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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of mobile communications infrastructure investment on economic growth in South Africa

Sookha, Keshal 03 September 2018 (has links)
Mobile telecommunications networks provide the ability to access the internet and use telephony services, where the infrastructure exists. Because of its mobile nature a customer can always connect to the internet, even when not in the comfort of their home, unlike the case with fixed-line services. This paper studies the impact of mobile telecommunications investment on economic growth in South Africa. To test the impact of mobile telecommunications investment on economic growth, the dissertation examines the development of mobile telecommunications infrastructure in South Africa and the relationship between mobile communications infrastructure investment (MCII) on economic growth. It is hypothesised that MCII has a relationship with economic growth. The methodology employed by this study is the autoregressive distributed lags (ARDL) approach with secondary data sourced from the World Bank Group and Global System Mobile Association (GSMA) databases over the period 1994 to 2016. To model the relationship, the study used a neoclassical growth model with proxies for economic growth as gross domestic product (GDP); capital as mobile operator capital expenditure and gross capital formation; and labour as the labour force and the unemployment rate. Results of the study showed that there was a unidirectional Granger causality between GDP and MCII and therefore no bidirectional causal relationship between MCII and GDP. Furthermore, using the ARDL approach found no cointegration between the variables and consequently no long run relationship. Producing the short run model as a VAR (2) model using the Akaike information criteria (AIC) lag selection also resulted in no significant relationship between MCII and GDP. This result has very important implications for policy recommendations to government and for development. Firstly, government should investigate why there is no significant impact of MCII on GDP because this relationship does exist in other markets. From these findings, government can develop and adopt policies which could produce a positive effect of MCII on GDP.

Wireless Interconnect for Board and Chip Level

Fettweis, Gerhard P., ul Hassan, Najeeb, Landau, Lukas, Fischer, Erik 11 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Electronic systems of the future require a very high bandwidth communications infrastructure within the system. This way the massive amount of compute power which will be available can be inter-connected to realize future powerful advanced electronic systems. Today, electronic inter-connects between 3D chip-stacks, as well as intra-connects within 3D chip-stacks are approaching data rates of 100 Gbit/s soon. Hence, the question to be answered is how to efficiently design the communications infrastructure which will be within electronic systems. Within this paper approaches and results for building this infrastructure for future electronics are addressed.

Моделирање и имплеметација убрзаног развоја електронске управе / Modeliranje i implemetacija ubrzanog razvoja elektronske uprave / The objective of modelling and implementation of accelerated development of Vojvodina’s e-administration

