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Sparsamkeit und Geiz, Grosszügigkeit und Verschwendung : ethische Konzepte im Spiegel der SpracheMalmqvist, Anita January 2000 (has links)
The object of this study is to analyse the lexemes and phraseological units that constitute the semantic fields employed in naming four abstract domains, greed, thrift, generosity, and extravagance that make up the ethical concept <Attitude to Ownership> in German. On the assumption that ideas are accessible to us through the lexicalised items of a language, recent theories in the field of semantic analysis and conceptualisation were applied to the source material. In each domain key words were identified and their definitions in modern and historical dictionaries were analysed. Various dimensions of meaning, which proved to be inherent in the lexical items, emerged from this analysis. The oppositions a/o (action directed to others vs. to oneself), right/wrong (virtues vs. vices) and too much/ too little vs. the ideal mean were established as central. To achieve a more precise description of meaning tentative explications of cognitive levels were proposed. By means of these the underlying ideas, as they were reflected in the lexical units, could be described. The analysis showed greater variation and expressivity in words, idioms, and proverbs referring to the two vices compared to the virtues. Furthermore, a diachronic study produced evidence of semantic and conceptual changes. On the basis of such observations conclusions could be drawn about changes in the ethical system. The data derived from a contrastive corpus analysis of the German and Swedish key words showed numerous similarities as well as some conspicuous differences in the conceptualisation and valuation of attitudes pertaining to the four abstract domains. Moreover, the key words denoting the two virtues showed a clear domination in frequency, indicating that these are more central conceptual categories in today's society than the vices. An ongoing shift in meaning could be established for the key words naming the latter. Applying modern theories of metaphor and metonymy the experiential basis of meaning and thought was explored, showing that the structures forming the ethical concepts studied in this work are grounded in experiences of a physical and socio- cultural nature. The metaphorical concept ILLNESS emerged as a common source domain for the two vices, while the PATH- concept was shown to form the basis of metaphors expressing the o-virtue but not the a-virtue. Among the numerous métonymie concepts HAND proved to be a characteristic of all four domains. / digitalisering@umu
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<i>Lieber Gott, mach mich fromm ...</i> : Zum Wort und Konzept “fromm” im Wandel der ZeitKrull, Kirsten January 2004 (has links)
<p>Based on current research in historical and cognitive linguistics this thesis examines the German semantic field <fromm> (<pious>), partly contrasting it with its Swedish correspondent <from>. Starting at the time of Old High German the analysis follows the historical development of word and concept, exploring how attitudes to the Christian religion are verbalised in different ages. One important assumption is that ideas and attitudes are accessible to us through the lexicalised items of a language.</p><p>The thesis is part of the interlingual research project “Ethical concepts and mental cultures”, which, by applying a pluralistic method, examines various ethical fields, and assumes as central the oppositions a/o (action directed to others vs. to oneself), right/wrong (virtues vs. vices) and too much/too little vs. the ideal mean.</p><p>This study shows that true piety, in order to be classified as a virtue, has to include both trust and critical thinking in equal proportions and that if either of the two outweighs the other the virtue will become a vice. Furthermore, it is shown that a shift in meaning has taken place from ‘profitable’ or ‘advantageous’ in Old High German, through ‘excellent’, ‘righteous’, ‘virtuous’ into ‘religious’, with Luther’s usage as the critical factor in giving the word its religious meaning. As a result of Secularisation and Individualisation negative connotations have developed in modern German usage which do not seem to exist to the same extent in modern Swedish. This is confirmed by two corpus studies, evaluating the usage of <i>fromm/from</i> in German and Swedish newspaper texts, according to which <i>fromm</i> tends to be transferred to profane contexts, meaning for example ‘hypocritical’, ‘uncritically credulous’ and ‘uncritically obedient’ more frequently than its Swedish equivalent.</p><p>Based on results from socio-psychological research the study also identifies some strategies that speakers employ in order to mark distance or adherence to a group of believers or non-believers, for example metaphors (i.a. GOOD IS UP ÷ BAD IS DOWN) or stereotypes, which are often used to ridicule, criticise or insult a member of another group in order to strengthen the speaker’s own social identity.</p>
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Lieber Gott, mach mich fromm ... : Zum Wort und Konzept “fromm” im Wandel der ZeitKrull, Kirsten January 2004 (has links)
Based on current research in historical and cognitive linguistics this thesis examines the German semantic field <fromm> (<pious>), partly contrasting it with its Swedish correspondent <from>. Starting at the time of Old High German the analysis follows the historical development of word and concept, exploring how attitudes to the Christian religion are verbalised in different ages. One important assumption is that ideas and attitudes are accessible to us through the lexicalised items of a language. The thesis is part of the interlingual research project “Ethical concepts and mental cultures”, which, by applying a pluralistic method, examines various ethical fields, and assumes as central the oppositions a/o (action directed to others vs. to oneself), right/wrong (virtues vs. vices) and too much/too little vs. the ideal mean. This study shows that true piety, in order to be classified as a virtue, has to include both trust and critical thinking in equal proportions and that if either of the two outweighs the other the virtue will become a vice. Furthermore, it is shown that a shift in meaning has taken place from ‘profitable’ or ‘advantageous’ in Old High German, through ‘excellent’, ‘righteous’, ‘virtuous’ into ‘religious’, with Luther’s usage as the critical factor in giving the word its religious meaning. As a result of Secularisation and Individualisation negative connotations have developed in modern German usage which do not seem to exist to the same extent in modern Swedish. This is confirmed by two corpus studies, evaluating the usage of fromm/from in German and Swedish newspaper texts, according to which fromm tends to be transferred to profane contexts, meaning for example ‘hypocritical’, ‘uncritically credulous’ and ‘uncritically obedient’ more frequently than its Swedish equivalent. Based on results from socio-psychological research the study also identifies some strategies that speakers employ in order to mark distance or adherence to a group of believers or non-believers, for example metaphors (i.a. GOOD IS UP ÷ BAD IS DOWN) or stereotypes, which are often used to ridicule, criticise or insult a member of another group in order to strengthen the speaker’s own social identity.
