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Optimization of the Fin Configuration of Air-cooled Condensing Wet Electrostatic Precipitator for Water Recovery from Power Plant Flue GasChen, Yanhui January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Simulations of the sulphur chemistry of a convective cloudRakowsky, Ademar R. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.
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A three dimensional cloud chemistry model /Tremblay, André, 1948- January 1985 (has links)
No description available.
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Numerical simulation of a film cooled turbine blade leading edge including heat transfer effectsDobrowolski, Laurene D. 2009 August 1900 (has links)
Computations and experiments were run to study heat transfer and overall effectiveness for a simulated turbine blade leading edge. Computational predictions were run for a film cooled leading edge model using a conjugate numerical method to predict the normalized “metal” temperatures for the model. This computational study was done in conjunction with a parallel effort to experimentally determine normalized metal temperatures, i.e. overall effectiveness, using a specially designed high conductivity model. Predictions of overall effectiveness were higher than experimentally measured values in the stagnation region, but lower along the downstream section of the leading edge. Reasons for the differences between computational predictions and experimental measurements were examined. Also of interest was the validity of Taw as the driving temperature for heat transfer into the blade, and this was examined via computations. Overall, this assumption gave reasonable results except near the stagnation line. Experiments were also conducted on a leading edge with no film cooling to gain a better understanding of the additional cooling provided by film cooling. Heat flux was also measured and external and internal heat transfer coefficients were determined. The results showed roughly constant overall effectiveness on the external surface. / text
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Statistical Characteristics of Convective Storms in Darwin, Northern AustraliaVallgren, Andreas January 2006 (has links)
This M. Sc. thesis studies the statistical characteristics of convective storms in a monsoon regime in Darwin, northern Australia. It has been conducted with the use of radar. Enhanced knowledge of tropical convection is essential in studies of the global climate, and this study aims to bring light on some special characteristics of storms in a tropical environment. The observed behaviour of convective storms can be implemented in the parameterisation of these in cloud-resolving regional and global models. The wet season was subdivided into three regimes; build-up and breaks, the monsoon and the dry monsoon. Using a cell tracking system called TITAN, these regimes were shown to support different storm characteristics in terms of their temporal, spatial and height distributions. The build-up and break storms were seen to be more vigorous and particularly modulated diurnally by sea breezes. The monsoon was dominated by frequent but less intense and vertically less extensive convective cores. The explanation for this could be found in the atmospheric environment, with monsoonal convection having oceanic origins together with a mean upward motion of air through the depth of the troposphere. The dry monsoon was characterised by suppressed convection due to the presence of dry mid-level air. The effects of wind shear on convective line orientations were examined. The results show a diurnal evolution from low-level shear parallel orientations of convective lines to low-level shear perpendicular during build-up and breaks. The monsoon was dominated by complex orientations of convective lines. The thesis includes a study of merged and splitted cells, which have been separated from other storms, and mergers were shown to support more vigorous convection in terms of height distribution and reflectivity profiles. They were also seen to be the most long-lived category of storms as well as the most common type. Split storms were generally weaker, indicative of their general tendency to decay shortly after the split occurred. / En statistisk studie av konvektiva celler i en miljö som präglas av monsunförhållanden har utförts i Darwin, norra Australien, med hjälp av radar. En ökad förståelse for tropisk konvektion är nödvändig for att kunna studera klimatet globalt. Denna studie har bidragit till denna kunskapsbas genom att studera några viktiga parametrar hos konvektiva celler i en tropisk miljö. De observerade egenskaperna hos dessa celler kan implementeras i parametriseringen av högupplösta regionala och globala modeller. Regnperioden delades upp i tre olika regimer; uppbyggnad och avbrott, monsun och torr monsun. Genom att använda ett cellsökande system kallat TITAN, visade sig dessa regimer uppvisa olika karakteristika vad gäller tids- och rumsmässig samt vertikal distribution av konvektionsceller. Uppbyggnad- och avbrottsregimen dominerades av mäktiga och intensiva konvektionsceller, och modulerades av sjöbrisar på en daglig basis. Monsunen dominerades av talrika men mindre intensiva celler. Anledningen till detta kan finnas i atmosfäriska förhållanden, dar monsunen dominerades av konvektionsceller med oceanisk härkomst och allmän hävning genom större delen av troposfären. Den torra monsunen präglades av försvagad konvektion på grund av närvaron av mycket torr luft på medelhöga nivåer. Effekten av vindskjuvning på orienteringen av bylinjer undersöktes. Resultaten visar att en daglig övergång från en orientering som var parallell med vindskjuvningsvektorn till en vinkelrät orientering dominerade under uppbyggnad och avbrott. Monsunen präglades av komplexa orienteringar av bylinjer. Sammanväxande och splittrande celler separerades fran andra celler och undersöktes speciellt. De sammanväxande cellerna uppvisade mer intensiv konvektion och större vertikal maktighet. Denna kategori av celler, som var den vanligaste typen av ickeisolerade celler, levde också längre än andra celltyper. Splittrande celler var generellt svagare än andra celler, vilket indikerade den generella tendensen för denna celltyp att brytas ner strax efter det att en splittring ägt rum.
