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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die impak van die uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys-assesseringsbeleid op die werkslading van onderwysers

Arnold, Alvin Mark 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Education Policy Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The aim of this paper is to obtain an indication of the impact of an outcomes-based assessment policy on the workload of six teachers of a secondary school. Since the implementation of Outcomes Based Education (OBE) there are great expectations to implement new approaches in relation to planning, instruction and assessment guidelines that teachers should follow. Despite these guidelines assessment remains a problem area because teachers are still grappling with the assessment principles of OBE. The new outcomes-based approach to assessment encourages teachers to integrate their instruction with classroom-based assessment. Teachers however do not appear to be integrating their instruction with their assessment. Teachers are blaming the lack of integration to a lack of time. This research is an attempt to assess the time teachers spend on instruction, assessment and extra mural activities. Although this is a qualitative research, it offers a quantifiable reality that is relative to the context of six selected teachers and the context in which the teachers and school is situated. Policy is not static and thus it should be continuously tested to determine whether the aim of the particular policy is practicable. Thus I am of the opinion that research of this nature can be an important mechanism for policy enactment because indicators inform policy makers about the policy. The findings of this research proposes to "put in numbers" what teachers have to say, in other words, to reflect the quantified realities of the workload of teachers.

Reconceptualising assessment practices in South African schools: making an argument for critical action

Swartz, Jennifer-Hellen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Education Policy Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / On the surface the National Assessment Policy is transformative in nature because it promotes notions of shaping educational practice that will enhance the interests of learners in a meaningful way. It promotes ideas of transparency and a partnership between learners and educators that presupposes that learners are fully involved at every stage of their learning in decisions that affect their progress. This creates the impression that teaching and learning take place in a democratic environment where constant consultation and consensus are the order of the day. The policy ultimately envisages a kind of learner who would have the ability to participate as a critical citizen in society. Looked at from a critical perspective, this criteria-referenced outcomes framework seems to be a contradiction to transformative policy and practice. The predetermined criteria outlined in the policy seem to negate its intention of creating a schooling system through which critical citizens can emerge. The focus of this thesis, therefore, is firstly to make a critical analysis of assessment in OBE and its stated transformation objectives and, secondly, to reconceptualise assessment practices in South African schools by making an argument for critical action. This analysis will explore the issue of power relations in the classroom and their impact on participatory, deliberative and democratic classroom interaction as a condition imperative for a transformative OBE curriculum. This issue is pertinent and central not only to the improvement and promotion of teaching and learning, but also because of the profound implications it has for how we view educational transformation in South Africa.

Facilitating human rights values across outcomes-based education and Waldorf education curricula

