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Investigating the Effect of Festival Visitors' Emotional Experiences on Satisfaction, Psychological Commitment, and LoyaltyLee, Ji Yeon 16 January 2010 (has links)
In rural destinations, community festivals and events displaying agricultural and
livestock exhibits with a combination of entertainment activities are one of the heritage
attractions that draw large numbers of visitors. They have not only provided an
economic stimulus along with social and cultural benefits to these small communities,
but also played a role in increasing the tourism appeal to nonlocal visitors. Considering
the significance of a rural community festival to its hosting local residents and out-of-town
visitors, attracting and keeping a flow of visitors has been of great importance for
both the festival organizers and destination marketing organizations. In this respect,
identification with and retention of loyal visitors who are psychologically committed to
the festival are a practical means for ensuring a consistent number of visitors to that
festival and its hosting community.
The present study examined how festival visitors' develop loyalty to festivals and
hosting communities through the affective and psychological processes within the Mehrabian-Russell (M-R) model. Specifically, this study explored how emotions
engendered through tourism product consumption influence visitors' psychological
attachment, evaluations of their festival and place experiences, and loyalty in a festival
context. The study further examined if festival visitors' positive experiences could have
an influence on their preference of festival communities.
Through an onsite and follow-up mixed-mode survey, data were collected during
Spring/Summer 2008 from visitors to three community festivals in Texas. Data analysis
was performed using structural question modeling (SEM). The study findings provided
empirical evidence in support of the M-R model within the festival contexts. The study
results revealed that festival atmospherics had a positive indirect effect on festival
loyalty via positive emotions, festival commitment, and festival satisfaction, which in
turn positively influenced place loyalty. Additionally, the findings in this study provided
empirical support for the applicability of product consumption emotions to visitors'
emotions generated from tourism product consumption situation specific to the festival
The findings of the study have theoretical and practical implications. For theory,
these findings offer support for the M-R model within festival context. The model's
focus on emotional response to environmental stimuli is an important addition to
established cognitive-based models of loyalty development processes. For practice, the
study offers some guidance for festival organizers and destination marketing managers
for developing effective marketing strategies that focus on the festival atmospherics that
ultimately retain and attract new festival goers.
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Domestic Audiences, Policy Feedback, and Sequential Decisions During Military InterventionsKuberski, Douglas Walter 2009 December 1900 (has links)
The literature on escalation situations and audience costs suggests that
democratic executives tend to increase commitment to a foreign policy in response to
negative feedback. However, real-world cases from international politics suggest
otherwise. Specifically, executives do not appear to respond uniformly to failing
situations. While scholars have begun to unravel the audience cost mechanism, up until
know, we know little about reasons for the variation in how executives use policy
feedback to update commitment to a foreign policy.
In this dissertation, I adopt an integrative approach and present a model of
sequential decision-making that explains the conditions under which leaders escalate and
de-escalate commitment in response to feedback. I attempt to break down the audience
cost mechanism to explain why democratic executives do not respond uniformly to
negative feedback. While the literature on the escalation of commitment suggests
decision-makers tend to increase investment in the face of negative feedback, my theory
suggests that under certain conditions, executives may find it politically advantageous to back down from a failing policy. My theory emphasizes the relationship between
citizens, executives, and foreign policy effectiveness.
Next, I suggest that the foreign policy tool of military intervention provides a
suitable test case for a theory of sequential decision-making. I first test hypotheses
derived from the theory regarding the preference formation process of democratic
citizens during the course of such an episode. Understanding the response of citizens to
feedback is an important first step to understanding the updating decisions of democratic
executives. While previous work has relied on aggregate survey data, experimentation
provides me with the ability to analyze how an individual citizen?s preference over
commitment is impacted by policy feedback. The results of the experimental analyses
suggest that citizens act as investors: they favor increasing commitment to military
interventions when viewing negative feedback, up to a point.
I then test the main hypotheses derived from the theory regarding executive
decision-making on a dataset of major power military interventions from 1960-2000.
Overall, the results support the hypotheses: public approval conditions the manner in
which executives use feedback to update intervention commitments. In the conclusion, I
summarize the study by highlighting key results, present the broad implications for the
study of democratic foreign policy making, and discuss avenues for future research.
