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Using CSR to increase the value of the company / Using CSR to increase the value of the companyNováková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to find if and how active corporate social responsibility can increase the value of company together with identification of the most impactful activities in this regard. For this purpose, the thesis is structured into three parts. The first part provides overview of theoretical approaches to the company value with specific focus on Corporate Social Responsibility, sustainability and communication. In the second part, initiatives in the area of sustainability in a case company are reviewed. For this purpose, a leader and innovator in the area of CSR has been selected with variety of best practices that have been mapped. Based on the conducted research, the third part summarizes recommendations from both theory, as well as practice on those activities that should be considered by other companies for incorporation.
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Living Lab - En öppen innovationsmiljöAndersson, Cristoffer, Christensson, Sebastian, Davidsson, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
<p>Living Lab är en öppen innovationsmiljö där innovationer samproduceras, testas och verifieras av användarna, tillsammans med företag och akademin i en kontext som representerar innovationens tänkta användningsområde. Genom samverkan kan olika värden skapas för företagen. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur Living Lab skapar värde för företag och vilka värden företag kan identifiera ur de användarcentrerade aktiviteterna. Uppsatsen karaktäriseras av en kvalitativ ansats och grundar sig i en explorativ undersökning med djupintervjuer där fyra företag ligger till grund för uppsatsens resultat. Uppsatsen har visat att Living Lab skapat värden för företag genom att de fått mer tilltalande produkter, identifierat nya användarkategorier och samordnat resurser med företag. Living Lab är därmed värdeskapande för företag genom stöd för utvärdering, ny- och vidareutveckling av innovationer. Samverkan mellan användare, företag och akademin öppnar upp för ett kunskapsutbyte vilket skapar värde för företag då kompetensutveckling äger rum och en djupare kunskap om användarna kan erhållas</p>
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Living Lab - En öppen innovationsmiljöAndersson, Cristoffer, Christensson, Sebastian, Davidsson, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
Living Lab är en öppen innovationsmiljö där innovationer samproduceras, testas och verifieras av användarna, tillsammans med företag och akademin i en kontext som representerar innovationens tänkta användningsområde. Genom samverkan kan olika värden skapas för företagen. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur Living Lab skapar värde för företag och vilka värden företag kan identifiera ur de användarcentrerade aktiviteterna. Uppsatsen karaktäriseras av en kvalitativ ansats och grundar sig i en explorativ undersökning med djupintervjuer där fyra företag ligger till grund för uppsatsens resultat. Uppsatsen har visat att Living Lab skapat värden för företag genom att de fått mer tilltalande produkter, identifierat nya användarkategorier och samordnat resurser med företag. Living Lab är därmed värdeskapande för företag genom stöd för utvärdering, ny- och vidareutveckling av innovationer. Samverkan mellan användare, företag och akademin öppnar upp för ett kunskapsutbyte vilket skapar värde för företag då kompetensutveckling äger rum och en djupare kunskap om användarna kan erhållas
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Stanovení hodnoty podniku ELMO, spol. s r. o. / Determination value of company ELMO, spol. s r.o.Pospíšil, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The basic objective of the submitted thesis "Determination value of company ELMO, spol. s r.o." is exactly estimate the market value of ELMO company. Principle of this thesis states the summary and description of the incoming methods of company assessing. The analytic section of this thesis contains all information relating to above mentioned company. Further the financial and assessement analysis is performed and on its basis the financial plan is created. In next step the incoming methods are applied. The verdict of appraisal value is stated in the final section.
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Analýza rozvoje společnosti prostřednictvím fúze / Analysis of company development done by mergerGondová, Lucia January 2010 (has links)
A company development can be done by several ways. But a result should be always the same -- an increase of the value for owners. One of the possibilities is a merger of two or more companies. The main aim which should be achieved is attaining a synergy effect. The value of calculation is done by the difference between the price of companies efore the merger and after it. The final synergy is calculated after taking in account merger costs. Because of other development's possibilities it can help doing analysis to compare their effects. The conclusion brings a revision, whether the effect is achieved in particular example of merger.