Du Preez, Petro 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The facilitation of human rights values might be considered a means to rethink and redefine values education in South Africa. This study aimed at determining how human rights values were addressed in the context of independent Waldorf Education and government initiated outcomes-based education in South Africa, and how educators facilitated these values in various circumstances. In exploring the philosophies, theories and practices of these education models against the background of paradigmatic and post-paradigmatic philosophies in support of the socially constructive curriculum theory, important notions were highlighted that have preceded, and might follow, the facilitation of human rights values. The epistemologies, ontologies and methodologies of the emancipatory paradigm and postparadigmatic framework appeared to provide appropriate philosophical departure points regarding the facilitation of human rights values. This study anticipated the theoretical clarification of the concept human rights values and included a discussion on the importance of these values in various school contexts. Values identified from the Manifesto on Values, Education and Democracy (2001), that were also present in the Curriculum: Waldorf Schools in South Africa (1995), were discussed as possible human rights values. Empirical research was conducted to explore how human rights values were attended to in good practice scenarios in order to provide insight into the questions posed regarding the facilitation of human rights values. Through systematic ethnographic observations and semi-structured interviews it appeared that in both school contexts human rights values were more frequently addressed in incidental situations than in formal curriculum contents. This is interesting seeing that the outcomes-based education model has a number of documents to guide the facilitation of human rights values within formal curriculum contents, whereas the Waldorf approach has no such supportive documents. One might question the value and influence of numerous documents if basic knowledge that is required for the meaningful interpretation of such documents is not communicated from the outset. Moreover, it became evident that since Waldorf educators are adequately trained in Anthroposophy, the philosophy to which Waldorf schools adhere, they deal with curriculum matters such as socially constructing a curriculum more effectively. The training of outcomes-based education educators can be questioned regarding the philosophy, theory and methodology of outcomes-based education in view of the hasty implementation of this new model for government schools. As a result of this hurried process, educators of outcomes-based education are experiencing numerous uncertainties when they have to manage curriculum matters such as socially constructing a curriculum. Recommendations and related examples were provided after the completion of the study. This included, among others, the notions of dialogically facilitating human rights values to promote learners' understanding of their rights, and the rights of others; to transform incidental facilitation of human rights values into worthwhile teaching-learning experiences; to use human resources - including learners - to convey human rights values; and to focus educators' training (both in-service and pre-service) toward the inclusion of human rights values and promoting an understanding of socially constructing a curriculum. The study was concluded with the remark that human rights values might be an appropriate means to redefine values education, provided that the facilitation of human rights values are based on suitable theoretical and philosophical premises; and that those held responsible to facilitate such values are assisted in this task. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fasilitering van menseregte-waardes kan beskou word as 'n wyse om waarde-opvoeding in Suid-Afrika opnuut te deurdink en te herdefinieer. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om vas te stel hoe menseregte-waardes in onafhanklike Waldorf Onderwys en staatsgeïnisieerde uitkomsgebaseerde onderwyskontekste in Suid-Afrika aangespreek word, en ook hoe dit in die praktyk gefasiliteer word. Die verkenning van teorieë, filosofieë en praktyke aangaande die twee opvoedingsrnodelle teen die agtergrond van paradigmatiese en post-paradigmatiese filosofieë, ter ondersteuning van kurrikulumteorie, het kardinale aspekte wat die fasilitering voorafgegaan het, en moontlik tot gevolg kan hê, uitgelig. die sosiaal-konstruktiewe van menseregte-waardes Dit kom voor asof die epistemologieë, ontologieë en metodologieë onderliggend aan die emansipatoriese paradigma en die post-paradigmatiese raamwerk 'n genoegsame filosofiese aanvangspunt bied met betrekking tot die fasilitering van menseregte-waardes. In die studie is die konsep menseregte-waardes konseptueel-teoreties verklaar. Dit het ook 'n bespreking oor die belangrikheid van hierdie waardes in verskeie skoolkontekste ingesluit. Waardes geïdentifiseer uit die Onderwysrnanifes oor Waardes en Demokrasie in die Onderwys (Manifesto on Values, Education and Democracy, 2001) wat ook sigbaar was in die Waldorf-kurrikulumdokument (Curriculum: Waldorf Schools in South Africa, 1995), is bespreek as moontlike menseregte-waardes. Empiriese navorsing is onderneem om die wyse waarop menseregte-waardes in goeie praktyk-scenarios aangespreek word te verken ten einde nuwe insig te verkry rakende die fasilitering van menseregte-waardes. Deur die sistematies-etnografiese waarnemings en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude het dit voorgekom dat menseregte-waardes in beide skoolkontekste meestal in toevallige situasies aangespreek word, eerder as deel van formele kurrikuluminhoude. Dit is interessant, gegewe die feit dat die uitkomsgebaseerde opvoedingsmodel heelwat dokumente beskikbaar gestel het om die fasilitering van menseregte-waardes te rig, terwyl die Waldorf-benadering geen ondersteunende dokumentasie in dié verband bied nie. Mens kan tereg vra wat die waarde en invloed van sulke dokumente is as basiese kennis, wat nodig is om hierdie dokumente betekenisvol te interpreteer, nie eerste oorgedra word nie. Dit het ook gelyk asof Waldorf-onderwysers beter met kurrikulumverwante sake, soos die sosiale konstruering van 'n kurrikulum, omgaan weens hul goeie opleiding betreffende Antroposofie, die filosofie wat Waldorf-onderwys onderlê. Opvoeders in uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys se opleiding in die teorie, filosofie en metodologie van die onderwysmodel, wat beïnvloed is deur die haastige implementering van die nuwe model in staatskole, kan bevraagteken word. Laasgenoemde aspek blyk onsekerhede te veroorsaak wanneer hierdie onderwysers kurrikulumverwante sake, soos die sosiale konstruering van 'n kurrikulum, moet hanteer. Ná afloop van die studie is sekere aanbevelings en verwante voorbeelde gegee. Dit het onder meer die volgende ingesluit: dat dialoog na 'n wenslike fasiliteringstrategie lyk in die bevordering van leerders se begrip van hul regte, asook dié van andere; dat situasies waartydens menseregte-waardes toevallig aangespreek word omskep kan word in waardevolle onderrig-Ieerervaringe; dat menslike hulpbronne - insluitende leerders - gebruik kan word om menseregte-waardes oor te dra; en dat onderwysersopleiding (beide indiens en voordiens ) op die insluiting van menseregte-waardes en die bevordering van begrip vir die sosiale konstruering van 'n kurrikulum moet fokus. Die studie is afgesluit met die opmerking dat menseregte-waardes tot die herdefiniëring van waarde-opvoeding mag bydra, gegewe dat dit op gepaste teoretiese en filosofiese begrondinge gebaseer is, en dat diegene wat verantwoordelik gehou word vir die fasilitering van sulke waardes, die nodige ondersteuning in dié verband sal kry.

