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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Functional analysis of tcf21 and tbx20 in zebrafish

Burg, Leonard January 2020 (has links)
In response to cardiac cell death from an injury, zebrafish, as opposed to mammals, are able to regenerate new heart cells without significant scar tissue. Heart attacks, a leading cause of death in the United States, leave behind substantial scar tissue that weakens the heart and leads to a greater chance of a repeated cardiac event. Many genes and major molecular pathways are highly conserved from fish all the way to humans; thus, understanding how the regenerative process works in zebrafish may provide insight into potential therapies for heart attacks in humans. However, we must first understand how heart regeneration occurs in zebrafish at the molecular level. From the time of injury to a zebrafish heart through the completion of regeneration, we want to build a regulatory network showing which genes are up- or down-regulated and how they are interconnected. Transcription factors, such as tcf21 and tbx20, bind to regulatory elements of DNA and can either upregulate or downregulate nearby genes. To build this gene regulatory network, scientists use a technique called ChIP-seq that can determine where in the genome these transcription factors bind. Nearby genes are potential targets of their regulation, and we can validate these enhancers by testing differences in expression using a fluorescent protein reporter construct. ChIP-seq requires high quality antibodies capable of specifically recognizing the transcription factor of interest. These are rarely available. Because each different antibody that is used requires validation and optimization for ChIP-seq, it is not easy to scale up the collection of data for different transcription factors. One way to get around these problems is to express a tagged version of the transcription factor. The tag is recognizable by the same antibody; however, expressing the tagged transcription factor in this manner almost inevitably results in higher than normal levels of expression, leading to false positives in the ChIP-seq data. Using CRISPR/Cas9 technology to target and modify specific sequences in the genome, we developed a novel method to add an epitope tag to these transcription factors at their endogenous loci. This allows us to run ChIP-seq experiments with the transcription factor at physiological levels of expression. We can also use the same antibody to eliminate repeated validation and optimization steps. We have successfully tagged two genes that may be involved in heart regeneration, tcf21 and tbx20. tcf21 is expressed in the developing epicardium and is required for the proper development of the branchial arches. tbx20 is expressed in the cardiomyocytes and is required for the proper development of the heart, and it has also been shown to be upregulated in response to injury in the zebrafish. With tbx20, we have performed a successful ChIP-seq experiment and have tested several promising target genes. It is difficult to test if either tcf21 or tbx20 is required for regeneration, as both of these genes are essential for development and mutants do not survive. The solution to this problem is to engineer the gene so that it can be turned off at a specific time and in a specific cell type. A common method of this in the mouse model utilizes the Cre/loxP system: two loxP sites flank a required segment of a gene, and the introduction of the enzyme Cre deletes the DNA between them. Until CRISPRs this was not feasible in zebrafish, which lacked an efficient method of targeted modification in the genome. We adapted our method for integrating epitope tags to add the two loxP sites in the genome. We have made and tested a fully conditional mutant for tbx20, and we have put in the first of the two loxP sites for tcf21. / Biology

Analyses of kidney organogenesis through <em>in vitro</em> and <em>in vivo</em> approaches:generation of conditional Wnt4 mouse models and a method for applying inducible Cre-recombination for kidney organ culture

