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L'évaluation du raisonnement clinique en physiothérapieDumas, Jean-Pierre 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Participation sociale à la suite d'un accident vasculaire cérébral comparaison des perceptions de la personne concernée et d'un proche-aidantPoulin, Valérie January 2007 (has links)
Pour dresser le portrait complet du fonctionnement des personnes ayant subi un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC), il est utile d'inclure une évaluation de leur participation sociale, englobant à la fois l'accomplissement des activités courantes et des rôles sociaux. Le niveau de participation sociale peut être mesuré avec un questionnaire validé documentant les perceptions de la personne de sa situation, comme la Mesure des habitudes de vie (MHAVIE). Les personnes ayant des déficits cognitifs importants ne peuvent cependant pas être interrogées directement, de sorte qu'elles sont exclues des études sur la participation sociale, réduisant la généralisation de leurs résultats. L'utilisation des réponses de proches-aidants pourrait s'avérer une alternative envisageable pour estimer la participation sociale s'il était démontré que leurs perceptions reflètent suffisamment celles des personnes avec un AVC. Cette étude visait justement à évaluer la concordance entre les réponses de personnes avec un AVC et de leurs proches-aidants à l'aide de la MHAVIE. Un second objectif consistait à explorer les caractéristiques des participants et du contexte de leur relation associées aux divergences entre leurs cotations respectives. L'étude a été réalisée auprès de 40 dyades formées d'une personne ayant subi un AVC, âgée de 50 ans ou plus et sans atteinte cognitive significative, ainsi que d'un proche-aidant. Lors d'une entrevue individuelle, les participants répondaient au questionnaire MHAVIE. Parmi les 12 domaines d'activités courantes et de rôles évalués par cet outil, l'éducation et le travail avaient été exclus en raison de leur non-applicabilité auprès d'une grande proportion de la population étudiée. Les données sociodémographiques et cliniques des sujets étaient recueillies, ainsi que certaines caractéristiques pouvant influencer le niveau de concordance entre les répondants. La concordance entre les réponses des personnes avec un AVC et des proches-aidants était mesurée avec le coefficient de corrélation intraclasse (CCI). Des analyses de régression linéaire multiple permettaient d'explorer les facteurs associés aux divergences entre les personnes aidées et leurs aidants. Les résultats suggèrent une concordance modérée à excellente entre les cotations de la MHAVIE par les personnes avec un AVC et les proches-aidants [CCI et intervalle de confiance (I.C.) à 95 %: 0,82 (0,67-0,90) pour le score total de la MHAVIE, 0,87 (0,70-0,93) pour le sous-total des activités courantes et 0,73 (0,54-0,85) pour celui des rôles sociaux ]. Dans 7 des 10 domaines de participation, les proches-aidants perçoivent des restrictions plus importantes que les estimations des personnes aidées (p = 0,035 à 0,001). La présence de graves déficits moteurs du membre inférieur est le facteur le plus important contribuant aux divergences entre les membres des dyades. La gravité des déficits moteurs et le fonctionnement cognitif de la personne aidée expliquent ensemble 40% de la variation des divergences au score total de la MHAVIE. Les niveaux de concordance satisfaisants entre les résultats des entrevues auprès des deux groupes de répondants fournissent des indications de la pertinence d'utiliser l'information fournie par le proche-aidant pour estimer la participation sociale des personnes avec un AVC ne pouvant être interrogées directement. Certaines caractéristiques, comme la gravité de l'atteinte, peuvent cependant contribuer aux divergences entre les perceptions de l'aidé et de l'aidant et devraient être considérées lors de l'utilisation de cette forme d'évaluation substituée, particulièrement lors de l'interprétation des résultats. L'utilisation éclairée de l'information recueillie auprès d'un proche-aidant, agissant comme substitut d'une personne incapable de répondre à une entrevue sur sa participation sociale, pourrait aider à mieux cibler ses besoins et à orienter les services sociaux et sanitaires pertinents.