Die assesseringspraktyke van laerskoopopvoeders in respons tot die verwagtinge van die nasionale kurrikulumverklaring

Truter, Linley Clive 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The political dispensation in South Africa after 1994 experienced a complete change in different spheres of life. Not only was the country greeted with a new democratic government system, but also with widespread educational reform, of which curriculum reform in schools was one of its main drivers. This study focuses on implementation dynamics related to the latest iteration of curriculum reform namely the National Curriculum Statement (NCS) that was introduced in all public schools in 2005. Educators were sent for in service training in order to implement the new curriculum in their classrooms. Continuous assessment (CASS) became the operative on everybody’s lips, though learners would be assessed according to continuous assessment activities. These assessment marks or codes, obtained by the learners, would determine progression to the next grade. This resulted in a new educator practice, namely an assessment practice. Their initial encounter was somehow problematic because they found it difficult in marrying this new practice with their teaching and learning practices due to various reasons. One of the main reasons was that the NCS was never part of their tertiary education. The study’s main point of departure is that the assessment practices of primary school educators are diverse and divergent in response to the expectations of the NCS. The study uses the analytical lenses of forward and backward mapping as well as the ambiguity-conflict model in order to investigate and ascertain the underlying relationship between educator’s assessment practices and the assessment policy. The study belongs within the qualitative interpretative paradigm, as I attempt to form an understanding of the nature and range of their assessment practices. It emphasises the manifestation of the assessment practices of educators. Qualitative research instruments, which include individual interviews, were used to answer the research question and achieve the research objectives of the thesis. The research shows how these educators experience, interpret and implement the assessment policy in unique ways. It indicates how they, in striving to adhere to the expectations of the NCS, respond by tackling their respective assessment practices in a diverse and divergent way and at times deviate from what is expected of them as set out in the NCS. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die politieke bestel in Suid-Afrika het na 1994 ‘n ommeswaai op vele terreine beleef. Die land was nie net begroet met ‘n nuwe demokratiese regeringstelsel nie, maar ook met grootskaalse onderwyshervorming, met spesifieke verwysing na kurrikulum- hervorming, wat een van die vernaamste dryfvere sou wees. Hierdie studie fokus op die implementeringsdinamieke van die Nasionale Kurrikulumverklarin (NKV) wat in 2005 ingefaseer was en wat eintlik ‘n heromskrywing of herhaling van bestaande kurrikulumhervorming is. Opvoeders was bekend gestel en van nuuts af opgelei om ‘n nuwe kurrikulum in hul klaskamers te implementeer. Deurlopende assessering (DASS) was die nuwe wagwoord op almal se lippe, want leerders sal voortaan aan die hand van deurlopende assesseringsaktiwiteite geassesseer word. Hierdie assesseringspunte of kodes sal bepaal of leerders na ‘n volgende graad vorder. Dit het ‘n nuwe opvoederpraktyk, naamlik ‘n assesseringspraktyk, genoop en opvoeders het dit problematies gevind om hierdie nuwe praktyk met die onderrig- en leerpraktyk te laat trou. Die hoofuitgangspunt is dat hierdie laerskoolopvoeders se assesseringspraktyke divers en uiteenlopend tot die verwagtinge van die NKV is. Die studie gebruik die analitiese lense van voorwaartse en terugwaartse kartering asook die dubbelsinnige konflikmodel ten einde ondersoek in te stel na die onderliggende verwantskap tussen opvoeders se assesseringspraktyke en die assesseringsbeleid. Die studie hoort tuis binne ‘n kwalitatief-interpretivistiese paradigma, aangesien ek ‘n verstaan rondom die aard en omvang van hul assesseringspraktyke probeer vorm en verstaan. Die klem val op hoe hierdie assesseringspraktyke sigself in die klaskamerpraktyke van opvoeders manifesteer. Kwalitatiewe navorsingsinstrumente, wat individuele onderhoude van laerskoolopvoeders insluit, is gebruik om die navorsingsvraag te beantwoord en die navorsingsdoelwitte van die tesis te bereik. Die navorsing toon hoe hierdie opvoeders die assesseringsbeleid op unieke maniere ervaar, beleef, interpreteer en gevolglik in hul klaskamers implementeer. Dit lewer verder bewys hoe elkeen, in hul strewe om aan die verwagtinge van die NKV te voldoen, hul assesseringspraktyke divers en uiteenlopend aanpak en tot volvoering probeer bring en by geleenthede daarvan afwyk.

