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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國會助理選民服務工作內容及工作成就感之研究 / The study of voter services content and the sense of achievement for congressional assistant in the Legislative Yuan

林麗真, Lin, Li Jen Unknown Date (has links)
自2007年第七屆立法委員選舉開始,我國國會選舉制度正式換軌為單一選區兩票制,立法院是中華民國目前唯一的國會,國會助理成為選民和立委之間的橋樑,並代理立法委員提供選民服務,隨著選區選民服務個案數量的增加,選民服務的內容有哪些,國會助理如何處理選民服務案件以及國會助理如何透過選民服務的過程,以獲得工作上的成就感等主題,值得深究。 本研究以立意抽樣方式,採質化半結構深入訪談法,面訪立法院(第七屆末及第八屆初)區域立委立法院辦公室主要或部分負責選民服務案件的助理及主任等12人,旨在探討瞭解國會助理選民服務的工作內容及選民服務所帶來的成就感。 本研究經由訪談之後的資料分析,所獲得的重要發現如下: 一、助理工作、內容複雜多樣:在國會辦公室中,大都設有負責行政庶務,負責  質詢議題、問政資料蒐集與整理,掌管選民服務及辦公室主任等各樣助理。 二、成為助理、多種雇用機緣:成為助理的管道多元,諸如透過立法院公佈欄,網路上的徵人啟事,寄履歷表應徵,擔任立法委員參選時輔選團隊等機緣。 三、工作評價、感受正負不一:正面是可以充分發揮對政治的理想與抱負,累積待人處事的經驗,增進人際關係能力等;但負面在於沒有升遷或加薪的機會。 四、服務案件、來自多元管道:選民服務案件來自選區服務處或所接到的陳情案件,中央黨部或者黨團轉介,或在委員的臉書或網頁上留言,電子郵件陳情等。 五、選民服務、事關連任至巨:在單一選區制的情況下,區域立委的產生來自選票,一位委員能否獲得連任成功,和國會助理的選民服務成果關係密切。 六、服務選民、尤需熱忱耐性:選民大都遇到困難才會提出服務要求,因此助理在處理服務案件時要有耐心,並要讓選民感受到助理的熱心及熱情。 七、有些案件、令人心生焦慮:有些案件具有較大壓力,其來源多元多樣,諸如時間急迫,陳情人緊迫盯人,選民的焦急情緒及舉動,選區人情壓力等。 八、助理工作、連帶收穫豐碩:擔任助理可以學習處世經驗,提升自我,並累積各種人際關係,交到許多的好朋友,還可在所接觸的案件中,充實自我。   本研究並根據訪談資料分析所得到的研究發現,提出以下研究建議: 一、對國會助理之建議:擔任助理有必要大力提升法學素養;從事選民服務工作時,須展現高度熱情;體認助理工作之不易,時時充實自己;而助理工作並無升遷機會,要另謀高就有待增加專業能力;努力學習溝通技巧,此事關係工作成效;對於有意從政者,趁從事助理機會紮根選區,預作從政準備;善用助理職務可利用資源,廣結善緣。 二、對相關單位建議:國會助理任期隨立法委員進退,因此雇用期間基本上僅4年,因此,助理任用亟須強化保障;同時,福利待遇亦有待大力加強。 三、對立法委員之建議:助理對選民服務之成效,事關連任與否甚巨,因此,在聘任助理人員時,必須慎選人才。 關鍵字:國會助理,工作內容,工作成就感 / Abstract Since 2007 the Seventh Legislative Yuan elections, Taiwan’s Congressional electoral system officially has changed to a "single-constituency, two-ballot" electoral system. The Legislative Yuan is the only Congress in Republic of China and Legislative assistants have become the main communication bridge/door between voters and legislators, and also have become the go between for legislators and their voters. However, with the increase in the number of cases, this is a relative topic worthy for us to explore, eg, What is the extent of services for voters? How do the legislative assistants successfully manage and deal with the voters’ cases, and also get a sense of accomplishment from the work? Selective sampling was chosen for this study, using qualitative, semi-structured, in-depth interviews, 12 legislators assistants and directors were interviewed. They were mainly or partly in charge of services for voters, and worked for the regional office of legislators (the late seventh and early eighth) of Regional Office in Legislative Yuan. The main purpose of this study was to explore and understand the content voter services work and the sense of accomplishment brought by the work of legislative/congress assistants. The results of data analysis with in-depth interviews of legislative assistants and legislators offices directors are followed. First, the content of assistant work is complex and diverse: Usually in most congress offices, there are several assistants, who are specifically in charge for different parts of work, such as administrative assistant; assistant - who is responsible for questions topics; assistant - who would work on data collection and sorting of politics; and office director - who administrates the legislator office and voter services. Second, there are many different ways to be a legislative assistant: such as sending resume through Bulletin board in Legislative Yuan or Job’s online website; or joining the campaign group for the legislator and for delivering votes for the legislator and so on. Third, Job evaluation; there are advantages and shortcomings from legislative assistant work: the advantage of this work is, people can give full play to their political ideas and aspirations; they can earn accumulated experience of dealing with people, and enhance interpersonal skills; but the shortcoming is lack of opportunities for promotion and pay raise. Forth, voter service cases from the multiple places: voters service cases usually are received from several different places, such as the constituencies services department or have been referred from headquarters or from the caucus; also, voters can leave a message or send a petition on legislator’s Facebook, web page, or e-mail. Fifth, Voter service is related to the next election/campaign of legislator: In the case of single-constituency, two-ballot " electoral system, the outcome of the relationship between voters service and ballot is closely connected; each ballot influences a present legislator on his/her success for the next campaign and chances of being the next legislator. Sixth, Voter service needs work with enthusiasm and patience: Mostly voters will request for the voters service when they are facing real difficulty. Therefore, it needs more patience when a legislative assistant is working on these cases, and also need to show their enthusiasm and passion for the people. Seventh, some of cases are urgent: some (voter service) cases must be dealt with urgently, the pressure comes from different factors, such as, limited time; hot-pursuit of the petitioner; the anxious mood of the voters; and personal pressure. Eighth, assistant job comes with benefit: Being a legislative assistant can learn the manner of dealing with people and situations, Self-improvement and accumulate a variety of interpersonal skills such as collect a network of good friends. Also, a legislative experience can lead to self-enrichment. According to the analysis and research of data and interviews in this study, this study provides the following suggestions for congress assistants, relative departments and legislators: 1. For legislative/congress assistants: As a legislative/congress assistant, they need to improve their literacy of law; he/she needs to show the high enthusiasm during the voter service; understanding of complex legislative assistant work, and self-improvement; due to the lack of opportunities for promotion, congress/legislative assistants need to enhance their own professional competence if they want to change the job in the future; increase the skills of communication, it’s relative to the results of work; for those, who wants to be a politician, they should take note of the process during their experience as an assistant; properly using all the resources as an assistant, and create a big network of contacts. 2. For other departments: a congressional aides /legislative assistant’s work term is based on legislator’s tenure. It’s basically only 4 years period of employment. Therefore, they need to strengthen their job’s security, and also vigorously improve their salary and benefits. 3. For legislators: The outcome of the relationship between voters service and assistant is closely connected, it influences the present legislator’s next campaign. Therefore, they should be careful who they choose to hire an assistant. Key words: congress/legislative assistants, the content of assistant work, sense of accomplishment from the work

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