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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inventory Constrained Maritime Routing and Scheduling for Multi-Commodity Liquid Bulk

Hwang, Seung-June 21 April 2005 (has links)
This research deals with chemical transport Problems involving maritime pick up from and delivery to storage tanks that are continuously filled and drained. More specifically, we developed decision technology to determine the efficient use of multi compartment bulk ships to transport chemical products while ensuring continuous production with no stock-outs, so that the inventory level of chemical products in storage tanks are maintained between prescribed upper and lower stock levels during the planning horizon. Due to the nature of the products, it is impossible to carry more than two products without these being separated into dedicated compartments of the ships. We need to decide how much of each product to carry, on which ship, subject to the conditions that all harbors must have sufficient product to meet demand, and the stock levels of the products cannot exceed the inventory capacity of that harbor. We have formulated this ship-routing problem as a combined multi-ship pickup-delivery problem with inventory constraints. The original problem is a large-scale non-convex mixed-integer programming problem. All non-convexities involved weighted sums of products of two variables, one of which is binary and the other is continuous but bounded. We have shown that the structure gives rise to an equivalent large-scale linear mixed-integer programming problem (MILP). We studied the underlying structure of the MILP and developed a solution strategy by Lagrangian relaxation method for this large scale MILP with special structure. We also devised heuristic methods that are fast and find a good solution and conducted numerical studies that show how good does the heuristic solution compared to the dual bounds.

The integration of the South African floriculture industry into the global market / M. van der Walt

Matthee, Marianne January 2004 (has links)
As a result of globalisation, firms across both developed and developing countries are experiencing increased competition. Globalisation has both positive and negative consequences for firms, and the net effect may depend on the manner in which the country where a firm is located participates in the global market. Both the global commodity chain (GCC) and global value chain (GVC) approaches assess countries' integration (either successfully or unsuccessfully) into the global market. The international floriculture industry is one that is constantly changing and has a highly competitive environment. These challenges require that its participants be successfully integrated into the market and constantly improve their competitive positions. The South African floriculture industry has become more integrated into the global market since it opened up its economy in 1994. Both revenue and employment in this industry have increased since then. However, South Africa remains fairly uncompetitive compared with its African counterparts. The overall aim of this study was to assess the impact of the global floriculture industry on both the competitiveness of the South African floriculture industry and its integration into the global market. The GCC and GVC approaches were used in this assessment. The literature study provided background to these approaches in the context of globalisation. A detailed description was further given to the attributes and challenges of the global floriculture arena, together with a delineation of the South African floriculture industry. The empirical study was conducted through a mail-based questionnaire, which was mailed to the members of the South African Flower Export Council. The response rate of the survey was 59 per cent and can be considered high for a mail-based questionnaire. The responses were analysed according to the elements of the GVC and GCC approaches. This enabled an analysis of the global chains that the exporters form part of. Hence, it identified the role players and variables within these chains that influence the ultimate income of the floriculture industry. From the empirical findings it was possible to determine the South African export floriculture industry's strengths and weaknesses. The conclusion drawn was that the South African floriculture industry functions successful internationally, according to the elements of the GCC and GVC approaches. However, the industry does not participate to its full potential in the global market and lacks competitiveness. These findings supported the assumptions in the literature study. Once the South African floriculture exporters become more export-oriented (i.e. shift their focus from the domestic to the international market), the industry's competitiveness will enhance. Becoming further integrated into the global market by increasing both the volumes and values of their exports can do this. Ultimately the exporters will be able to move into better and more competitive global chains (i.e. export more directly). / Thesis (M.Com. (International Commerce))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

The integration of the South African floriculture industry into the global market / M. van der Walt

