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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approaches to the development of human resources management competency standards in the Australian Public Service

McNeill, Matthew, n/a January 1996 (has links)
This thesis is derived from a work project, the consideration of approaches to the development of Human Resource Management competency standards for the Australian Public Service. The thesis is a vehicle for examining and exploring a complex Human Resource Development strategy, through dealing with the details of the project. This project was undertaken from 16 January to 13 April 1995. The project occurred in a turbulent environment with limited resources. The decision whether or not to develop Human Resource Management competencies was an important step in the implementation of the National Training Reform Agenda by the Australian Public Service, being influenced by a number of changes in the national environment as well as having to accommodate a number of factors internal to the Australian Public Service. Factors included: the impact of changes to vocational education and training at the national level such as the introduction of the Australian Qualifications Framework; the impact of a devolved management structure; the differing needs of stakeholders; the need to accommodate industrial relations issues; and the impact of resource constraints (including time). The thesis explains the context and conduct of the project. It critically examines the development of action plans and progress made over the course of the project. It explains the process and content of project activities and provides comments on them. This allows insights into the development of Human Resource Development policy in the public sector. In particular it shows how the nature of the project changed from its anticipated focus on competency identification to its final focus on preparing advice to the Joint Australian Public Service Training Council. That advice recommended that separate Human Resource Management competency standards should not, after all, be identified. It concluded that they should be integrated with the core competency standards for the Australian Public Service. The thesis reflects on key aspects of the project including its subject matter, processes, and outcomes. Some of these concern the impact of the systemic, conceptual and structural changes in the National Training Reform Agenda on strategic Human Resource Development. In addition the thesis reflects on the many roles of the project officer in strategic Human Resource Development activities, suggesting that the project officer should act as a consultant rather than servant. To illustrate this point the thesis describes how the project officer was able to facilitate processes during this project that resulted in management accepting outcomes that differed from their expectations but better met their needs. The work of Lippitt and Lippitt (1986) is found to be helpful in identifying the project officer's roles. Finally the thesis considers the outcomes of the project in the light of the publication of the Karpin report (1995) and finds that the outcome is consistent with the thrust of that report.

Implementing national competency standards in the professions in Australia : lessons for Namibia

Hjafta, Corneels, n/a January 1998 (has links)
This study originated from a professional interest of the researcher in competency standards and their implementation in the professions. The study was conducted with the aim of informing policy development and implementation in Namibia in this area by drawing lessons from the Australian experience. It set out to identify the factors that influenced the implementation of this policy in Australia, the importance of these factors and the strategies employed by implementors to enhance successful implementation. The study is grounded in policy implementation theory. Twenty professions have been involved in developing and implementing competency standards in Australia under the guidance and with the support of a national government organisation called the National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR). The main objectives of the Australian government in implementing this policy were the improvement of migrant skills recognition and the achievement of recognition for professional qualifications across state and territory borders. Time and budgetary constraints would not allow the involvement of all the professional groups in this study, so four groups were selected based on their size and progress made in developing and implementing the standards. The groups ranged from a very large professional group (more than 250 000 members) to a very small professional group (approximately 3 500 members). Eleven respondents from NOOSR and the professional groups participated in the study. Data was gathered by structured interview, a rating schedule and document analysis. The study found that there were seventeen factors that influenced this process as perceived by the respondents. These factors were classified into five categories: technical, political, economic, administrative and political, and then placed on a matrix with the levels at which they exerted their greatest pressure: external, internal to the professional body, and on the steering group. This classification of factors gave indications of the types of strategies and the level of intervention which may address implementation problems best. The study compiled a list of the factors in order of importance as rated by the respondents. This ranking showed that leadership was the most important factor, followed by experience and expertise of the steering group and the need for and appropriateness of the standards for the professions. The study also found that the Australian government employed inducement, capacity building and facilitation strategies to enhance the successful vii implementation of the standards, while the professional bodies employed mainly staff development and training as strategies. The study concluded that Namibian policy makers and implementors can draw the following lessons from the Australian experience: 1. there is a need for a balance between pressure and support from government; 2. there is a role for a national implementation plan; 3. the main attraction of national competency standards is still the many uses it can be put to and the many purposes it serves for different organisations; 4. assessment strategies need to be considered from the beginning; 5. the methodology of using a representative steering group to lead standards development is one of the best features of the Australian approach; 6. Over time, the original objectives of the policy became low priority for NOOSR and the government; 7. the classification matrix can be used as a planning tool; and 8. the ranking of the factors indicates the importance of organisational, technical and economic factors.

