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Leerlingkwaliteite as determinant van onderwysstandaarde.Labuschagne, Stephanus Frederik 11 June 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / The main purpose of this study is to determine whether pupil quality influences educational standards. The development and growth of pupils are the result of hereditary and environmental factors. Environmental factors inter alia include the school's and teacher's involvement with pupils. The role that the school plays in the life of the pupil, is very important for his development. The school is the pupil's living place in which he becomes involved with his peer group. The pupil has to learn to socialise and to respect authority. Knowledge becomes unlocked through the pupil as well as for him. The school is the preparatory phase for his adult life. The qualities that the pupil obtains during his school years, largely determine the career that he will follow, his social status, his economic welfare and his self-concept. The empirical component of the investigation was based on the implementation of a questionnaire. Concerning validity and reliability, a principal component analysis (P.C.A.) was followed by a principal factor analysis (P.F.A.) in the first order analysis. This was followed by a second order P.C.A. and P.F.A. The variables resulting from this factor analysis procedure were then subjected to an item analysis. The identified variables, i.e, sex differences, educational qualifications, occupation, primary and secondary schools, school models, permanent place of residence, religion, marital status, children and income, were used to investigate the importance of pupil qualities and educational standards. The most important findings are: The majority of respondents regards pupil quality as a very important determinant which can influence educational standards. Great emphasis should be placed on reading in primary schools. Pupils with specific reading problems should receive continuing formal reading tuition in the secondary schools. Rationalisation within the teaching profession should not have an effect on support classes and remedial education. As far as achievement oriented education is concerned, care should be taken to ensure that pupils with problems and needs receive the necessary attention. The primary aim should be child centred education.
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Outcomes-based guidelines for the curriculation of Technikon level public relations education in South Africa.Lowe, Genevieve Isabelle 28 May 2008 (has links)
The International Public Relations Association (IPRA) in their Gold Paper No.7 (1990:6) recognises two schools of thought about education and training for public relations : one that it is preparation for a technician level post and the other that it is preparation for management. These two approaches broadly represent that of public relations education in the USA and that in Europe, respectively. These two different approaches differ markedly. South African tertiary education utilises both of these approaches, university education in public relations following the European model, and technikon education following the model of the USA. This has created confusion in industry and, as a result, graduates of both universities and technikons are often not given due recognition. It also results in public relations not realising its true potential. Added to the foregoing, there are fundamental problems in the field of public relations itself, such as its lack of definition and also of scientific status and professionalism. South Africa is currently introducing an outcomes-based approach to education throughout its tertiary education system. While the introduction of a particular curriculation approach such as outcomes-based education would be problematic in the general sense because of the fundamental problems of public relations, it is particularly so in the South African context where public relations education is being offered in accordance with the two different approaches to education. For this reason, this study seeks to provide guidelines for the curriculation of technikon level public relations education within an outcomes-based approach to education. The compilation of a set of guidelines for technikon level public relations education will serve a useful purpose in several directions, as set out below:- (1) The confusion in South African industry with regard to the recognition of the abilities of public relations graduates can be alleviated. (2) The path can be opened for the accreditation of public relations graduates to be instituted. (3) The chances of graduates gaining managerial positions and of becoming members of the dominant coalition of an organisation and of being able to utilise the Excellence Model of public relations practice will be promoted. (4) Research is more likely to be theoretically-grounded and is likely both to increase in volume and to make a worthy contribution to development in South Africa. (5) The chances of the fundamental problems of the field of public relations being engaged will be enhanced and this could make significant contributions to the field on a generic scale. (6) The fulfilment of the requirement of The White Paper (1997) that South African tertiary education carry out its function with economy and efficiency will be facilitated. In order to fulfil the primary purpose, current approaches to tertiary level public relations education will be analysed and assessed in various contexts; weaknesses and strengths in current curriculation perspectives adopted for tertiary level public relations education will be identified; the impact of the educational context on the curriculation of technikon level public relations courses will be analysed; and a theoretical framework for understanding the context of technikon tertiary level public relations education will be developed. The foregoing yield information for the compilation of guidelines and recommendations for technikon level public relations education in South Africa. / Prof. S. Verwey