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Stanovení hodnoty zemědělského podnikuŠvandová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Transportavimo sektoriaus įmonių rezultatų vertinimas atsižvelgiant į atstovavimo problemos pasireiškimą / Valuation of financial performance of transportation companies, regarding agency problemVilkas, Artūras 14 June 2011 (has links)
Kiekvienos įmonės savininkas yra suinteresuotas kuo didesniu savo turto augimu, o jei įmonės vadovas yra ne savininkas, o samdytas direktorius profesionalas, tuomet savininkui natūraliai kyla klausimas, ar jis pakankamai gerai valdo įmonę ir maksimaliai didina jos vertę. Tam, kad nustatyti, kurie yra geresni įmonių vadovai (vadovai-savininkai ar vadovai-profesionalai), buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas: įvertinti ir nustatyti atstovavimo problemos įtaką įmonių finansiniams rodikliams, labiausiai didinantiems įmonės vertę. I dalyje apžvelgiami teoriniai atstovavimo problemos ir įmonių vertės nustatymo aspektai, II dalyje sudaroma tyrimo metodologija, III dalyje atliekamas tyrimas, nustatantis koks vadovų tipas (vadovai-savininkai ar vadovai-profesionalai) sugeba apsiekti geresnius įmonės vertės didinimo rezultatus. Tyrimo metu nustatyta 1) kokie įmonių finansiniai rodikliai geriausiai koreliuoja su įmonės vertės didėjimu, išreikštu per EBIT/CE santykį 2) kad tiek vadovas-savininkai, tiek vadovai-profesionalai vienodai pasiekia įmonės vertę didinančius rodiklius. / The owner of every company is interested is his company wealth maximization, however, if company’s manager is not owner, but hired professional manager, one may question the quality of management and achievement of aim of increasing company’s wealth. In order to determine, which kind of management (directors-owner or directors-professionals) can achieve better results, a following research was done, which aim was: evaluate and determine agency problem’s impact on companies’ financial indexes that drives company’s value the most. In the Ist part of this research we look at the theoretical aspects of agency problem and company value creation, in the IInd part research methodology is done, in the IIIrd part a research is done, that determines which type of managers (manager-owner or manager-professional) manages to drive company’s value more. During research it was determined: 1) which financial indexes correlate better with company value, which is determined as EBIT/CE ratio 2) that manager-owner, as well as manager-professional, both equally are capable of driving company’s value.
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Researth on the Value Creation Strategy -The Case Of Ritek GroupChen, Li-mei 23 August 2011 (has links)
Researth on the Value Creation Strategy
-The Case Of Ritek Group
By Li-Mei Chen
Seeking sustainable growth has always been the core value of an enterprise.However, to achieve such goal, many questions followed¡Kwhat rules to obey upon seeking sustainable growth? High growth leads to high profit for sure? Larger company scale accompanies higher profit? Such growth strategy should be managed according more to external environment or more on own core competence? How to create company value resulting from the diversification and collectivization of the company growth?
I adopt Ritek group (ëä¼w¶°¹Î) as my case study object. Purpose of my study is to find out the affection of their growth strategy to their company value, and, how this efficient growth strategy enhances sustainable competitive advantage. My study integrated the relation between company value and Resource-Based view, Enterprise Growth Strategy view and Economic Value Added (EVA) view.
Results of my empirical study:
1. Resources construction is a key in the development of company.
2. Strategy to focus on core competencies and to be effective.
3. Company valued scale expansion strategy increased their company value.
4. Fast capital outlay expansion helps no company value promotion.
5. Long-term investment amount decides future value.
6. Highly fund financing could not create company value.
7. Company¡¦s profit ability affects its future growth opportunity.
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Ocenenie spoločnosti Vodafone Czech Republic a.s. / Valuation of Vodafone Czech Republic a. s.Rakár, Pavol January 2017 (has links)
The thesis focuses on valuating of the company Vodafone, Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into initial, theoretical and practical parts. Theoretical part explains the main theoretical knowledges regarding evaluating sphere. The practical part is application of that knowledge to the analysing company Vodafone, Czech Republic. The thesis uses Discounted Cash-flow (DCF) method and Economic Added Value(EVA).
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Value estimation of the company Metrostav a.s. / Odhad hodnoty podniku METROSTAV, a.s.Černý, Matěj January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to determine the market value of the company Metrostav a.s. to the date 1.1.2009. Final market value represents the potential market price for which the owners could sell this company to the date of evaluation. The diploma thesis starts with brief introduction of the company. Afterwards strategic analysis follows which is focused on analysis of profit potential and its result is the prediction of sales in the near future. In financial analysis are examined the financial conditions of the company on the basis of absolute, ratio and global indicators. Financial plan is based on the prediction of sales, which was estimated within strategic analysis. The company is evaluated using two-phase discounted cash flow method in the version of FCFF. The diploma thesis is ended by risk analysis of assessment value of company by using software program Crystal Ball.
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