“Being literate about something”: discipline-based information literacy in higher education

Anderson, Jill Elizabeth 20 September 2010 (has links)
This report examines how academic librarians and theorists have discussed the issue of discipline-based information literacy instructional approaches since the publication of the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education in 2000. As Kate Manuel has recently noted, the Standards balance outcomes and indicators of universal or general information-literacy skills with more discipline-specific skills. Prior to the publication of the ACRL Standards, Stephen Plum argued that disciplinary standards can provide valuable frameworks for library instruction; more recent theorists have focused attention on general skills, some arguing that discipline-based skills are the province of subject faculty, others suggesting that discipline-based skills are modeled on more general skills, still others suggesting that liaison librarians work collaboratively with faculty to address discipline-specific information needs. Based on a literature survey, my report is a thought piece addressing the following interlocking questions: how do discipline-based skills relate to more general skills? Who should teach discipline-based information literacy? Is information literacy a discipline in its own right? What role might the subject specialist play in discipline-based information literacy initiatives? / text

英國校長專業資格檢定制度(NPQH)在我國國中小學校長培育制度建構之研究 / A Study of National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) for Construction of Elementary and Secondary School Principal Preparation Systems in Taiwan

陳宏彰, Chen, Hung-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究英國校長專業資格檢定制度在我國國中小學校長培育制度的建構,以及探討校長專業培育課程與校長專業能力指標間的關係。本研究方法為文獻分析、問卷調查及後置訪談法,問卷調查樣本為台北縣、台北市、基隆市與宜蘭縣四縣市之學校行政人員,含校長、主任、組長等共800人,樣本回收524份,回收率達65.5%。訪談樣本為辦理國家級中小學校長職前培訓工作的教育行政人員,包含國民中學與國民小學部分共兩名。研究工具包含自編之「我國國中小學校長培育制度調查問卷」、採用之「校長專業培育課程問卷」、採用之「校長專業能力指標問卷」與自編之「我國國中小學校長培育制度訪談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、t考驗、皮爾森積差相關分析、結構方程模式(SEM)分析等方法分析。本章乃根據研究結果與分析,歸納獲致成主要結論如下: 壹、英國校長專業資格檢定制度之內涵與現況 一、 校長培育課程係根據校長國家標準; 二、 校長培育由國家籌設之專責機構辦理; 三、 校長培育制度為長時間的實務訓練以及彈性分散式的時間規劃; 四、 校長培育課程應重視個別差異,依照學員的需求評估提供合適培育路徑與學習課程模組; 五、 校長認證課程採成人式學習原理及資訊與通訊科技(ICT)應用; 六、 校長培育制度經費採行個人支付而國家補助的方式; 七、 校長培育制度應重視實務實習並落實於學校改善之中; 八、 校長培育制度重視師傅教導的教學方式; 九、 校長培育制度可進一步採行校長專業資格檢定認證模式; 貳、我國國中小學校長培育制度之建構 一、 校長培育制度規劃可採本研究建構之三向度模式規劃; 二、 校長培育機構之設立應由國家設立專責機構統籌辦理; 三、 校長培育時程規劃應為半年至一年,並採行分段辦理; 四、 進入校長培育課程前進行學員需求評估據以規劃課程; 五、 培育課程講座以兼具理論與實務經驗的大學教授為先; 六、 學員學習成效由原培育單位與專責評鑑中心共同評鑑; 七、 培育過程中的經費可由學員自行支付且國家予以補助; 八、 校長實務實習時程規劃可於中期開始並採分散式規劃; 九、 校長實務實習學校應在不同類型學校實習並落實實做; 十、 師傅學員的配對可為多對一的形式學習更豐富的經驗; 十一、師傅校長的甄選來源多元化並建立審查機制遴選良師; 十二、師傅校長與培訓課程應同時開始且每週皆有師傅校長; 參、校長專業課程與校長專業能力 一、學校行政人員對於校長專業培育課程之知覺為相當重要程度。 二、校長專業培育課程以教學領導課程得分最高。 三、學校行政人員對於校長專業能力指標之知覺為相當重要程度。 四、學校行政人員對於校長專業能力指標之知覺,以「行政管理」最為重要。 五、整體校長專業培育課程對於整體校長專業能力指標具有顯著的影響力。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、英國校長專業資格定制度值得作為我國校長培育制度規劃之借鏡與參考。 貳、校長培育制度之規劃應先訂立校長國家標準。 參、我國校長培育可採本研究建構之校長培育三向度模式。 肆、校長培育制度中需要更多的校長積極地投入與參與。 伍、對未來進一步研究的建議。 