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Análisis comparativo de la retórica en las noticias radiofónicas de España, Perú y Estados UnidosRuiz Barrera, Magali Augusta 17 February 2023 (has links)
[ES] El lenguaje es el punto de partida de la comunicación humana y lo usamos con diversos propósitos. Esta breve reflexión se lleva a cabo para introducir el tema que desarrollamos en esta investigación, que está precisamente relacionado con el uso del lenguaje. En esta tesis apostamos por realizar un análisis de la retórica en las noticias radiofónicas de tres países: España, Perú y Estados Unidos. Durante mucho tiempo se ha dicho que la retórica juega un papel fundamental dentro del lenguaje de los medios de comunicación y esta concepción ha quedado confirmada con los hallazgos encontrados en nuestra tesis. Somos conscientes de que la retórica no trabaja sola, sino en conjunto, ya que ésta abraza formas de estudio como el metadiscurso y la pragmática. Por ejemplo, autores como Dafouz Milne (2000), plantea en su estudio la necesidad de encuadrar el metadiscurso en un marco teórico más en línea con sus características y necesidades como lo es la retórica. El metadiscurso es esencial en esta investigación y lo abordamos en esta tesis porque se comporta, en palabras de Fairclough (1992), como un recurso que se utiliza en un texto cuando "the speaker is situated above or outside her own discourse, and is in a position to control and manipulate it" (p. 122). Es exactamente en el entorno de los medios de comunicación donde se puede observar la enorme influencia y poder que tienen éstos sobre nuestras sociedades. En tal sentido, a lo largo de esta tesis se irá mostrando cómo los periodistas construyen sus discursos, en sus respectivas lenguas -sea español o inglés- a la hora de difundir las noticias y, por lo tanto, en el apartado de los Resultados (7) explicaremos los efectos que pretenden producir en los oyentes. Por lo expuesto antes, esta tesis busca establecer semejanzas y diferencias en el uso de las estrategias metadiscursivas en el discurso radiofónico de las noticias de España, Perú y Estados Unidos en las temáticas de la política y los sucesos. Así pues, para lograr todo ello, se tomó la decisión de trabajar con la taxonomía propuesta por Hyland en 2005, la cual clasifica los marcadores metadiscursivos en dos categorías la textual y la interpersonal. Esta decisión deviene del hecho de que dicho modelo nos permite observar el modo en que los presentadores de noticias organizan sus discursos y la relación que establecen con sus oyentes a través de ellos. Además, la clasificación de Hyland ha sido extensamente utilizada en investigaciones y se considera un modelo consolidado y ampliamente aceptado por la comunidad académica. Los resultados que de aquí brotaron, nos permitieron comprender las formas de persuasión que se usan en español y en inglés en relación con el tipo de discurso que elegimos analizar. Por otro lado, y debido a la naturaleza de la investigación, ofrecemos resultados cuantitativos y cualitativos, que, desde nuestro punto de vista, muestran datos más completos. Por último, recurrimos a la herramienta METOOL para que nos ayude a etiquetar, analizar y obtener resultados ya sea "por expresiones, por corpus o por categorías" (Carrió-Pastor, 2020, p. 266). a, muestran datos más completos. Por último, recurrimos a la herramienta METOOL para que nos ayude a etiquetar, analizar y obtener resultados ya sea "por expresiones, por corpus o por categorías" (Carrió-Pastor, 2020, p. 266). / [CA] El llenguatge és el punt de partida de la comunicació humana i l'usem amb diversos propòsits. Aquesta breu reflexió es duu a terme per a introduir el tema que desenvolupem en aquesta investigació, que està precisament relacionat amb l'ús del llenguatge. En aquesta tesi apostem per realitzar una anàlisi de la retòrica en les notícies radiofòniques de tres països: Espanya, el Perú i els Estats Units. Durant molt de temps s'ha dit que la retòrica juga un paper fonamental dins del llenguatge dels mitjans de comunicació i aquesta concepció ha quedat confirmada amb les troballes trobades en la nostra tesi. Som conscients que la retòrica no treballa sola, sinó en conjunt, ja que aquesta abraça formes d'estudi com el metadiscurso i la pragmàtica. Per exemple, autors com Dafouz Milne (2000), planteja en el seu estudi la necessitat d'enquadrar el metadiscurso en un marc teòric més en línia amb les seues característiques i necessitats com ho és la retòrica. El metadiscurso és essencial en aquesta investigació i ho abordem en aquesta tesi perquè es comporta, en paraules de Fairclough (1992), com un recurs que s'utilitza en un text quan "the speaker is situated above or outside her own discourse, and is in a position to