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Perceptions of primary school principals about the assessment of learner performance in mathematics within outcome based education.Mdluli, Manono Angeline 14 October 2008 (has links)
M.Ed. / The transformasieproses in Suid-Afrika met die instelling van Uitkomsgebaseerde Onderwys, asook die implementering van die Nasionale Assesseringsbeleid tesame met snelle ontwikkeling in die onderrig en leer van wiskunde, het ‘n veranderde siening van die skoolhoof se rol, funksie en verantwoordelikhede teweeg gebring. Een omvattende verandering vir die skoolhoof is om te verseker dat ‘n skool gehalte onderrig en leer voorsien en in stand hou. Die tranformasie in die onderwys het daartoe aanleiding gegee dat die navorser ondersoek ingestel het na die persepsies van skoolhoofde ten opsigte van die assessering van leerderprestasie in wiskunde binne die Uitkomsgebaseerde Onderwysparadigma. Hierdie navorsig gee die verskillende persepsies wat laerskoolhoofde oor die aard van wiskunde en die assessering van leerderprestasie in wiskunde het. ‘n Kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode is gebruik om skoolhoofde se persepsies oor die assessering van leerderprestasie in wiskunde te identifiseer. Tesame hiermee het ‘n literatuuroorsig die raamwerk vir die ondersoek voorsien. Die doel van die navorsing was om die persepsies onderliggend aan skoolhoofde se bestuur van assesseringshandelinge te identifiseer. ‘n Gestruktureerde vraelys is as navorsingsinstrument gebruik. Die sleutelbevindings van hierdie navorsing was dat laerskoolhoofde uiteenlopende persepsies van die aard van wiskunde en die assessering van leerderprestasie in wiskunde het. Hulle persepsies van die aard van wiskunde spruit uit die manier waarop hulleself in wiskunde onderrig is, die manier waarop hulle geassesseer is, en hulle oortuigings en houdings oor wiskunde en assessering. Die volgende sleutelaspekte het uit hulle persepsies van die assessering van leerderprestasie in wiskunde en hulle rol om te verseker dat gehalte onderwys voorsien word, na vore gekom: • ‘n Gebrek aan begrip vir die aard van wiskundige kennis. • ‘n Gebrek aan begrip van die essensie van uitkomsgebaseerde assessering. • Beperkte kennis en begrip van hedendaagse sienings oor die onderrig en leer van wiskunde. Ten slotte is dit duidelik dat deur opleiding en ontwikkelingsprogramme en sterk ondersteuningstrukture, skoolhoofde ondersteun kan word om die assessering van leerderprestasie doeltreffend te bestuur en die voorsiening van gehalte onderrig en leer in wiskunde te verseker. / Mr. D.R. Mestry
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Curriculum 2005: challenges facing teachers in historically disadvantaged schools in the Western CapeDe Waal, Trevor Garfield January 2004 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / The quest for change in the new South Africa on political , economical and social frontiers were primarily directed at entrance into the global markets, establishing democracy and leveling the playing fields amongst South Africa’s diverse population. Those previously disenfranchised on political, economical and social grounds waited in anticipation on the rewards for their participation in the struggle against the discriminative minority regime of the past. These rewards would be in the form of radical policy changes sometimes far removed from the realities of the ordinary citizen. These reforms especially those on the educational level would prove to be flawed with constraints not anticipated by these policy developers as well as the government of the day. The educational transformation process was thus deemed as significant in order to address equity and equality and in so doing also provide skilled citizens which are able to be globally competitive.These educational changes in terms of schools were externalised in the form of Curriculum 2005 and Outcomes-based Education. Curriculum 2005 was viewed as a planned framework (process) of curriculum innovation underpinned by factors such as redress, access, equity and development. Outcomes-based Education in turn was the approach focusing on what is learned and how learning is taken place. This study will focus on Curriculum 2005 and OBE as education transformation tools and to what extent grade 7 teachers as implementers and modifiers understand and practice C2005 and OBE in their respective classrooms. One of the biggest problems facing the educational transformation process is the fact that there exists a gap between theory (policy) and practice (implementation). This gap can be attributed to different factors present in the historical disadvantaged school context in South Africa.This study will follow a qualitative approach which is directed at an inquiry process of understanding based on a distinct methodological approach. Data- gathering tools such as direct observation, structured interviews and questionnaires will be used. The research was primarily conducted in historically disadvantaged schools in the Metropole-east circuit of the Western Cape Educational Department. The sample was made up of schools in Macassar, Firgrove, Somerset-West, Strand, Temperance Town and Sir Lowry’s Pass. / South Africa
