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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O conceito de espaço e a evolução das distâncias astronômicas: construção de um material didático / THE CONCEPT OF SPACE AND THE EVOLUTION OF ASTRONOMICAL DISTANCES: CONSTRUCTION OF A DIDACTIC MATERIAL

Rodrigues, Danilo Miranda 29 March 2017 (has links)
O conceito de espaço é um dos mais fundamentais da natureza e tem sido, ao longo da história da ciência, objeto de estudo de diversos filósofos, físicos e também astrônomos. Do ponto de vista epistemológico, este conceito foi de grande importância para algumas das mais famosas visões cosmológicas: desde a concepção aristotélica, passando pela gravitação newtoniana até a formulação da teoria geral da relatividade. Por outro lado, reconstruir a evolução das medidas de distancias astronômicas é uma forma de abordar a própria história da Astronomia. Essa história é repleta de construções, desconstruções e mudanças de paradigmas. Tal dinamismo é um elemento instigante e motivador, mas estranhamente não se reflete, na maioria dos casos, nos livros didáticos e nas aulas de ciências como um todo. Este trabalho consiste na elaboração e na aplicação de um material didático composto por atividades e oficinas que, utilizando as muitas formas de abordar pedagogicamente o conceito de espaço, buscam estimular alunos e até mesmo professores a refletir sobre como nos relacionamos com a natureza por meio da ciência. As atividades, construídas e aplicadas, ao longo de dois anos, a alunos do nono ano do Ensino Fundamental e do primeiro ano do Ensino Médio, foram divididas segundo dois objetivos específicos. As primeiras exploraram algumas questões ainda em aberto estudadas pela física de partículas e a grande controvérsia existente durante séculos que marcou a transição da visão Geocêntrica para a Heliocêntrica no século XVI. Tais questões foram elaboradas no sentido de ressaltar o quão dinâmico é o nosso entendimento sobre a natureza. A segunda parte do trabalho de campo consistiu na elaboração e na aplicação de oficinas de determinação de distâncias astronômicas por métodos consagrados ao longo da história da ciência. O relato dos alunos e a avaliação dos resultados das oficinas nos mostraram que, de fato, os famosos experimentos reconstruídos pelos alunos durante as oficinas levaram a resultados próximos dos valores conhecidos pela literatura e, muito mais importante, revelaram o caráter dinâmico e evolutivo do conhecimento científico. / The concept of space is one of the most fundamental of the nature and it has been, throughout the history of science, an object of study by several philosophers, physicists and astronomers. From the epistemological point of view, this concept has been of great importance for some of the most famous cosmological visions: from the Aristotelian conception, through Newtonian gravitation until the formulation of the General Theory of Relativity. On the other hand, reconstructing the evolution of measurements of astronomical distances is a way of approaching the history of astronomy itself. This story is full of constructions, deconstructions and paradigmatic changes. Such dynamism, despite being an exciting and motivating element, has not been reflected in textbooks and in the general learning of science. This work consists in the elaboration and application of a didactic material composed by activities and workshops that, considering the plenty of approaches for the concept of space in the pedagogical context, seeks to stimulate students and even teachers to reflect on how we relate to nature through science. The activities were prepared and applied over two years to students from the last year of elementary school, and first year in high school, those activities were grouped according to two specific objectives. The first one intended to explore some open questions studied by particle physics and the great controversy over the centuries that marked the transition from the Geocentric to the Heliocentric view in the sixteenth century. Both questions wished to emphasize how dynamic our understanding of nature is. The second part of the fieldwork consisted of the elaboration and application of workshops to determine some astronomical distances by methods well established throughout the history of science. The students\' reports and the evaluation of the workshops results showed that, in fact, the famous experiments reconstructed by them during the workshops led to results close to the values known by the specific literature and, more importantly, revealed the dynamic and evolutionary character of the scientific knowledge.

