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Influence of post-injury ultrasound treatments on skeletal muscle regenerationMcBrier, Nicole M. 01 August 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Older individuals sustaining traumatic brain injury (TBI) experience a much higher incidence of morbidity and mortality. This age-related exacerbated response to neurological insult has been demonstrated experimentally in aged animals, which can serve as a model to combat this devastating clinical problem. The reasons for this worse initial response are unknown but may be related to age-related changes in mitochondrial respiration.
Evidence is shown that mitochondrial dysfunction occurs early following traumatic brain injury (TBI), persists long after the initial insult, and is severitydependent. Synaptic and extrasynaptic mitochondrial fractions display distinct respiration capacities, stressing the importance to analyze these fractions separately. Sprague- Dawley and Fischer 344 rats, two commonly used strains used in TBI and aging research, were found to show very similar respiration profiles, indicating respiration data are not strain dependent. Neither synaptic nor extrasynaptic mitochondrial respiration significantly declined with age in naïve animals. Only the synaptic fraction displayed significant age-related increases in oxidative damage, measured by 3-nitrotyrosine (3- NT), 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), and protein carbonyls (PC). Alterations in respiration with age appear to be more subtle than previously thought. Subtle declines in respiration and elevated levels of oxidative damage may not to be sufficient to produce detectable deficits until the system is challenged.
Following TBI, synaptic mitochondria exhibit dysfunction that increased significantly with age at injury, evident in lower respiratory control ratio (RCR) values and declines in ATP production rates. Furthermore, synaptic mitochondria displayed increased levels of oxidative damage with age and injury, while extrasynaptic mitochondria only displayed significant elevations following the insult. Age-related synaptic mitochondrial dysfunction following TBI may contribute to an exacerbated response in the elderly population.
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Grape seed extract affects adhesion competence and maturation of primary isolated rat myoblasts after contusion injuryEngelbrecht, Lize 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Contusion injuries cause significant muscle damage, activating a series of cellular events. Satellite cells (SC), the key role players in muscle regeneration, are activated to proliferate and develop into mature myoblasts, which could fuse to form new myotubes or to repair damaged fibres. Evidence suggests that anti-oxidants, such as those found in grape seed extract (GSE), enhance repair, but their effect on SCs is still unclear.
This study aimed to harvest and culture primary rat myoblasts to investigate the effect of chronic in vivo GSE supplementation on SCs following a standardised crush injury.
Using a modified pre-plate technique, myoblasts were harvested from rat muscle and then compared with the immortal C2C12 cell line for proliferation and differentiation competence. Several media options were compared: i) DMEM with or without L-glutamine, ii) Ham‘s F10 or iii) DMEM with L-glutamine and Ham‘s F10 combined. Primary myoblasts proliferated and differentiated at a much slower rate than C2C12 cells. The combined media was selected for further use.
To investigate the effects of GSE on the recovery, rats were supplemented daily with GSE or placebo 14 days prior to a standardised mass-drop crush injury to the gastrocnemius. SCs were isolated and cultured from uninjured (NI, baseline) and from injured rats 4 hours (4h), 3 days (3d) or 14 days (14d) post-injury. Expression of myogenic proteins Pax7, M-cadherin, MyoD, CD56, desmin and CD34 was determined by flow cytometry. Myoblasts were sorted according to their CD56 and CD34 expression and three sub-sets were collected and re-cultured, namely CD56+/CD34-, CD56-/CD34+ and CD56+/CD34+. After 24 hours, sorted cells were stained for desmin expression. Pax7, M-cadherin and MyoD were present in 100% of isolated cells from all groups confirming their myogenic SC identity. For all groups, desmin was expressed only in ~80% of SCs. Lower adhesion competency in GSE supplemented groups resulted in lower yield obtained for culturing. Expression of CD56 increased significantly 3d post-injury in the placebo group. In contrast, with GSE, CD56 already increased 4h post-injury and decreased again 3d post-injury. Although CD34 expression did not differ dramatically, expression pattern resembled that of CD56. Immunocytochemistry revealed a range in morphology and desmin expression of sorted myoblasts. More myoblasts with high desmin expression were observed in the two CD56+ sub-sets (irrespective of CD34 expression), indicating that CD56 is still expressed in more mature myoblasts.
Flow cytometry revealed a population of myoblasts expressing particularly high levels of desmin, primarily in the non-injured baseline GSE group. We hypothesise that this result is an indication of preparedness of myoblasts to respond earlier to injury, enabling quicker repair. This cell population with high desmin content is restored in skeletal muscle after repair (14d), only when supplemented with GSE.