Les perceptions d’étudiants au baccalauréat en sciences infirmières de l’utilisation du journal d’apprentissage

Bouchard, Luc 06 1900 (has links)
L’approche par compétences est de plus en plus choisie pour guider les curriculums universitaires de formation professionnelle. Accordant un intérêt primordial au développement des compétences, les responsables des programmes élaborés selon cette approche doivent déterminer les stratégies pédagogiques qui seront les plus efficaces et qui permettront une participation active de l’étudiant. Depuis plus de 30 années (Cameron et Mitchell, 1993; Wellard et Bethune, 1996), le journal d’apprentissage favorise la construction des savoirs en pratique clinique et le développement de la pensée réflexive, une compétence nécessaire à la pratique des infirmières qui s’inspirent d’une vision spécifique de la discipline, comme celle du modèle de McGill (Kravitz et Frey, 1989; Thorpe, 2003). Malgré cela, les études sur les perceptions d’étudiants relativement au journal d’apprentissage sont rares, et ce, surtout au Canada (Epp, 2008). Il importe de s’intéresser aux perceptions d’étudiants afin d’atteindre l’efficacité optimale de l’outil. Le but de cette étude était d’explorer les perceptions d’étudiants au baccalauréat en sciences infirmières de l’utilisation du journal d’apprentissage. Elle a été réalisée auprès d’étudiants de 2e et 3e année, selon un devis de type qualitatif exploratoire. Les participants (n=52) ont rempli un formulaire constitué d’une mise en situation comprenant 5 questions ouvertes. L’analyse des données a fait émerger trois thèmes principaux de l’utilisation du journal soit : un outil personnel, un outil de communication et un outil d’apprentissage de la pratique. Des recommandations pour la formation et la recherche sont formulées. / The competency-based approach is increasingly chosen to guide university curriculum. In according an essential interest to the competency development, the responsible for programs developed using this approach must determine the most effective learning strategy. In the last 30 years (Cameron et Mitchell, 1993; Wellard et Bethune, 1996), the learning journal promote the building of clinical knowledge and the development of reflexive thinking, a competency that is necessary to the practice nurses inspired by a specific vision of the discipline, like the McGill model (Kravitz et Frey, 1989; Thorpe, 2003). Despite this, the studies on the student’s perceptions on the learning journal are rare, especially in Canada (Epp, 2008). It is important to look at student’s perceptions to attain the optimal efficacy of the tool. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of undergraduate students in nursing of the utilization of learning journal. It was realized with 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate students in nursing, using a qualitative exploratory research design. The participants (N=52) completed a form presenting a simulated situation that contained 5 open ended questions. The three main themes that emerged during data analysis on the utilization of the learning journal were: a personal tool, a communication tool and a learning practice tool. Recommendations for education and future research are offered.

Une activité d'élaboration d'hypothèses pour soutenir le développement du RCI d'étudiantes en sciences infirmières