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The effect of perceptions of organizational political on the relation between work values and organizational commitmentHuang, Chia-hsiung 06 April 2004 (has links)
The associations among work values, organizational commitment, and perceptions of organizational politics, as well as mediator of the perceptions of organizational politics on the relation between work values and organizational commitment are discussed. Cross-sectional design with questionnaire, containing Survey of Work values, Orgamizational Commitment Questionnaire, and Perceptions of Organizational Politics Scale, administered to 1000 hospital employees were used in current study. Response rate was 79.4%. Multivariate analytical results indicated negative relations between perceptions of organizational politics and organizational commitment, some of work values correlated with organizational commitment and perceptions of organizational politics. Effect of upward striving, one dimension of work values, on organizational commitment may be through perceptions of organizational politics. Explanations and implications are discussed.
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The Relationship between Perceptions of Organization Politics and Job Performance¡GThe Mediating Effects of Job Satisfaction¡BJob Stress and Organizational CommitmentHuang, Mei-yu 30 July 2004 (has links)
The major purpose of this research is to use three mental factors of job satisfaction¡Bjob stress and organizational commitment for examining the existence of mediating effects in between perceptions of organization politics and job performance. Reviewing many articles in the field of organizational behavior, the interior employees¡¦ job performance were mostly contributed to individual differences as capabilities and personalities, however, such variables could only explain partial differences in job performance. Except of individuals, the influence on job performance may include organizational structure, management system even though various outside or other factors. Witt found negative relationship between perceptions of organization politics and job performance in 1998, such finding broke the researchers¡¦ limits of traditional view of combining individual capabilities or characters, searched out the new influence factor, and added new explanation of variables on job performance of organization interior employees. In the field of perceptions of organization politics, researchers kept focus on the definition of perceptions of organization politics and the relation among variables, less development in mediating effects. Therefore, this research was structured by aforesaid and Adkins¡¦s definition in 1995 as well as relevant articles, the three pertaining to psychological level variables, job satisfaction¡Bjob stress and organizational commitment, have mediating effects between perceptions of organization politics and job performance. By finding the influence factor, for reducing the negative effects on job performance caused by perceptions of organization politics, hopping go further of submitting strategic human resource management to boost contribution on organizational performance
This research was proceeded by questionnaire to the sampling objects of Taiwan enterprises. The results indicated job satisfaction¡Bjob stress and organization commitment have partial significant mediating effect on the relationship between job performance and¡¥Distance of policy and practice¡¦, the format of perceptions of organization politics.
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Reserach of Realationship in Job Characteristics,Career Development And Professional Commitment of The Clinical Physical TherapistLee, Chiu-ju 06 August 2004 (has links)
Physical Therapy has been developing in Taiwan for over half a century. However, the transformation in Taiwan population structure, the implementation of national health insurance, the legislation of physical therapist regulation in 1995 and the change of the education system stimulated the blossom of the physical therapy profession from four to five hundred certified physical therapists initially to twenty five hundred to date. This research devotes to the relationship between the job characteristics, potential of career development, and professional commitment of the practicing physical therapists. We approach the indicated part of professional commitment by these four elements; including professional identification, job involvement, intention of long-term involvement, advanced research and study.
This research employed the following methods, descriptive statistics analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and regression analysis. We sent out a total of 1290 surveys and got 256 returned. There were 6 invalid surveys in returned ones. So we obtained 250 valid surveys. We acquired these results below:
1.Personal related variables suggest significant difference in professional commitment, partially legitimate. Age, education level, and annual income suggest no significant difference. Gender suggests significant difference in professional commitment; marriage suggests significant difference to job involvement. Job location suggests significant difference in job involvement. Attendance to professional conferences suggests significant difference in professional identification, job involvement, intention of long-term involvement and advanced research and study.
2.Job characteristics influences professional commitment significantly, a valid statement. Task variety, job autonomy and task identity also influence professional commitment significantly.
3.Potential of career development influences professional commitment significantly, a legitimate statement. Professional environment and possibility of independent practice influence professional commitment significantly.
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The Research of Internal Marketing in the Service Industry¡GA Case Study of Public Relations Agency in TaiwanCheng, Hui-chia 07 September 2004 (has links)
Under highly global competitive circumstances, following with the more importance of Service marketing, the concepts of marketing changed revolutionarily and rapidly; and more and more enterprises put emphasize on the new concept of
internal marketing.