Paroški Milan 05 February 2013 (has links)
<p>Циљ - Циљ истраживања је да се дефинише модел развоја еУправе за<br />регинални и локални ниво управе који ће омогућити да се, уз уважавање ограничења над инфраструктурним и финансијским ресурсима, смањи заостајање у односу на развијене земље у овој области и омогући даљи континуиран развој еУправе.<br />Методологија &ndash; Разматрани су аспекти увођења еУправе, и извршен је преглед постојећих резултата истраживања из предметне области у земљама ЕУ, земљама у развоју, земљама у окружењу и посебно у Републици Србији и АП Војводини. Стање еУправе је за све наведене земље описано са становишта истих аспеката (историја развоја информационог друштва, законски оквир, степен развоја, електронски јавни сервиси, делегирање надлежности и расположива инфраструктура). За развој модела су коришћене савремене методологије за пројектовање и имплементацију комуникационе и информационе инфраструктуре, софтверске архитектуре, јавних сервиса као и примери добре праксе у развоју еУправе, посебно у државама ЕУ. Резултати &ndash; Предложени су модели реализације еУправе у АП Војводини у области : надлежности и организације, људских ресурса, рачунарско-комуникационе инфраструктуре, софтвера (методологија развоја, софтверска архитектура и јавни сервиси), стандарда и интероперабилности и информационе безбедности. Ограничења истраживања /импликације - Предложени модели се могу пре свега користити у регионалним и локалним срединама у којима није достигнут висок степен развоја еУправе. Практичне импликације &ndash; Препоруке и модели дати за увођење еУправе у АП Војводини могу бити од користи за увођење еУправе у различим локалним срединама а посебно у локалним самоуправама АП Војводине.<br />Оригиналност/вредност -Верификација предложених модела је извршена на реалном примеру развоја еУправе у АП Војводини. Резултати указују да адекватно планирање и управљање реализацијом планова омогућава убрзан развој еУправе и премошћавање дигиталног јаза.</p> / <p>Cilj - Cilj istraživanja je da se definiše model razvoja eUprave za<br />reginalni i lokalni nivo uprave koji će omogućiti da se, uz uvažavanje ograničenja nad infrastrukturnim i finansijskim resursima, smanji zaostajanje u odnosu na razvijene zemlje u ovoj oblasti i omogući dalji kontinuiran razvoj eUprave.<br />Metodologija &ndash; Razmatrani su aspekti uvođenja eUprave, i izvršen je pregled postojećih rezultata istraživanja iz predmetne oblasti u zemljama EU, zemljama u razvoju, zemljama u okruženju i posebno u Republici Srbiji i AP Vojvodini. Stanje eUprave je za sve navedene zemlje opisano sa stanovišta istih aspekata (istorija razvoja informacionog društva, zakonski okvir, stepen razvoja, elektronski javni servisi, delegiranje nadležnosti i raspoloživa infrastruktura). Za razvoj modela su korišćene savremene metodologije za projektovanje i implementaciju komunikacione i informacione infrastrukture, softverske arhitekture, javnih servisa kao i primeri dobre prakse u razvoju eUprave, posebno u državama EU. Rezultati &ndash; Predloženi su modeli realizacije eUprave u AP Vojvodini u oblasti : nadležnosti i organizacije, ljudskih resursa, računarsko-komunikacione infrastrukture, softvera (metodologija razvoja, softverska arhitektura i javni servisi), standarda i interoperabilnosti i informacione bezbednosti. Ograničenja istraživanja /implikacije - Predloženi modeli se mogu pre svega koristiti u regionalnim i lokalnim sredinama u kojima nije dostignut visok stepen razvoja eUprave. Praktične implikacije &ndash; Preporuke i modeli dati za uvođenje eUprave u AP Vojvodini mogu biti od koristi za uvođenje eUprave u različim lokalnim sredinama a posebno u lokalnim samoupravama AP Vojvodine.<br />Originalnost/vrednost -Verifikacija predloženih modela je izvršena na realnom primeru razvoja eUprave u AP Vojvodini. Rezultati ukazuju da adekvatno planiranje i upravljanje realizacijom planova omogućava ubrzan razvoj eUprave i premošćavanje digitalnog jaza.</p> / <p>The objective of modelling and implementation of accelerated development<br />of Vojvodina&rsquo;s e-administration is to achieve a level of e-administration development of the developed countries as soon as possible, with the existing infrastructure and financial limitations. The Doctoral thesis research programme encompasses three main segments: a research of the existing findings in the relevant field (information communications technologies, the standards and interoperability, the software architecture), an analysis of the existing methods and experiences in introduction of electronic administration at the state level, particularly in the EU countries, development of a new model for introduction of e-Administration and verification of the developed model for introduction of e-Administration.</p>

Wireless Interconnect for Board and Chip Level

Fettweis, Gerhard P., ul Hassan, Najeeb, Landau, Lukas, Fischer, Erik January 2013 (has links)
Electronic systems of the future require a very high bandwidth communications infrastructure within the system. This way the massive amount of compute power which will be available can be inter-connected to realize future powerful advanced electronic systems. Today, electronic inter-connects between 3D chip-stacks, as well as intra-connects within 3D chip-stacks are approaching data rates of 100 Gbit/s soon. Hence, the question to be answered is how to efficiently design the communications infrastructure which will be within electronic systems. Within this paper approaches and results for building this infrastructure for future electronics are addressed.

Měření efektivity elektronické státní správy / Measuring the effectiveness of e-government

Tajtl, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This paper describes problems of eGovernment and proposes way to measure e-Government services. Described is the state of the Czech eGovernment in detail to selected projects and in international comparison. The description shows that the development is still ongoing, but in a much slower pace than in the electronically advanced countries. Main identified problem is inconsequent strategic management and resortism, which is constraining deployment of cross-resort projects. Based on the description of the current situation and on the international experiences, author offers specific recommendations to future development of the electronization of public administration in the Czech Republic. In response on management problems is in this paper proposed and tested methodology for measuring the effectiveness of e-Government services. This methodology is an objective procedure of measuring the effectiveness of e-services which is providing feedback for service providers. Testing of methodology evaluates three services from taxation agenda and highlights their weaknesses, including the proposal of corrective solutions.

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