In conclusion, GSE attenuated adhesion competence of primary myoblasts in culture, but resulted in earlier maturation of SCs, possibly due to baseline preparedness of myoblasts in uninjured muscle for a quick response. Both reduced adhesion competence and early progression of myoblasts could enhance wound healing in skeletal muscle. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kneuswonde veroorsaak aansienlike skade aan skeletspier, wat ‘n reeks sellulêre prosesse in werking stel. Satellietselle, die hoofrolspelers tydens spierregenerasie, vermenigvuldig en ontwikkel tot volwasse mioblaste, wat saamsmelt om nuwe spiervesels te vorm. Antioksidante, soos die wat in druiwepit-ekstrak voorkom, bespoedig herstel, maar hul uitwerking op satellietselle is steeds onduidelik.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om mioblaste uit rotspiere te isoleer en te kweek om die effek van langdurige in vivo aanvulling van druiwepit-ekstrak op satellietselle na ‘n kneusbesering te bepaal.
'n Aangepaste protokol is gebruik om primêre mioblaste te isoleer, wat daarna met C2C12 selle, ten opsigte van hul vermenigvuldigings- en differensiasievermoë vergelyk is. Verskeie groeimedia is gebruik: i) DMEM met of sonder L-glutamien, ii) Ham F10 en iii) ‘n kombinasie van DMEM, L-glutamien en Ham F10. Primêre mioblaste het stadiger vermenigvuldig en gedifferensieer as C2C12 selle. Die gekombineerde medium is vir verdere gebruik gekies.
Om die uitwerking van druiwepit-ekstrak op spierherstel te ondersoek, is rotte vir 14 dae onderwerp aan daaglikse aanvullings van druiwepit-ekstrak of placebo voor ‘n gestandardiseerde kneusbesering aan die gastrocnemius. Satellietselle is geïsoleer vanuit onbeseerde spier (basiskontrole) en vanuit beseerde spier 4 ure (4h), 3 dae (3d) en 14 dae (14d) na die besering. Die uitdrukking van spierverwante proteïene Pax7, M-cadherin, MyoD, CD56, desmin en CD34 is vasgestel met 'n vloeisitometer. Mioblaste is daarna gesorteer op grond van hul CD56- en CD34-uitdrukking. Drie sub-groepe is versamel en verder gekweek, nl. CD56+/CD34-, CD56-/CD34+ en CD56+/CD34+. Na 24 uur is gesorteerde selle gekleur om desmin-uitdrukking te bepaal. Pax7, M-cadherin en MyoD is deur 100% satellietselle in alle groepe uitgedruk, wat hul spierverwante identiteit bevestig, alhoewel slegs 80% selle in alle groepe desmin uitgedruk. Druiwepit-ekstrak het die vermoë van selle om aan plate te heg onderdruk, wat gelei het tot ‘n laer opbrengs van mioblaste. Drie dae na die besering in die placebo groep het die CD56-uitdrukking beduidend toegeneem. In teenstelling hiermee het CD56-uitdrukking in die druiwepit-ekstrak groep 4 ure na die besering beduidend toegeneem en weer afgeneem na 3 dae. Hoewel daar nie sulke dramatiese verskille was tussen groepe ten opsigte van CD34-uitdrukking nie, was daar ‘n soortgelyke tendens as vir CD56-uitdrukking. Immunositochemie het ‘n verskeidenheid van morfologieë en variërende desminvlakke in gesorteerde mioblaste blootgestel. In die twee CD56+ groepe is meer mioblaste wat hoë desmin vlakke uitdruk gevind, wat aandui dat CD56 uitgedruk word deur meer volwasse mioblaste, ongeag van CD34-uitdrukking.
Tydens vloeisitometrie is ‘n populasie selle wat hoë desminvlakke uitdruk, hoofsaaklik in die onbeseerde en 14d druiwepit-ekstrak groepe gevind. Dit is ‘n aanduiding dat sommige mioblaste voorbereid is om na 'n besering vinniger te reageer. Na die herstelproses word hierdie groep selle hernu in die teenwoordigheid van druiwepit-ekstrak-aanvulling.
