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Embedded systems can be found everywhere in our daily lives. Due to the great variety of embedded devices, the platform independent Java language provides a good solution for embedded system development. Java virtual machine (JVM) is the most critical component of all kinds of Java platforms. Hence, it is extremely important to study the special design of JVM for embedded systems. The key challenges of designing a successful JVM for embedded systems are energy efficiency, time predictability and performance, which are investigated in this dissertation, respectively. We first study the energy issue of JVM on embedded systems. With a cycle-accurate simulator, we study each stage of Java execution separately to test the effects of different configurations in both software and hardware. After that, an alternative Adaptive Optimization System (AOS) model is introduced, which estimated the cost/benefit using energy data instead of running time. We tuned the parameters of this model to study how to improve the dynamic compilation and optimization in Jikes RVM in terms of energy consumption. In order to further reduce the energy dissipation of JVM on embedded systems, we study adaptive drowsy cache control for Java applications, where JVM can be used to make better decision on drowsy cache control. We explore the impact of different phases of Java applications on the timing behavior of cache usage. Then we propose several techniques to adaptively control drowsy cache to reduce energy consumption with minimal impact on performance. It is observed that traditional Java code generation and instruction fetch path are not efficient. So we study three hardware-based code caching strategies, which attempt to write and read the dynamically generated Java code faster and more energy-efficiently. Time predictability is another key challenge for JVM on embedded systems. So we exploit multicore computing to reduce the timing unpredictability caused by dynamic compilation and adaptive optimization. Our goal is to retain high performance comparable to that of traditional dynamic compilation and, at the same time, obtain better time predictability for JVM. We study pre-compilation techniques to utilize another core more efficiently. Furthermore, we develop Pre-optimization on Another Core (PoAC) scheme to replace AOS in Jikes JVM, which is very sensitive to execution time variation and impacts time predictability greatly. Finally, we propose two new approaches that automatically parallelizes Java programs at run-time, in order to meet the performance challenge of JVM on embedded systems. These approaches rely on run-time trace information collected during program execution, and dynamically recompiles Java byte code that can be executed in parallel. One approach utilizes trace information to improve traditional loop parallelization, and the other parallelizes traces instead of loop iterations.
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Scratchpad Management in Software Managed Manycore ArchitecturesJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: Caches have long been used to reduce memory access latency. However, the increased complexity of cache coherence brings significant challenges in processor design as the number of cores increases. While making caches scalable is still an important research problem, some researchers are exploring the possibility of a more power-efficient SRAM called scratchpad memories or SPMs. SPMs consume significantly less area, and are more energy-efficient per access than caches, and therefore make the design of on-chip memories much simpler. Unlike caches, which fetch data from memories automatically, an SPM requires explicit instructions for data transfers. SPM-only architectures are thus named as software managed manycore (SMM), since the data movements of such architectures rely on software. SMM processors have been widely used in different areas, such as embedded computing, network processing, or even high performance computing. While SMM processors provide a low-power platform, the hardware alone does not guarantee power efficiency, if applications on such processors deliver low performance. Efficient software techniques are therefore required. A big body of management techniques for SMM architectures are compiler-directed, as inserting data movement operations by hand forces programmers to trace flow of data, which can be error-prone and sometimes difficult if not impossible. This thesis develops compiler-directed techniques to manage data transfers for embedded applications on SMMs efficiently. The techniques analyze and find out the proper program points and insert data movement instructions accordingly. The techniques manage code, stack and heap data of applications, and reduce execution time by 14%, 52% and 80% respectively compared to their predecessors on typical embedded applications. On top of managing local data, a technique is also developed for shared data in SMM architectures. Experimental results show it achieves more than 2X speedup than the previous technique on average. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Computer Science 2017
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Development of the NoGAP CL Hardware Description Language and its CompilerBlumenthal, Carl January 2007 (has links)