It means successful company should not only focus on consumers and employees at the same time, but consider their employees as internal consumers. Only by doing so, it could motivate employees¡¦ consumer consciousness, higher organization commitment and the higher service quality. Therefore, the highly qualified employee has become one of the key points for company to success, and the precious asset to keep its competitive advantage and superior.
Through the framework of internal marketing theory, qualitative and quantitative methods are adopted in this research. The research aims to examine the essence of internal marketing and its influence in organization commitment. Probing the internal marketing management activities in case company by in-depth interview, also analyzing the relationship between internal marketing and organization commitment by the questionnaire survey.
The questionnaire results indicate that the loyal level of organization commitment of employees mainly depends on employees¡¦ cognition and satisfied level. In other words, enterprise¡¦s internal marketing plan will affect its employees¡¦
consciousness and satisfaction and level of commitment to the organization. Therefore, mangers could create a better environment and get staff¡¦s higher organization commitment as long as they could make a perfect internal marketing plan.
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A Study of the Relationship among Educational Reform Stress, Work Values and Organizational Commitment of Primary School Teachers in Kaohsiung CountyHo, Yung-chuan 27 May 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to discuss the relationship among educational reform stress, working values, and organizational commitment perceived by primary school teachers. First, relevant literature on educational reform, job stress of teachers, working values, and organizational commitment is collected, investigated, and analyzed. Next, the framework of the research is devised, the questionnaire is edited and pre-tested, and the research instrument of this study¡X¡§Questionnaire of Education Reforms and the Work Attitude of Primary School Teachers¡¨¡Xis developed accordingly. Then, primary school teachers of Kaohsiung county are used as research population, from which 810 teachers in 67 schools are randomly sampled as research subjects. 761 copies of the 810 questionnaires issued are returned, among which 750 copies are valid. The returning ratio is 92%. After questionnaires are collected, statistics methods, such as descriptive analysis, t-test, one way MANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation, canonical correlation, and stepwise multiple regression, are used to analyze them. Finally, results of this study are discussed.
Conclusions of this study are as follows:
a) The greatest education reform pressure primary school teachers feel is ¡§workload¡¨, and the second greatest is ¡§curriculum reform¡¨.
b) The highest value primary school teachers emphasize is ¡§organizational security¡¨, and the second greatest is ¡§interpersonal relationship¡¨.
c) Primary school teachers are mostly content with organizational commitments which are ¡§a hard-working attitude¡¨, ¡§the inclination to keep the job¡¨ and ¡§organizational identity¡¨.
d) Primary school teachers have different educational reform pressure, work values, and organizational commitment due to their different backgrounds.
e) The less educational reform pressure primary school teachers feel the higher commitment they make.
f) The higher work value primary school teachers emphasize the higher commitment they make.
g) For most of primary school teachers, education reform pressure and organizational commitment are related in a negative way.
h) For primary school teachers, work values and organizational commitment are related in a positive way.
i) The relationship among education reform pressure, work values and organizational commitment of primary school teachers.
j) Education reform pressure and work values can predict organizational commitment. And interpersonal relationship is a major predicator variable.
According to the above conclusions, this study brings about the following results:
A. For educational administrative organization:
a) Education reform should include complete complementary packages, increase the number of teachers to reduce teacher's workload.
b) Raise work values and strengthen teacher's organizational commitment.
c) Accredit and support elementary teachers¡¦ highly positive hard-working attitude.
B. For School Administrative:
a) Encourage elementary teachers attending educational workshops, acquiring future knowledge, and adapting changes.
b) Set reasonable work goals, improve the work environment and reduce teacher's work pressure.
c) Strengthen teacher's ability to manage pressure and improve their mental and physical health.
d) Build excellent interpersonal relationship and interactive patterns.
e) Establish a rotation mechanism of teacher's holding concurrent administrative jobs and increase the opportunities of teachers' participation in the decision-making of school affairs.
f) Guide and show concerns for young and inexperienced teachers in order to solidify their sense of cohesion.
C. For teachers:
a) Actively attend workshops and conferences to increase professional knowledge.
b) Seize any opportunities to participate in administrative work.
c) Expand social circles to improve interpersonal interactive relationship.
