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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nitrogen Management in Irrigated Cotton

Silvertooth, J. C., Clark, L. J., Carpenter, E. W., Malcuit, J. E., Else, P. T., Doerge, T. A. January 1990 (has links)
Two field experiments were conducted in 1989 in Arizona to compare several methods of nitrogen (N) management in Upland and Pima cotton. Standard preplant, preplant plus sidedress, and use of soil and petiole analysis for NO₃⁻-N were the basic methods of N fertilization management compared. A nonfertilized check treatment also was included with the N management treatments, which were arranged in a randomized complete block design in each experiment. Preseason soil samples and a series of in- season petiole samples were taken for all treatments and analyzed for NO₃⁻-N. The concentrations of NO₃⁻-N in the petioles reflected the boll load obtained and the crop fruiting patterns as well as the N fertilization patterns in the respective treatments. Final lint yield analysis revealed distinct differences among the treatments imposed at the Maricopa location but no statistically significant differences at the Safford location.

Sewage Sludge Effects on Soil Properties, Nitrogen Availability, and Yield at Marana, 1989

Ottman, M. J., Pepper, I. L., Artiola, J. F., Taylor, B. B. January 1990 (has links)
No description available.

Upland and Pima Cotton Response to Banded Phophate Fertilization

Silvertooth, J. C., Malcuit, J. E., Doerge, T. A., Thacker, G. W., Stedman, S. W. January 1990 (has links)
Four field experiments were established in Arizona in 1988 and six in 1989 to evaluate the effects of banded phosphorus (P) fertilizer on cotton. Experiments each year involved both Upland (Gossvpium hirsutum L.) and American Pima (Q. barbadense L.). Banded applications of P fertilizer were made with placement of the concentrated band of fertilizer 6 in. below and 3 in. to the side of the zone of seed placement. Fertilizer sources of P₂O₅ were with 10-34-0 or 16-20-0. At all locations, a series of rates of applied P₂O₅ were established as the treatment variables, including a check (0 lb P₂O₅/acre). Rates of applied P ranged from 0 to 90 lb P₂O₅/acre, at increments of approximately 30 lb. P₂O₅/acre. In all cases, treatments in the field were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Plant measurements for plant height, flower numbers per unit area, number of mainstem nodes, and nodes to the first fndting branch were initiated by the fifth true leaf stage to evaluate plant response in terms of growth and development. Plant tissue samples were also taken at several stages of growth from each experiment throughout the growing season. Tissue samples consisted of petioles and leaf blades from the uppermost fully developed leaves. Petioles were analyzed for extractable PO₄-P and leaf blades for total P. Lint yield measurements also were taken. With the exception of one of the experimental locations in each year, no statistically significant differences (P≤0.05) were found among any treatments for any of the plant growth parameters. The same was true with regard to petiole PO₄-P and leaf blade total P levels measured. No significant differences among treatments were found for either Upland or Pima cotton with regard to lint yield in 1988 or 1989.

Nitrogen Management Experiments for Upland and Pima Cotton, 1990

Silvertooth, J. C., Clark, L. J., Malcuit, J. E., Carpenter, E. W., Doerge, T. A., Watson, J. E. January 1991 (has links)
Two field experiments were conducted in Arizona in 1990 at two locations ( Maricopa and Safford). The purposes of the experiments were to validate and refine nitrogen (N) fertilization recommendations for both Upland and Pima cotton. The experiments each utilized N management tools such as pre - season soil tests for NO₃⁻-N, in-season plant tissue testing (petioles) for N fertilirystatus, and crop monitoring to ascertain crop fruiting patterns and crop N needs. Results at both locations revealed a strong relationship between the crop fruit retention levels and N needs for the crop. This pattern was further reflected in final yield analysis in response to the N fertilization regimes used. At Maricopa, fruit retention levels were low, petiole NO₃⁻-N concentrations relatively high, and yield responses to higher and later applications of fertilizerN were negative. At Safford, fruit retention levels were higher, petiole concentrations of NO₃⁻-N reflected strong crop demand, and a positive response to rates of fertilizer N up to 170 lbs. N/acre was measured.

A Comparison of Three Cotton Tillage Systems

Coates, Wayne E., Thacker, Gary W. January 1991 (has links)
Over a three year study, two reduced tillage systems used significantly less energy than conventional tillage. The Sundance system averaged 46% of the energy used by the conventional system, and the Uprooter-Shredder-Mulcher (USM) averaged 65% of the energy used by the conventional system. These energy savings translate directly into cost savings of about the same proportions. Additionally, the Sundance and USM systems can plow down and prepare the next seedbed in about one-half the time that conventional tillage requires. In three years of testing we have not detected any significant differences in soil compaction, and we have not measured any yield reductions from these reduced tillage systems.