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An investigation of the status and practice of life orientation in South African schools in two provincesRooth, Edna January 2005 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The study aimed to investigate the status and practice of life orientation in South African schools. Life orientation is a quintessential new learning area, introduced as part of curriculum transformation in South Africa, and is intented to equip learners with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes for successful living and learning. Preliminary observations suggested that life orientation has not been optimally implemented in schools, and the low status legacy of life orientation's constituents added further impetus to the rationale for the study. / South Africa
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Probing learners' conceptual understanding of oxidation and reduction (redox) reactions : a case studyAddam, Billey Bright January 2004 (has links)
The new political dispensation in South Africa has seen a lot of changes taking place. The democratic wind, which has been blowing in all spheres of the political arena, could not leave out Education. This has led to the transformation in education and the revision of the curriculum guided by the Outcomes-Based Education philosophy (OBE). Thus, require education authorities as well as educators to look at education more comprehensively. The challenge posed to educators now is to develop tools and strategies that will make learning accessible to as many learners as possible and to teach for understanding and construction of knowledge. The principal objective of this study was to investigate the important role the learner's prior knowledge plays and the use of different tools and strategies in stimulating conceptual understanding and construction of knowledge of redox reactions. This was done using learners' own investigations, practical activities, teaching settings and a workshop. The findings show that the learners lacked organized and structured prior knowledge. Learners could not integrate prior experience with new experience. The main issue seems to be the failure of learners to relate classroom experience to everyday redox phenomena. Possible reasons are discussed with some implications for teaching redox. The study further postulates that to assist learners to develop conceptual understanding of redox reactions, different tools and strategies should be employed and teaching made relevant to real-life situations. In so doing, redox concepts would not be abstract to learners.
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The dynamics of an emerging outcomes-based educational approach in a second language English classroomWestphal, Vivian January 2000 (has links)
Curriculum 2005 and outcomes-based education was introduced to South African educators in 1996 by the Minister of Education, Prof. S.M.E. Bengu as an alternative to the racially divided education system prior to the first democratic elections of 1995. The new curriculum was designed to transform the education system into a more equitable system by focussing on creating learners who would become creative thinkers, independent, productive workers and responsible, non-racial citizens. Learners would take a greater role in their own education and teachers would take on new roles as facilitators in the learning process. The new approach was introduced into grade 1 in 1998 and grade 2 in 1999. By using a modified ethnographic approach, this research project studies how one teacher has begun to think about Curriculum 2005 and implement an OBE approach to ESL teaching in a grade 2 classroom. It also focuses on gaining insights into how the teacher has attempted to make sense of the new curriculum in terms of her current practice and the training she has received in OBE. The ethnographic approach of the thesis has allowed the researcher to draw on many forms of data providing a holistic view. Tentative findings show that the teacher is experiencing difficulty in “unpacking” the underlying principles of OBE in terms of her current methods of teaching ESL. She continues to work from tacit knowledge. Because she has received very little training in OBE, she lacks the tools to become a more reflective practitioner. Despite this, her ESL lessons show a positive communicative approach to language teaching by focusing on stories, rhymes and songs as comprehensible input for the learners. The findings of this thesis tentatively suggest that unless teachers are given more adequate training and learning support materials, their classroom practices will remain relatively unchanged.