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Transformations of Copulas and Measures of ConcordanceFuchs, Sebastian 03 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Copulas are real functions representing the dependence structure of the distribution of a random vector, and measures of concordance associate with every copula a numerical value in order to allow for the comparison of different degrees of dependence.
We first introduce and study a group of transformations mapping the collection of all copulas of fixed but arbitrary dimension into itself. These transformations may be used to construct new copulas from a given one or to prove that certain real functions on the unit cube are indeed copulas. It turns out that certain transformations of a symmetric copula may be asymmetric, and vice versa.
Applying this group, we then propose a concise definition of a measure of concordance for copulas. This definition, in which the properties of a measure of concordance are defined in terms of two particular subgroups of the group, provides an easy access to the investigation of invariance properties of a measure of concordance. In particular, it turns out that for copulas which are invariant under a certain subgroup the value of every measure of concordance is equal to zero.
We also show that the collections of all transformations which preserve symmetry or the concordance order or the value of every measure of concordance each form a subgroup and that these three subgroups are identical.
Finally, we discuss a class of measures of concordance in which every element is defined as the expectation with respect to the probability measure induced by a fixed copula having an invariance property with respect to two subgroups of the group. This class is rich and includes the well-known examples Spearman's rho and Gini's gamma.
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Towards the development and application of representative lexicographic corpora for the Gabonese languagesSoami, Leandre Serge 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The compilation of dictionaries is a laborious activity and it takes time, money and
staff to achieve the objectives of any dictionary project. Many dictionaries have been
compiled using the lexicographers’ personal intuition and guessing rather than being
corpus based. That resulted in some dictionaries often being criticised by users
because of the lack of representation of some important lexical items. This can
probably be explained by the fact that most of these dictionaries were compiled in an
era when theoretical lexicography was lacking or not well established. The last
decades have witnessed the emergence of metalexicography as a theory directed also
at dictionary planning in order to enhance the quality of lexicographic practice and the
way in which the management and the compilation of dictionaries are dealt with. The
planning of dictionaries takes into account not only the gathering of language material
to be used but also the way in which this material will be treated and presented on
both the macrostructural and the microstructural level as well as in the front matter
texts and the back matter texts.
In order to enhance the quality of the presentation in dictionaries, this dissertation
pleads in favour of the formulation of a data collection policy that takes into
consideration all the different sources of material, written and spoken, used in the
different phases of the compilation of a dictionary. The three phases that form the
main focus of this study are the material acquisition phase, the material preparation
phase and the material processing phase. The involvement of the speech community
in the compilation of a lexicographic corpus ensures the collection of representative
and balanced data, and the different needs of that community are central to the
dictionary project. The different language materials can be organised into different
corpus types.
The efficiency of a corpus resides in its capacity to provide different data types that
can be included in the comment on semantics and the comment on form of each
article in the central list of each dictionary. Some dictionaries lack a good
representation of data in both these comments in the different articles. However,
languages such as the Gabonese languages are in a privileged situation because they
can still avoid the mistakes of other dictionary compilers by investing in corpus-based
dictionaries at this early stage. Therefore, the establishment of lexicographic units with multifunctional tasks can play an important role. In a multilingual environment
such as Gabon the issue of language status needs to be dealt with carefully because it
is realistic to choose a certain number of languages to function as official languages.
Different alphabets are presented in this study and realistic choices are made.