control and manipulate it" (p. 122). És exactament a l'entorn dels mitjans de comunicació on es pot observar l'enorme influència i poder que tenen aquests sobre les nostres societats. En tal sentit, al llarg d'aquesta tesi s'anirà mostrant com els periodistes construeixen els seus discursos, en les seues respectives llengües -siga espanyol o anglés- a l'hora de difondre les notícies i, per tant, en l'apartat dels Resultats (7) explicarem els efectes que pretenen produir en els oïdors. Per tot el que s'ha exposat abans, aquesta tesi busca establir semblances i diferències en l'ús de les estratègies metadiscursivas en el discurs radiofònic de les notícies d'Espanya, el Perú i els Estats Units en les temàtiques de la política i els successos. Així doncs, per a aconseguir tot això, es va prendre la decisió de treballar amb la taxonomia proposada per Hyland en 2005, la qual classifica els marcadors metadiscursivos en dues categories, la textual i la interpersonal. Aquesta decisió esdevé del fet que aquest model ens permet observar la manera en què els presentadors de notícies organitzen els seus discursos i la relació que estableixen amb els seus oïdors a través d'ells. A més, la classificació de Hyland ha sigut extensament utilitzada en investigacions i es considera un model consolidat i àmpliament acceptat per la comunitat acadèmica. Els resultats que d'ací van brollar, ens van permetre comprendre les formes de persuasió que s'usen en espanyol i en anglés en relació amb la mena de discurs que triem analitzar. D'altra banda, i a causa de la naturalesa de la investigació, oferim resultats quantitatius i qualitatius, que, des del nostre punt de vista, mostren dades més completes. Finalment, recorrem a l'eina METOOL perquè ens ajude a etiquetar, analitzar i obtindre resultats ja siga " por expresiones, por corpus o por categorías" (Carrió-Pastor, 2020, p. 266). / [EN] Language is the foundation of human communication, and we use it for a variety of purposes. This brief reflection serves to introduce the topic of this research, which is specifically related to the use of language. In this thesis, we will conduct a comparative analysis of the use of rhetoric in radio news from three countries: Spain, Peru, and the United States. For a long time, it has been said that rhetoric plays a fundamental role within the language of the media and this conception has been confirmed by the findings found in our thesis. We are aware that rhetoric does not work alone, but together, as it embraces methods such as metadiscourse and pragmatics. For example, authors such as Dafouz Milne (2000), raises the need to frame metadiscourse in a theoretical framework more in line with its characteristics and needs as rhetoric. In this thesis, we discuss metadiscourse because, in the words of Fairclough (1992), it serves as a tool used in a text when "the speaker is situated above or outside her own discourse, and is in a position to control and manipulate it" (p. 122). It is precisely in the media that one can observe the enormous influence and power they have over our societies. Within this context, throughout this thesis it will be shown how radio journalists build their discourse, in their respective languages -whether Spanish or English- when delivering the news. And the effects that they intend to produce on listeners will be explained in Chapter 7. This thesis seeks to establish parallels and discrepancies between the use of metadiscursive strategies found in radio discourse in Spain, Peru, and the United States on the topics of politics and current events. In order to achieve this, we decided to work with the taxonomy proposed by Hyland in 2005, which is classified into two categories, textual and interpersonal. This decision stems from the fact that this model allows us to observe the way news presenters organize their discourse and the relationship they establish with their listeners through them. In addition, Hyland's classification is frequently used in research and is respected among academics as a valid model. The results gathered allow us to understand the forms of persuasion that are given in Spanish and English in relation to the type of discourse that we chose to analyze. Due to the nature of the research, we offer quantitative and qualitative results, which from our point of view, leads to a more complete understanding. Finally, we relied on the METOOL analysis tool to help us label, analyze and obtain results either "por expresiones, por corpus o por categorías" (Carrió-Pastor, 2020, p. 266). / Ruiz Barrera, MA. (2023). Análisis comparativo de la retórica en las noticias radiofónicas de España, Perú y Estados Unidos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191961
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