The need for a more general hardware description language aimed specifically at processors, and vague notions and visions of how that language would be realized, lead to this thesis. The aim was to use the visions and initial ideas to evolve and formalize a language and begin implementing the tools to use it. The language, called NoGAP Common Language, is designed to give the programmer freedom to implement almost any processor design without being encumbered by many of the tedious tasks normally present in the creation process. While evolving the language it was chosen to borrow syntaxes from C++ and verilog to make the code and concepts easy to understand. The main advantages of NoGAP Common Language compared to RTL languages are; -the ability to define the data paths of instructions separate from each other and have them merged automatically along with assigned timings to form the pipeline. -having control paths automatically routed by activating named clauses of code coupled to control signals. -being able to specify a decoder, where the instructions and control structures are defined, that control signals are routed to. The implemented compiler was created with C++, Bison, and Flex and utilizes an AST structure, a symbol table, and a connection graph. The AST is traversed by several functions to generate the connection graph where the instructions of the processor can be merged into a pipeline. The compiler is in the early stages of development and much is left to do and solve. It has become clear though that the concepts of NoGAP Common Language can be implemented and are not just visions. / Behovet av ett mer generellt hårdvarubeskrivande språk specialiseret för processorer och visioner om ett sådant gav upphov till detta examensarbete. Målet var att utveckla visionerna, formalisera dem till ett fungerande språk och börja implementera dess verktyg. Språket, som kallas NoGAP Common Language, är designat för att ge programmeraren friheten att implementera nästan vilken processordesign som helst utan att bli nedtyngd av många av de enformiga uppgifter som annars måste utföras. Under utvecklingsprocessen valdes det att låna många syntax från C++ och verilog för att göra språket lätt att förstå och känna igen för många. De största fördelarna med att utveckla i NoGAP Common Language jämfört med vanliga RTL språk som verilog är; -att kunna specificera datavägar för instruktioner separat från varandra och få dem automatiskt förenade med hjälp av tidsangivelser till en pipeline. -att få kontrollvägar automatiskt dragna genom att aktivera namngivna klausuler med kod kopplade till kontrollsignaler. -att kunna specifiera en avkodare som kontrollvägarna kan kopplas till där kodning för instruktioner kan anges. Kompilatorn som implementerats med C++, Bison och Flex använder sig av en AST struktur, en symboltabell och en signalvägsgraf. AST strukturen traverseras av flera funktioner som bygger upp signalvägsgrafen där processorns instruktioner förenas till en pipeline. Utvecklingen av kompilatorn är ännu bara i de första stadierna och mycket är kvar att göra och lösa. Det har dock blivit klart att det är möjligt att implementera koncepten i NoGAP Common Language och att de inte bara är lösa visioner.
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COMPILER FOR A TRACE-BASED DEEP NEURAL NETWORK ACCELERATORAndre Xian Ming Chang (6789503) 12 October 2021 (has links)
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are the algorithm of choice for various applications that require modeling large datasets, such as image classification, object detection and natural language processing. DNNs present highly parallel workloads<br>that lead to the need of custom hardware accelerators. Deep Learning (DL) models specialized on different tasks require a programmable custom hardware, and a compiler to efficiently translate various DNNs into an efficient dataflow to be executed on the accelerator. Given a DNN oriented custom instructions set, various compilation phases are needed to generate efficient code and maintain generality to support<br>many models. Different compilation phases need to have different levels of hardware awareness so that it exploits the hardware’s full potential, while abiding with the hardware constraints. The goal of this work is to present a compiler workflow and its hardware aware optimization passes for a custom DNN hardware accelerator. The compiler uses model definition files created from popular frameworks to generate custom instructions. Different levels of hardware aware code optimizations are applied to improve performance and data reuse. The software also exposes an interface to run the accelerator implemented on various FPGA platforms, proving an end-to-end solution.
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Kompilátor zdrojového kódu pro PLC SIMATIC / Compiler of source code for SIMATIC PLCKubát, Zdeněk January 2014 (has links)
The thesis discusses an independent compiler for STEP 7 and WinCC V7.0 applications of the SIEMENS company. The compiler processes source files generated in STEP 7 and subsequently saves the processed data in .xls type intermediatefiles. The data of the intermediatefiles serve as source data for functions generating files with tags to be imported into WinCC V7.0. The compiler was created using the C# programming language in Visual Studio 2010.
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Kompilátor zdrojového kódu pro PLC SIMATIC / Compiler of source code for SIMATIC PLCKubát, Zdeněk January 2014 (has links)
The thesis discusses an independent compiler for STEP 7 and WinCC V7.0 applications of the SIEMENS company. The compiler processes source files generated in STEP 7 and subsequently saves the processed data in .xls type intermediatefiles. The data of the intermediatefiles serve as source data for functions generating files with tags to be imported into WinCC V7.0. The compiler was created using the C# programming language in Visual Studio 2010.
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Zadní část překladače podmnožiny jazyka C pro 8-bitový procesor / Compiler Back-End of Subset of Language C for 8-Bit ProcessorHorník, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
A compiler allows us to describe an algorithm in a high-level programming language with a higher level of abstraction and readability than a low-level machine code. This work describes design of the compiler back-end of subset of language C for 8-bit soft-core microcontroller Xilinx PicoBlaze-3. Design is described from the initial selection of a suitable framework to the implementation itself. One of the main reasons of this work is that there is not any suitable compiler for this processor.