D. Submit suggestions to object of study, research methods, research variables, and research instruments respectively, as some people of interest might pursue the topic of this study further.
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The relationship study of job stress, job satisfaction,organizational commitment toward the intention of early retirement.Chen, Kuo-Tse 01 June 2005 (has links)
The human resources are the enterprise sharp weapons to make a profit with continue sustainable development. Generally speaking of business management, the excessively high turnover will drain the enterprise of its experienced labor force; will increase the expense of recruitment and training; will cause the staff that remain in office despondency, even can create the insufficient manpower phenomenon. But speaking of the Taiwan area large-scale traditional industry and the state-run enterprise units, the common ground is the turnover is excessively low, the organizational manpower structure gets older day by day, also its average age mostly surpasses above 40 years old.
On the empirical verification, this study research by aims at the large-scale institution, attempts to understand senior staff's all kinds of working situation, including job stress, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and others construction surface, and probed the correlation among. Furthermore, this study to be aimed at individual characteristic and self report items probing into the influence of intention to early retirement and acceptances early retirement incentives, whether has reveals the significant difference or not? So as to aim at the reasons of the influence senior staff retires and acceptances of early retirement incentives as the further research.
This study shows some results as follows¡GThe senior staff in the case company
(1) Revealing the remarkable of correlation among the job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.
(2) Revealing the remarkable influence between early retirement and job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment, as well as some self report items.
(3) Revealing the remarkable of difference between parts of the individual variables to job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment to intention to early retirement as well as acceptances of early retirement incentives and so on.
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The Work Commitment of Government Ethic Officers.YING, CHEN 05 July 2005 (has links)
The data of this study was collected from 146 current government ethic officers and 50 other officers in other government branches, who were originally transferred from the Bureau of Ethics. The purpose of this study was to analyze the interrelationships between job cognition, job stress, job satisfaction, and work commitment in order to explain the patterning behavior of job turnover happening to the ethic officers in the Bureau of Ethic.
In this thesis, we found that those who were transferred to other branches of the government have lower score in job cognition and work motivation than those who are retained in the Bureau. It was also found that job cognition was positively related to job satisfaction and work commitment.
Ii is assumed that job turnover is a reflection of work commitment. And the result of data analysis also supports the relationship between them. The job turnover of the ethic officers is at least partially attributed to the direct impacts of job cognition and job stress, and the indirect impacts through job satisfaction. Therefore, the way to promote job cognition, to reduce job stress, and to increase job satisfaction and work commitment shall be able to motivate and retain ethicials¡¦commitment to their work and the Bureau. So is it the possible solution for a reduction in job turnover.
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Relationship study among Recognition of Organizational Reform, Job Stress and Organizational Commitment-for Administrative Staffs in Reformed Private CollegesHung, Li-Mei 22 August 2005 (has links)
This study involved 596 administrative staff members in nine private colleges that had been reorganized into universities of technology in Taiwan by February, 2004. In the study, we looked into the staff members¡¦ perceptions of organizational change, job stress and organizational commitment, as well as the interrelationship among them. The findings indicate that those administrative staff members have mid-to-high-level recognition of the inevitability of the organizational change and its resulting benefits. They have medium-level awareness of their voices being ignored by the school and a lack of communication. Nevertheless, maladaptive problems in jobs and positions were seldom mentioned. The major job stress is from contingency arrangements, urgent issues or unscheduled assignments. The staff hold a conservative attitude toward organizational commitment, without showing stable or strong identification with the school.
Factor analysis, ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression were used to examine the significant differences among variables.
Major findings through further correlation analysis include:
(1) organizational commitment has a positive correlation with the staff¡¦s perceptions of organizational change, and a negative correlation with their recognition of the necessary sacrifice of the interests resulting
from the reorganization,
(2) the higher level the recognition of organizational reform, the more job stress; and this job stress has significantly high negative correlation with organizational commitment, and
(3) those administrative staff who are relatively young, unmarried, less experienced in working, and received fewer years of education tend to be better in recognizing organizational reform and job stress, but worse in organizational commitment. This finding shows that the recognition of organizational reform tends to negatively influence organizational commitment through job stress.
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