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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Begreppen Compliance, Adherence och Concordance : en litteraturstudie

Larsson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p>Begreppen ”compliance, adherence och concordance” används inom många delar av omvårdnadsforskningen. Dessa begrepp används frekvent inom det njurmedicinska forskningsfältet eftersom njurmedicin är ett område med komplexa behandlingar som ställer stora krav på både vårdpersonal och patienter. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva vad dessa begrepp egentligen betyder och hur de används. För att uppnå dessa mål har artiklar sökts i flera databaser och därefter noga lästs igenom och analyserats metodiskt. Resultatet visar att det saknas entydiga definitioner av begreppen. Dessutom råder det en viss begreppsförvirring då man i vissa studier använder begreppen som synonymer trots att de enligt de flesta definitioner inte är det. Sammantaget gör detta att det blir svårvärderat hur man skall använda resultaten i utförda studier med dessa begrepp som mätpunkter och det leder dessutom till svårigheter i jämförelser mellan olika studier. En annan slutsats i denna litteraturstudie är att compliance anses en aning förlegat och att adherence är det man framförallt använder idag medans concordance tycks vara på frammarsch. Sammanfattningsvis kan man säga att det krävs mer forskning på området för att finna konsensus i nomenklaturen så att studier som utförs kan värderas och jämföras mot varandra.</p> / <p>The terms ”compliance, adherence and concordance” are used in several areas of nursing research. These terms are often used in research covering the field of nephrology since renal medicine is an area with complex treatments that demand much from both health care providers and patients. The aim of this literature review was to clarify these terms actual meaning and how they are used. To reach these goals, articles have been sought in several databases, and articles included have thereafter been read thoroughly and methodically analyzed. The results show that there is no unambiguous definition of the terms. Furthermore there are some confusion regarding how to use the terms and in some studies they are even used as synonyms even though this is wrong according to most definitions. Taken together these points makes it hard to evaluate how to use results from studies with these terms as points of measure it also leads to difficulties in comparing studies with each other. Another conclusion in this study is that compliance is considered a bit obsolete and adherence is what is generally used today while concordance is upcoming. More research is warranted to reach agreement on defining these terms to enhance comparability between studies.</p>

Begreppen Compliance, Adherence och Concordance : en litteraturstudie

Larsson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Begreppen ”compliance, adherence och concordance” används inom många delar av omvårdnadsforskningen. Dessa begrepp används frekvent inom det njurmedicinska forskningsfältet eftersom njurmedicin är ett område med komplexa behandlingar som ställer stora krav på både vårdpersonal och patienter. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva vad dessa begrepp egentligen betyder och hur de används. För att uppnå dessa mål har artiklar sökts i flera databaser och därefter noga lästs igenom och analyserats metodiskt. Resultatet visar att det saknas entydiga definitioner av begreppen. Dessutom råder det en viss begreppsförvirring då man i vissa studier använder begreppen som synonymer trots att de enligt de flesta definitioner inte är det. Sammantaget gör detta att det blir svårvärderat hur man skall använda resultaten i utförda studier med dessa begrepp som mätpunkter och det leder dessutom till svårigheter i jämförelser mellan olika studier. En annan slutsats i denna litteraturstudie är att compliance anses en aning förlegat och att adherence är det man framförallt använder idag medans concordance tycks vara på frammarsch. Sammanfattningsvis kan man säga att det krävs mer forskning på området för att finna konsensus i nomenklaturen så att studier som utförs kan värderas och jämföras mot varandra. / The terms ”compliance, adherence and concordance” are used in several areas of nursing research. These terms are often used in research covering the field of nephrology since renal medicine is an area with complex treatments that demand much from both health care providers and patients. The aim of this literature review was to clarify these terms actual meaning and how they are used. To reach these goals, articles have been sought in several databases, and articles included have thereafter been read thoroughly and methodically analyzed. The results show that there is no unambiguous definition of the terms. Furthermore there are some confusion regarding how to use the terms and in some studies they are even used as synonyms even though this is wrong according to most definitions. Taken together these points makes it hard to evaluate how to use results from studies with these terms as points of measure it also leads to difficulties in comparing studies with each other. Another conclusion in this study is that compliance is considered a bit obsolete and adherence is what is generally used today while concordance is upcoming. More research is warranted to reach agreement on defining these terms to enhance comparability between studies.