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Software Framework to Support Operations of Nanosatellite Formations / Software Framework für die Unterstützung des Betriebs von Nanosatelliten-FormationenDombrovski, Veaceslav January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Since the first CubeSat launch in 2003, the hardware and software complexity of the nanosatellites was continuosly increasing.
To keep up with the continuously increasing mission complexity and to retain the primary advantages of a CubeSat mission, a new approach for the overall space and ground software architecture and protocol configuration is elaborated in this work.
The aim of this thesis is to propose a uniform software and protocol architecture as a basis for software development, test, simulation and operation of multiple pico-/nanosatellites based on ultra-low power components.
In contrast to single-CubeSat missions, current and upcoming nanosatellite formation missions require faster and more straightforward development, pre-flight testing and calibration procedures as well as simultaneous operation of multiple satellites.
A dynamic and decentral Compass mission network was established in multiple active CubeSat missions, consisting of uniformly accessible nodes.
Compass middleware was elaborated to unify the communication and functional interfaces between all involved mission-related software and hardware components.
All systems can access each other via dynamic routes to perform service-based M2M communication.
With the proposed model-based communication approach, all states, abilities and functionalities of a system are accessed in a uniform way.
The Tiny scripting language was designed to allow dynamic code execution on ultra-low power components as a basis for constraint-based in-orbit scheduler and experiment execution.
The implemented Compass Operations front-end enables far-reaching monitoring and control capabilities of all ground and space systems.
Its integrated constraint-based operations task scheduler allows the recording of complex satellite operations, which are conducted automatically during the overpasses.
The outcome of this thesis became an enabling technology for UWE-3, UWE-4 and NetSat CubeSat missions. / Seit dem Launch des ersten CubeSats im Jahr 2003, hat die Komplexität der Nanosatelliten stetig zugenommen.
Um mit den wachsenden Anforderungen Schritt zu halten und gleichzeitig nicht auf die Hauptvorteile einer CubeSat Mission zu verzichten, wird eine einheitliche Protokoll- und Softwarearchitektur für den gesamten Weltraum- und Bodensegment vorgeschlagen.
Diese Arbeit schlägt eine einheitliche Software- und Protokoll-Architektur vor als Basis für Softwareentwicklung, Tests und Betrieb von mehreren Pico-/Nanosatelliten.
Im Gegensatz zu Missionen mit nur einem CubeSat, erfordern künftige Nanosatelliten-Formationen eine schnellere und einfachere Entwicklung, Vorflug-Tests, Kalibrierungsvorgänge sowie die Möglichkeit mehrere Satelliten gleichzeitig zu betreiben.
Ein dynamisches und dezentrales Compass Missionsnetzwerk wurde in mehreren CubeSat-Missionen realisiert, bestehend aus einheitlich zugänglichen Knoten.
Die Compass-Middleware wurde entwickelt, um sowohl die Kommunikation als auch funktionale Schnittstellen zwischen allen beteiligten Software und Hardware Systemen in einer Mission zu vereinheitlichen: Rechner des Bedienpersonals, Bodenstationen, Mission-Server, Testeinrichtungen, Simulationen und Subsysteme aller Satelliten.
Mit dem Ansatz der modellbasierten Kommunikation wird auf alle Zustände und Funktionen eines Systems einheitlich zugegriffen.
Die entwickelte Tiny Skriptsprache ermöglicht die Ausführung von dynamischem Code auf energiesparenden Systemen, um so in-orbit Scheduler zu realisieren.
Das Compass Operations Front-End bietet zahlreiche grafische Komponenten, mit denen alle Weltraum- und Bodensegment-Systeme einheitlich überwacht, kontrolliert und bedient werden.
Der integrierte Betrieb-Scheduler ermöglicht die Aufzeichnung von komplexen Satellitenbetrieb-Aufgaben, die beim Überflug automatisch ausgeführt werden.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit wurden zur Enabling-Technologie für UWE-3, UWE-4 und NetSat Missionen.
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Checkpointing without operating system intervention: Implementing Griewank's algorithmHeller, Richard January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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PULEREl Mabsout, Bassel 25 September 2024 (has links)
We address the prevalent challenge of Algebraic Data Type duplication in compiler implementations, which results in increased effort, diminished functionality, and complications in synchronizing language constructs across the compiler. To investigate a novel design solution, we present Tree Shaping, a solution to the expression problem. We then implement an experimental compiler using Tree Shaping and examine its potential implications. This compiler processes programs written in PULER, an ML-based programming language that boasts distinct features such as unification rules for type mismatches. Contrary to traditional compilers that terminate and generate an error when encountering a type mismatch, PULER regards type mismatches as first-class citizens.
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