The Effects of PIX Application Timing on Lint Yield and Growth and Development Parameters

Husman, S. H. ., Silvertooth, J. C., Ramsey, C 02 1900 (has links)
Two field studies were conducted in 1991 to further evaluate Upland cotton yield and development responses to PIX application timing as a function cotton growth stage. Treatments imposed in 1991 were intended to further clarify some response trends observed in previous field studies. Treatments in 1991 were all at the maximum label rate of 1.5 pt./acre with application timing the main variable. Timing was based on growth stage and heat unit accumulation since date of planting. The study in Waddell, Az. resulted in no significant yield differences across all treatments. In contrast, the study at the Maricopa Agricultural Center resulted in a statistically significant yield response by approximately 100 lbs. lint /acre for all FIX treatments compared to the untreated check plots. Plant growth and development measurements indicated the height: node ratio counts to be a good reflection of vegetative tendencies under field conditions in the two studies.

Effect of PIX (Mepiquat Chloride) on the Growth, Development, and Yield of Pima S-7 (P-69) and Deltapine (90) Cotton

Bartels, Paul G., Easley, Jack, Nelson, John 02 1900 (has links)
Plant Growth Regulators (PGR's) are used in cotton production to reduce excessive vegetative growth. This study was conducted to determine the effect of mepiquat chloride (PIX) on growth, and yield of Pima S7 and Deltapine 90 cotton. Single and multiple applications of PIX were conducted over the growing season. Plant mapping measurements were performed 13 times. Seed cotton yield estimates were obtained with a mechanical picker. Analysis of the mapping data showed that vigor index for control and PIX treated Pima and Deltapine plants was linear for the first 9 weeks, then leveled off as flowering and boll set occurred. PIX treated Pima plants were approximately 5cm shorter than the control after the 9th week. Heights of PIX treated Deltapine were similar to the controls. The number of nodes above white bloom in the FIX treated plants was not modified. PIX treatment of Pima cotton reduced the seed cotton yield compared to controls but yield of PIX treated Deltapine was similar to the controls.

Late-Season PIX Treatment for Cotton Termination

Nelson, J. M., Hart, G. 02 1900 (has links)
A field study was conducted at the Maricopa Agricultural Center to evaluate the effect of a late - season application of PIX on Upland cotton termination. A 28 August application of PIX or FIX + Prep had only a small effect on late-season growth and no effect on defoliation or yield.

Upland and Pima Cotton Response to Banded Fertilizer Applications, 1990

Silvertooth, J. C., Thacker, G. W., Malcuit, J. E., Doerge, T. A., Husman, S. H. January 1991 (has links)
Two field experiments were established in Arizona in 1990 to evaluate the effects of banded phosphorus (P) fertilizer on cotton. Experiments involved both Upland (Gossvpium ltirsutum, L.) and American Pima (Q. barbadense L.). Banded applications of P fertilizerwere made with placement of the concentrated band of fertilizer 6 in. below and 3-6 in. to the side of the zone of seed placement. The P₂O₅ was supplied from 10-34-0. Rates of applied P ranged from 0 to 160 lb P₂O₅ /acre. In one experiment, treatments consisting of 5 to 10 lbs. Zn/acre were included in all possible combinations with the P₂O₅ treatments. In all cases, treatments in the field were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Plant measurements for plant height, flower numbers per unit area, number of mainstem nodes, and nodes to the first fruiting branch were initiated by the fifth true leaf stage to evaluate plant response in terms of growth and development. Plant tissue samples were also taken at several stages of growth from each experiment throughout the growing season. Tissue samples consisted of petioles from the uppermost fully - developed leaves. Petioles were analyzed for extractable PO₄-P. Lint yield measurements also were taken. No statistically significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) were found among any treatments for any of the plant growth parameters. The same was true with regard to petiole PO₄-P levels measured. No significant differences were detected among Upland or Pima cotton lint yields in response to the applications of P fertilizers.

Cotton Crop Growth and Development Patterns

Silvertooth, J. C., Brown, P. W., Malcuit, J. E. 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries of cotton crop phenology, as a function of heat units (HU, 86/55 °F limits) have been developed across a wide range of production conditions in Arizona. Optimum ranges of HU accumulations since 1 January are used to describe optimal planting dates for full season varieties. Basic events such as the occurrence of pinhead squares, squares susceptible to pink bollworm, and first bloom are described in terms of HU accumulations since planting. Fruit retention guidelines and height: node ratios measures a crop's vegetative/reproductive balance, are developed as a function of HUAP. The use of the number of nodes above the top white bloom to the terminal (NAWB) is developed as a measure of a crops progression towards cut-out. Also, the expected ranges of HU 's accumulated since planting that are required to accomplish crop cut-out are shown for three general maturity types of Upland cotton.

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