Measures Of Concordance Of Polynomial Type

Edwards, Heather 01 January 2004 (has links)
A measure of concordance, $\kappa$, is of polynomial type if and only if $\kappa (tA+(1-t)B)$ is a polynomial in $t$ where $A$ and $B$ are 2-copulas. The degree of such a type of measure of concordance is simply the highest degree of the polynomial associated with $\kappa$. In previous work [2], [3], properties of measures of concordance preserving convex sums (equivalently measures of concordance of polynomial type degree one) were established; however, a characterization was not made. Here a characterization is made using approximations involving doubly stochastic matrices. Other representations are provided from this characterization leading naturally to two interpretations of degree one measures of concordance. The existence of a family of measures of concordance of polynomial type having higher degree generated by a certain family of Borel measures on $(0,1)^{2n}$ is also shown. The representation of this family immediately leads to a probabilistic interpretation for all finite measures in $d_n$. Also, higher degree analogs of commonly known degree one measures of concordance are given as examples. For the degree 2 case in particular, we see there is no finite measure in $d_2$ generating Kendall's tau. Finally, another family of measures of concordance is given containing those generated by finite measures in $d_2$ as well as Kendall's tau.

Exceptional Seifert fibered surgeries on Montesinos knots and distinguishing smoothly and topologically doubly slice knots

Meier, Jeffrey Lee 01 July 2014 (has links)
The results presented in this thesis pertain to two distinct areas of low-dimensional topology. First, we give a classification of small Seifert fibered surgeries on hyperbolic pretzel knots, as well as a near-classification of small Seifert fibered surgeries on hyperbolic Montesinos knots. Along with recent results of Ichihara-Masai [IM13], these results complete the classification of all exceptional Dehn surgeries on arborescent knots. Second, we exhibit an infinite family of smoothly slice knots that are topologically doubly slice, but not smoothly doubly slice. A subfamily of these knots is then used to show that the subgroup of the smooth double concordance group consisting of topologically doubly slice knots is infinitely generated. One corollary of these results is that there exist infinitely many rational homology 3-spheres (with nontrivial first homology) that embed topologically, but not smoothly, into the 4-sphere. / text

Application du test de concordance : étude exploratoire du développement de la compétence à évaluer les élèves chez les enseignants

Smith, Jennifer January 2017 (has links)
Les approches contemporaines de l’éducation doivent répondre à un nombre de tensions suscitées par les changements technologiques, sociaux et économiques. Les questionnements sur la vision de l’apprentissage qui en découlent ont justifié l’implantation des programmes par compétences. Ce changement de paradigme a impliqué des réajustements sur le plan de l’évaluation des apprentissages. À la lumière de ces réalités, il est impératif de se pencher sur les dispositifs de formation au jugement évaluatif et de les bonifier. Inspiré par les points de convergence entre le développement du jugement clinique des médecins et celui du jugement en évaluation, Dionne (2005) a développé un instrument intitulé le test de jugement professionnel en évaluation des apprentissages (TJPEA). Composé de situations authentiques, il vise à mesurer le niveau de jugement des étudiants à la formation des maitres en contexte formatif. Cette étude exploratoire qualitative interprétative a été menée auprès de douze participants catégorisés en trois profils différents : quatre étudiants de première année à la formation des maîtres au secondaire (novices), quatre enseignants d’expérience oeuvrant dans une école secondaire québécoise (praticiens) et quatre professeurs universitaires spécialisés en évaluation des apprentissages (experts). Les données recueillies via la passation orale d'un TJPEA ont permis de (1) contribuer à identifier les différents facteurs susceptibles d’influencer le jugement professionnel en évaluation des répondants, (2) de comprendre davantage la dynamique de progression du développement de la compétence à évaluer, notamment en identifiant les différents schèmes de pensée entre les profils de répondants et (3) ressortir les différents obstacles à l’exercice du jugement évaluatif des sujets. Même si nous sommes conscients que les résultats obtenus à cette étude ne sont pas généralisables en raison de son échantillon limité, il est tout de moins possible d’en faire découler de nouvelles avenues de recherche. Cela nous permettra éventuellement de proposer des solutions à la relève enseignante et de favoriser le développement d’un jugement en évaluation juste et équitable pour les élèves.


SCHURMAN, JENNIFER VERRILL 22 May 2002 (has links)
No description available.

On the concordance orders of knots

Collins, Julia January 2011 (has links)
This thesis develops some general calculational techniques for finding the orders of knots in the topological concordance group C . The techniques currently available in the literature are either too theoretical, applying to only a small number of knots, or are designed to only deal with a specific knot. The thesis builds on the results of Herald, Kirk and Livingston [HKL10] and Tamulis [Tam02] to give a series of criteria, using twisted Alexander polynomials, for determining whether a knot is of infinite order in C. There are two immediate applications of these theorems. The first is to give the structure of the subgroups of the concordance group C and the algebraic concordance group G generated by the prime knots of 9 or fewer crossings. This should be of practical value to the knot-theoretic community, but more importantly it provides interesting examples of phenomena both in the algebraic and geometric concordance groups. The second application is to find the concordance orders of all prime knots with up to 12 crossings. At the time of writing of this thesis, there are 325 such knots listed as having unknown concordance order. The thesis includes the computation of the orders of all except two of these. In addition to using twisted Alexander polynomials to determine the concordance order of a knot, a theorem of Cochran, Orr and Teichner [COT03] is applied to prove that the n-twisted doubles of the unknot are not slice for n ≠ 0,2. This technique involves analysing the `second-order' invariants of a knot; that is, slice invariants (in this case, signatures) of a set of metabolising curves on a Seifert surface for the knot. The thesis extends the result to provide a set of criteria for the n-twisted double of a general knot K to be slice; that is, of order 0 in C. The structure of the knot concordance group continues to remain a mystery, but the thesis provides a new angle for attacking problems in this field and it provides new evidence for long-standing conjectures.