Die resultate het gevolglik daartoe gelei dat druiwepit-ekstrak die hegtingsvemoë van mioblaste verlaag, maar dat die aanvulling in vivo tot vroeër ontwikkeling van mioblaste lei, waarskynlik deur satellietselle voor te berei vir 'n vinnige respons na ‘n besering. Beide die onderdrukking van aanhegting aan kultuurplate en die vroeë ontwikkeling van mioblaste, kan die herstel van die skeletspier verbeter. / NRF and the Harry Crossley bursary for funding
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The Role of Cyclooxygenase-2 in Models of Epilepsy and Traumatic Brain Injury : Effects of Selective Cyclooxygenase-2 InhibitorsKunz, Tina January 2002 (has links)
<p>Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) catalyses prostaglandin synthesis from arachidonic acid during inflammation. COX-2 is expressed in the normal brain and is induced in neurological disorders. There is evidence that COX-2 is involved in secondary events leading to cell death in the brain. The first objective was to study the expression of COX-2 in the brain after kainate (KA)-induced limbic seizures and brain trauma caused by controlled cortical contusion (CCC) and fluid percussion injury (FPI). COX-2 mRNA and protein were strongly induced by limbic seizures in the hippocampus, amygdala and piriform cortex. CCC and FPI resulted in an upregulation of COX-2 mainly in the dentate gyrus and cortex, with differences in expression levels in these regions between the models. The second objective was to evaluate the effects of selective COX-2 inhibitors on delayed cell death. Limbic seizures induced cell death in parts of the hippocampus, amygdala and functionally connected regions. Treatment with the selective COX-2 inhibitor rofecoxib 8 h after KA injection significantly reduced hippocampal cell death. Pre-treatment with the COX-2 inhibitor nimesulide augmented acute seizures with increased mortality and thus the effect of nimesulide on delayed cell death could not be evaluated. Effects of rofecoxib on trauma-induced cell death were studied in the FPI model. FPI induced delayed cell death mainly in the ipsilateral cortex and bilaterally in the dentate gyrus. Rofecoxib treatment, starting directly after injury was caused, had no protective effect against cell death. </p><p>The results suggest that COX-2 inhibition may be both detrimental and beneficial and largely dependent on the time schedule of treatment. COX-2 inhibitors might thus be of value as a neuroprotective treatment approach, provided that the role of COX-2 and the time course of effects of its metabolites in the brain are elucidated.</p>
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The Role of Cyclooxygenase-2 in Models of Epilepsy and Traumatic Brain Injury : Effects of Selective Cyclooxygenase-2 InhibitorsKunz, Tina January 2002 (has links)
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) catalyses prostaglandin synthesis from arachidonic acid during inflammation. COX-2 is expressed in the normal brain and is induced in neurological disorders. There is evidence that COX-2 is involved in secondary events leading to cell death in the brain. The first objective was to study the expression of COX-2 in the brain after kainate (KA)-induced limbic seizures and brain trauma caused by controlled cortical contusion (CCC) and fluid percussion injury (FPI). COX-2 mRNA and protein were strongly induced by limbic seizures in the hippocampus, amygdala and piriform cortex. CCC and FPI resulted in an upregulation of COX-2 mainly in the dentate gyrus and cortex, with differences in expression levels in these regions between the models. The second objective was to evaluate the effects of selective COX-2 inhibitors on delayed cell death. Limbic seizures induced cell death in parts of the hippocampus, amygdala and functionally connected regions. Treatment with the selective COX-2 inhibitor rofecoxib 8 h after KA injection significantly reduced hippocampal cell death. Pre-treatment with the COX-2 inhibitor nimesulide augmented acute seizures with increased mortality and thus the effect of nimesulide on delayed cell death could not be evaluated. Effects of rofecoxib on trauma-induced cell death were studied in the FPI model. FPI induced delayed cell death mainly in the ipsilateral cortex and bilaterally in the dentate gyrus. Rofecoxib treatment, starting directly after injury was caused, had no protective effect against cell death. The results suggest that COX-2 inhibition may be both detrimental and beneficial and largely dependent on the time schedule of treatment. COX-2 inhibitors might thus be of value as a neuroprotective treatment approach, provided that the role of COX-2 and the time course of effects of its metabolites in the brain are elucidated.
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The role of reactive oxygen species in traumatic brain injury : Experimental studies in the ratMarklund, Niklas January 2001 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of mortality and disability. As common sequelae in survivors of TBI are disabling functional, emotional and cognitive disturbances, improved treatment of TBI patients is urgently needed. At present, no neuroprotective pharmacological treatment exists. The formation of oxygen-centered free radicals, reactive oxygen species (ROS), is considered an important event in the pathophysiology of TBI. In the present thesis, the fluid percussion (FPI) and controlled cortical contusion injury models of TBI in rats were used. Two nitrone radical scavengers, α-Phenyl-N-tert -butyl nitrone (PBN) and the sulfonated analogue of PBN, 2-sulfophenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone (S-PBN), were used as tools to study the role of ROS in TBI. Pre-treatment with PBN (30 mg/kg) improved morphological and cognitive outcome after severe controlled cortical contusion injury. Treatment with equimolar doses of PBN and S-PBN administered 30 min after FPI followed by a 24 h intravenous infusion improved morphological outcome. Only S-PBN improved cognitive outcome as assessed in the Morris Water Maze. Surprisingly, pre-treatment with PBN increased the number of apoptotic neurons at 24 hours after injury despite a reduced lesion volume. FPI resulted in an early increase in glucose uptake and a reduction in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) assessed by fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) and hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (HMPAO) autoradiography. At 12 h, a marked reduction in glucose uptake and rCBF ensued. These TBI-induced changes were attenuated by PBN and S-PBN pre-treatment. A method for ROS detection using 4-hydroxybenzoate in conjunction with microdialysis was evaluated. The results showed a marked increase in ROS formation as assessed by an increase in the single adduct 3,4-DHBA, lasting 90 min after injury. In a separate study, PBN and S-PBN equally reduced 3,4-DHBA formation despite no detectable brain concentrations of S-PBN at 30 or 60 min post-injury. In conclusion, ROS play an important role in the injury process after TBI. We report a method for ROS detection with potential clinical utility. Nitrones increased ROS elimination and improved functional and morphological outcome. Nitrone treatment may have a clinical potential as a neuroprotective concept in TBI.
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