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Transport of Sub-micron Aerosols in BifurcationsLeong, Fong Yew, Smith, Kenneth A., Wang, Chi-Hwa 01 1900 (has links)
The convective-diffusive transport of sub-micron aerosols in an oscillatory laminar flow within a 2-D single bifurcation is studied, using order-of-magnitude analysis and numerical simulation using a commercial software (FEMLAB®). Based on the similarity between momentum and mass transfer equations, various transient mass transport regimes are classified and scaled according to Strouhal and beta numbers. Results show that the mass transfer rate is highest at the carinal ridge and there is a phase-shift in diffusive transport time if the beta number is greater than one. It is also shown that diffusive mass transfer becomes independent of the oscillating outer flow if the Strouhal number is greater than one. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
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Observations, dynamics and predictability of the mesoscale convective vortex event of 10-13 June 2003Hawblitzel, Daniel Patrick 16 August 2006 (has links)
This study examines the dynamics and predictability of the mesoscale convective vortex (MCV) event of 10-13 June 2003 which occurred during the Bow Echo and Mesoscale Convective Vortex Experiment (BAMEX). The MCV formed from a preexisting upper-level disturbance over the southwest United States on 10 June and matured as it traveled northeastward. The BAMEX field campaign provided a relatively dense collection of upper air observations through dropsondes on 11 June during the mature stage of the vortex. While several previous studies have focused on analysis of the dynamics and thermodynamics of observed and simulated vortices, few have addressed the ability to predict MCVs using numerical models. This event is of particular interest to the study of MCV dynamics and predictability given the anomalously strong and long-lived nature of the circulation and the dense data set. The first part of this study explores the dynamics of this MCV through an in-depth analysis of data from the profiler network and BAMEX dropsonde observations, in addition to the conventional surface and sounding observations as well as radar and satellite images. Next, issues relating to model performance are addressed through anevaluation of two state-of-the-art mesoscale models with varying resolutions. It is determined that the ability of a forecast model to accurately predict this MCV event is directly related to its ability to simulate convection. It is also shown that the convective-resolving Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model with horizontal grid increments of 4 km displays superior performance in its simulation of this MCV event. Finally, an ensemble of 20 forecasts using mesoscale model MM5 with horizontal grid increments of 10 km are employed to evaluate probabilistically the dynamics and predictability of the MCV through the examination of the ensemble spread as well as the correlations between different forecast variables among ensemble members. It is shown that after MCV development, the ensemble mean performs poorly while individual ensemble members with good forecasts of convection at all stages of the MCV also forecast the midlevel vortex well. Furthermore, correlations among ensemble members generally support the findings in the observational analysis and in previous literature.