Perrier, Charlotte 08 1900 (has links)
L'enseignement du raisonnement clinique infirmier (RCI) est une préoccupation importante des formateurs en sciences infirmières depuis plusieurs années. Les étudiantes en sciences infirmières éprouvent des difficultés à formuler des hypothèses cliniques, à savoir trouver les explications pouvant justifier la coexistence d'une combinaison de données cliniques. Pourtant, la formulation d’hypothèses constitue une étape déterminante du RCI. Dans cette étude qualitative exploratoire, nous avons mis à l'essai une activité d'apprentissage par vignette clinique courte (AVCC) qui fournit aux étudiantes l'occasion d'exercer spécifiquement la formulation d'hypothèses cliniques. L'étude visait à documenter la capacité d'étudiantes de troisième année au baccalauréat en sciences infirmières à formuler des hypothèses cliniques durant l'activité. Dix-sept étudiantes ont été recrutées par convenance et divisées en groupes selon leurs disponibilités. Au total, quatre séances ont eu lieu. Les participantes étaient invitées à réfléchir à une vignette clinique courte et à construire un algorithme qui incluait: 1) leurs hypothèses concernant la nature du problème clinique, 2) les éléments d'informations essentiels à rechercher pour vérifier chaque hypothèse et 3) les moyens pour trouver ces informations. L'observation participante, l'enregistrement audio-vidéo et un questionnaire auto-administré ont servi à collecter les données. Les stratégies de RCI décrites par Fonteyn (1998) ont servi de cadre théorique pour guider l’analyse, sous forme de matrices comprenant des verbatims et des notes de terrain. Les résultats suggèrent que l'AVCC stimule la formulation d'hypothèses cliniques et la réactivation des connaissances antérieures. Cette activité pourrait donc être utile en complément d'autres activités éducatives pour favoriser le développement du RCI chez les étudiantes en sciences infirmières. / Teaching and learning clinical reasoning has been a major concern amongst nurse educators for many years. Hypothesis generation is a critical milestone in clinical nursing reasoning which students are still struggling with at the end of their program. In a qualitative exploratory study, we tested a vignette-based activity to provide to the students an opportunity to specifically practice hypotheses generation. The study aimed at documenting nursing student’s capacity to formulate hypotheses during the activity. Seventeen nursing students in the last semester of their program were recruited by convenience and grouped accordingly to their availability to participate. The activity was held four times. Participants were asked to focus on a brief clinical vignette and to build an algorithm that would include 1) their hypotheses regarding the nature of the problem, 2) the essential pieces of information to collect in order to verify each hypothesis, and 3) the way the information was to be found. The combined methods used for data collection were participative observation, videotaping the activity and a written questionnaire immediately after the activity. Data were then classified in matrices in the form of verbatim and notes using clinical nursing reasoning skills described by Fonteyn (1998) as the theoretical framework. Results suggest that the vignette-based activity does stimulate students to formulate hypotheses. It also stimulates sharing and recollection of knowledge amongst students. This type of activity could therefore be useful in promoting the development of clinical reasoning as a complement to other educative activities used in nursing education programs.

L’expérience d’acquisition de ressources en enseignement à la clientèle et de leur utilisation en situation clinique telle que perçue par des infirmiers ayant suivi un cours e-learning : étude qualitative descriptive

Girard, Marie-Claude 11 1900 (has links)
Les infirmiers doivent maintenir leurs connaissances à jour et poursuivre le développement de leurs compétences. Toutefois, dans le contexte actuel de pénurie d’infirmiers, la formation continue représente un défi pour eux. Or, le e-learning semble offrir un potentiel intéressant pour relever ce défi. Une étude qualitative basée sur la méthode des incidents critiques visait à décrire l’expérience clinique d’infirmiers (n=4) suite à un cours e-learning sur l’enseignement à la clientèle. Ce cours de 45 heures était basé sur l’approche par compétences. Des entrevues individuelles ont permis de documenter l’acquisition et l’utilisation en contexte clinique d’apprentissages effectués durant le cours. Les résultats révèlent que ce cours e-learning a permis aux infirmiers qui ont participé à l’étude (n=4) d’acquérir des ressources (connaissances et habiletés) et de les utiliser dans des situations cliniques d’enseignement à la clientèle. Les stratégies pédagogiques, qui apparaissent les plus prometteuses, à la lumière des résultats, sont la discussion de situations cliniques sur le forum de discussion « en ligne » et le projet de mise en contexte réel. En somme, le e-learning, basé sur l’approche par compétences se révèle une approche pédagogique prometteuse pour soutenir le développement des compétences des infirmiers. Mots clés : e-learning, formation continue, stratégies pédagogiques, approche par compétences / All nurses must maintain their knowledge and skills up to date. However, in the current context, due to lack of nurses, continuing education represents a great challenge for nurses. Therefore e-learning seems to have a great potential to take over this challenge. A qualitative study based on the critical incidents method was meant to describe clinical nursing experiences (n=4) after an e-learning course on patient teaching. This 45 hours long course was led on a competency based approach. Individual interviews allowed us to document the use of their acquired knowledge in different clinical contexts. The results reveal that nurses (n=4) acquired different resources (knowledge, skills) that they used in clinical patient teaching. According to the results, discussion forums about clinical cases and a learning project in real clinical context turned out to be useful educational strategies to sustain professional nursing skills. Finally, e-learning based on the competency-based approach reveals itself as an educational strategy of great promise. Key words: e-learning, continuing education, educational strategies, competency based approach