The way in which the language material is organised will impact on the quality of the
macrostructure and microstructure; this is essential because dictionaries are consulted
most of the time for the spelling of a given lexical item, for a translation equivalent or
for the explanation of the meaning of a lemma sign. The computerisation of a corpus
is a focal point and needs to be done in a satisfactory manner that presents a clean and
helpful corpus in order to provide the lexicographer with useful statistics, frequency
word lists and the different concordance lines that are very important for the wording
of definitions and the extraction of example sentences. This is why a corpus is seen as
an indispensable tool in the improvement of the macro- and the microstructure of any
type of dictionary. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die saamstel van woordeboeke is ’n moeisame aktiwiteit, en dit verg tyd, geld en
personeel om die doelstellings van ’n woordeboekprojek te bereik. Talle woordeboeke
is op grond van die navorsers se persoonlike intuïsie en raaiwerk saamgestel, in stede
daarvan dat dit korpusgebaseerd is. Die gevolg is dat baie woordeboeke dikwels deur
gebruikers gekritiseer word weens die gebrek aan verteenwoordiging van enkele
belangrike leksikale items. Dít kan moontlik verklaar word deur die feit dat die
meeste van hierdie woordeboeke saamgestel is in ’n era waartydens teoretiese
leksikografie gebrekkig en nie goed gevestig was nie. In die afgelope dekades het
metaleksikografie na vore getree as a teorie wat op woordeboekbeplanning gerig is
ten einde die gehalte van die leksikografie-praktyk en die manier waarop die bestuur
en samestelling van woordeboeke hanteer word, te verbeter. By die beplanning van
woordeboeke word nie net die versameling taalmateriaal wat gebruik kan word in
berekening gebring nie, maar ook die manier waarop hierdie materiaal op sowel
makro- as mikrostrukturele vlakke, asook in die voorwerk en die agterwerk, hanteer
en aangebied gaan word.
Ten einde die gehalte van die aanbieding in woordeboeke te verbeter, lewer hierdie
proefskrif ’n pleidooi vir die formulering van ’n dataversamelingsbeleid wat al die
verskillende materiaalbronne, hetsy skriftelik of mondelings, wat in die verskillende
stadia van die samestelling van ’n woordeboek gebruik word, in ag neem. Die drie
stadia wat die hooffokus van hierdie studie is, is die stadia waarin die materiaal
aangeskaf, voorberei en verwerk word. Die spraakgemeenskap se betrokkenheid by
die saamstel van ’n leksikografiese korpus verseker die versameling van
verteenwoordigende en gebalanseerde data, en die verskillende behoeftes van
sodanige gemeenskap is die kern van die woordeboekprojek. Die verskillende
taalmateriale kan in verskillende korpussoorte georden word.
Die doeltreffendheid van ’n korpus berus op die vermoë daarvan om verskillende
datasoorte te verskaf wat in die kommentaar op semantiek en die kommentaar op
vorm van elke item in die sentrale lys van elke woordeboek ingesluit kan word.
Sommige woordeboeke toon ’n gebrek aan goeie verteenwoordiging van data in albei
hierdie soorte kommentaar in die verskillende items. Tale soos die Gaboenese tale is
egter in ’n bevoorregte posisie, aangesien hulle nog die foute van ander woordeboeksamestellers kan vermy deur op hierdie vroeë stadium in
korpusgebaseerde woordeboeke te belê. Die stigting van leksikografiese eenhede met
multifunksionele take kan dus ’n belangrike rol speel. In ’n veeltalige omgewing soos
Gaboen moet die kwessie van taalstatus versigtig hanteer word, aangesien dit
realisties is om ’n sekere hoeveelheid tale as amptelike tale te kies. Verskillende
alfabette word in hierdie studie aangebied en realistiese keuses word gemaak.
Die manier waarop die taalmateriaal georden is, sal ’n uitwerking op die makro- en
mikrostruktuur hê; dit is van belang omdat woordeboeke meestal vir die spelling van
’n gegewe leksikale item, vir ’n vertaalekwivalent of vir die verklaring van die
betekenis van ’n lemmateken geraadpleeg word. Die rekenarisering van ’n korpus is
’n belangrike aspek en moet op ’n bevredigende wyse uitgevoer word wat ’n skoon en
nuttige korpus lewer ten einde die leksikograaf van goeie statistieke,
frekwensiewoordlyste en die verskillende konkordansielyne te voorsien, wat baie
belangrik is vir die skryf van definisies en die onttrekking van voorbeeldsinne. Om
hierdie rede word ’n korpus as ’n onmisbare instrument in die verbetering van die
makro- en mikrostruktuur van enige soort woordeboek beskou.