Matthee, Marianne January 2004 (has links)
As a result of globalisation, firms across both developed and developing countries are experiencing increased competition. Globalisation has both positive and negative consequences for firms, and the net effect may depend on the manner in which the country where a firm is located participates in the global market. Both the global commodity chain (GCC) and global value chain (GVC) approaches assess countries' integration (either successfully or unsuccessfully) into the global market. The international floriculture industry is one that is constantly changing and has a highly competitive environment. These challenges require that its participants be successfully integrated into the market and constantly improve their competitive positions. The South African floriculture industry has become more integrated into the global market since it opened up its economy in 1994. Both revenue and employment in this industry have increased since then. However, South Africa remains fairly uncompetitive compared with its African counterparts. The overall aim of this study was to assess the impact of the global floriculture industry on both the competitiveness of the South African floriculture industry and its integration into the global market. The GCC and GVC approaches were used in this assessment. The literature study provided background to these approaches in the context of globalisation. A detailed description was further given to the attributes and challenges of the global floriculture arena, together with a delineation of the South African floriculture industry. The empirical study was conducted through a mail-based questionnaire, which was mailed to the members of the South African Flower Export Council. The response rate of the survey was 59 per cent and can be considered high for a mail-based questionnaire. The responses were analysed according to the elements of the GVC and GCC approaches. This enabled an analysis of the global chains that the exporters form part of. Hence, it identified the role players and variables within these chains that influence the ultimate income of the floriculture industry. From the empirical findings it was possible to determine the South African export floriculture industry's strengths and weaknesses. The conclusion drawn was that the South African floriculture industry functions successful internationally, according to the elements of the GCC and GVC approaches. However, the industry does not participate to its full potential in the global market and lacks competitiveness. These findings supported the assumptions in the literature study. Once the South African floriculture exporters become more export-oriented (i.e. shift their focus from the domestic to the international market), the industry's competitiveness will enhance. Becoming further integrated into the global market by increasing both the volumes and values of their exports can do this. Ultimately the exporters will be able to move into better and more competitive global chains (i.e. export more directly). / Thesis (M.Com. (International Commerce))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.