Validation of K-12 Art Specialist Competencies Most Essential for Elementary Classroom Teachers in the State of North Carolina

Cherry, Timothy Yates 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine which of a list of forty-seven art competencies designed by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction for K-12 art specialists were most essential for early childhood and intermediate elementary classroom teachers. Four-point Likert-type scaled instruments were designed and sent to three types of North Carolina educators: (a) 200 elementary classroom teachers, stratified into two equal subgroups of early childhood and intermediate teachers; (b) 100 K-12 art specialists; and (c) all art teacher educators employed at colleges and universities with state approved programs in art education. These subjects were asked to respond to the relevance of each competency for the elementary classroom teacher.

The township schools foundation phase teachers' experiences in the implementation of CAPS

Magagula, Sihle Wendy. January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in 25% fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management (in the field of Public and Development Management) 2015. / The purpose of the study was to explore the township schools foundation phase teachers' experiences in the implementation of CAPS with regard to curriculum implementation and how their knowledge and experiences influence the implementation of the curriculum. The literature review provides insights into the current practices regarding CAPS in the foundation phase in South African primary schools comparatively throughout the world. A qualitative case study research was adopted for this study and semistructured interviews. The findings highlight that although teachers experienced challenges in implementing CAPS, they acknowledge the benefits of previous workshops. The article recommends that curriculum designers and the Department of Education need to urgently review CAPS. It has been emphasised that teachers need to be actively involved during the review process. Amongst all the requirements for curriculum implementation, teachers need to be constantly monitored and supported to ensure the quality of teaching and learning. / AC2016

A formação de professores para o ensino de Administração baseado em competências: possibilidades e desafios / The teacher training for Business Administration competency-based learning: possibilities and challenges

Vieira, Amanda Ribeiro 04 December 2014 (has links)
O ensino superior brasileiro vem passando por um processo de expansão nas últimas décadas, com destaque para os cursos superiores na área de Administração que possuem mais de um milhão de alunos matriculados. No entanto, esta expansão quantitativa não reflete uma expansão qualitativa. Há divergências entre o perfil do egresso destes cursos e as exigências impostas pelo mercado de trabalho. Neste contexto, o modelo de ensino baseado em competências surge como uma tentativa de dirimir este conflito, sendo a opção pedagógica adotada no Espaço Europeu de Educaçao Superior, que inclui a Espanha. Este modelo de ensino altera as práticas docentes exigindo uma formação pedagógica mais adequada do professorado universitário. As universidades espanholas, por meio de seus Institutos de Ciências da Educação, passaram a oferecer programas de formação pedagógica inicial e continuada a seus professores. No Brasil, a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional determina que a preparação para o exercício do magistério superior deve ocorrer prioritariamente nos programas de mestrado e doutorado. Todavia, os programas de pósgraduação stricto sensu privilegiam a formação do pesquisador em detrimento da formação do professor. Desta forma, este trabalho descreve as possibilidades e os desafios da formação para a docência universitária em programas de mestrado e doutorado em Administração no Brasil considerando o modelo de ensino baseado em competências. / Brazilian higher education has been undergoing an expansion process in the last decade, where undergraduate courses in Business Administration are standing out with more than a million students enrolled in them. However, this quantitative expansion does not reflect a qualitative expansion. The profile of the alumni from the before mentioned courses diverge from the profile demanded by the labor market. In this context, the competency-based education model emerges as an attempt to resolve this conflict and has been the pedagogical option adopted by the European Higher Education Area, which comprises Spain. This teaching model changes teaching practices and requires that university professors be properly trained for it. Spanish universities have been providing initial and continuing pedagogical training for their professors. The Brazilian Education Law establishes that the preparation for the university teaching practice has to occur primarily in master\'s and doctoral programs. However, postgraduate programs privilege the researcher formation at the expense of teacher training. This thesis describes the possibilities and challenges of university teaching training in master\'s and doctoral programs in Business Administration in Brazil with emphasis on competency-based education model.

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