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Introduction: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most commonly occurring sexually transmitted infection and is a necessary cause of cervical cancer. The progression from HPV infection to cervical cancer is incompletely understood. Innate immune response to HPV infection has recently been identified as a potential cofactor in this progression. This study examined potential association(s) between killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) and HPV infection. HPV concordance was estimated among heterosexual couples demonstrating the complexity of HPV infection.Methods: HPV concordance was cross-sectionally estimated in 29 heterosexual couples. A polymerase chain reaction based assay for KIR genotyping was developed and validated. 283 women from the Young Women's Health Study and 259 men from the HPV Infection in Men: A Prospective Cohort Study had HPV infection data and samples available for KIR genotyping. Associations between KIR genotype and haplotype with HPV prevalence, incidence and clearance were assessed.Results: Among 29 couples, prevalence for any HPV type was comparable between women 86.2% and men, 75.9%. Partial concordance was observed in 66% of the couples. Forty-one percent (41%) of couples had perfect concordance. A high degree of concordance was observed, however HPV type distributions differed in men and women. In women from the YWHS, KIR2DS5 was significantly associated with oncogenic HPV prevalence (Odds ratio [OR]: 0.56, 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 0.31-0.99). Any HPV incidence was significantly associated with KIR2DL2 (Hazards Ratio [HR]: 2.11, 95% CI: 1.0-4.44), KIR2DS2 (HR: 2.44, 95% CI: 1.13-5.24), KIR2DS3 (HR: 2.36, 95% CI: 1.16-4.81), and KIR haplotype B (HR: 2.48, 95% CI: 1.02-6.02). Women lacking KIR2DS5 had an increased risk of any HPV acquisition in the presence of KIR2DL2 (HR: 2.95, 95% CI: 1.28-6.86), KIR2DS2 (HR: 3.33, 1.39-7.99), or KIR2DS3 (2.77, 95% CI: 1.24-6.19). In Men, KIR2DS3 was significantly associated with increased probability of any HPV clearance (HR: 1.91, 95% CI: 1.04-3.49).Conclusions: This research contributes to our understanding of HPV infection dynamics through the assessment HPV type concordance in sexual partners. Additionally, through the development of an assay for KIR genotyping, we were able to identify associations with KIR gene positivity and HPV prevalence, incidence, and clearance in men and women.
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Second order algebraic knot concordance groupPowell, Mark Andrew January 2011 (has links)
Let Knots be the abelian monoid of isotopy classes of knots S1 ⊂ S3 under connected sum, and let C be the topological knot concordance group of knots modulo slice knots. Cochran-Orr-Teichner [COT03] defined a filtration of C: C ⊃ F(0) ⊃ F(0.5) ⊃ F(1) ⊃ F(1.5) ⊃ F(2) ⊃ . . .The quotient C/F(0.5) is isomorphic to Levine’s algebraic concordance group AC1 [Lev69]; F(0.5) is the algebraically slice knots. The quotient C/F(1.5) contains all metabelian concordance obstructions. The Cochran-Orr-Teichner (1.5)-level two stage obstructions map the concordance class of a knot to a pointed set (COT (C/1.5),U). We define an abelian monoid of chain complexes P, with a monoid homomorphism Knots → P. We then define an algebraic concordance equivalence relation on P and therefore a group AC2 := P/ ~, our second order algebraic knot concordance group. The results of this thesis can be summarised in the following diagram: . That is, we define a group homomorphism C → AC2 which factors through C/F(1.5). We can extract the two stage Cochran-Orr-Teichner obstruction theory from AC2: the dotted arrows are morphisms of pointed sets. Our second order algebraic knot concordance group AC2 is a single stage obstruction group.