楊濛徽, Yang Meng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
貨物稅為一歷史悠久的稅目,各國經濟發展早期,貨物稅在該國稅收比例上亦具相當之地位。台灣地區自光復後迄今,租稅結構已由間接稅為主逐漸轉變為直接稅為主,貨物稅稅收比重亦隨之下降。本文以貨物稅課征理論之演變,加以世界各國的經驗及趨勢,討論光復後台灣地區貨物稅之演變及未來應如何調整因應,俾達鑑往知來之目的及制度設計之參考。本文重要發現如下: 一、隨著經濟迅速發展及經濟環境的變遷,貨物稅課征目的已由早期主要取得稅收之目的(如以往的鹽稅、火柴之課徵等),以及針對奢侈品課稅的公平目標,及後限制消費目的的課稅(如菸酒等),轉至目前著重使用者付費及矯正外部性之功能等目的之變化。 二、OECD國家貨物稅占總稅收比重已呈現下滑趨勢,並由1965年的15.4%下降至1995年的8.9%,目前各國消費稅制係以一般銷售稅為主幹(如VAT),貨物稅為特定政策目的而課徵,已居於輔助地位。在課稅項目上,OECD諸國主要集中於菸酒、油氣類、車輛類、污染廢料及能源稅的課徵,反映出世界重視環境保護及能源節約觀念的趨勢。 三、台灣地區貨物稅收占總稅收比重在1970年後有下降的趨勢,但不若OECD諸國的大幅度下滑,而呈現平緩下降趨勢。在1990年代,台灣貨物稅仍維持平均12.25%的比重,較OECD國家的8.9%高出許多。至於貨物稅收占消費支出比重及貨物稅收占GDP比重,大體上也呈下降的趨勢;若就絕對值比較,目前台灣地區貨物稅收占消費支出比重為2.5%,而OECD國家為4.08%;貨物稅收占GDP比重為1.88%,而OECD國家為3.09%;不論是貨物稅收占消費支出比重抑或占GDP比重,我國均較OECD諸國為低,顯示台灣地區貨物稅收仍有提高的空間。 在課稅貨物的比較上,台灣貨物稅的稅收功能一向不為政府所輕忽,而對平板玻璃、水泥類貨物的課徵尤為各國所罕見,我國每人使用水泥量高居世界第一,對水泥課徵貨物稅或而可滿足財政目的有關;而環保、節約能源觀念的落實也尚未充份利用於貨物稅制政策制定考量中 。 四、台灣地區貨物稅歷經多次改制,早期貨物稅的課征著重財政收入目的,故對設廠製造、征收容易或消費量大之貨物課徵,如水泥、電器類、車輛類等財貨的課徵。而後隨著經濟的發展,為了合理調整稅負分配,考量高所得者負擔能力,對於當時之高級消費品,如大型冰箱、彩色電視機、錄影機等貨物予以課稅。直至後來,考量貨物稅的累退性質,加上許多應稅項目隨著國民所得提高,逐漸成為一般家庭用品,故對電器類中某些項目予以廢除或修正稅率。迄今,我國平均每人所得接近已開發國家的水準,對於貨物稅課稅項目的修正也漸朝使用者付費、受益原則、外部成本內部化的方向進行:如維持水泥課稅、油氣類中消費性用油稅率趨高、車輛類的依氣缸排氣量分級課稅等。 五、在民國五十年代開始,台灣地區貨物稅稅收主要集中在油氣類、車輛類、電器類及水泥等類貨物,此四類貨物之稅收每年合計平均佔百分之五十以上。各類貨物稅稅收之起伏,與經濟發展階段、國民購買能力有關,且與該項貨物之所得需求彈性相契合。 六、若以四十年長期資料,計算貨物稅收之所得彈性係數,以說明台灣經濟發展與貨物稅稅收之關係,發現彈性係數為1.120124,隨著經濟發展,國民所得增加,貨物稅收也為上升的,但其增幅具減緩的趨勢。 七、由於環保課題的受到重視,各國在貨物稅制度設計上,利用納入貨物稅體系方式,使貨物稅除了使用者付費、外部效果內部化外,尚具有環保政策的功能,此已成為貨物稅課征之未來趨勢。就台灣地區而言,也應將貨物稅的改革導入此一方向,例如水泥為生產原料,卻予以課稅,導因於其製程產生高度之污染,為使分擔社會成本;對於能源課稅,台灣應轉變成具環境稅性質的碳稅,一方面顧及能源節約政策,另一方面達減低溫室效應目標;關於橡膠輪胎、大型電器用品、飲料容器等財貨,在資源回收體系尚未完備下,貨物稅可成為一暫時性的替代措施。另外對免洗餐具等不易處理之垃圾來源,可納入貨物稅體系下課稅,以矯正外部性,避免社會使用過量。 論文摘要 ………………………………………………………………i 目 錄 ………………………………………………………………iv 圖表目錄 ………………………………………………………………vi 第一章 緒 論 …………………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機及目的 ……………………………1 第二節 研究方法及範圍 ……………………………2 第三節 研究架構 ……………………………………3 第二章 貨物稅課稅原則 …………………………………………4 第一節 貨物稅課稅原則-傳統與現代觀點之變化 …4 第二節 最適租稅理論 ………………………………9 第三章 各國貨物稅制度分析 ……………………………………15 第一節 各國貨物稅制度 …………………………15 第二節 各國貨物稅稅收結構分析 ……………… 27 第三節 台灣地區與各國之比較 ……………………31 第四章 台灣地區貨物稅之沿革及分析 …………………………36 第一節 貨物稅沿革及歷年修正情形 …………… 36 第二節 現行貨物稅制 ……………………………38 第三節 現行貨物稅制之檢討 ……………………40 第四節 稅收分析及稅基、稅率之變化 …………… 42 第五節 貨物稅與經濟發展之關係 ………………… 50 第五章 未來台灣地區貨物稅發展之建議 ………………………52 第一節 水泥課稅之爭議 …………………………… 52 第二節 碳稅之實行 ……………………………………54 第三節 其他稅目 …………………………………… 56 第四節 本章小結 ……………………………………58 第六章 結 論 …………………………………………… 59 參考文獻 ……………………………………………………………62

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