O conceito de espaço e a evolução das distâncias astronômicas: construção de um material didático / THE CONCEPT OF SPACE AND THE EVOLUTION OF ASTRONOMICAL DISTANCES: CONSTRUCTION OF A DIDACTIC MATERIAL

Danilo Miranda Rodrigues 29 March 2017 (has links)
O conceito de espaço é um dos mais fundamentais da natureza e tem sido, ao longo da história da ciência, objeto de estudo de diversos filósofos, físicos e também astrônomos. Do ponto de vista epistemológico, este conceito foi de grande importância para algumas das mais famosas visões cosmológicas: desde a concepção aristotélica, passando pela gravitação newtoniana até a formulação da teoria geral da relatividade. Por outro lado, reconstruir a evolução das medidas de distancias astronômicas é uma forma de abordar a própria história da Astronomia. Essa história é repleta de construções, desconstruções e mudanças de paradigmas. Tal dinamismo é um elemento instigante e motivador, mas estranhamente não se reflete, na maioria dos casos, nos livros didáticos e nas aulas de ciências como um todo. Este trabalho consiste na elaboração e na aplicação de um material didático composto por atividades e oficinas que, utilizando as muitas formas de abordar pedagogicamente o conceito de espaço, buscam estimular alunos e até mesmo professores a refletir sobre como nos relacionamos com a natureza por meio da ciência. As atividades, construídas e aplicadas, ao longo de dois anos, a alunos do nono ano do Ensino Fundamental e do primeiro ano do Ensino Médio, foram divididas segundo dois objetivos específicos. As primeiras exploraram algumas questões ainda em aberto estudadas pela física de partículas e a grande controvérsia existente durante séculos que marcou a transição da visão Geocêntrica para a Heliocêntrica no século XVI. Tais questões foram elaboradas no sentido de ressaltar o quão dinâmico é o nosso entendimento sobre a natureza. A segunda parte do trabalho de campo consistiu na elaboração e na aplicação de oficinas de determinação de distâncias astronômicas por métodos consagrados ao longo da história da ciência. O relato dos alunos e a avaliação dos resultados das oficinas nos mostraram que, de fato, os famosos experimentos reconstruídos pelos alunos durante as oficinas levaram a resultados próximos dos valores conhecidos pela literatura e, muito mais importante, revelaram o caráter dinâmico e evolutivo do conhecimento científico. / The concept of space is one of the most fundamental of the nature and it has been, throughout the history of science, an object of study by several philosophers, physicists and astronomers. From the epistemological point of view, this concept has been of great importance for some of the most famous cosmological visions: from the Aristotelian conception, through Newtonian gravitation until the formulation of the General Theory of Relativity. On the other hand, reconstructing the evolution of measurements of astronomical distances is a way of approaching the history of astronomy itself. This story is full of constructions, deconstructions and paradigmatic changes. Such dynamism, despite being an exciting and motivating element, has not been reflected in textbooks and in the general learning of science. This work consists in the elaboration and application of a didactic material composed by activities and workshops that, considering the plenty of approaches for the concept of space in the pedagogical context, seeks to stimulate students and even teachers to reflect on how we relate to nature through science. The activities were prepared and applied over two years to students from the last year of elementary school, and first year in high school, those activities were grouped according to two specific objectives. The first one intended to explore some open questions studied by particle physics and the great controversy over the centuries that marked the transition from the Geocentric to the Heliocentric view in the sixteenth century. Both questions wished to emphasize how dynamic our understanding of nature is. The second part of the fieldwork consisted of the elaboration and application of workshops to determine some astronomical distances by methods well established throughout the history of science. The students\' reports and the evaluation of the workshops results showed that, in fact, the famous experiments reconstructed by them during the workshops led to results close to the values known by the specific literature and, more importantly, revealed the dynamic and evolutionary character of the scientific knowledge.