關鍵字:英國校長專業資格檢定制度(NPQH)、校長培育制度、校長儲訓制度、校長專業培育制度、校長實務實習制度、師傅校長校長制度、校長專業培育課程、校長專業能力指標 / Abstract The main purpose of this study was to construct the elementary and secondary school principal preparation systems in Taiwan by (1) Analyzing the documents and literature of the NPQH in England; (2) Investigating the opinions of different members on the ideal elementary and secondary school principal preparation systems in Taiwan; (3) Analyzing the relationships between principal professional preparation curriculum and principal professional competency standards; (4) Explore the influential power of principal professional preparation curriculum on the part of principal professional competency standards. The method of this study was adopted literature review, questionnaires investigation and interviews. There were 800 questionnaire total issued and 524 effective samples were acquired. The sample included school principals and main administrators. There were 2 interview samples who were the core educational administrators conducting the work of he elementary and secondary school principal preparation. The instrument were ”Questionnaire for constructing the principal preparation systems of elementary and secondary school in Taiwan” and “Interview conspectus for constructing the principal preparation systems of elementary and secondary school in Taiwan.” The data gathered from questionnaires were analyzed by description statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson-moment correlation analysis, Scheff’e posteriori comparison, and SEM through the use of LISREL 8.71. The conclusion drawn from the study results were as follows: 1. The constructing systems for the elementary and secondary school principal preparation in Taiwan are “three dimension model.” 2. The institution of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation is the one of national level. 3. The time of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation is half to one year, and is a distributed formation. 4. The need assessment for students of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation was conducted before accepting the preparation curriculum. 5. The fist order teacher of principal preparation curriculum was the professor who was experienced in practice and theoretical in colleges. 6. The learning and performance assessment to students was conducted by original preparation center and other professional assessment center. 7. The pay of principal preparation was paid by students’ himself /herself and national government. 8. The practical internship was conducted form the middle of the principal preparation, and was conducted by a distributed formation. 9. The ideal internship school of the principal preparation was multiple-type. 10. The best pair of mentor and trainne was several to one 11. The resources of mentors were multiple and accepted selecting. 12. The mentor participated in the principal preparation, and directed the principals weekly. In the last part, the researcher, based on the findings, proposes some suggestions for the design unit of principal preparation system, hoping to benefit the development of construction of the elementary and secondary school principal preparation systems in future. Key words: National Professional Qualification for Headship, NPQH, principal preparation systems, principal professional preparation curriculum, principal professional competency standards

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