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L'adhésion de travailleurs accidentés aux recommandations des conseillers en réadaptation : une étude théorique et empiriqueSt-Amand, Annie January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Sleep is not a solitary activity for the majority of adults, this impacts sleep quality, health, and well-being. Couples experience sleep concordance, or a synchronization of sleep-wake times, which can improve and diminish sleep quality (Gunn et al., 2015). This study explores the association between sleep concordance and sleep quality by examining attachment style as a moderator. Daily sleep diaries were completed by 179 heterosexual couples. Sleep concordance was calculated by dividing total time partners were in bed together by total time at least one partner was in bed each day. Data were analyzed using a multilevel model described by Bolger and Laurenceau (2013). There was a positive association between daily sleep concordance and sleep quality for men. Women with higher secure attachment style scores reported greater sleep quality, and women with higher insecure attachment style scores reported lower sleep quality. Among women with higher secure attachment style scores and lower avoidant attachment style scores there was a negative association between mean sleep concordance and sleep quality. There was no association between sleep concordance and sleep quality for higher anxious attachment scores. Future research is needed to address causal relationships. Findings indicate men and women may experience sleep concordance differently.
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Ökad kunskap hos sjuksköterskor om orsaker till bristande följsamhet förbättrar patienters delaktighet / Increased knowledge among nurses´ about the reason why lack of compliance improves the patients´ participation.Bergman, Annika, Gustavsson, Anna-Lena January 2009 (has links)
<p>In today’s health care it’s most common to treat an illness with a kind of pharmaceutical preparation. But lack of resources, given information and bad communication and collaboration between the patient and the nursing staff can lead to a patient unwilling to follow the doctor’s prescription. This does not just affect the individual patient’s health but it can also result in consequences for other people and the whole society. The purpose of this study was to analyse studies about the concepts compliance and concordance in order to illustrate why patients with chronic illnesses fail to follow their prescriptions. Our method has been to read and analyse the methods and results of articles out of the perspective similarities and differences of the concepts compliance and concordance. It was hard to keep the concepts separated because of their similar meanings. Our result shows that the method used was interviews with questionnaires which has been analysed on the basis of the qualitative studies’ themes and categories. The quantitative articles’ data were displayed statistically. Our analyse showed that patients often lack knowledge about their medical treatment which affects their attitudes and can lead to bad compliance and concordance. As a nurse it’s therefore important to identify the cause that affects the patient. The nursing staff’s goal ought thus to be to get the patient involved as much as possible in their self-care. If the patient is involved in hers/his treatment, it’s more likely that they feel a responsibility towards themselves and therefore gets a better quality of life.</p>
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Ökad kunskap hos sjuksköterskor om orsaker till bristande följsamhet förbättrar patienters delaktighet / Increased knowledge among nurses´ about the reason why lack of compliance improves the patients´ participation.Bergman, Annika, Gustavsson, Anna-Lena January 2009 (has links)
In today’s health care it’s most common to treat an illness with a kind of pharmaceutical preparation. But lack of resources, given information and bad communication and collaboration between the patient and the nursing staff can lead to a patient unwilling to follow the doctor’s prescription. This does not just affect the individual patient’s health but it can also result in consequences for other people and the whole society. The purpose of this study was to analyse studies about the concepts compliance and concordance in order to illustrate why patients with chronic illnesses fail to follow their prescriptions. Our method has been to read and analyse the methods and results of articles out of the perspective similarities and differences of the concepts compliance and concordance. It was hard to keep the concepts separated because of their similar meanings. Our result shows that the method used was interviews with questionnaires which has been analysed on the basis of the qualitative studies’ themes and categories. The quantitative articles’ data were displayed statistically. Our analyse showed that patients often lack knowledge about their medical treatment which affects their attitudes and can lead to bad compliance and concordance. As a nurse it’s therefore important to identify the cause that affects the patient. The nursing staff’s goal ought thus to be to get the patient involved as much as possible in their self-care. If the patient is involved in hers/his treatment, it’s more likely that they feel a responsibility towards themselves and therefore gets a better quality of life.
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