Crisis telephone counselling : an exploratory study of outcomes

Carver, Frances A., n/a January 1995 (has links)
This exploratory study examined outcomes of single telephone counselling calls, with a self-selected sample of 38 clients from a family counselling agency. The sample was interviewed by telephone at two days and six weeks after the call to assess crisis counselling outcomes in affect, identification of the problem and action taken, and client equilibrium. Repeated measures of the 'perceptual concordance' of counsellor and client were taken over a period of six weeks, assessing levels of concordance between client and counsellor about perceptions of counselling, and client equilibrium. The sufficiency of a single counselling session was also assessed. 'Perceptual concordance' was suggested by reduced client stress, high levels of agreement between client and counsellor in the identification of the problem and agreed action, and satisfaction with the counselling. Positive indicators of restored client equilibrium included a maintenance of lower stress levels, changes in behaviour, improvement in perceptions of the seriousness of the problem, satisfaction with life and with the counselling. Further research of equilibrium as a concept, and an indicator of crisis resolution is warranted. The sufficiency of a single session of counselling was supported by 56% of clients. The variety of services used by clients as an outcome of the counselling suggests that it could be beneficial for telephone counselling agencies to offer a follow-up call. Verifying the agreed action and assessing equilibrium could be useful indicators of effective telephone counselling.

The Women of Little Gidding: The First Anglican Nuns

Henley, Carmen Ortiz January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examines the lives and material production of the early modern women known as the Nuns of Little Gidding, Mary Collett Ferrar (1603-1680) and Anna Collett (1605-1639). The religious community at Little Gidding, Huntingsonshire (now Cambridgeshire), founded in 1626 by Mary Woodnoth Ferrar and her son Nicholas, housed forty-some members of the extended Ferrar, Collet, and Mapletoft family and their retainers. They devoted their lives to prayer, Bible study and memorization, contemplation, acts of charity, and the production of several unique Bible concordances or harmonies (as well as some Bible histories) of which fifteen are extant. Women were central to the spiritual life of the community, in particular, Mary and Anna who took vows of chastity. They were also the primary creators of the concordances, a task that entailed cutting up printed Bibles, reorganizing the text according to a complex scheme devised by Nicholas Ferrar. The resulting harmonized Gospel suppressed the discrepancies and differences in the four canonical accounts and produced a single, seamless narrative that preserved every detail of the originals. Close study of the relationship between image and text in the Gospel harmonies shows that the women sometimes chose particular images not to illustrate but rather to undermine the authority of the biblical narrative. Images might restore women to an account that minimizes, trivializes, or elides their importance in the life of Jesus. Thus, while their explicit task was to harmonize the Gospel accounts, the women were surreptitiously "deconstructing" them to reveal their discord.

Variability and Stability of a Dragonfly Assemblage

Crowley, P. H., Johnson, D. M. 01 May 1992 (has links)
Using 12 years of monthly sweep-net data from 9-12 permanent sampling stations, we evaluated the variability and stability of the dragonfly assemblage in Bays Mountain Lake (northeastern Tennessee, USA). To do this, we adopted the view that a stable assemblage (i.e. one capable of recovering quickly from disturbances) should have low variability (i.e. high persistence of taxa, relatively constant densities, and high rank concordance), except with disturbances more intense and frequent than those in this system. Moreover, a stable assemblage should contain populations that exhibit density dependence and should tend to remain within a restricted range of densities (boundedness), shifting toward a narrow density interval between generations (attraction). To test some specific predictions derived from these views, we analyzed 12-year sequences of larval population sizes just before the onset of emergence for the 13 dominant dragonfly taxa in the lake. Most but not all of the 13 dominant taxa persisted during the 12-year period. Variabilities of taxon densities, measured as standard deviations across generations of log-transformed population sizes, were representative of the broad range for other invertebrates but somewhat higher than those of terrestrial vertebrates. There were fewer than three significant abundance trends over the 12-year period, and rank concordance between generations was high (W=0.716). Density dependence was detected among some of the dragonfly density sequences by five different methods. Using techniques presented in the companion paper, we found strong indications of both boundedness and attraction in the whole assemblage. We conclude tentatively that an assemblage consisting of at least 11 of the 13 dominant dragonfly taxa at Bays Mountain Lake has low-to-moderate variability and is stable, but that the complete 29-species assemblage is probably not stable at the scale of this single lake. We emphasize the need for coupling such long-term descriptive analyses with studies of responses to experimental disturbances.

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