Tepavčević Bojan 27 December 2010 (has links)
<p>У оквиру дисертације истражен је утицај геометријске репрезентације<br />простора на развој савремене архитектуре. Показано је на који начин су<br />различите идеје о простору и инструментализација путем медијумa,<br />техникa и алатa утицали на нове развоје архитектуре. Резултати<br />истраживања сугеришу репозиционирање улоге репрезентације<br />простора у процесу архитектонског пројектовања. Посебна пажња<br />посвећена је утицају дигиталних медијума и алата репрезентације, где<br />је уочен прелаз од традиционалних геометријских ка новим,<br />алгоритамским, моделима.</p> / <p>U okviru disertacije istražen je uticaj geometrijske reprezentacije<br />prostora na razvoj savremene arhitekture. Pokazano je na koji način su<br />različite ideje o prostoru i instrumentalizacija putem medijuma,<br />tehnika i alata uticali na nove razvoje arhitekture. Rezultati<br />istraživanja sugerišu repozicioniranje uloge reprezentacije<br />prostora u procesu arhitektonskog projektovanja. Posebna pažnja<br />posvećena je uticaju digitalnih medijuma i alata reprezentacije, gde<br />je uočen prelaz od tradicionalnih geometrijskih ka novim,<br />algoritamskim, modelima.</p> / <p> Presented research explores the influence of geometric representation of<br /> space on modern architecture. Relation between new concepts of space as<br /> well as media, techniques and tools of representation and new movements in<br /> architecture are shown in this work. Notion of the crucial moments of<br /> developments in contemporary architecture suggests repositioning of the role<br /> of space representation in the process of architectural design. Special<br /> attention was made to the role of digital media and tools of representation<br /> that is recognized as a threshold towards new algorithmic models of<br /> representation.</p>

Property inference decision-making and decision switching of undergraduate engineers : implications for ideational diversity & fluency through movements in a Cartesian concept design space

Shah, Raza January 2017 (has links)
Design fixation is a phenomenon experienced by professional designers and engineering design students that stifles creativity and innovation through discouraging ideational productivity, fluency and diversity. During the design idea and concept generation phase of the design process, a reliance on perceptual surface feature similarities between design artefacts increases the likelihood of design fixation leading to design duplication. Psychologists, educators and designers have become increasingly interested in creative idea generation processes that encourage innovation and entrepreneurial outcomes. However, there is a notable lack of collaborative research between psychology, education and engineering design particularly on inductive reasoning of undergraduate engineering students in higher education. The data gathered and analysed for this study provides an insight into property inference decision-making preferences and decision switching (SWITCH) patterns of engineering undergraduates under similarity-based inductive judgements [SIM] and category-based inductive judgements [CAT]. For this psychology experiment, property induction tasks were devised using abstract shapes in a triad configuration. Participants (N = 180), on an undergraduate engineering programme in London, observed a triad of shapes with a target shape more similar-looking to one of two given shapes. Factors manipulated for this experiment included category alignment, category group, property type and target shape. Despite the cognitive development and maturation stage of undergraduate engineers (adults) in higher education, this study identified similarity-based inductive judgements [SIM] to play a significant role during inductive reasoning relative to the strength of category-based inductive judgements [CAT]. In addition to revealing the property inference decision-making preferences of a sample of undergraduate engineers (N = 180), two types of switch classification and two types of non-switch classification (SWITCH) were found and named SIM_NCC, SIM-Salient, Reverse_CAT and CAT_Switching. These different classifications for property inference switching and non-switching presented a more complex pattern of decision-making driven by the relative strength between similarity-based inductive judgements [SIM] and category-based inductive judgements [CAT]. The conditions that encouraged CAT_Switching is of particular interest to design because it corresponds to inference decision switching that affirms the sharing of properties between dissimilar-looking shapes designated as category members, i.e., in a conflicting category alignment condition (CoC). For CAT_Switching, this study found a significant interaction between a particular set of conditions that significantly increased the likelihood of property inference decisions switching to affirm the sharing of properties between dissimilar-looking shapes. Stimuli conditions that combined a conflicting category alignment condition (where dissimilar-looking shapes belong to the same category) with category specificity, a causal property and a target shape with merged (or blended) perceptual surface features significantly increased the likelihood of a property inference decision switching. CAT_Switching has important implications for greater ideational productivity, fluency and diversity to discourage design fixation within the conceptual design space. CAT_Switching conditions could encourage more creative design transformations with alternative design functions through inductive inferences that generalise between dissimilar artefact designs. The findings from this study led to proposing a Cartesian view of the concept design space to represent the possibilities for greater movements through flexible and expanding category boundaries to encourage conceptual combinations, greater ideational fluency and greater ideational diversity within a configuration design space. This study has also created a platform for further research into property inference decision-making, ideational diversity and category boundary flexibility under stimuli conditions that encourage designers and design students to make inductive generalisations between dissimilar domains of knowledge through a greater emphasis on causal relations and semantic networks.

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