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Teachers' experience of professional support in a changing educational settingSivhabu, Tendani Emmanuel 27 September 2005 (has links)
The introduction of outcomes based education, what in South Africa is called Curriculum 2005, in 1998 ushered in a new era in South African education. Curriculum 2005 will take some years to filter through the whole schooling system, yet a revision has already had to be instituted and a New Curriculum Statement is envisaged to be introduced to schools starting in 2004. This study has examined the experiences of teachers with regard to the purpose, scope and practices of professional support within the changing educational setting of South Africa. In doing so the study also examined the actual experiences of teachers with regard to educational change and professional support, particularly in relation to outcomes based education. The study also indicated the measures that can be taken in order to improve the provision of professional support for teachers. The study used a qualitative method of research. It used a non¬positivist interpretative/constructivist approach. To obtain information, the study used open ended interviews with five teachers from Thohoyandou District, Limpopo Province. The teachers, three males and two females, all teach grade 7 classes. Purposeful sampling was used to select those teachers who I regarded as having the necessary and relevant knowledge, understandings, and experiences for this research and were willing to share their experiences. The data analysis used here is based on the ideas of grounded theory, which argues for detailed grounding of theory in the systematic and intensive analysis of empirical data in a microscopic detailed fashion. The report discusses issues such as politics and educational change, the context of change, teacher collaboration, commitment and accountability. Other issues discussed included advocacy for the changes, the timing of workshops for outcomes based education and training for teachers, in school support by principals and heads of department and site visits by curriculum advisors to provide support for teachers as they grapple with the changes. The research indicates that teachers within the same context can have different conceptions or multiple mental constructions about educational change and professional support which may contradict each other, or be in conflict with each other. This research therefore calls for a more personal interactive mode of professional support provision, involving a juxtaposition of conflicting and contradicting ideas, in which efforts are made to obtain the multiple perspectives that teachers have. This will lead to a reconsideration of ideas, methods and positions as the provision of professional support progresses, thus allowing for complementarities to be discovered. / Thesis (D Phil (Comparative Education))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted
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An intergrated learning programme for the Knysna Montessori schoolNel, Andri January 2010 (has links)
In line with Montessori methodology, the Knysna Montessori School runs its programmes in an integrated and holistic manner. Learning programmes are based on a blend of various Montessori learning programmes and the Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS). Classes are divided into three year-age groupings; and integrated learning programmes are in place within the pre-school, (including grade R), the grade 1 to 3 class, and the grade 4 to 6 class. However, the grade 7 to 9 Montessori class has been running in a more traditional and less integrated manner since its inception in 2004. That has motivated the undertaking of this study. The main aim of this qualitative study has been to determine how to best arrange the RNCS according to Montessori principles, that is to say, in a holistic and integrated manner, with the intention of presenting a learning programme for the grade 7 to 9 class. This aim was based on a constructivist philosophical foundation and addressed in conjunction with interpretivism and critical theory. The grounded theory research paradigm was followed. In this paradigm research findings are grounded in the data gathering and the analysis. Three methods of data collection were applied, namely a literature review, interviews and document analysis. A literature review was conducted to gain a better overview and understanding of the RNCS and Outcomes-Based Education (OBE). Furthermore, through the literature review, an in-depth understanding of the Montessori method of education, adolescent development and integrated and holistic education have been achieved. Interviews were conducted with staff from the Knysna Montessori School, with the purpose of gathering information on the Knysna Montessori School and its current application to the RNCS, from pre-school to grade 6. An availability and purposive sampling method was applied, in order to determine which staff members to interview. Finally, document analysis was done. The learning areas for the senior phase (grades 7 to 9) of the General Education and Training Band (GET) of the RNCS were coded and analysed in order to discover emergent themes within the RNCS and how these link with the Montessori curriculum arrangement for this age group. It became apparent that Montessori classrooms, both prior to and for the senior phase, are divided into three areas, namely language, mathematics and cultural studies. Based on this knowledge, as well as the documentary analysis, an integrated learning programme, grounded in the data analysis, was designed. It was found that the RNCS matches well with Montessori’s curriculum arrangement. Thus, this learning programme is in line with Montessori’s curriculum arrangement for the senior phase of the GET band. Such a curriculum arrangement integrates the learning outcomes and assessment standards from arts and culture, economic and management sciences, life orientation, natural sciences, social sciences and technology into different studies. These are globally referred to as cultural studies. However, specific attention was also given to moral education, self-expression through music, art and drama, entrepreneurship, career education and sport. The conclusion was reached that an integrated learning programme, based on Montessori principles and in line with the RNCS requirement, is possible for the Knysna Montessori School.
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Teachers' perceptions of the implementation of the arts and culture learning area in the senior phaseVan Blerk, Susan January 2007 (has links)
Teachers are the primary implementers of a curriculum as they need to bring the curriculum to life in the classroom. In order to optimize the success of the implementation of a specific curriculum, it is necessary to monitor the experiences of the educator in the classroom and in drawing conclusions from the data gained, make recommendations for the continued improvement of implementation. As mentioned earlier, Fullan’s reference (1991:117) to the significant effect of teachers thoughts on the implementation gave rise to the central research question, namely to determine teachers’ perceptions about the implementation of the Arts and Culture learning area at a particular school ‘Perceptions’ however, is a subjective concept and thus any form of quantitative research would appear to be inappropriate. Based on the above it was decided to approach this investigation qualitatively and so this project was done within the qualitative paradigm.
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