Jokela, T. (Tiina) 07 May 2013 (has links)
Abstract In mice, gene targeting has become a useful tool for resolving the functions of proteins and for creating new animal models. Cre/loxP technology has been used broadly for generation of genetically modified mice. The Cre recombinase recognizes a specific DNA sequence, called loxP, and removes any DNA fragment between two loxP-sites. The activity of the Cre recombinase can be controlled spatially and temporally with cell- or tissue-specific promoters and synthetic inducing agents, such as tamoxifen or tetracycline. In this thesis, we employed tamoxifen-induced Cre recombination in vitro. Cre-ERTM mice were crossed to ROSA26LacZ reporters and Cre-recombination induced by 4OH-TM was monitored by LacZ staining. 0.5 μM 4OH-TM treatment was competent for tamoxifen-induced Cre-mediated activation of LacZ both in kidney cultures and in experimentally induced kidney mesenchymes. Wnt4 is a secreted signaling molecule, which is necessary for the development of several organs including kidney, ovary, adrenal gland, mammary and pituitary glands. Wnt4 is crucial for kidney development and conventional Wnt4-/- mice die soon after birth, likely due to renal failure. In this thesis, two different Wnt4 alleles, Wnt4EGFPCre and floxed Wnt4, were generated and analyzed to learn more about the Wnt4 functions and to apply these mouse lines to renal functional genomics. In the Wnt4EGFPCre, the EGFPCre fusion cDNA was targeted into exon I of the Wnt4 locus. EGFP-derived fluorescence was observed in the pretubular aggregates from E12.5 embryonic kidney onwards. Further characterization by crossing with the floxed ROSA26LacZ and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) reporter lines demonstrated that in addition to the kidney, reporter expression was observed in the gonad, spinal cord, lung and the adrenal gland. The expression pattern of the Cre activity recapitulates well the known pattern of the Wnt4 gene. Time-lapse analysis in organ culture settings showed that the Wnt4 expressing cells contributed to the nephrons, some cells near the stalk of the developing ureter, as well as a number of positive supposed medullary stromal cells. In the conditional Wnt4 knock-out, loxP sites were placed to flank exons 3 to 5. The Wnt4 gene was specifically inactivated with CAGCre and Wnt4EGFPCre lines. In both of these crosses deletion of Wnt4 gene function led to impaired kidney development. In conclusion, we identified the culture conditions that can be used for the tamoxifen-induced conditional mutagenesis in tissue cultures. In addition, the created Wnt4 mouse lines serve as new useful tools for addressing the roles of Wnt4 function in diverse tissues and in different stages of development. / Tiivistelmä Hiirillä geenikohdennuksesta on muodostunut hyödyllinen väline proteiinien tehtävien selvittämisessä ja uusien eläinmallien luomisessa. Cre/loxP -tekniikkaa on käytetty laajasti muuntogeenisten hiirien tuottamisessa. Cre-rekombinaasi tunnistaa spesifisen DNA-jakson, niin kutsutun loxP:n, ja poistaa kaikki DNA-jaksot kahden loxP-sekvenssin väliltä. Cre-rekombinaasin aktiivisuutta voidaan säädellä paikallisesti ja ajallisesti solu- tai kudosspesifisillä promoottoreilla ja synteettisillä indusoivilla kemikaaleilla, kuten tamoksifeenillä tai tetrasykliinillä. Tässä väitöskirjassa hyödynsimme tamoksifeenin aiheuttamaa Cre-rekombinaatiota in vitro -kudosviljelmissä. Cre-ERTM-hiirilinja risteytettiin ROSA26LacZ-reportterilinjan kanssa, ja 4-hydroksitamoksifeenin indusoima Cre-rekombinaasin aktiivisuutta monitoroitiin LacZ–värjäyksellä. 0.5&#160;µM:n 4OH-TM konsentraatiolla LacZ-reportterigeeni saatiin aktivoitua tehokkaasti Cre-rekombinaasin avulla sekä munuaisviljelmissä että munuaismesenkyymiviljelmissä. Wnt4 on erittyvä signalointimolekyyli, jolla on keskeinen rooli useiden elinten, kuten munuaisen, munasarjan, lisämunuaisen, rintarauhasen ja aivolisäkkeen kehittymisessä. Wnt4-geenillä on ratkaisevan tärkeä rooli munuaisen kehityksessä, ja poistogeeninen Wnt4-/-hiiri kuolee pian syntymän jälkeen, todennäköisesti munuaisen vajaatoimintaan. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tuotettiin kaksi eri Wnt4 alleelia, Wnt4EGFPCre ja konditionaalinen Wnt4. Nämä hiirilinjat analysoitiin, jotta saisimme lisää tietoa Wnt4-geenin toiminnasta ja pystyisimme soveltamaan kyseisiä hiirikantoja munuaisten toiminnan selvittämisessä. Wnt4EGFPCre-alleelissa EGFPCre-fuusio -cDNA kohdennettiin osaksi endogeenisen Wnt4-geenin ykköseksonia. Vihreän fluoresoivan proteiinin (EGFP) aktiivisuus havaittiin varhaisen munuaisen kehityksen aikana. Wnt4EGFPCre-alleelin lisäkarakterisointi reportterilinjoilla (Rosa26LacZ ja Rosa26YFP) osoitti, että Wnt4-geenin ilmentyminen havaittiin munuaisen lisäksi sukurauhasissa, selkäytimessä, keuhkoissa sekä lisämunuaisessa. Wnt4EGFPCre-alleeli ilmentyi niissä kudoksissa, joissa endogeenisen Wnt4-geenin tiedetään olevan aktiivinen. Time-lapse -analyysin avulla osoitettiin, että Wnt4-geeniä ilmentävät solut muodostavat tiettyjä rakenteita munuaisen kehityksen aikana. Wnt4-geeni ilmentyi nefroneissa, kehittyvän virtsajohtimen soluissa sekä useissa medullaarisissa stroomasoluissa. Konditionaalisessa (ehdollisessa) Wnt4 knock-out-hiirilinjassa loxP-sekvenssit sijoitettiin eksonien kolme sekä viisi ympärille. Wnt4-geenin toiminta inaktivoitiin CAGCre- ja Wnt4EGFPCre-hiirilinjojen avulla. Näissä molemmissa tapauksissa Wnt4-geenin toiminnan poistaminen johti munuaisen kehityshäiriöön. Yhteenvetona voimme todeta, että olemme tunnistaneet ne kasvatusolosuhteet, joita voidaan hyödyntää, kun halutaan aktivoida reportterigeenejä tai kehityksen kannalta tärkeitä geenejä tamoksifeenin aiheuttamaa Cre/loxP -rekombinaatiota hyväksikäyttäen kudosviljelmissä. Samoja olosuhteita ja menetelmää käyttäen voidaan myös poistaa jonkun kehityksen kannalta tärkeän geenin toiminta ja tutkia sitä kudosviljelmässä. Tuotetut Wnt4-hiirikannat ovat lisäksi uusia hyödyllisiä työkaluja, kun halutaan tutkia Wnt4-geenin toimintaa erilaisissa kudoksissa ja eri kehitysvaiheiden aikana.

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