinstrålning och elpris för åren 2018-2022. Kvantifierbara utdata från modellen i form av Key Performance Indicators (KPI:er) jämförs mellan kontrollstrategier. Nettonuvärde (NPV) och Intern avkastning (IRR) är de ekonomiska KPI:er med mest fokus på för att avgöra vilken kontrollstrategi som är den mest lönsamma. Resultatet av analysen visade att styrstrategierna att Kapa Effekttoppar och Energi-arbitrage inte når ett positiv NPV eller ett IRR över diskonteringsräntan på 6,5 % för någon av batteristorlekarna över 120 kWh eller valda år. Det främsta skälet till detta resultat är att ett större batteri inte generar tillräckligt mycket intäkter genom dessa styrstrategier för att kompensera för den stora investeringen. Utan något batteri alls, eller med ett litet batteri på 120 kWh, överträffar besparingen i elkostnad från solcellssystemet investeringen och ger därmed ett lönsamt resultat. Frekvensreglerings-strategin genererade ett positivt Nuvärde och IRR över diskonteringsräntan för alla batteristorlekar mellan 240 – 600 kWh för alla år förutom 2021, som var året med lägst solinstrålning. Slutsatsen från resultatet för Frekvensreglering är att intäkterna från ett 120 kWh batteri inte räcker för att täcka investeringskostnaden, men för större batterier överstiger intäkterna investeringskostnaden under hela modellperioden. Den övergripande slutsatsen från är att batterilagring med ett litiumbatteri i kommersiella byggnader i kombination med ett solcellssystem endast är lönsamt om batterikapaciteten budas på FCR-marknaderna. I alla andra fall är ett solcellssystem utan batterilagring att föredra ur en ekonomisk synvinkel. Men nya marknader och potentiella affärsmodeller utvecklas kontinuerligt vilket är något som framtida studier bör undersöka. En mer grundlig analys av marknaderna för frekvensreglering och hur dessa kommer att utvecklas över tiden skulle också krävas för att ytterligare validera resultatet av denna avhandling.
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Model Predictive Control Used for Optimal Heating in Commercial BuildingsRubin, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
Model Predictive Control (MPC) is an optimization method used in a wide range of applications. However, in the housing sector its use is still limited. In this project, the possibilities of using an easily scalable MPC controller to optimize the heating of a building, is examined and evaluated. It is a combination of a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) network for understanding the dynamics of the buildning in order to predict future indoor temperatures, and the probalistic technique Simulated Annealing (SA), used for solving the control problem. As an extension, predicted energy prices per hour are added, with the goal to lower the heating costs. The model is tested on a family house with eight rooms and centrally heated using gas. The results are promising, but ambiguous. The main reason for the uncertainties are the testing environment. / Model Predictive Control (MPC) är en optimeringsmetod som används inom många olika områden. Inom bostadssektorn är dock användningen fortfarande begränsad. I det här projektet undersöks möjligheten att använda en MPC kontroller för att optimera uppvärmningen av en byggnad, och om den enkelt kan appliceras på andra byggnader. Det är en kombination av ett long Short Term Memory (LSTM) nätverk för att förstå dynamiken av byggnaden med målet att förutse framtida inomhustemperaturer, och den probabilistiska metoden Simulated Annealing (SA) som används för att lösa kontrollproblemet. Ett tillägg till modellen är inkluderandet av energipriser för varje timme, där målet istället blir att minimera uppvärmningskostnaderna. Modellen testas på ett familjehus med åtta rum som är centralt uppvärmt genom gas. Resultaten är lovande, men tvetydiga. Huvudorsaken för osäkerheterna är testmiljön.
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Unbuilding architecture: a non-normative explorationMcManus, Joseph F. January 1994 (has links)
On the following pages are images of an architecture which pushes the limits of design. Conceived as an amalgamation of semiautonomous fragments, the thesis project strives to decompose into complete disarray. At the verge of structural (compositional) collapse, the building asks the question 'where does structure break down, and chaos begin?'. A table I have designed and built is an experiment in spontaneity, and questions the validity of traditional ways of building furniture. Building analysis drawings I have included at the end of the book are compositional exercises and have, from a graphic perspective, some of the density and formal complexity of the images of the thesis.
While I have relied upon Deconstructionist terminology to describe the building represented, I must admit that the building is not truly Deconstructed. It is fragmented. Some visual continuity between design elements remains. If I were to produce a deconstructed building, I would have to go beyond playing formal games and question what forms signify. Then, perhaps, I could find alternative significations; I might also be able to make a new link between the signifier and the signified. I think I would be searching for a new conception of form, one free of convention, of precondition. / Master of Architecture
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Mercados públicos em São Paulo: arquitetura, inserção e contemporaneidade / Public Markets in São Paulo: architecture, urban insertion and contemporaneitySilva, Diego Vernille da 26 April 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o papel dos mercados públicos na contemporaneidade, tendo como foco principal os mercados públicos em São Paulo. À luz dos processos de transformação dos mercados ocorridos no cenário internacional, a análise estará centrada no entendimento do contexto socioeconômico e político em que se conformou a ideia de mercado público como equipamento urbano, ligado ao abastecimento, as transformações sofridas no tempo e seu papel na atualidade, tendo em vista as novas demandas urbanas. O foco principal do trabalho será a cidade de São Paulo, tencionando revelar o desenvolvimento histórico deste equipamento, as formas que assumiu em diferentes períodos e chegar numa análise sobre seu papel nos dias de hoje. Fornecer subsídios para as políticas urbanas que envolvem sua permanência como centro de abastecimento, sua apreensão como área de centralidade, sua mudança de função ou a incorporação de novas funções urbanas, também é objetivo da presente pesquisa. / The objective of this study is to analyze the role of public markets in contemporary times, with the main focus being the public markets in São Paulo. In the light of the processes of transformation of markets that is taking place on the international scene, the analysis will be centered on the understanding of the socioeconomic and political context that conformed the idea of public market as urban equipment, Linked to food supply, the transformations suffered over time and its role in the present day, taking into account the new urban demands. The main focus of the work will be the city of São Paulo, intending to reveal the historical development of this equipment, the forms that it assumed in different periods and to arrive at an analysis about its role in the present day. Providing subsidies for urban policies that involve their stay as a center of supply, their apprehension as a central area, their change of function or the incorporation of new urban functions, is also the objective of this research.
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