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The evolution of total lightning and radar reflectivity characteristics of two mesoscale convective systems over Houston, TexasHodapp, Charles Lee 15 May 2009 (has links)
Two mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) passed over the Houston Lightning Detection and Ranging (LDAR) network on 31 October 2005 and 21 April 2006. As the MCSs traverse the LDAR network, the systems slowly mature with a weakening convective line and a developing stratiform region and radar bright band. The intensification of stratiform region precipitation, including the bright band, is thought to play an important role in stratiform lightning structure, charge structure, and total lightning production of MCSs. The stratiform areas quadruple in size and the mean reflectivity values increase substantially by ~ 6 dB. As the stratiform region matures, VHF source density plots show a lightning pathway that slopes rearward and downward from the back of the convective line and into the stratiform region. At early times for both MCSs, the pathway extends horizontally rearward 40 to 50 km into the stratiform region at an altitude of 9 to 12 km. Near the end of the analysis time period, the pathway slopes rearward 40 km and downward through the transition zone before extending 40 to 50 km in the stratiform region at an altitude of 4 - 7 km. The sloping pathway likely results from charged ice particles advected from the convective line by storm relative front-to-rear flow while the level pathway extending further into the stratiform region is likely caused by both charge advection and local in-situ charging. As the stratiform region matures, the stratiform flash rates double and lightning heights decrease. The percentage of lightning flashes originating in the stratiform region increases significantly from 10 - 20% to 50 - 60%. Overall, the number of positive cloud-to-ground flashes in the stratiform region also increases. Between both MCSs, 60% of the positive CGs originated in the convective or transition regions. Both in-situ charging mechanisms created by the development of the mesoscale updraft and charge advection by the front-to-rear flow likely contribute to the increased electrification and lightning in the stratiform region.
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The evolution of total lightning and radar reflectivity characteristics of two mesoscale convective systems over Houston, TexasHodapp, Charles Lee 15 May 2009 (has links)
Two mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) passed over the Houston Lightning Detection and Ranging (LDAR) network on 31 October 2005 and 21 April 2006. As the MCSs traverse the LDAR network, the systems slowly mature with a weakening convective line and a developing stratiform region and radar bright band. The intensification of stratiform region precipitation, including the bright band, is thought to play an important role in stratiform lightning structure, charge structure, and total lightning production of MCSs. The stratiform areas quadruple in size and the mean reflectivity values increase substantially by ~ 6 dB. As the stratiform region matures, VHF source density plots show a lightning pathway that slopes rearward and downward from the back of the convective line and into the stratiform region. At early times for both MCSs, the pathway extends horizontally rearward 40 to 50 km into the stratiform region at an altitude of 9 to 12 km. Near the end of the analysis time period, the pathway slopes rearward 40 km and downward through the transition zone before extending 40 to 50 km in the stratiform region at an altitude of 4 - 7 km. The sloping pathway likely results from charged ice particles advected from the convective line by storm relative front-to-rear flow while the level pathway extending further into the stratiform region is likely caused by both charge advection and local in-situ charging. As the stratiform region matures, the stratiform flash rates double and lightning heights decrease. The percentage of lightning flashes originating in the stratiform region increases significantly from 10 - 20% to 50 - 60%. Overall, the number of positive cloud-to-ground flashes in the stratiform region also increases. Between both MCSs, 60% of the positive CGs originated in the convective or transition regions. Both in-situ charging mechanisms created by the development of the mesoscale updraft and charge advection by the front-to-rear flow likely contribute to the increased electrification and lightning in the stratiform region.
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Analysis of the Tropical Tropopause Layer Cirrus in CALIPSO and MLS Data - A Water PerspectiveWang, Tao 2011 May 1900 (has links)
Two mechanisms appear to be primarily responsible for the formation of cirrus clouds in Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL): detrainment from deep convective anvils and in situ initiation. Here we propose to identify TTL cirrus clouds by analyzing water content measurements from the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) and Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS). Using ice water content (IWC) and water vapor (H2O) abundances we identify TTL cirrus clouds that contain too much ice to have been formed in situ — and therefore must be of convective origin. We use two methods to infer amounts of water vapor available for in situ formation. Clouds with IWC greater than this threshold are categorized as being of convective origin; clouds with IWC below the threshold are ambiguous — they could either form from in situ or still be of convective origin. Applying the thresholds from December 2008 to November 2009, we found that at least 19.2% of tropical cirrus were definitively of convective origin at the tropopause (375 K) during boreal winter. At each level, we found three maxima in the occurrence of convective cirrus: western Pacific, equatorial Africa, and South America. Averaged over the entire tropics (30oS to 30oN), we found convective cirrus occurs more frequently in boreal winter and less frequently in boreal summer, basically following the a decreasing trend from DJF, MAM, SON, to JJA. During boreal summer, we found that only 4.6% of tropical cirrus come from convection. Sensitivity tests show that the thresholds derived at 390 K have the largest uncertainty. At lower levels, especially 375 K, our thresholds are robust.
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